Fox Nation Ignores Polls By CNN, Reuters, And — Fox News

It must be hard being the PR agency for the Romney campaign (aka Fox News) when the real world is constantly interfering with your efforts to distort reality. Nevertheless, Fox News soldiers on to try to spin the gloomy prospects of Mitt Romney’s Circus of Desperation into something passably positive.

Today Fox Nation featured a story on the campaign horse race that blasted the headline: RASSMUSSEN: Romney Opens Up Lead Over Obama. Rasmussen, a notoriously partisan right-wing pollster, showed Romney ahead 47% to 43%. It’s no surprise that Rasmussen gave the edge to Romney because that’s what they’re paid to do. What you did not see if you were reading Fox Nation is that three other polls were also released, and all three of them put Obama significantly ahead of Romney.

Fox Nation Polls

CNN’s poll had the race at 52% for Obama (notably above the 50% mark) and 45% for Romney. The poll also has Obama ahead 53% to 42% with Independents. And significant majorities believe that Romney favors the rich (64%) and that he should release more tax returns (63%).

The Reuters poll placed Obama up 49% to 42%. In addition, Reuters reports that 46% of registered voters say Obama is stronger on jobs and the economy, compared with 44% for Romney. And on tax matters, 49% saw Obama as stronger, compared with 38% for Romney.

Most striking, however, is the poll from Fox News itself. Fox is giving Obama a 49% to 40% lead. That’s a nine point advantage that is larger than any of the other polls just published. The lead is even greater among Independents who favor Obama by 11%.

The surprising part of this is that Fox Nation reported only on the Rasmussen poll that showed Romney ahead. They couldn’t even bring themselves to report on their own poll conducted by their own pollsters. That’s the sort of biased cherry-picking that is the hallmark of Fox’s “news” charade. And even with their pet pollster Rasmussen, last week, when they had Romney down a couple of points, Fox Nation left it out of their coverage. That’s a crystal clear message to pollsters from Fox: If you want to be covered, you better say what we like. And that goes for Fox’s pollsters as well.

The Sad State Of Politics: Hall Of Fame Hypocrisy From Allen West

A new ad was released today by a Super PAC supporting Patrick Murphy of Florida. Murphy is running to challenge Wackadoodle Allen West for Florida’s 16th congressional seat. The ad features West in boxing gloves figuratively bashing the people his policies bash literally every day.

After being contacted by Breitbart News, West made a comment condemning the ad as “reprehensible” and complained that “It plays on stereotypes and fear to divide Americans.” Amongst his objections was that the ad portrayed him punching a senior citizen. West went out of his way to note that the women was white. Funny how these conservatives reject any allegations of racism as unwarranted displays of victimization, unless they are the ones making the allegations. West on to say…

This ad reflects the sad state of politics in our Republic with those who seek to destroy a person’s character to cover for their lack of intellectual ability and integrity.

Allen WestWow. That’s coming from the guy who accused half the Democrats in Washington of being communists; the guy who said that Goebbels would be proud of the Democratic Party; the guy who has repeatedly referenced Nazis to describe his opponents; the guy who was reprimanded, fined, and nearly discharged dishonorably for engaging in torture.

The Breitbrats also made a point of criticizing the Super PAC that released the anti-West ad. they noted with disdain the possibility of collusion with the Murphy campaign. That’s something the Romney campaign has also taken up with regard to an ad released by a pro-Obama Super PAC. It would be nice if these disingenuous blowhards would actually step up and oppose these Super PACs rather than just whine when one aims at their pet politicians. But since the right has consistently defended these PACs, they have no moral grounds for complaining about them when they are the target.

Are You F@&king Kidding Me? Romney Wants False Ads Pulled

I haven’t laughed this hard since the Etch-a-Sketch debacle:

Mitt Romney: “You know, in the past, when people pointed out that something was inaccurate, why, campaigns pulled the ad,” Romney said on the Bill Bennett radio show. “They were embarrassed. Today, they just blast ahead. You know, the various fact checkers look at some of these charges in the Obama ads and they say that they’re wrong and inaccurate, and yet he just keeps on running them.”

Technology has not yet developed a method of expressing the level of shock and utter amazement produced by reading this delusional comment by Romney. ROTFLMAO does not even come close.

If anyone is incapable of experiencing embarrassment, it’s Mitt Romney. He has been rated untruthful 64 times by PolitiFact, and 14 of those were “Pants-on-Fire” lies (so far). In fact, 43% of PolitiFact’s findings on statements by Romney are rated as untruthful. He’s downright pathological.

Mitt Romney

His ads addressing President Obama on welfare, the economy, small businesses, etc., have been gutted by fact-checkers, yet he just keeps running them. And with this hilariously idiotic comment he settles, once and for all, the question as to whether he is actually an alien robot with a critical software glitch.

Mitt Romney [Hearts] Bill Clinton

I sat down this morning intending to write an article about the absurd new crush that Mitt Romney and the GOP have on Bill Clinton. It’s a flagrant rewriting of history concerning the man that Republicans tried to impeach, but seek to cuddle up with now that he’s one of the most popular former presidents. But as I was doing research for the article I discovered that Michael Tomasky had already written it for the Daily Beast. So here are a few brazenly appropriated paragraphs:

It’s hardly a secret what Mitt Romney is up to in trying to invoke Bill Clinton’s name in ads and speeches. Clinton was the good Democrat. The sensible centrist. And—let’s lower our voices here—the white one. It’s been transparent since it started in May, made all the more so this week by using Clinton to slam Obama on welfare.

I hope he uses the occasion of his convention speech, and for that matter the whole fall campaign, to destroy Romney, saying to every swing voter: “If you voted for me, you’d be nuts to vote for this guy. He’s making up a version of me to serve his own purposes, and he’s against almost everything I stood for and stand for.”

Bill Clinton

It’s obvious that using Clinton to try to appeal to the Clinton swing voter is pretty central to the Romney plan. As soon as Romney polished off Rick Santorum back in May, he started singing Clinton’s praises. It was his way to appeal to the center. He doesn’t have the courage to do that by taking any actual centrist positions, of course. The positions remain hard right. So he chose to do it instead by using Clinton as the vehicle through which to make ominous insinuations about Obama, implying to audiences that Clinton was the sober pragmatist whose legacy the ultra-liberal Obama had defenestrated.

Clinton can do more than validate Obama. He has the authority to shred Romney. Some conservatives appear to have this fantasy, expressed by Jennifer Rubin in The Washington Post yesterday, that Clinton has more in common with Romney. That’s too ridiculous even to bother rebutting, except to note that it can provide fodder for some great laugh lines built around the idea that yes, back when he was president, Clinton did agree with Romney on several things, like abortion rights and the assault weapons ban. Then Romney changed all his positions. And, of course, there is the one issue that looms above all others, which Clinton could frame as a simple and devastating question: “Governor, if you think I’m so great, if you agree with me so much, why don’t you support my tax rate for the top 1 percent?”

Mitt Romney and his Republican Disinformation Society want Americans to forget that they were not merely opposed to Clinton’s agenda, they were veritably obsessed with demolishing him personally and politically. In addition to the impeachment over private personal matters, Republicans launched fruitless investigations into Arkansas land deals; they alleged that he ran drugs from state airstrips; they accused Hillary of murdering Vince Foster. The budget bill that led to years of prosperity did not receive a single Republican vote in congress. What it did receive was assertions of socialism and predictions of the end of America. Sound familiar?

Voters need to remember this when they hear Romney et al praise Clinton. They need to remember that their own agenda is diametrically opposed to the Clinton Doctrine. Republicans have a desperate need to latch onto Clinton because their own past presidents were such horrific failures. Clinton will be making the official nominating speech for Obama at the Democratic convention. George Bush won’t even be attending the Republican convention.

We can expect Bill Clinton’s name to be heard often in this election season. And it will be mentioned by both sides because they know that the American people respect him and his achievements. But every time Mitt Romney and the GOP mention Clinton’s name should be a reminder to vote for Obama, just as Clinton is going to do.