The Republican National Committee has just announced that Donald Trump will be a featured a speaker at their party retreat on Saturday. The retreat, by the way, will be held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort, so it will not only be propping up his ego before an audience of drooling sycophants, it will be filling his pockets with cash.
The fact that Republicans are still so anxious to enrich Trump is a testament to the power of his con artistry. This comes after he angrily instructed his cult followers not to donate to the GOP, but to him instead. And then he ripped those donors off by deceiving them about what (and how much) they were donating.
But that isn’t the worst of it. By embracing Trump as the banner carrier of the Republican Party, they are hitching their wagon to this century’s biggest loser. Following two terms of Bush, then two terms of Obama, Trump promptly flamed out after only one term. And it was a spectacularly disastrous term that saw more than half a million Americans die due to Trump’s negligent and incompetent mishandling of the COVID pandemic.
Trump was also the first president in history to be impeached twice. He is the first president in decades to leave office with fewer people employed than when he started. He exploded the national debt by cutting taxes for corporations and the wealthy. He advanced the nuclear aspirations of both Iran and North Korea. He withdrew the U.S. from the international Paris Climate Change Accords. And he incited deadly riots in Washington, D.C. by insurrectionist mobs.
Nevertheless, as reported by Fox News, Republicans are still addicted to Trump’s brand of divisiveness, dishonesty, and his bullheaded attachment to willful ignorance:
“In his keynote address to GOP donors at his Mar-a-lago resort, the former president is expected to lay into President Biden on issues like cancel culture, proposed gun restrictions and especially for the record-breaking surge of migrants crossing the southern border.”
So The Trump-loving GOP has three top priorities for their future electoral agenda. The first will be “cancel culture,” a Fox News buzzword that holds little meaning to most Americans. Secondly will be opposition to sensible gun safety reforms that most Americans – including many Republicans – support. And third will be immigration, an issue that is near the bottom of the American people’s concerns, despite the efforts of the GOP and Fox News to fear monger and spread racist “white replacement” conspiracy theories. Fox’s report continued with quotes from Trump’s draft speech:
“I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House and we are going to reclaim the Senate–and then in 2024, a Republican candidate is going to win the White House,” Trump says in the prepared remarks provided to Fox News. Trump is expected to accuse Biden of putting “America Last,” sowing cancel culture wars and not delivering on his promise to unite the country.”
In other words, the same old vacant political rhetoric that is slathered in lies and utterly devoid of any factual basis. Trump also takes a swipe at Biden as not “hav[ing] the energy, the capacity, or the stamina” for the job. Never mind that a Fox News poll found that that voters considered Trump as the “mentally unsound” candidate.
The GOP had an opportunity to get out from under that orange mop-topped anchor, but have decided to stick with the devil they know. Democrats may want to send their Republican counterparts a “thank you” card for making Trump the face of their party for the foreseeable future. It really is the best thing that can happen for Democratic hopes to secure their congressional majorities and hold on to the White House in 2024.
UPDATE: As expected, Trump delivered an ego-drenched oratory focused almost entirely on his delusional “Big Lie” insistence that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him. In the process he trashed leading Republicans like Sen. Mitch McConnell (as a “dumb son of a bitch”) and former VP Mike Pence (as a “disappointment”). And this self-serving insult fest was at a GOP pep rally intended to motivate party regulars prior to the upcoming election season. Nice work, Donnie.
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