Fox News Spins Vile Lie that the ‘Left Celebrates Chauvin Trial As Proof Riots Work’

In the wake of the guilty verdicts for George Floyd’s killer, Derek Chauvin, Fox News has been busy trying to construct narratives that align with their racist, right-wing mission. So when they aren’t falsely accusing Democrats of “inflaming tensions,” they are alleging that the trial was unfair and the jury was intimidated by “mob justice.”

Fox News, Laura Ingraham, Ron DeSantis

On Tuesday evening Laura Ingraham joined in the Fox News campaign to dismiss the the evidence, the witnesses, and the jury, to peddle her own theory that the verdict was tainted by threats of violence, despite the fact that none were made and that the jury never encountered any. Ingraham failed to explain how such a jury would have been swayed under those circumstances.

Nevertheless, Ingraham invited Florida governor, and fawning Donald Trump wannabe, Ron DeSantis, to discuss this manufactured topic (video below). The dialogue started out with this glaring reality distortion:

Ingraham: I talked about how the ‘Big Lie’ that was told over and over by activists, media types, and the President and Vice-President is that America at her core is a racist nation. Your thoughts on that continued repetition and drumbeat, especially as it affects young Americans.
DeSantis: I think it’s very damaging because it’s an attempt to delegitimize all the institutions in our country, starting with the Constitution. They denigrate the Founding Fathers, they denigrate everybody in society now. I think it’s very harmful.

First of all, Ingraham has been trying for several weeks to shift the definition of the “Big Lie” from Trump’s deranged insistence that he won the 2020 presidential election, to whatever morsel of bullpucky happened to be on her TelePrompTer at the moment. In this case she’s peddling a flagrant falsehood aimed at denying that there is systemic racism in America. DeSantis was happy to agree, while adding some preposterous charges that President Biden and others were attempting “to delegitimize all the institutions in our country.” Really? All of them? And that’s the charge they’re making as they are trying to delegitimize the judicial system?

The conversation just got worse from there. Ingraham played a video of a protester in New York City who had a righteous complaint about how Black Americans have suffered in a country that allows them to be killed by the law enforcement authorities that were supposed to protect and serve them:

“What we really have to be cognizant of is that it was a mixture of violence and nonviolent protest that yielded this result. That’s the bottom line. America doesn’t listen to us when we march peacefully. I’m not saying that people will be back in the streets, but America must know that if you continue to allow us to be murdered in the streets without justice, we will raise hell in America.”

However, rather than hear the justifiable grievances of this articulate young man, Ingraham chose to interpret his comments as threats of imminent violence. Which led to this exchange with DeSantis:

Ingraham: Governor, this isn’t stopping anytime soon, as he indicated. Violence, at least in part, worked in his view.
DeSantis: Well that’s really, really troubling, Laura, because if that’s what a lot of people think — I don’t know what happened with that verdict, but if that’s something that can potentially happen, where you basically have justice meted out because the jury is scared of what a mob may do — and, again, I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but that speaker seemed to suggest that that had an impact — that’s completely antithetical to the rule of law.

Once again, the jury had no exposure to these sort of comments, and they weren’t a part of the deliberations. Ingraham and DeSantis are purposefully belittling the abundant and damning evidence against Chauvin, including a video of his victim being murdered in real time. They are dismissing the testimony of witnesses, medical experts, and even the police chief who was Chauvin’s boss.

And if all of that weren’t enough, throughout much of the interview, there was a graphic on screen that read that the “Left Celebrates Chauvin Trial As Proof Riots Work.” Ingraham never even tried to support that disgusting allegation in the segment. Perhaps because there was no honest, coherent way to support it. It was simply left there to poison the weak minds of the Fox News audience.

No one on the left was celebrating the verdict, which was regarded as a solemn moment to reflect on the loss of lives. And no one on the left considers rioting to be a valid means of protest. Although some – like Rev. Martin Luther King – understand that, while it isn’t supported, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” And in this program Ingraham, DeSantis, and Fox News are demonstrating that they are dangerously deaf.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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RAGING BULLSH!T: Tucker Carlson Hosts Candace Owens’s Rancid Post-Verdict Rant on Fox News

On Tuesday night Fox News presented another episode of Tucker Carlson’s White Power Hour. The program featured Carlson’s regularly scheduled incendiary and racist hostility, along with guest Candace Owens, who joined him to deliver a nauseating harangue on the guilty verdicts for George Floyd’s killer, Derek Chauvin.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Klan

Throughout the interview Tucker nodded approvingly (though still maintaining his resting confused a-hole face). And through much of the segment he played stock footage of burning buildings from Black Lives Matter protests last summer. Why? Because Fox News wants their audience to think that there were civil disturbances happening currently in response to the verdicts. It’s their way of inciting fear among their dimwitted and hateful viewers.

Carlson began his interview by belittling the verdicts that he claimed were the result of viewing “a murder case through the lens of politics.” “When you you get to that point,” Carlson warned, “haven’t you already given up civilization?” That’s a good question considering that it is Carlson who is forcing the case to be viewed through a political lens. And his idea of abandoning civilization is when his white supremacist authoritarianism is threatened. It’s not the first time that Carlson has equated the loss of white power to the end of civilization.

For her part, Owens contributed another of her aberrant, self-hating racial rants. It was a long, painful soliloquy of deranged hate mongering that utterly dismissed the verdicts and the entire trial that the whole country watched (except for Fox News viewers because they chose not to air most it). Owens started off with a bizarre allegation of “mob justice” which she is falsely attributing to the media, to citizens exercising their First Amendment rights, and even to the jury itself (video below).

“What we’re really seeing is mob justice. And that’s really what happened with this entire trial. It’s not a trial about George Floyd or Derek Chauvin. This was a trial about whether the media was powerful enough to create a simulation, decide upon a narrative absent any facts. Whether it was powerful enough to repeat showing and talking about a nine minute clip that came from somebody’s cell phone without adding any context. Without showing the full police video, which they refused to release.”

Owens is lying about the video not being shown in context with other video. There were numerous videos from multiple perspectives, including the body-cams worn by the police. She’s also dismissing the testimony of the eyewitnesses and the medical experts. She’s even dismissing the testimony of the police officers, including the Chief of Police, Chauvin’s boss. But she wasn’t through. She still had to malign Floyd personally and assassinate Floyd’s character:

“Let’s not forget this Tucker, the media came out and told us that this was a man who was just getting his life together. He was a good member of society and he got mixed up because a racist white police officer had it out for him and killed him. All of that fell apart. All of the facts came out and all of that fell apart. We now know, of course, that he had enough fentanyl in him – it was three times the lethal dosage. Three times the lethal dosage in him when he died.”

Now Owens is lying about the fentanyl. A toxicologist at the trial testified that the fentanyl in Floyd’s system was not enough to be fatal. He told the court that “Mr. Floyd died from a low level of oxygen, and this caused damage to his brain.” But Owens still wasn’t through. She went on to make some ludicrous charges about the motives of the media and Democrats:

“It now means the Democrats can get whatever they want because they can create a narrative and they can treat people like pawns and get people to basically say ‘If we don’t get what we want we will riot, we will loot, we will send people out like soldiers to destroy your neighborhood.’ And that has been exactly what has happened. That has been the determination of this trial. The media and the Democrats now have enough power to bully, to bully and to lie to, and to create propaganda and successfully win. And that’s what happened and they are celebrating that win today. This not a fair trial. No person can say this was a fair trial.”

It is peak audacity for Owens to blame Democrats for inciting riots (which they never did) after she defended the Trump Insurrectionists that attacked the Capitol on January 6th. They literally sent “soldiers” (armed Oath Keepers and Proud Boys) to assault and even murder members of Congress as they endeavored to carry out their constitutional duties.

Owens closes by falsely claiming that Democrats are “celebrating” the Chauvin verdicts. Virtually every prominent Democrat who has commented publicly has said that this is not a celebratory moment. It is a solemn occasion that must remain focused on the lives lost. And it is just the beginning of a struggle for equity and justice. And for Owens to baselessly charge that the trial wasn’t fair is – like Trump’s “Big Lie” about election fraud – a purposeful call to arms for more of the violence that produced the deadly Capitol riots.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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