In recent weeks Fox News has been feverishly hyping a story about IRS emails that were allegedly lost due to a computer crash. The story has far less substance than Fox heaps on it because it is likely that most of the emails were retrieved via other sources (servers, recipients, etc.) White House Press Secretary Jay Carney outlined the facts noting that 24,000 emails were collected and delivered to investigating committees in Congress. But that wasn’t enough for the lackeys of Rupert Murdoch and his Fox News team.
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Ever since the story broke, Fox News has mired itself in waist-deep hypocrisy by inferring all sorts of unfounded wrongdoing by Obama administration officials, even though Fox defended the Bush administration that lost over 22 million emails, including those relating to ongoing investigations over the outing of a covert CIA agent, and the improper firing of U.S. Attorneys. [See the Perino hypocrisy and the Issa hypocrisy]
But there is a bigger problem here than mere hypocrisy, which Fox News commits by the hour. The phone hacking scandal that brought down much of Rupert Murdoch’s international newspaper enterprise had an email component as well. Only this one was documented, intentional, and highly illegal. Looking back on the details it makes it impossible to grant any moral authority for Fox News to express the indignation they have regarding the IRS. In February of 2012, the Guardian reported that…
“Rupert Murdoch’s News International took active steps to delete and prepare to delete the publisher’s email archives as phone-hacking allegations and lawsuits against the owner of the now-defunct News of the World mounted in 2009 and developed in 2010.
“According to court documents filed by victims of hacking, the newspaper publisher allegedly produced an email deletion policy in November 2009 whose aim was to “eliminate in a consistent manner” emails “that could be unhelpful in the context of future litigation”.
So how does Fox News report so judgmentally on missing emails when their own company was caught deleting incriminating emails? The same way they reported so judgmentally on NSA spying when their own company was caught spying on hundreds of private citizens, politicians, celebrities, and royals.
Remember this the next time you hear someone on Fox News chastise the Obama administration for the management of emails. Remember that the parent company of Fox News was caught deliberately deleting, and plotting to delete, emails that they regarded as incriminating in order to avoid the rendering of justice. It’s the height of arrogance for them to now whine about a contrived scandal wherein they have far less evidence of wrongdoing than exists against them and their leader, Rupert Murdoch.
And besides, the emails were lost when the hard drives crashed prior to this being an issue regarding the treatment of the applicants of 501(c)(4)’s. And as you say, most have been recovered from the recipients. Fox knows all this but they are also aware their brain dead viewers will never hear about this part of the story or just won’t believe it.
Just A Bad Memory to me Fox Company is” They are like Chaos from Get Smart” Pure Evil standing in the way of Progress!