Ben Carson Takes Lead In Polls – Still A Complete Lunatic

The big news from the Republican primary this week is that Ben Carson has been rising in the polls and has overtaken Donald Trump in Iowa and New Hampshire. While it is good news that Trump’s descent is beginning to build up steam, we must not forget that Carson has produced a steady stream of nonsense that is both idiotic and dangerous.

Ben Carson

ThinkProgress compiled a list of “13 Ridiculous Things Ben Carson Actually Believes.” It’s a pretty definitive collection of the inanities that Carson has unleashed over the past few months. Here are the headings, but be sure to visit ThinkProgress for the details:

  • Women who get abortions are like slaveholders.
  • Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery.
  • ‘Hitler’ could happen in the U.S. today.
  • Jews could have prevented the Holocaust if they had guns.
  • College campuses should be monitored for liberal political speech.
  • Muslims should be disqualified from the presidency.
  • There’s a war on ‘what’s inside of women.’
  • Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay.
  • There’s no such thing as a war crime.
  • Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare.
  • Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters.
  • Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality.
  • Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election.

Surely ThinkProgress did not intend this list to be comprehensive, but there are a few omissions that really need to be added. So here is my addendum:

  • Says evolution and the Big Bang theory are the work of the devil.
  • Asked why victims of mass shootings don’t just attack the gunman.
  • Thinks that atheism is a religion.
  • Says it’s unconstitutional for courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws.
  • Referred to President Obama as a psychopath because he looks great “like most psychopaths.”
  • Late addition: Thinks the pyramids were for grain storage.

These are things that we need to remember should he continue to be a leader in the GOP primary. And we need to make sure that the nation is aware of what a full-fledged fruitcake Ben Carson is. He is not a just a soft-spoken former neurosurgeon. He is a radical Christianist who supports his own brand of Sharia law and has no knowledge of government, law, or public service. It would be as stupid to choose Carson for the presidency as it would be to choose George W. Bush as a brain surgeon.

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16 thoughts on “Ben Carson Takes Lead In Polls – Still A Complete Lunatic

  1. I heard someone say that Ben Carson has done more to damage the reputation of neurosurgeons and the regard we hold them in than anything else. I have to say I agree. What a loathsome person and complete buffoon he is.

  2. As stupid as choosing George W Bush for president.
    Being president is not brain surgery, or rocket science. It’s harder.

    • One more thing to consider:
      Anyone can be president – even GW Bush … not every president can be a neurosurgeon or rocket scientist.

  3. WOW, indeed. Someone should also keep track of all the dumb things Donnie TRumphole has said as well. Keep adding to it as well as the crazy a– sh– Carson says.

    • You must be new around here (welcome!). Lots & lots of Trump stupidity is being cataloged at this site, but of course Mark would have to hire a huge staff of research assistants to catch even half of The Donald’s wacko pronouncements. It’s really all too much for a healthy mind to absorb anyway.

  4. And yall think hillary or Bernie is a better choice……if you yells ignorant

    • Thanks Brian, you’re my favorite kind of troll – incoherent and illiterate.

  5. Carson is just the worst. His demeanor is such that it’s likely he’s been saying stupid things for years and they have gone unchallenged because of his status as a doctor. Plus, he was rude to Prez Obama, always a huge plus with the hard-core crowd. Fortunately he will never be POTUS.

  6. This just in: Ben Carson just announced that he would never raise the debt ceiling as president. And the Fox Potatoes are praising him for it. Does anyone at Fox Spews understand the concept of a “debt ceiling”? Yes, it’s rhetorical.

    Enjoy Media Matters.

    I am so glad this idiot will never be president.

    • Mark – I think you’re going to need to update your 2011 debt ceiling table. It should prove most fascinating, Captain…

    • I was thinking that instead of asking GOP candidates what their policy on the debt ceiling is, they should just ask them “What is the debt ceiling?” I bet Carson, Trump and most of the others couldn’t answer.

      • Trump: I know what it is!! Got a diamond-encrusted chandelier on mine!! Well, the house in Vegas, at least. Not sure if the one in New York has one…

  7. He is also a horrible doctor. He had at least six medical malpractice lawsuits against him. The relevance of knowing the details of his track record as a so-called “brilliant pediatric brain surgeon” are very important, and another lawsuit for Ben Carson while he’s campaigning for President of the United States would profoundly impact his chances of winning the election. These lawsuits are serious, and the chances of him winning any of theses six lawsuits are very very slim.

  8. Does this mean Ted “not born I the USA” Cruz will start kissing Ben Carson’s ass?

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