Has-been schlock-rocker, NRA board member, and Donald Trump suck-up, Ted Nugent, long ago demonstrated how virulently hateful he is with relentless and profane screeds against African-Americans, women, Latinos, Muslims, and pretty much anyone that doesn’t follow his noxious brand of wingnut, nativist, psycho-patriotism. And don’t forget that he abhors President Obama so much that he called him a “subhuman mongrel” and his assassination laden tirades brought the FBI to his door.
Now he has added another minority group to the honor roll of those who Ted Nugent despises. This time it’s Jews, a group that conservatives often pretend to like because the savior they prophesied is still expected to return and shuffle them all off to Heaven. However, before that happens, Nugent felt it necessary to publish a Facebook post that asked the pressing question “Who is really behind gun control?” His comment accompanying this image said…
“Know these punks. They hate freedom, they hate good over evil, they would deny us the basic human right to self defense & to KEEP & BEAR ARMS while many of them have tax paid hired ARMED security!”
The image showed some prominent Jewish Americans with little Israeli flags pasted over them. Among those included are Michael Bloomberg, Rahm Emanuel, and senators Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, and Barbara Boxer. The message is clear that Nugent is categorizing all Jews as opponents of his fetishized Second Amendment. And even worse, he is accusing them of hating freedom and conspiring to confiscate everyone’s guns. He is propagating a blatantly anti-Semitic and utterly false stereotype.
This is a common tactic among anti-Semites. They frequently seek to blame Jews for all of what they consider to be society’s ills. It’s either controlling the media, or owning all the banks, or pushing communism, or whatever these cretins happen to be obsessing over at the time.
The image itself has been floating around the InterTubes for years. Another version of it included even more of what they called “Gun Grabbing Traitor Jews.” Neo-Nazi organizations like Stormfront have used it to advance their hate-speech.
The Anti-Defamation League released a statement condemning Nugent and calling on him to remove the image from his Facebook page. They also said that…
“Nugent should be ashamed for promoting anti-Semitic content, and we hope that good people on both sides of the gun control debate will reject his tactics and his message.”
Setting aside the obviously disgusting nature of Nugent’s post, it also happens to be ridiculously untrue. While there are some gun safety advocates who happen to be Jewish, there are also Jewish proponents of the NRA. Some notables include former GOP House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation Alan Gottlieb, and Sandy Froman, who actually served as the NRA’s president from 2005 to 2007, and is still a member of the board. This information, however, is steadfastly ignored by ignorant hate mongers like Nugent because it doesn’t fit their preferred narrative.
Nugent posted a subsequent message on Facebook after he was deluged with complaints about his Antisemitism. As might be expected, it was not an apology. He continued making insulting references as he defended himself, such as “Jews for guncontrol are nazis in disguise.” These are the sort of comments that he knows he can get away with because his sycophantic fans are even stupider than he is.
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In case you were wondering, Nugent is himself a big fan of Donald Trump. SURPRISE! He called Trump “the hellraiser America has needed for a very longtime.” But don’t hold your breath waiting for Trump to disavow his anti-Semitic Facebook post. Trump recently said that he is not bothered by comparisons to Hitler and he is currently benefiting from a white supremacist Super PAC that campaigned for him Iowa and is doing so in New Hampshire as well. So why would he be bothered by this? He would probably consider Nugent for a cabinet post.
Update: Nugent just put out a wholly dishonest apology wherein he claims that he “made no connection whatsoever to any religious affiliation.” Really? The image was of twelve Jews with Israeli flags pasted on them and captions referincing “Jew York city.” After he was criticized for the posting he defended himself by saying that “Jews for guncontrol are nazis in disguise.” And now, apparently under some pressure, his apology claims that his posting had no religious affiliation? Yeah, right.
Cat scat fever…..
Ted “draft dodger” Nugent is an example of mindless asininity and fascist horseshit (which continually emanates from his pie hole). Come on over Teddy Boy and this 71 year old ex infantryman will kick you sorry ass.
This is the same person who brags about showing up to the draft board, with his pants full of shit, to avoid the draft. He’s so big on guns and killing. Why didn’t he go to Vietnam,
to prove his gun fetish. One word, PUSSY!
Love the veneers, Ted. Did Rush give you the referral?
Shit his pants to avoid the draft. I spent most of 1968 in I Corps, RVN.
An NRA spokeswoman told The Washington Post on Wednesday that “individual board members do not speak for the NRA.”
NRA – “Ted who?” Har!