Lying schmuckraker James O’Keefe continues on a downward spiral of lameness. With every new video from his ludicrously named Project Veritas, he manages to fail worse than the one before. His latest epic backfire involves an effort to prop up the pedophile senate candidate in Alabama, Roy Moore, while simultaneously smearing the Washington Post. The results are almost too painful to watch.
The Washington Post documented the whole affair from their first encounter with O’Keefe’s stooge, Jaime Phillips. She contacted the Post to report that she was an underage lover of Moore who got pregnant and had an abortion at his urging. The Post was suspicious from the start and declined to publish her story after finding inconsistencies. Their account noted that:
“In a series of interviews over two weeks, the woman shared a dramatic story about an alleged sexual relationship with Moore in 1992 that led to an abortion when she was 15. During the interviews, she repeatedly pressed Post reporters to give their opinions on the effects that her claims could have on Moore’s candidacy if she went public.”
This is typical of O’Keefe’s operation. They try to get their subjects to say something that can later be deceitfully edited to put them in a bad light. It hardly matters to O’Keefe if anything untoward was actually said so long as he can get enough material to shred in the editing room. But in this case he never got his fraudulent scheme off the ground:
“The Post did not publish an article based on her unsubstantiated account. When Post reporters confronted her with inconsistencies in her story and an Internet posting that raised doubts about her motivations, she insisted that she was not working with any organization that targets journalists. But on Monday morning, Post reporters saw her walking into the New York offices of Project Veritas, an organization that targets the mainstream news media and left-leaning groups.”
O’Keefe’s stooge actually led the Post reporters straight back to his lair where he was busted. While there they tried to interview him but he ran away without answering any questions. Although he did try to claim that the Post was using his methods of getting an interview. That, of course, is laughable since they identified themselves immediately and asked him straight forward questions. O’Keefe’s methods typically involve lying and misrepresenting himself and his purpose.
For those unfamiliar with James O’Keefe, he is an ultra-right wing propagandist who produces deliberately falsified videos. He was convicted of improperly trespassing in a senator’s office where he allegedly hoped to tamper with the phone lines. He was ordered to pay $100,000 to a former attorney for ACORN after his dishonest portrayal of the organization. One of his “stings” involved setting up a “love boat” where he tried (and failed) to seduce a CNN reporter. His work was dubbed “little more than a canard and political disinformation,” by prosecutors in Texas (I repeat, Texas!). And his despicable lack of character has even caused his friends and colleagues to turn on him.
What’s worse is that in this skeezy affair O’Keefe paid a deluded woman to pretend to be a victim of a pedophile in order to discredit the painful confessions of actual victims. He wasn’t just trying to smear the Post. He was smearing Moore’s accusers as well. Consequently, his lame attempt to prove that WaPo is a purveyor of fake news actually affirmed that it is a responsible journalistic enterprise that vets its stories thoroughly. O’Keefe actually made the allegations against Moore even more credible.
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The Post’s adherence to the tenets of professional journalism has proven again what a slimy weasel O’Keefe is. They were not fooled by his pitiful tactics. In fact, they got much of it on video. Mediate has several clips that show the Post’s interview of O’Keefe’s stooge, the attempt to interview O’Keefe, and a sad clip of O’Keefe pretending he still has some damning footage of something. You really have to wonder when this slimeball will tire of falling on his face.
Annoying little runt, sad of him trying to defend the homophobic, racist, Neo-Confederate pedo Roy Moore.
Everything they accuse the msm of they are guilty of. Classic projection! Can the be sued out of existence?
Imagine how utterly worthless he feels as a failed “spoiled little boy”, who tries vainly to be relevant since his parents did not love him. He hopes for some speck of respect, with his attempts to be someone who matters. So sad for him. Like an annoying pooping puppy, he’s ignorant of the crap he rolls in.