Impeachable: Trump Threatens to Abuse His Power With Retaliatory Investigations of Democrats

The midterm election for 2018 is now history. And the results are indeed historic. Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives at a critical time. Donald Trump has had two years to run rampant with illegal conduct by himself, his family, and his cabinet. That unfettered freedom to violate the law is now over. Democrats are already preparing to take affirmative steps to finally hold him accountable.

Donald Trump Impeach

And Democrats in Congress are not alone. Special counsel Robert Mueller has been quietly advancing his investigation into Trump’s collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice. Trump has been quiet about this as well for the past month or so. And the reason likely has something to do with his abject fear of what Muellser is uncovering.

LATE UPDATE: Trump has just tweeted that he accepted the resignation (fired) Attorney General Jeff Sessions. That makes everything below even more troubling. Obviously Trump isn’t wasting any time trying to obstruct justice and remove any barriers to his tyrannical will.

Trump is also clearly frightened by the results of the election, and it’s showing in his first responses to them. Now that Democrats have the majority in the House they will have the chairmanships of every committee. That includes Adam Schiff at Intelligence, Elijah Cummings at Oversight, and even Maxine Waters at Financial Services. All of these new chairs, and many more, are dedicated to pursuing enforcement of the law. No wonder Trump is scared. So much so that he tweeted an overt (and unlawful) threat:

That is an unambiguous confession that Trump plans to abuse the power of his office. If he had any legitimate information regarding wrongdoing by Democrats, he would have already taken measures to persecute them for it. He is, in effect, admitting that he has no real charges to bring, but he will engage in deliberate judicial misconduct to retaliate against the honest representatives of the people for doing their job. It’s the perverse sort of political revenge that is generally employed by dictators.

At a Wednesday morning press conference, Trump reiterated his intention to abuse his presidential power by directing the Senate to participate in his campaign of vengeance. Under normal circumstances the Senate would have no part of serving as an attack squad for a corrupt White House, These are not normal circumstances and this Republican Nationalist Party controlled Senate would likely sign on. Without pretending that his actions were anything but personally vindictive against Democrats that he regards as the enemy, Trump told the press that:

“They can play that game, but we can play it better. Because we have a thing called the Senate. And a lot of very questionable things were done between leaks of classified information and many other elements that should not have taken place.” […] “And I think it would be very good for me politically.”

Once again, if there were any unlawful leaks of classified information, or any other legal misdeeds, why isn’t Trump or his Justice Department already investigating them? Because they exist only in Trump’s spiteful imagination. And what’s worse is that he doesn’t even have any shame about admitting that this would be a purely political ploy.

Also in the press conference, Trump threatened that any attempts to hold him accountable by issuing subpoenas would result in unspecified retaliatory subpoenas against unnamed Democrats. He added that his vengeance would mean that “government comes to a halt. And I would blame them.” And when asked if he would be able to work with Democrats in Congress while he was engaged in phony investigations of them, he angrily replied that “If they do that then all of this is a war-like posture.”

Remember, he’s talking about fellow Americans who were elected by citizens to represent them. Like the media that he calls the enemy of the people,” Trump, in his warped and malignantly narcissistic brain, also regards duly elected members of Congress as his enemies. He is literally declaring war on constitutional servants of the people. That’s actually called a civil war – or treason. And before too long he’s going to find out that that isn’t a particularly smart move.

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One thought on “Impeachable: Trump Threatens to Abuse His Power With Retaliatory Investigations of Democrats

  1. Definitely Tweeting THIS one.

    WE THE PEOPLE have to know what our next move HAS to be and be prepared to TAKE that next move. If the Dems let this one slide, Trump WILL continue to gain, and the Russians WILL net him a second term. We must be prepared to do EVERYTHING to prevent this, no matter what empty threats and promises His Most Satanic Majesty makes. Maybe Trump can initiate his own “investigations,” but it will only antagonize Democrats into further action, and, hopefully, make some Trump worshipers finally understand that THEY ARE NEXT!

    The removal of Sessions was inevitable – I was expecting that as soon as the midterms ended; no matter HOW Trump did, Sessions would be on borrowed time afterwards. It only remains to be seen whether Trump will have the audacity — and criminal mentality — to remove Mueller as well. But THAT will only strengthen Democratic opposition and provide even more reason to proceed with impeachment.

    And we must take action NOW!

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