It’s always easy to tell what Donald Trump is most afraid of at any given time. He reveals his deepest fears in his never-ending stream of Twitter rants. A few weeks ago it was Adam Schiff and the House impeachment hearings when he posted a record 108 tweets in a single day. More recently it was Speaker Nancy Pelosi who he stalked online with attacks on her personally and her San Francisco district. He even retweeted a series of memes implying that she and Sen. Chuck Schumer were terrorist sympathizers.
This week Trump engaged in his regularly scheduled tweetstorms with the same tired and repetitious whining and pathetic victimhood that is the hallmark of his third grade composition skills. Although, while posting seven tweets congratulating the LSU football team, he never tweeted once about the threats and surveillance of U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovich, the Russia hacking of a Ukrainian company (Burisma) connected to his impeachment, the earthquake in Puerto Rico, comments by Lev Parnas confirming that Trump extorted Ukrainian President Zelensky, or the previously suppressed news that eleven American troops were injured by Iranian missiles fired in retaliation to Trump’s assassination of Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
As the week wound to a close, Trump threw in a couple of tweets that clearly addressed an issue close to his shriveled heart. They were thinly veiled, passive-aggressive attacks on his opponents vying for the Democratic nomination for president. He began with a swipe at Mike Bloomberg:
Mini Mike Bloomberg doesn’t get on the Democrat Debate Stage because he doesn’t want to – he is a terrible debater and speaker. If he did, he would go down in the polls even more (if that is possible!).
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 17, 2020
True to form, Trump was flagrantly lying about why Bloomberg wasn’t on the debate stage. The truth is that Bloomberg doesn’t accept any donations, so he can’t meet the DNC’s debate eligibility requirement based on that. Trump once said that he would self-fund his campaign too, but like everything else he says, it was a lie. Trump’s campaign relies entirely on donations from his cult followers, which he spends on personal legal expenses.
Trump went on to pretend that he’s worried about the fairness of the Democratic primary process. That’s coming from someone who has already been caught soliciting campaign help from two different foreign governments (Russia and Ukraine). Trump openly used stolen emails to advance his 2016 campaign, and new reports show that he’s preparing to do the same with data stolen, once again, by Russian hackers. But here he is making up fairness issues involving Democrats:
….Joe Biden, and Bernie is shut out again. Very unfair, but that’s the way the Democrats play the game. Anyway, it’s a lot of fun to watch!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 17, 2020
This is one of the most idiotic conspiracy theories that Trump has embraced to date. He couldn’t care less about the competition between Sanders and Biden (other than that he’s afraid of both). He’s just taking advantage of the opportunity to whine some more about having been impeached. And any convenient diversion is something he will cling to. He’s previously made asinine comments about Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Eric Swalwell.
However, this is all a charade to mask Trump’s insecurity. If he had any confidence in his reelection he wouldn’t spend so much energy griping about primary candidates. What’s more, he wouldn’t direct his Republican Party to cancel their own primaries. So far there are eight states (Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, South Carolina, and Virginia) that have either canceled primaries or declared that only Trump’s name will appear on their ballot. Maybe that’s his idea of fairness. And if he were confidant of his prospects he wouldn’t have held twenty-six of his cult rallies since last January. That’s about two per month for a candidate that has no opposition.
The Republican Party has totally bought in to the Cult of Trump. And that may come back to bite them in the arse. As more incriminating information is uncovered, Trump might actually face a real possibility of being removed from office. If that happens, the GOP won’t have a candidate at all for 2020. Or at least not one that presented themselves to the public and garnered votes. But that might not be such a bad thing. Running an unknown, unvetted nobody might still be a better option than running a boorish, racist, criminal, traitorous Trump.
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The Greedy Old Porkers Party hasn’t once worried about Trump being impeached for the myriad of
crimes he has done & is still doing! They know they’ve got that covered, & had it so all along. Look at the pitiful 2 Articles of Impeachment filed, with numerous Constitutional violations being ignored by Pelosi’s House posse! Do you think for a single second that were tables reversed, Rethugs would be ignoring any crimes a Democrat did? “Hell no!” Never! Hard to compare, since Democrat President doing the shit Trump does w/o even thinking, would never happen! Never.
Truth is, the power who put Trump in as Puppet & is running the shit show fully intends to have same puppet 4 more yrs. & they have all the elements needed (cheating, etc.) to make it happen that way. They also must “have the goods” on people who could – but won’t – stand in their way on anything. The Rethuglican Party has done dirty long before Trump. This us just the crescendo they’ve been building up to.
“Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
Love the tweet about Bloomberg from Trump-chump. It’s perfect! Perfect example of him projecting his fears onto Bloomberg!
Trump is such a classic example of so many psychological disorders; it’s hard to think if any functioning adult walking around with more than he’s got.
He is the best of the worst, when it comes to sociopathic behaviors!
Worst thing ever for a President or leader of any kind!