Committed news junkies this morning are following a ludicrous story about New York Congressman Anthony Weiner. I’m not getting into it now because at this point there is nothing substantive to report. There are only salacious accusations with no proof whatsoever.
What I will get into is the fact that Andrew Breitbart, the notoriously dishonest purveyor of right-wing lies and propaganda who has been caught disseminating slanderous videos that were proven to be faked, has now expanded his field into porn and the yellowest of journalism. Here is a screen capture of the top of his BigGovernment web site:

Note that every single story is on one subject – the alleged Weiner controversy that Breitbart himself invented. (Well, there is one exception – an ad for Breitbart’s thoroughly dishonest book). Apparently Breitbart considers this non-story more important than any other news story on the planet. There is literally no other story worthy of covering than this one. Not the presidential campaign. Not the congressional vote on raising the debt ceiling. Not the tornadoes in the Mid-West. Not the War on Terror. Nothing.
Breitbart’s desperation to hoist a fake scandal on his dimwitted readers is palpable. Seriously – EVERY SINGLE HEADLINE! It exposes Breitbart as obsessed with advancing his slander. And to make matters worse, Breitbart went on CNN this morning (shame on CNN) and talked about “relationships that Congressman Weiner has been having with women, young women…” That despicable quote was wholly unsupported by even the flimsiest of facts. Breitbart even tried to qualify it later, after he had already set it loose into the mediasphere. He knows very well that that’s all it takes to set ignorant tongues wagging, and that was his intention. His whole existence is reliant on the slobbering imbeciles who live for dirt on their liberal adversaries and don’t care if it’s real or manufactured.
The press has to recognize that Breitbart has zero credibility. How many incidents have to arise where he is proven to have fabricated videos, documents, and testimony, before the media stops treating him as if he were their peer? It’s just embarrassing to see them sully themselves by cozying up to this dirtbag. It has got to stop.
“no proof whatsoever”… Just a tweet from him of his junk!
Thanks for proving my point about imbeciles.
Just a tweet from him of his junk? Show me your evidence that either the tweet or the junk was his. Show me your evidence that there even was a tweet at all. Explain to me why a Twitter account with 45,000 followers and only one well-known arch-conservative who had been harassing the alleged recipient saw the alleged tweet.
You guys will believe anything. It’s so sad.
Umm, proof? It’s weiner’s account. Could this be a hacked account? Sure, but the burden of proof is on wiener at this point.
You do realize that NY 26 just had a special election because it’s rep had to step down because he tweeted pics of himself. I guess he could have lied & the whole thing would have gone away if the media used your standards.
Good lord. Since when is the burden of proof on the accused in America? Despite their loony Tea Parties and tri-corner hats, conservatives really do hate the Constitution.
With Rep. Lee in NY 26, the picture was of him, with his face, and he admitted it. Case closed.
Also, if Andrew Breitbart made allegations about me, I wouldn’t answer them either. He is a proven liar who makes up bullshit and doesn’t deserve to be answered.
The burden of proof is on the accused when all the evidence is against him. If the police find your wife shot to death in your home with your gun with your finger prints after neighbors said they heard an argument, then you have to prove that you didn’t shoot her.
Rep. Lee could have said someone stole his phone, which had the picture on it, and sent it. He could have lied and if he did your argument is that reporters shouldn’t question the lie. If Wiener is lying, you are saying it shouldn’t be questioned.
Breitbart isn’t making any allegations, he’s reporting what is already there, An inappropriate picture was tweeted form Weiner’s account, Weiner has been evasive about answering to the point where CNN, Politico, and other MSM outlets have picked up the story.
Keep it up, Sean. You are the perfect model of the modern conservative. The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the state, NEVER on on the accused. It’s called the presumption of innocence. Lee had it also, but he voluntarily confessed. Weiner already denied the picture was his and he is under no obligation to deny 40 more times.
Ok and it is proven that his account posted a picture of his Johnson, so now the burden is on him to prove he did not post it. It shouldn’t be that difficult if he did not do it. So yes he is assumed innocent, but he still has to explain the gaps in his story.
The burden of proof is on the accused when all the evidence is against him. If the police find your wife shot to death in your home with your gun with your finger prints after neighbors said they heard an argument, then you have to prove that you didn’t shoot her.
Holy shit!!! Are you a child? Seriously…..are you some pissed off teenager? That’s the craziest fucking thing I’ve ever heard!! Especially from a conservative???? Not to mention MASSIVELY stupid. That made my jaw drop, HARD. You vindicate me Sean, you truly are a moron.
Ok and it is proven that his account posted a picture of his Johnson, so now the burden is on him to prove he did not post it. It shouldn’t be that difficult if he did not do it. So yes he is assumed innocent, but he still has to explain the gaps in his story.
WOW!! I didn’t keep reading!! You did it again!! There’s proof that it is in fact him in the pic? Really? What is it? People who have spent a lot of time with him say it’s not him. Actually, they say it’s impossible to be him. Also, brietbart (mostly CNN) should be wrought with guilt after implying that he’s a pedo. Who was it, Jeffery…Toonin? Or something? He called out both brietbart and CNN for allowing that shit to happen. CNN has lost all professional integrity in the last eight months or so. They’ve lost it.
uh oh!
Looks like you are all the idiots afterall.
How so? Everything I said about Breitbart is still true.
haha.. what a creep!!!
The reporter was a jackass. It was a good call. And you are a hypocrite. If it was Chris Christie or Michelle Bachmann calling a reporter out, you would be having heart palpitations.
Damn. I let myself get sucked into this stupid debate. This article is NOT about Rep. Weiner. It is about the Breitbart’s slimy reporting and the fact that he went wall-to-wall with every headline on this one subject. Why don’t you guys try to respond to that?
Cause nobody gives two shits about his article. People find it hilarious / creepy that he takes a pic of his business and send it to a 21 yr old chick. Then he refuses to answer simple questions that can only help his case. Poor Mark, I bet it sucks trying to defend him!
Weiner answered the questions already. Breitbart is using this to smear him and change the subject from Medicare and the debt ceiling. EVERY SINGLE HEADLINE! on his pseudo-news site. What a joke.
Yea I can’t believe they booked him on CNN to insinuate Weiner likes underage girls….I wonder what Anderson Cooper thinks about that really.
It truly was pathetic.
Um, Breitbart is their peer. His job is to do the dirty work, theirs is to just report it. Sort of the designated dog to drag the roadkill back to the pack.
I wouldn’t expect nothing less of Bart. I think its time his mommy banned him from the internet, she would be so ashamed of him and his potty mouth.
I mean really, Bart’s pathetic antics are no longer funny anymore, its just sad.
Also I can’t help but mention since Bart is nothing trust worthy, its okay to think that everything he says is just a flat out lie. So if he ever screams bloody murder for help just assume he is just trying to lure you into a deep dark alley to kill you.
In his own way I think Breitbart is already screaming for help. His whole persona is a cry for help – the “professional” kind.
Also its a hoax which even makes it more pathetic.
So do you fee like a complete idiot now? or do just pretend you never posted this?
What’s not to understand about your article, Mark? It’s not about Wiener, it’s about Breitbart’s obsession with Wiener’s johnson. Breitbart didn’t post A story about it. He posted umpteen stories about it. And we’re talking about Breitbart here, who is a total unapologetic scumbag who wants so badly to be taken seriously.
Exactly. And two days later his website is still topped with every single headline about Weiner.
Makes it even more hilarious that the whole thing is a hoax as seen discussed on the DailyKos.
You do know Breitbart’s schtick right? So this surprises you how? Can you break the next big story that Mark is a committed liberal who hates Fox News and conservative alternative media.
Sean, I just did a search of this page for the word “surprise”. The only one was you usage of the word. Mark did not say he was surprised at Breitbart’s obsession with this one topic. He just pointed out yet another example of Breitbart’s idiocy.
Of course he hates Fixed News….what’s not to hate?
I hate Fixed News to.
He wont even deny that it’s a picture of his junk. Priceless!!!
Well its clearly Breitbart’s fault…somehow. I’ll get back to you with the details.
Rachel Maddow’s blog suggests how the hack may have been accomplished: through yfrog’s mobile e-mail upload system. Cf.
On Maddow, Weiner answered ‘Is it you?’ with ‘Am I allowed to say I wish?’
On everything they suggested how Weiner did this himself and then lied about it and avoided questions for a week.
Except that the story is TRUE and Weiner LIED.
Any chance you will publicly retract the statement that the story is a lie?
Sorry, but I never said that the story was a lie. I explicitly declined to comment on the facts of the story because not enough was known.
I did say that Breitbart is known to lie and that is indisputable. So there is nothing to retract. The fact that he got this right does not absolve him from his prior record of dishonesty.