No one has ever accused Sean Hannity of being an intellectual giant. And for good reason. He is notoriously uninformed and illogical. His greatest asset as a television pundit is his ability to lie without shame and an inexhaustible supply of arrogance.
On Monday evening Hannity thought he was struck with a brilliant inspiration for a tweet to attack President Biden. It elaborated on a theme that Hannity has been trying to popularize for months, with no success whatsoever. Despite his repeated failures, Hannity’s contention that Biden is mentally deficient is contradicted every time Biden speaks publicly. And the American people (according to a Fox News poll!) have already concluded that it’s Donald Trump who is too mentally unsound to serve.
Undaunted, Hannity tweeted this pathetic bit of childishness…
Joey’s sippy cup for his warm milky at night night time.
— Sean Hannity ?? (@seanhannity) May 24, 2021
Seriously? This is the level of political discourse provided by the host of a program that Fox News presents with pride every night in primetime? And ironically this comes from someone who has his own peculiar bedtime rituals. Hannity was known to have nighty-night calls with Trump every night after his show.
In all fairness, it isn’t actually any worse than the rest of Fox’s lineup (i.e. Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends). But the one redeeming factor is that this sort of idiocy is so easy to rebut. And Twitter was ready and willing to take on that duty:
And he still beat Trump? That is sad.
— JoeReynoldsChief (@JoeReynolds2020) May 24, 2021
Wanna talk about this sean?
— Mitch Smith (@mitchmws) May 24, 2021
That’s President Joey
— GlennyTrades (@GlennInvestor) May 24, 2021
You know we all saw (on multiple occasions) The Former Guy had to use BOTH hands to lift a glass of water, right?
Joe can do things like go jogging, where as TFG couldn't walk down a ramp.
Joe goes bike riding with his wife. Where as TFG couldn't operate an umbrella…
— Rick Sanchez C-137 (@Tiny2na) May 24, 2021
But Sean, you know full well Joe's not the guy who wears diapers.
— Leslieoo7 ?? ?? (@Leslieoo7) May 24, 2021
Look at this child. Lol
— Ceasar221 (@ceasar221) May 25, 2021
He's still the president and despite pathetic attempts at belittling him, the country is headed in an upward trending direction from Trump in every measurable category. Deaths from Covid are down, vaccinations are up. Country is fully opening. Unemployment down, stock market up
— Toby (@Toby1472) May 24, 2021
Guess who's NOT under criminal investigation Seanie?? ????
Yep the Email lady ???
— GQP.. Party of Pedophiles and Rapists. (@BreeBlueGa) May 24, 2021
You know @JoeBiden is doing a great job when this is the best Hannity can come up with.
— Riley the Dog (@RilesTheDog) May 24, 2021
Big baby.
— TheDeanofMontreal. (@NorthenResister) May 24, 2021
NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.
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Loving that video of Sean Shammity with big pacifier! (Or does he call his a “binky”?)