The Republican Party continues to suffer a deficit of exploitable scandals to pin on President Joe Biden. His approval rating is holding steady and his legislative agenda is progressing with surprisingly bipartisan support. As a result the GOP, and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) are forced to manufacture hit pieces in order to keep the peasants sufficiently pissed off.
To that end, Ohio’s QAnon Republican, Jim Jordan, posted a tweet aimed at embarrassing former President Barack Obama. Referencing his upcoming birthday party, Jordan said that “This is a dangerous super-spreader event. How can someone be so reckless? They’re killing people.” These are, Jordan claimed “The things Democrats would say if this was President Trump’s birthday party.”
“This is a dangerous super-spreader event.”
“How can someone be so reckless?”
“They’re killing people.”
-The things Democrats would say if this was President Trump’s birthday party.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) August 2, 2021
The only problem with that is literally everything. To begin with, the link that Jordan provided in his attempted hate-tweet contradicted his criticisms. And you didn’t even have to click on it. Right below Jordan’s ranting it said that “The party will be held outdoors, all guests are asked to be vaccinated and there will be a COVID-coordinator.” If you did click on it, there were further details that revealed that “Martha’s Vineyard does not qualify as an area of ‘substantially-high’ risk, which was the target of the CDC recommendations.”
So Obama’s party will not be a reckless, super-spreader event that would be killing anyone. It will be an appropriately managed affair that is in accordance with CDC guidelines, and that takes into consideration the well being of the guests. If this was Trump’s birthday party, the only thing that Democrats would be saying is how astonished they are by his uncharacteristically responsible behavior.
Of course, Trump would never conduct himself with such concern and competence. In fact, he just announced another Super-Spreader Cult Rally later this month in Alabama, where masks, vaccinations, social distancing, etc., will be purposely ignored. Alabama presently has among the lowest rates of vaccination and among highest increase in new cases. So expect it get even worse there, and in the surrounding areas.
Meanwhile, Fox News White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, broached the same subject at the White House daily press briefing. It’s almost as if these people have plotted out there talking points for the day in advance. However,, as usual, Doocy was gently humiliated by press secretary Jen Psaki, when he asked what he surely thought would be a devastating “gotcha” question:
Doocy: Is President Obama setting a wrong example about how serious COVID-19 is by hosting a big birthday party with hundreds of people this week?
Psaki: Well, I would certainly refer you to the team who is working for my former boss to give you more specifics of what the protocols are in place. But I would note first that former President Obama has been a huge advocate of individuals getting vaccinated. What CDC has provided guidance on is for indoor settings in high or substantial high zones of COVID cases. This event, according to all the public reporting, is outdoors and in a moderate zone. But in addition there is testing requirements and other steps they are taking which I am sure they can outline for you in more detail.
Not satisfied, Doocy asked the exact same question two more times, while Psaki struggled to give him the same answer in different ways hoping that it would get through to him.
Peter Doocy attempts to own the libs
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 2, 2021
These pathetic attempts to turn a birthday celebration into a horror story only demonstrate how desperate Fox News and the Republicans are for anything to beat up on Democrats with. But it also reveals how ignorant they are about the state of the COVID pandemic and the proper procedures to conduct business during it, while maintaining the health and safety of everyone concerned.
If Fox News cared about the welfare of the American people they wouldn’t have spent the last year lying to them about the pandemic. Which they are still doing now. And the same goes for Republicans like Jordan whose only interests are preserving power and pleasing Dear Leader Trump by patronizing his delusional and narcissistic worldview.
UPDATE: In an effort to be exceedingly cautious and responsible, Obama Scales back his birthday bash amid COVID.
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Hey, Gymbo? You DO know Obama isn’t president anymore, right?
And, of course, time honored tradition: It doesn’t matter what Obama does on his birthday, and he has nothing to do with the Covid. Meanwhile, Your Beloved God ignored the Covid threat, LIED about the Covid threat, and EVERYTHING President Biden has to clean up now is ENTIRELY Your Beloved God’s fault.
If we could, we would demand Your Beloved God be tried at the Hague for international war crimes. Because his non-actions almost certainly enabled the pandemic to spread beyond our borders. THAT can be called an international war crime. You should be quite aware of this, Gymbo, since that is what you and your fellow terrorists constantly accuse China of doing.
Finally, some good news for McCain! /s
Peter Doocy’s job is to generate quickie sound bites for FOX, that’s why he’ll repeat the same stupid question several times. That process gives several bites for the braindead audience to digest. Jen’s cogent answers are never broadcast, just the dumbass questions, as though they’re actual statements of fact. This is propaganda, pure and simple: a cynical manipulation of “news” into mis/disinformation.
And Doocy’s not humiliated, he’s proud of his work as a FOX shill, just like his sleazo father. Won’t be long until he’s promoted to the TV studio, as a reward for his terrific “journalism” at the White House.
Meanwhile, over at World Nut Daily, Joseph Farah is claiming that this might not be President Obama’s birthday because, you know, fake birth certificate.