Donald Trump and his Republican Party have embraced lying as an indispensable tool in their political tool chest. Their brazen disregard for honesty is demonstrated with nearly every public utterance they make. Trump alone has racked up an appalling record of more than 30,000 lies during his single term as president. All of which is obediently disseminated by their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News).
So naturally, these Olympic-grade truth manglers are anxious to project their reality warping antics onto the Democrats and liberals they so fervently despise. And, unsurprisingly, one of their primary targets would be MSNBC’s star host, Rachel Maddow.
On Sunday morning Maddow’s name was trending on Twitter. However the reason was typically devoid of facts or logic. The conservative Twitter trolls were all a flitter because they thought they had caught Maddow in a gross misrepresentation of coronavirus information. The subject concerned the dangerously inappropriate use of a horse dewormer, Ivermectin, to “cure” COVID. That’s a subject that Maddow has covered in detail. But the latest melodrama all sprung from this tweet by Maddow and the right-wing’s knee-jerk rebuttal:
Why isn’t @TwitterSupport warning people this is 100% false?
— Douglas Karr (@douglaskarr) September 5, 2021
The tweet by Maddow linked to a story by KFOR, a local Oklahoma television station. So right off the bat, she was not making any statements for which she could be blamed if they were inaccurate. And spoiler alert: They were not inaccurate. The station’s newscast interviewed a rural Oklahoma doctor who gave his account of how the state’s health systems were holding up during the COVID Delta variant surge that has been ravaging mostly Republican led states like Oklahoma. KFOR reported that…
“Dr. [Jason] McElyea said patients are packing his eastern and southeastern Oklahoma hospitals after taking ivermectin doses meant for a full-sized horse, because they believed false claims the horse de-wormer could fight COVID-19.
“‘The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated. […] All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don’t have any.'”
While all of that is easily verifiable, the Twitter trolls latched unto a statement released by a hospital network with which Dr. McElyea was affiliated. The statement said that…
“Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room. With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months. NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin.”
From that statement the wingnut contingent immediately started blasting Maddow as the great falsifier. They charged that the entire story was sham because the doctor was not an employee of the NHS. They demanded that Twitter punish her with a suspension or a total ban for allegedly disseminating COVID disinformation. Glenn Greenwald was among those clamoring for Maddow’s head. GOP Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance ranted that “Alex Jones is a far more reputable source” than Maddow. Trump crony Sebastian Gorka railed “Hey Maddow you lie.”
There’s just one problem. The statement by the NHS was completely irrelevant. Neither KFOR nor Dr. McElyea ever mentioned the NHS or the circumstances at that particular hospital. The doctor did not claim to be speaking as an NHS employee, but instead as an observer of Oklahoma’s health system. And multiple sources affirm what Dr. McElyea said. for instance…
“Oklahoma health officials are choosing to keep hospital capacity data under wraps as some of the state’s major health systems announce they have zero ICU beds open.”
“According to Oklahoma Hospital Association President Patti Davis, ‘We know that patients are being transferred out of state for beds.'”
The situation in Oklahoma is unquestionably dire, despite the Republican governor’s efforts to hide the facts. The medical professionals in the field know exactly what’s going on, and they aren’t afraid to talk about it. That includes Dr. McElyea.
But reality has never stopped conservative deceivers from muddying the water and misleading their dimwitted followers who will never do their own research. Which is how they get roped into ingesting poisons like Ivermectin in the first place. And as usual, Fox News couldn’t care less if they live or die. And neither does Donald Trump.
UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Fox News joined the Twitter Trolls who falsely claimed that the KFOR story was false. They relied heavily on tweets by Drew Holden, an independent, right-wing “reporter” who ironically chastises Maddow and “the left” for not researching the story, when obviously he didn’t. Fox News didn’t either.
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Off the topic, but this just caught my attention….? Wow, it needs unpacking, refolding and translating!
Actually I read the Rolling Stone article quoting Dr. McEylea. He. Claims ivermectin poisoning is the reason emergency rooms are filled up. He did not say that it was Covid disease patients who got no help from taking ivermectin and thus got very sick from Covid that filled the Emergency rooms. There is a very different meaning in those 2 statements. Dr McEylea did not tell a truthful statement. He tried to blame ivermectin POISONING for Emergency rooms being filled up. That was an untruthful statement. It was Covid cases themselves filling them up. Maybe some of patients have tried ivermectin in a vain attempt to cure themselves. But that is NOT the same as you and McEylea claim thst it is Ivermecting POUSONING that is sending them to the ER.
Also, why are so many news outlet referring to ivermectin as “The horse drug ivermectin” implying that it is ONLY used for horses (thus making those people that take it sound even more crazy!)? – Ivermectin in various dosages IS used in humans: to treat lice, parasitic intestinal worms, and even Rosacea, a skin condition. Let’s everyone be truthful and not exaggerate here please!
They are referring to horse dewormers because that is what people are buying at farm supply stores. And that is wholly inappropriate for human use. But even human formulations have shown efficacy for COVID treatment. It’s crazy no matter you look at it. Algorythmns Make Us All Bits In An Electron Reactor!