Marjorie Taylor Greene is OUTRAGED at Being Called ‘Fringe’: ‘It’s Not Me, It’s Rachel Maddow!’

Last week the unofficial chair of the House MAGA Fringe Caucus, Marjorie Taylor Greene, proposed a bill to defund the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an alliance that has protected much of the world from aggression by Russia for 75 years. Greene’s opposition is rooted in her animosity toward Ukraine, President Biden, and democracy.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Vladimir Putin

Greene is notorious for her bizarre antics in and out of Congress. She is an unflinching disciple of the Cult of Trump. She attacks her Fellow Republicans with unbridled hatred. She is leading the fight to remove MAGA Mike Johnson as Speaker. She has drafted numerous motions to impeach members of the Biden administration simply because they are Democrats. Recently she sought to deny all federal funding for the state of New York because a jury in Manhattan found Trump guilty of 34 felonies.

SEE THIS: Trump Verdict Triggers Marjorie Taylor Greene to Call for Banning All Federal Funds to New York

Any rational observer of of politics would describe Greene as a fringe operative. Although, these days her views have been embraced by most of the Trump GOP. Following the failure of her NATO defunding bill, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow noted that many Republicans voted to withhold critical funds from America’s allies in Europe.

“A fifth of the Republicans in Congress just voted that we should leave our allies all together. That we should break up the big Western alliance. That we should defund NATO. And I think nobody really paid attention to this vote because this legislation was put forward by a very fringe member of Congress. A member of Congress who is known for her publicity stunts, and therefore she is easy to ignore. But it wasn’t just her. forty-six Republicans voted for this thing.

This criticism of of the Republican betrayal of our allies struck Greene for decidedly personal reasons. She didn’t care so much about Maddow calling out the GOP for “leaving our allies.” Nope. What bothered Greene was the part where Maddow referred to her as “a very fringe member of Congress.” So Greene scampered off to Steve Bannon’s podcast to complain about Maddow

“”Well, of course, she’s not happy. Rachel’s never accomplished anything real in her entire life. She’s only lied on television for a living. And NATO, all these European countries, they don’t pay their fair share. So why should America continue to pay for the defense of all these other countries when they are unwilling to even pay their fair share?”

REALLY? Most people would consider having graduated from Stanford, becoming a Rhodes Scholar, and getting a doctorate in Political Science from Oxford, something of an accomplishment. Plus, she’s won three Emmys, a Grammy, and written best-selling books. Greene’s resume, on the other hand, consists of little more than managing a small construction company in rural Georgia, and failing to produce anything of substance as a member of Congress. But Greene wasn’t through defending herself from the allegations of fringiness…

“It’s not fringe at all. It’s also not fringe because most Americans also agree that the United States should not be funding a war in Ukraine.”

Greene is, as usual, lying. Polls show that a majority of American actually support funding for Ukraine. But Greene, like her Republican confederates, never lets facts get in the way of a good rant. She continued saying that…

“When we’re going to talk about the question, we’re going to ask the question, who is fringe? It’s actually Rachel Maddow is the fringe person in this story. It’s not me. It’s Rachel Maddow.”

Here Greene is adopting the age-old debate strategy of “I know you are, but what am I?” However, her “rubber/glue” tactic falls short due to the fact that even 157 of her fellow Republicans voted against her bill, along with every Democrat. Although she did get 46 Republicans to join her.

That’s a pretty good affirmation that Greene and her band merry cranksters are indeed the fringe. And no matter how hard she tries to deny that reality, it remains true. Nevertheless, we can expect her to continue attacking her betters, such as Maddow, because glassy-eyed narcissists like Greene are incapable of recognizing their own failures. No matter how glaring.


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Herr Trump Decrees: If Media Doesn’t Air My Speeches They Should Have Their Licenses Revoked

It has long been established that Donald Trump has unwavering and unabashed aspirations of authoritarianism. He frequently expresses those ambitions himself in remarks that are reminiscent of his heroes such as Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping, and other notorious tyrants and dictators. It’s a club that Trump very much yearns to be a member of.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

On Monday night, Trump delivered a speech in Iowa congratulating himself on his victory in the Republican presidential primary caucus there. The speech was mostly a rehashing of the same tedious talking points that he disgorges at his cult rallies and posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. And true to form, Trump used the opportunity of the post-caucus address to whine about what a sorry and pathetic victim he is.

When he isn’t lying about the 2020 election being “rigged and stolen” from him, he is raging about the multitude of civil and criminal charges that he is facing. He barely had time to brag about the weakness of his predictable triumph over Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Pyrrhic Victory in Iowa Forecasts His Next Defeat When He Faces Joe Biden in November

What Trump did have time to do was to reiterate his contempt for democracy and the Constitution. In his remarks he made a point of expressing his disdain for the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of the press…

“Last night, it was amazing. NBC and CNN refused to air my victory speech – think of it – because they are crooked, they’re dishonest and, frankly, they should have their licenses or whatever they have taken away.”

Of course, Trump would have no legal authority to shut down any news organization. Not that he cares about or respects the law. And for the record, NBC and CNN both aired a portion of Trump’s speech before cutting away when it was clear that he was just spewing nonsense and devolving into incoherent babbling. But there was a better reason to cut him off, which was explained by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, who said that “His remarks will not air here live,” and then elaborated saying that…

“There is a reason that we, and other news platforms, have generally stopped giving an unfiltered live platform to former president Trump. It is not out of spite. It is not a decision that we relish. It is a decision that we regularly revisit. And honestly, earnestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.

Exactly! The press has an obligation to insure that the truth is paramount in their reporting. When someone is known to lie profusely whenever they speak, that person’s remarks can be recorded and played later with the proper context and fact-checking. It’s what responsible journalists do.

However, in Trump’s twisted mind, any editing of his divinely inspired insights is tantamount to treason. He has actually said so in those precise terms. And if given the opportunity, he will make the traitors pay. Never mind the Constitution. Trump has repeatedly vowed to punish any and all media that is critical of him. For instance…

Trump Threatens to ‘Come Down Hard on’ MSNBC and ‘Make Them Pay’ for Daring to Criticize Him
Nov 28, 2023: “MSNBC (MSDNC) uses FREE government approved airwaves, and yet it is nothing but a 24 hour hit job on Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Brian Roberts, its Chairman and CEO, is a slimeball who has been able to get away with these constant attacks for years. It is the world’s biggest political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats who, by the way, are destroying our Country. Our so-called ‘government’ should come down hard on them and make them pay for their illegal political activity. Much more to come, watch!”

First of all, MSNBC does not use “FREE government approved airwaves.” Cable programming is delivered on private distribution networks. And their editorial positions are protected by the First Amendment. If he’s upset by MSNBC’s honest, left-leaning reporting, he should be equally upset by fox News’ flagrantly false, right-wing propaganda. But in neither case does the government have the authority to “come down hard on them and make them pay” for their views. That’s how dictators operate.

And then there was this…

Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media
Sep 24, 2023: “MSNBC…should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ […] I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage […] They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done!”

Trump is accusing MSNBC and other news enterprises of treason for exercising their constitutional rights. And he brags “up front, openly, and proudly,” that he will abuse the power of the government to suppress his critics in the press.

Trump’s brazen hostility toward the media and the Constitution is more proof of just how dangerous it would be to allow him to have any position of power. It doesn’t matter that he would have no legal authority to conduct the sort of oppressive operations that he is promising. He doesn’t care about the law. He would impose his own unethical standards on the media – and the nation – to get whatever results he craves.

Hopefully, this November, voters will grasp the imperative to prevent him from seizing that power and destroying America’s constitutional republic. And while they are at it, voters need to oust Trump’s flunkies in the House and Senate, and all state and local offices, and elect patriotic Democrats who will honor and preserve our nation’s principles.


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Rachel Maddow Unmasks the Virulent Racism of Marjorie Taylor Green and Christian Nationalism

Monday night Rachel Maddow embarked on another one of her captivating history lessons that she compellingly intertwines with current events. This lesson (video below) was about Gerald L.K. Smith, a radical right-wing Republican from the 1950’s who championed a political philosophy that he called “Christian Nationalism.” He advanced this doctrine via his “America First” Party.

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Rachel Maddow

Sound familiar? Smith’s brand of theocracy was rooted in the American conservativism that appealed to the Ku Klux Klan and other racist hate groups. It espoused fascism and exalted the same sort of totalitarian tyrants that Donald Trump admires so fervently.

Maddow played audio clips of Smith describing his beliefs as “the destiny of America” which he said “must be kept in the hands of our own people.” And if you’re curious about who he means by “our own people,” he cooperatively elaborated saying that “the inspiring dynamic out of which America grew is Christianity,” and that “there would be no real America…if there had been no Christianity.” Then Smith gets into the toxic core of his credo…

“Subversive forces, exploiting sentimental nitwits, are reading into the Constitution a code of conduct which threatens to mongrelize our race, destroy our racial self respect, and enslave the white man. Fight mongrelization and all attempts being made to force the intermixture of the black and white races…Preserve America as a Christian Nation, being conscious of the fact that there is a highly organized campaign to substitute Jewish tradition for Christian tradition.”

Tucker Carlson couldn’t have said it better himself.

RELATED: Tucker Carlson of Fox News Fears Democrats are ‘Importing New Voters’ to ‘Replace’ Him

Smith’s vile views were an early serving of White nationalism, dripping with Jesus sauce. Maddow noted that the Christian Nationalist rhetoric that Smith articulated in the clip she played was “kind of the mild stuff from him.” It left out…

“…the stuff about the Jews taking over the world, and how Americans need to be Christian Nationalists because only that can stop the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, not to mention all the race mixing. … [Smith] was a virulent, violent racist and anti-Semite, … Which you’d think that would make Christian Nationalism kind of a hard thing for today’s Republicans to try to raise as their new banner.”

You might think that. but then again, you might be QAnon representative, Marjorie Taylor Greene, who recently bragged that…

“Republicans really need to recognize the people they represent, okay? … We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and, I say it proudly: We should be Christian Nationalists.”

Maddow couldn’t help but notice that today’s Republican Party has adopted this deplorable dogma, and that Greene is among the most devoted of its modern adherents. On Tuesday Greene responded to having been featured in Maddow’s segment confessing her commitment to Christian Nationalism. She unleashed a multi-part tweet tantrum that said in part that…

“Rachel Maddow is smearing me with lies about my faith and love for America and trying to connect me to someone I’ve never heard of or know anything about. […] Hopefully, this helps some of you that are brainwashed by liars like Rachel Maddow who by the way has never met me in her entire life and gets paid to lie about me by her hard left employers at MSNBC. What a pitiful way to earn a paycheck.”

First of all, Maddow didn’t lie about Greene. She merely replayed Greene’s own words, a practice that commonly and understandably upsets Republicans. More to the point, since Greene is admitting her ignorance of the past, she should be thanking Maddow for educating her about the historical significance of the repulsive movement she is so proud to be embracing.

RELATED: WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene Freaks Out When Asked a Few Questions By CNN’s Jim Acosta

Unfortunately, Greene isn’t the only Republican reprising the abhorrent Christian Nationalism of the last century. In fact, it has infected the entirety of the GOP. And it is also rampant on right-wing media, particularly Fox News, where Tucker Carlson has emerged as the spokesman for the movement’s modern day incarnation. So we can expect to hear a lot more about it from these racist cretins, even as they pretend not to know what they themselves are talking about. Which has long been a feature of Republican messaging for decades.

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Fox News Ignores Bombshell Recordings of McCarthy Urging Trump to Resign and Lying About It

Fox News continues to be the best source for unassailable evidence that it is not a news network at all. They do this by airing brazenly biased stories that invariably disparage President Biden and other Democrats, and/or fawn over Donald Trump and his puppetized Republicans. Their reporting is rife with flagrant falsehoods and open animus toward anyone who isn’t aligned with their ultra-rightist agenda.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

However, what Fox declines to report is just as revealing as their outright lies. And this week they provided a stark example of how they purposefully turn their political coverage into pure propaganda.

RELATED: Fox News Totally Ignores Story About Ginni Thomas Texting QAnon Nuttery to Mark Meadows

On Thursday MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow aired a segment exposing Republican House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, discussing with GOP Rep. Liz Cheney their dismay with Trump following his inciting the January 6th insurrection. They pondered the possibility of removing Trump from office via impeachment, the 25th Amendment, or resignation.

When asked about this report, McCarthy adamantly denied that he had said any such thing, insisting that it was “totally false and wrong,” and that “It comes as no surprise that the corporate media is obsessed with doing everything it can to further a liberal agenda.” Unfortunately for him, there were recordings…

And as if that weren’t bad enough, the recordings also captured McCarthy saying that Trump had acknowledged to him that he “bears responsibility” for the violent storming of the Capitol by his supporters:

The significance of these recordings goes beyond McCarthy having been caught in a lie as to what he was saying after the insurrection. It also exposes his candid thoughts in real time about the riots and Trump’s moral and legal liability. It shows that McCarthy’s first instincts were were actually rooted in principle and that Trump needed to be held accountable. It also shows that McCarthy was willing to abandon his “principles” and subjugate himself to Dear Leader Trump.

The McCarthy tapes were covered by most of the media in a manner befitting the explosive nature of their content. This was unarguably newsworthy material that shook the political landscape and warranted detailed coverage. So naturally Fox News ignored it entirely.

Throughout the morning on Friday, Fox News did not mention the McCarthy mess a single time on the air. There was, however, one story about it on the Fox News website, but that story only mentioned the original reporting and McCarthy’s denial. Even though the article was published at 11:22 AM on Friday – long after the tapes showed that he was lying – Fox’s story made no mention that the tapes existed.

RELATED: Fox News Attempts (and Hysterically Fails) to Contrive a Fake Biden Scandal

This is how Fox News manages to keep their audience ignorant and devoted to the Cult of Trump. When they aren’t maligning Democrats, they are suppressing news that reflects badly on Republicans. It is the deliberate and relentless promulgation of propaganda that would make the Putin’s Kremlin blush. And it also why Biden said correctly that Fox News is one of the most destructive forces in the United States.”

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Donnie Trump Jr Makes the Meat-Headed Mistake of Trash-Talking Rachel Maddow

Nobody ever mistook Donald Trump Jr for a Mensa member. His all too frequent appearances on Fox News showcase his ignorance, such as his visit with Sean Hannity to support Vladimir Putin and champion Russia’s position on Ukraine. Even worse, Junior recently posted a video proudly displaying his queasy demeanor that suggests a serious substance abuse problem.

Rachel Maddow

Undeterred, the Trump spawn thought that he could take advantage of the announcement that MSNBC host, Rachel Maddow, is taking a brief hiatus to work on some other projects, including a film (with Ben Stiller and Lorne Michaels) based on her book and podcast, “Bag Man.”

So Donnie tweeted that it “Seems the TRUTH finally broke her!” Let’s just set aside the fact that there is no rational meaning to that remark. What “TRUTH” is he referring to? Because she presents so much of it every day. And what does he mean by “broke”? Could it be just that she was overwhelmed by the abundancy of provable lies promulgated by Trump and his Propaganda Ministry (aka Fox News)?

Maddow, however, had a pithy response that was ripe with relevant meaning that Donnie surely didn’t comprehend…

Of course Donnie doesn’t know anything about the “Bag Man” exposé of Spiro Agnew, Richard Nixon’s corrupt vice-president. And he certainly couldn’t connect the dots between that and the corruption that his father has been engaging in for years (decades?), and about which more is being revealed every day. Although Donnie may have an inkling of what it’s like to be under investigation for serious crimes. And, hopefully, he will learn more about that in the not too distant future.

In the meantime, Donnie would be well-advised to refrain from tangling with Maddow. He’s a loser who has never had a job outside of Daddy’s failing real estate business. While Maddow is a Rhodes Scholar with a doctorate in political science from Oxford University. Like the old saying warns, Donnie shouldn’t be fighting a battle of wits when he is so obviously unarmed.

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GOP Pipsqueak Madison Cawthorn Imagines that Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow is Afraid to Debate Him

There is an epic battle brewing on the InterTubes between a freshman Republican congressman and a seasoned political broadcaster that threatens to leave one of them in shreds. Were this a title match in professional boxing the bout would be called off by the refs to prevent a mauling.

Rachel Maddow

Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn took the ill-advised step of taunting MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow after receiving an errant email that he totally misinterpreted. The email was sent by a producer for the The Rachel Maddow Show to an NBC News colleague, but was mistakenly cc’ed to Cawthorn. The producer asked the colleague to contact Cawthorn’s office for a comment because s/he was…

“…a little worried that if we did inquire he might ask to come on and explain. I know that is HIGHLY doubtful, but don’t want to take that risk.”

Copying Cawthorn’s office on this email was an unfortunate mistake. But Cawthorn’s conclusions as to its meaning are hysterically misconstrued. He, and much of the right-wing Twitterverse, have taken it to mean that Maddow is afraid to debate him.

Seriously? Cawthorn is a first-term representative from North Carolina. He was a D student in college until he dropped out. And he now encourages others to also quit because he says that schools are a scam.

Maddow, on the other hand, is a Rhodes Scholar and an experienced political analyst and communicator. Any intellectual contest between them would be a blood bath for little Madison. But that appears to be what he’s yearning for, based on this tweet…

The subject of the proposed debate would be a challenge just filed by a group of North Carolina voters asserting that Cawthorn should be disqualified from running due to the constitutional prohibition of candidates who have engaged in insurrection against the United States. Cawthorn’s speech at Donald Trump’s January 6th rally that preceded the insurrection at the Capitol, as well as his baseless and anti-democratic objections to the 2020 presidential election, form the basis for the legal challenge.

Cawthorn told Fox News that…

“Fake news MSNBC doesn’t want to ‘take the risk’ that I’ll come on their show and trigger the left with my America First message and burst their woke dystopian bubble.

The only thing that the left would be “triggered” to is uncontrollable laughter. Cawthorn demonstrates his cognitive deficiencies in that statement by regurgitating tedious wingnut slogans about “fake news” and “woke dystopian bubbles” (whatever the hell that is).

Cawthorn’s belief that Maddow is afraid to debate could land him in a torrent of trouble. First of all, it wasn’t Maddow who said anything about a “risk” of having Cawthorn on her program. It was a producer who was likely more concerned about booking a known liar who contributed to inciting the riots in Washington, D.C.

For her part, Maddow probably wouldn’t want to waste airtime on this mental munchkin. But if she did she’d have no trouble disposing of him. And it would almost be worth the “risk” of sitting through a televised slaughter to watch her do it.

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Fox News is On a Crusade Against the Women of MSNBC: Nicolle Wallace Edition

Fox News is apparently ending the year with a full court press against the women hosting programs on MSNBC. It wasn’t enough for them to have spent the year fluffing Donald Trump, by lying about the violent January 6th insurrection, and spreading deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic.

Nicolle Wallace, MSNBC

On this last week of 2021 Fox News has already produced a hit piece on Joy Reid that was seething with hostility because she accurately reported that Fox is killing off their own audience. Then a few days later Fox posted a story attacking Rachel Maddow for being right about COVID vaccines. Both of these stories were glaringly biased and packed with ultra-conservative perspectives and flagrant lies.

At first glance it didn’t appear to be anything out of the ordinary for Fox News. Their bitter animosity toward Democratic principles and progressive politics isn’t exactly breaking news. And Fox often takes petty swipes at their cable news competitors. But it is now apparent that there has been some openly misogynistic coordination to these stories. Fox just added MSNBC’s popular daytime host, Nicolle Wallace, to their enemies list.

A new article published on the Fox News website blasted a headline that proclaimed that an MSNBC anchor was mocked as “shamelessly neurotic” and “embarrassing.” The article began saying that…

“MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace was roasted this week after referring to herself as a ‘Fauci groupie,’ in reference to her adoration of White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

Oh my heavens! Wallace had the audacity to express respect for America’s foremost infectious disease expert who has been working tirelessly to save lives. He was doing this even while Fox News hacks were comparing him to the sadistic Nazi Josef Mengele, and deploying grotesquely murderous metaphors urging people to “ambush” him in public and go in with the kill shot.”

The article by Fox News portrayed Wallace as being the object of widespread mockery for her comments. But in reality, it was only confirmed right-wing partisans who were hurling insults at her. Every single person cited in Fox’s hit piece was an unabashed wingnut. They included right-wing pundit, Ben McDonald; NewsBusters editor Tim Graham; conservative troll, Drew Holden; Daily Caller columnist, David Hookstead; conservative writer, Mark Hemingway; and right-wing actor, Nick Searcy.

It cannot be mere coincidence that Fox News has hammered out these assaults on three of MSNBC’s most prominent female personalities, all within the space of less than a week. Clearly the folks at Fox feel threatened by smart, engaging women who are effective communicators. So they are lashing out frantically to malign these intelligent, accomplished professionals. And considering the talentless hacks that litter the Fox News schedule, they are also likely writhing in jealousy. Or at least they should be.

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Fox News and Their Partisan Shills Attack Rachel Maddow for Being Right About COVID Vaccines

The COVID pandemic in America is surging again thanks to the Omicron variant that began circulating a few weeks ago. And the Omicron variant began circulating thanks, in large part, to Fox News. The network has been the most significant purveyor of coronavirus disinformation which has resulted in studies showing that viewers of Fox News, along with supporters of Donald Trump, “have seen much lower vaccination rates and much higher death rates from COVID.”

Rachel Maddow, Fox News

The fact that watching Fox News is decidedly more life threatening than watching other news networks has not gone unnoticed at Fox. Unfortunately, they just regard it as a liberal media hoax and whine when they are righteously called out on it. Last week Fox News did a segment seething with hostility toward MSNBC’s Joy Reid because she accurately reported that Fox is killing off their own audience. This week it’s Rachel Maddow’s turn to be the victim of Fox’s misplaced fury. They posted an article on their website asserting that…

“Social media users demanded apologies from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC over the liberal host’s insistence in March that the COVID-19 vaccine stops the virus dead in its tracks and prevents further transmission.

“‘Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person,’ Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. […] ‘The vaccines,” she said, ‘will get us to the end of this.'”

The gist of the article was a specious criticism that Maddow was mistaken when she reported that getting vaccinated was the best protection from the virus and would eventually lead to a return to normalcy. But she was right. And in her unedited commentary Maddow correctly noted that if enough of the population were vaccinated, the pandemic could be brought under control:

“Instead of the virus being able to hop from person to person to person, potentially mutating and becoming more drug resistant along the way, now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them. The virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else. It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people. That means the vaccines will get us to the end of this, if we just go fast enough.”

Naturally, Fox News deliberately misinterpreted Maddow’s remarks. Their dishonest spin contends that she was saying that merely the existence of the vaccines would eradicate the virus. But she clearly stated that in order for the virus to be defeated, people would have to avail themselves of the vaccine, and to do so quickly. Only then would the virus be prevented from spreading and mutating.

These comments, which Maddow made nine months ago, prior to the emergence of the Omicron variant, have proved to be impressively accurate. As noted above, Fox News was instrumental in discouraging people from getting vaccinated. So they are directly responsible for creating an environment within which the virus could evolve into a form that is better able to evade the protection of the vaccines. In short, the reason we haven’t gotten past this is the purposeful lies and misguidance of Fox News.

That makes this article attacking Maddow all the more despicable. It’s Fox News battering Maddow for their own fatally bad conduct. And even the article’s principle claim that “Social media users demanded apologies from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC,” is brazenly biased and dishonest. They would have been more correct had they referred to “right-wing social media,” because every example they posted was a conservative media figure:

  • Clay Travis, right-wing radio host who replaced Rush Limbaugh said…
    “It’s wild how there are no consequences for all these vaccine lies. If you wonder why many are skeptical of the covid “vaccine” it’s because they remember what they were told about how effective the vaccine was. All that Rachel Maddow says here is untrue.”
  • Dave Rubin, right-wing YouTuber said…
    “But she was so sure of it as she read the script off the teleprompter!”
  • Rachel Campos-Duffy, Fox News host said…
    “Will she retract her statement and apologize?”
  • Matt Birk, retired football player who thinks the CEO of Delta is more qualified than Dr. Fauci to shape public health policy said…
    “I’m sure she’s admitted that she was 100% wrong. After all, she’s part of the media and they have an obligation to the truth.”
  • John Dennis, Republican politician who unsuccessfully challenged Nancy Pelosi said…
    “@maddow, you owe an update to this video, don’t you think?”
  • Moms for Liberty, right-wing Twitter trolls said…
    “Declared with such certainty. Our children have suffered because of the hubris of media. #UNMASKOURCHILDREN.”

As usual, Fox News provides only one side of the story – the moronic side. It’s what they do. And don’t expect them to apologize for maligning Maddow and MSNBC, because that would require that they have some some integrity and journalistic ethics.

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Twitter Trolls are Lying About Rachel Maddow Spreading COVID Misinformation

Donald Trump and his Republican Party have embraced lying as an indispensable tool in their political tool chest. Their brazen disregard for honesty is demonstrated with nearly every public utterance they make. Trump alone has racked up an appalling record of more than 30,000 lies during his single term as president. All of which is obediently disseminated by their Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News).

Rachel Maddow

So naturally, these Olympic-grade truth manglers are anxious to project their reality warping antics onto the Democrats and liberals they so fervently despise. And, unsurprisingly, one of their primary targets would be MSNBC’s star host, Rachel Maddow.

On Sunday morning Maddow’s name was trending on Twitter. However the reason was typically devoid of facts or logic. The conservative Twitter trolls were all a flitter because they thought they had caught Maddow in a gross misrepresentation of coronavirus information. The subject concerned the dangerously inappropriate use of a horse dewormer, Ivermectin, to “cure” COVID. That’s a subject that Maddow has covered in detail. But the latest melodrama all sprung from this tweet by Maddow and the right-wing’s knee-jerk rebuttal:

The tweet by Maddow linked to a story by KFOR, a local Oklahoma television station. So right off the bat, she was not making any statements for which she could be blamed if they were inaccurate. And spoiler alert: They were not inaccurate. The station’s newscast interviewed a rural Oklahoma doctor who gave his account of how the state’s health systems were holding up during the COVID Delta variant surge that has been ravaging mostly Republican led states like Oklahoma. KFOR reported that…

“Dr. [Jason] McElyea said patients are packing his eastern and southeastern Oklahoma hospitals after taking ivermectin doses meant for a full-sized horse, because they believed false claims the horse de-wormer could fight COVID-19.

“‘The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated. […] All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don’t have any.'”

While all of that is easily verifiable, the Twitter trolls latched unto a statement released by a hospital network with which Dr. McElyea was affiliated. The statement said that…

“Although Dr. Jason McElyea is not an employee of NHS Sequoyah, he is affiliated with a medical staffing group that provides coverage for our emergency room. With that said, Dr. McElyea has not worked at our Sallisaw location in over 2 months. NHS Sequoyah has not treated any patients due to complications related to taking ivermectin.”

From that statement the wingnut contingent immediately started blasting Maddow as the great falsifier. They charged that the entire story was sham because the doctor was not an employee of the NHS. They demanded that Twitter punish her with a suspension or a total ban for allegedly disseminating COVID disinformation. Glenn Greenwald was among those clamoring for Maddow’s head. GOP Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance ranted that “Alex Jones is a far more reputable source” than Maddow. Trump crony Sebastian Gorka railed “Hey Maddow you lie.”

There’s just one problem. The statement by the NHS was completely irrelevant. Neither KFOR nor Dr. McElyea ever mentioned the NHS or the circumstances at that particular hospital. The doctor did not claim to be speaking as an NHS employee, but instead as an observer of Oklahoma’s health system. And multiple sources affirm what Dr. McElyea said. for instance…

Oklahoma health officials are choosing to keep hospital capacity data under wraps as some of the state’s major health systems announce they have zero ICU beds open.”

According to Oklahoma Hospital Association President Patti Davis, ‘We know that patients are being transferred out of state for beds.'”

The situation in Oklahoma is unquestionably dire, despite the Republican governor’s efforts to hide the facts. The medical professionals in the field know exactly what’s going on, and they aren’t afraid to talk about it. That includes Dr. McElyea.

But reality has never stopped conservative deceivers from muddying the water and misleading their dimwitted followers who will never do their own research. Which is how they get roped into ingesting poisons like Ivermectin in the first place. And as usual, Fox News couldn’t care less if they live or die. And neither does Donald Trump.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Fox News joined the Twitter Trolls who falsely claimed that the KFOR story was false. They relied heavily on tweets by Drew Holden, an independent, right-wing “reporter” who ironically chastises Maddow and “the left” for not researching the story, when obviously he didn’t. Fox News didn’t either.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rachel Maddow Fractures Fox News For Hawking a Horse Dewormer as a COVID Cure

Apparently it wasn’t bad enough that Fox News contributed to tens of thousands of deaths, and even more severe illnesses, by downplaying the severity of the coronavirus as a flu or a hoax. And apparently they weren’t satisfied with the suffering they’ve caused by convincing their glassy-eyed viewers that vaccines either aren’t necessary, or don’t work, or are constraints on their freedom imposed by autocrats intent on enslaving them.

Fox News, Cov-Aid

Fox’s efforts have led to what can now be accurately designated the Pandemic of Fox News.” Their primetime purveyors of pandemic bullpucky are clearly determined to propagate even more pain.

To that end Fox News began prescribing another phony cure for the plague that they’ve been reluctant to admit exists. Despite the potential for having a positive impact on their audience, Fox continues to prove that they just don’t care. Previously they tried hype hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug for which there is no evidence of efficacy treating COVID, other than the grossly misinformed word of Donald Trump. But now they’ve moved on to Ivermectin, a horse dewormer.

Yes, you read that right. And you aren’t the only one to be stunned by the sheer idiocy of this media quackery. When MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow heard about it she launched into a righteous condemnation of both the reckless advice and the Fox News advisors (video below):

“The Mississippi State Department of Health confirming today that ‘At least 70% of the recent calls to poison control in Mississippi have been related to livestock or animal formulations of Ivermectin, purchased at livestock supply centers.

“Why are people taking livestock formulations of Ivermectin Mississippi? That’s a horse dewormer. Literally, people won’t take the vaccine because they’re super suspicious of that, but they’re taking horse deworming medication that they’re buying at a feed store? For COVID? Why, on top of everything else Mississippi has to deal with right now, why are they dealing with this? I don’t know, but I have a guess.”

Whereupon Maddow plays clips of the three Fox News primetime hosts peddling Ivermectin to their viewers:

Laura Ingraham: We know that our FDA has in many ways failed us by not allowing for the use of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, both of which are used around the world to reduce COVID hospitalizations and death.
Sean Hannity: I pelted them with questions about COVID-19 and the vaccine and therapeutics hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin … as well as other proactive treatments and practices that are already helping COVID -19 patients all across the country.
Tucker Carlson: On June 5th [Bret] Weinstein discussed the benefits of a drug called Ivermectin, which can and is used around the world to treat and prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Maddow then points out that there has only been one “significant” study connecting Ivermectin to COVID, but that it was withdrawn “because the data in it was apparently faked and the introduction to it was apparently plagiarized.” To date, no one on Fox News has withdrawn their advocacy of the drug. As Maddow noted in her closing…

“Nevertheless, Fox News is busy saying, ‘Don’t take the vaccine, but do take this horse deworming medication, trust us, it is proven.’ You could trust them or you could trust the FDA that says ‘Do not take Ivermectin for COVID.’ Or the NIH that says ‘Do not take Ivermectin for COVID.’ Or the WHO that says ‘Do not take Ivermectin for COVID.’ Even the company that makes the drug that says ‘My god, seriously people. Do not take Ivermectin for COVID.'”

You might think that that would finally be enough for Fox News to step back and retract their potentially lethal “reporting.” If so, you just know Fox News.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.