Last month President Biden announced his plan to relieve the suffering and tragic loss due to the COVID pandemic. The plan included proposals aimed at getting more Americans vaccinated in the workplace, in schools, and in government agencies.
Biden’s plan was received with overwhelming popular support by the American people. That popularity was even affirmed in a poll by Fox News, the nation’s most staunchly pro-COVID network.
Ever since Biden’s plan was made public, and in stark contrast to the results of their own poll, Fox News doubled down on their anti-vaccine rhetoric. They went particularly hard on the concept of mandates, which they maligned as communist decrees and instruments of tyranny. Never mind that the corporate policy at Fox News contained an even stricter mandate than the one in Biden’s plan.
Undeterred by reality, the squawking heads at Fox News lashed out Biden and any of the companies that were implementing vaccine mandates ahead of his initiative, which has not yet gone into effect. But for some reason, they never bothered to mention the “oppressive” mandate under which they themselves were forced to toil. It was always some other enterprise that was abusing its employees.
Well, that error of omission officially ended on Wednesday morning when the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends brought up the subject. Co-hosts Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade had a bit of a testy exchange:
Doocy: Our company, like a lot of companies have vaccine requirements. We either had to have gotten the shot or get tested every day. And when we’re in common areas everybody needs to wear a mask. There are a lot of companies coast to coast – I was just looking at brand new ones, General Electric, Union Pacific – are requiring their employees to get the shots. They joined Tyson Food, Walmart, Boeing, IBM, Raytheon, already on board.
Kilmeade: So they’re saying get the shot or you’re fired.
Doocy: Essentially.
Kilmeade: Fantastic. Be prepared to lose 10 to 15 percent of your workforce. I hope that’s okay.
Doocy: Well, people are getting accommodations in certain circumstances.
Fox News hosts admit the network has a strict COVID-19 vaccine and testing policy — while they celebrate job walkouts over such mandates elsewhere
— Media Matters (@mmfa) October 20, 2021
Setting aside Kilmeade’s counterfactual alarmism (there haven’t been any reports of any significant workforce resignations due to vaccine mandates), Doocy’s belated acknowledgement that Fox News has a corporate mandate is a milestone for the network. It comes as his primetime colleagues are still disseminating disinformation, such as Tucker Carlson’s false proclamation that vaccines don’t work.
Carlson tops the list of those at Fox who have attacked mandates at other companies, while demonstrating their cowardice by ignoring the one that he is silently obeying. Dan Bongino is another, who recently pretended to threaten to quit his radio network because of its vaccine mandate. Although he hasn’t had the guts to say anything about quitting Fox.
It will be interesting to see if any other Fox hosts admit that their employer has a vaccine mandate. But either way, we can rest assured that Fox will continue to deprive their viewers of honest information about the pandemic that is literally a matter of life and death.
As an example, Fox host Neil Cavuto announced yesterday that he tested positive for COVID and is taking precautions due to health conditions that increase his risk. He strongly encouraged viewers to get vaccinated. However, Cavuto’s disclosure and advice has not been mentioned at all on Fox News ever since, although it has been reported on MSNBC and CNN. That should tell everyone something about Fox News’ commitment to the welfare of their audience.
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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox’s talkin’ bobble-heads are proud of & encouraging those workers who are refusing vaccine mandates at their jobs & going on strike. Having spoon-fed their stupidity to not vaccinate, that it’s tyranny, taking away your right to choose, blah-blah-bullshit I guess they can’t admit it was all propaganda, just seeding dissent. “Psych!”
Causing trouble for others & praising liars, criminals like Trump & friends, IS what they do for a living. The fact that they’re all such woosies & take no stand themselves about their own employer should come as no surprise. Everything is phony on FauxNews.