Trump’s PRAVDA, er, TRUTH Social Twitter Clone Flops as it Misses Yet Another Launch Date

America’s Biggest Loser is once again demonstrating just how adept he is at failing. Donald Trump has a record of business catastrophes that is unparalleled in modern times. His numerous, and narcissistically self-branded projects – from airlines to games to steaks to vodka – all ended as humiliating fiascos. Even his prized real estate ventures have proven to be duds.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

Now Trump’s latest scam – the hysterically named TRUTH Social – is joining the club. Devin Nunes, the former congressman and fake farmer who Trump tapped to be the company’s CEO, promised two weeks ago that the Twitter clone’s website would be fully open for business by the end of March. Well, here we are, but there appears to be little evidence of life on Trump’s pouty platform.

RELATED: Trump’s TRUTH Social Twitter Ripoff Follows in the Footsteps of His Prior Failures

TRUTH(less) (Anti)Social has been unable to accommodate new users trying to sign up. A few hundred thousand of the Trump faithful are languishing on a stalled waiting list. Those who have gained access have found an echo chamber of fellow cultists whose homogeneous agreement is terminally boring. Trump doesn’t even use the site. He posted one comment a month ago and hasn’t been heard from since. What’s more, by all indications the app is not setting the social media world aflame. The Wrap reports that…

“Former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social app is seeing a 93% drop in signups and similarly steep decline in traffic after a rocky rollout last month fraught with technical issues and an extensive waiting list for new signups to actually use the service.”

None of this is going down well at Mar-a-Lago. Trump is said to be furious that his attempt to beat Twitter at their game has cratered so badly. The Daily Beast reports that…

“In recent weeks, sources have heard the former president on the phone swearing gratuitously and asking things like, ‘What the f*ck is going on’ with Truth Social. He’s repeatedly groused about the negative press and the less-than-stellar optics of the rollout, these sources said. And he’s demanded to know why more people aren’t using it—why the app isn’t swiftly dominating the competition.”

Trump has done more than demand to know why his baby is such a disaster. He has also been issuing impotent orders in utter desperation. He recently begged his glassy-eyed disciples to abandon Twitter and called for it to be outlawed, saying that…

“They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country […] Everybody should drop off of Twitter and Facebook. They’re boring, have only a Radical Left point of view, and are hated by everyone. They are a disgrace to our Nation.”

Who would have thought that a former reality TV game show host could have bombed so spectacularly in both business and politics? Trump has the unique distinction of having lost the popular vote twice, being impeached twice, and never having an approval rating that hit 50%. And it only got worse from there.

Following his occupation of the White House, Trump incited a deadly insurrection and spent the next fifteen months whining about alleged election fraud for which he he could provide no evidence. And now he is tightening his treasonous embrace of Vladimir Putin. It makes one wonder how any rational person would consider investing in him as a businessman or a politician.

RELATED: Investors (aka Suckers) in Trump’s TRUTH Social Scam Lost 37% in Just the Past Two Weeks

It’s safe to assume that Trump’s tribulations will continue for the foreseeable future. He has proven the newly coined adage represented by the acronym ETTD: Everything Trump Touches Dies. But at least he succeeded in getting Devin Nunes out of Congress and ridding Twitter of some its most annoying trolls.

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9 thoughts on “Trump’s PRAVDA, er, TRUTH Social Twitter Clone Flops as it Misses Yet Another Launch Date

  1. Surely no rational person — or anyone with at least two functioning brain cells — expected a different result?

    • The key word being “rational.” Sadly, while there is still a minority of the Trumpist irrationals, there are still too many of them.

  2. Those who are posting on Truth social are thankfully finding it boring. Puts Trump in gear again with his incessant potty mouth. ” What the F’ck is going on?’ Of course he ALWAYS adds the word “disgrace”. That’s because of his very limited vocabulary. He did take trolls from Twitter? Great! I’m getting very tired of reading them anyway.

  3. A 93% drop in customer base for his Twitter copycat? My! That IS impressive! Usually you’d need to be up & running, fully functional 1st — before would have such a huge drop in clientele. Must be a record of some sort. (Um…so, Congrats?)
    But then, Trump did manage to bankrupt his own Casinos ~ that can’t be EZ to do! Casino has big advantage — it’s usually gamblers who leave their money behind & go home broke!
    Trump gets all his lies & BS out there daily (or more), thanks to his proxy; so not really banned from Twitter. But why would anyone go on his fake Twitter thing if Trump’s not even using it?? No made-up drama from disturbed mind of your leader = Bor-ing! It isn’t ‘truth’ & it isn’t very ‘social’… Even it’s creator can’t be bothered to use it!?! Guess white-wing not self-starters & need to be fed their heaping helping of BS to spread it around!? Plenty of that still on FB & Twitter…

  4. I’d written comments on here, but maybe not acceptable, cuz’ not here now?!
    Well, ya’ know Trump’s fake Twitter thing is pretty bad, when even Putin trolls aren’t using it.

  5. The Troll Farms aren’t what they used to be. Would-be Bot Meisters are getting conscripted into the Russian Army, no doubt. Troll capacity will be reduced down to DDoS attacks on MSN pretty soon.
    Tragic /s

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