Circling the Drain: Trump’s Truth Social Craters Since the Kamala Harris Speech at the DNC

The campaign strategies of Donald Trump have always rested on his dystopian nightmares of what the world will become without his divine direction as dictator. He credits himself with every positive occurrence that happens whether he is in office or not. And he blames his foes for any negative outcomes even when he is obviously at fault.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

The acute case of malignant narcissism that Trump suffers from leads him to wallow in a constant stew of psychoses alternating between victimhood and delusions of grandeur. All the while he fantasizes about triumphing over his opponents with villainous glee and powers that he doesn’t have.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

Lately Trump has been fear mongering about a 1929-style stock market crash if Kamala Harris is elected. He’s also claiming that the Market’s steady rise is due to investors believing that he will return to the White House. For instance, Trump said this just two weeks ago…

“Many people say that the only reason the stock market is up is because people think I am going to win. Did you ever hear that? But there was one day a couple of weeks ago when they were not thinking that and you saw what happened. This will be a 1929 crash.”

These self-serving and ignorant remarks raise three salient points:

  • 1) He’s been predicting a Stock Market crash for years without it ever coming to pass. He did it when he was running against both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden.
  • 2) It’s ridiculous to say that stock values trade on speculation about partisan politics, rather than earnings and the economy.
  • 3) Why would investors think that Trump is going to win when Harris has taken the lead in virtually every poll and has all of the momentum?

Let’s just set aside Trump’s preposterous prophecies about the Market and instead take a look at the real world results of an enterprise that he actually has some influence over. His Trump Media and Technology Group (DJT) is the parent company of his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. And its recent performance is an illuminating indicator of his fabled business acumen.

Just in the few days since Kamala Harris delivered her nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Trump’s stock has declined 18%. In the same time frame the Dow Jones index rose 1.3%. And taking a broader view, DJT dropped precipitously in the past three months since the stock became publicly traded. It is down a whopping 57%, while the the Dow is up 6.6%.

UPDATE: Adding to the pressure on the stock price of Trump’s media scam is that its own executives (CEO Devin Nunes, COO Andrew Northwall, CFO and treasurer Juhan Phillip) are selling huge chunks of their shares. Perhaps that is their attempt to bail out before Trump has a chance to sell his shares, which isn’t until September 20.

The troubles that are drowning Trump’s website and stock are nothing new. What follows is a partial collection of the tribulations – financial and legal – that his failing enterprise has endured.

LOSER Trump’s Truth Social is Well on its Way to Becoming His Next Bankruptcy
Trump Media reported net sales of $836,000, down 30% vs. a year earlier. It was the third straight quarter of roughly $800,000 in revenue, up slightly from Q1’s $770,500. Operating costs soared to $19.5 million vs. $4.9 million a year earlier.

Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat
The Donald Trump-controlled Truth Social platform recorded its third straight month of declining traffic. Truth Social attracted 2,112,000 unique visitors, down 38% compared to June 2023 when the site generated 3,407,000 unique visitors. It was the platform’s second worst traffic performance since June 2022 when Truth Social had only 1,891,000 unique visitors.

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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LOSER Trump’s Truth Social is Well on its Way to Becoming His Next Bankruptcy

The last thing that Donald Trump needs now, as his campaign flounders in the wake of the Kamala Harris tidal wave, is for his business enterprises to crumble under the weight of his incompetence. Trump has already had numerous companies fail, including his egomaniacally self-branded meat, vodka, airline, university, and four (count ’em 4!) casinos.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

Trump’s resume in business was supposed to be a validation of his qualifications to serve as president. Instead, it is actually evidence of his ineptitude, which was affirmed by the abysmal job he did during his occupation of the white House. He mismanaged the COVID pandemic with horrific results. He tanked the economy. He alienated our international allies. He lost a record number of jobs. In other words, he did to America what he did to his bankrupt businesses. Yet he has the gall to disparage the leadership of Biden and Harris.

SEE THIS: UH-OH! Trump Meltdown Reveals Kamala Harris Plot to ‘Destroy’ the ‘County’ of America

On Friday the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG, parent company of of Truth Social), reported its earning for the second quarter of 2024. And it was not a pretty sight. As reported by Investor’s Business Daily

“Trump Media reported net sales of $836,000, down 30% vs. a year earlier. It was the third straight quarter of roughly $800,000 in revenue, up slightly from Q1’s $770,500. Operating costs soared to $19.5 million vs. $4.9 million a year earlier.”

So TMTG is sinking faster than a boat with an electric battery. Watch out for the sharks – and the windmills, and Hannibal Lecter. Its stock (DJT) has dropped a whopping 63% since its late March high when it went public. It has a wildly unworthy valuation of about $5 billion, despite having no revenue to speak of, and massive losses. So it has a lot of room to fall even farther.

The weakness of Trump’s stock makes it less useful as a vessel to funnel laundered funds to him by his political allies, which include foreign interests. There was speculation that such illegal tactics were being used to buy influence with Trump should he be reelected. And those weren’t the only legal shenanigans associated with TMTG. There has been a rash of civil and criminal charges that plagued the enterprise and its principles from its inception, including disclosures of alleged funding from Russia.

Trump’s personal stake in the company could net him a hefty windfall. But he can’t cash out until late September. The stock is likely to have lost significantly more value by then. And if he does sell, it will trigger a crushing rush to the exits that could cripple the company and its future prospects as a going concern. Not that he cares. Trump’s modus operandi has been to run companies into the ground, skim off the cream at the top, and let everyone else suffer from the financial catastrophe that he created. This will be just be more of the same.

SEE ALSO: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

President Biden is going to go down in history as patriot who always put his country before his own personal interests. That display of character was recently demonstrated again when he stepped aside and endorsed his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, to succeed him as the Democratic candidate for president.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

For contrast, Donald Trump has always put himself before country and every other concern that wasn’t directly associated with his selfish aspirations for money or power or self-aggrandizement. Not to mention his compulsion to avoid going to prison. His malignant narcissism is so severe that he has openly expressed an explicit desire for catastrophes that would harm millions of Americans if it helped him in some way.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

On Monday morning Trump sought to exploit a decline in the stock market for his personal, political benefit. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, whose purpose could only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to stoke needless panic and turn a small market dip into major disaster. He wrote that…

“Of course there is a massive market downturn. Kamala is even worse than Crooked Joe. Markets will NEVER accept the Radical Left Lunatic that DESTROYED San Francisco and California, as a whole. Next move, THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024! You can’t play games with MARKETS. KAMALA CRASH!!!”

This is just plain weird, as well as flagrantly untrue. First of all, if Trump wants to blame Harris for the wealth and prosperity of San Francisco and California, she probably won’t mind. Secondly, if the performance of the stock market is a reflection of the Biden/Harris administration, then it’s pretty good reason to vote for Harris and every other Democrat on the ballot. Thirdly, Trump is crawling out onto a pretty weak limb with his fear mongering about a “GREAT DEPRESSION.”

For the record, there was a real stock market crash in late 2008 during the GW Bush term that took the markets down 37%. The S&P index is down only about 2% today, and only 6% from its all time high. That’s a minor and expected correction from the 17% rise in the past year, and the 36% gain since Biden and Harris took office. What’s more, markets worldwide are also down about 2%. Does Trump think that Biden and Harris are also the leaders of every other country on the planet?

Financial experts know that markets are not driven by presidential politics. The gains and losses are due to the performance of the companies that comprise the indexes and the broader state of the economy. Which in this case is firing on all cylinders. Profits are at record highs. More jobs have been created than at any time in modern history. Manufacturing has returned to the U.S. from foreign shores. Wages are rising faster than inflation.

For a look at what bad management does to a company on the stock exchange, take a look at Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG: ticker DJT) that is the parent corporation of Truth Social. While the broader markets are down about 2% today, DJT is down 8%. Furthermore, it is down a whopping 34% since it went public just four moths ago.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat

Trump’s fear mongering is not just purposefully dishonest, it’s downright dangerous. He is trying to create a worse outcome by driving people to panic. He actually wants America to fail, and for people to get hurt, in order to prop himself up politically. And his cronies in Congress are playing along.

Trump seems to know that the only way he can win is for the American people to suffer. So he’s doing everything he can to produce that result. And anyone who is considering voting for him better reconsider. He’s not on your side. He’s only for himself. And he has no solutions to any of the problems that real people are facing. He has only whining, lying and fear mongering.

UPDATE I: The day following the “massive market downturn” that Trump said was leading to a “GREAT DEPRESSION,” the market gained back more than half of the prior day’s decline.
UPDATE II: Three days after Trump’s “GREAT DEPRESSION,” prediction, the market has recovered more than its losses. It is now higher than it was on before his gloomy and ridiculous prediction.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat

it’s only been about a week and a half since President Biden passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. But the response has been an unprecedented tsunami of support from the American people that includes Democrats, Independents, and even disaffected Republicans. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been raised and tens of thousands of volunteers have signed on.

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The juggernaut that Harris is now commanding has upended the election in profound ways. The focus of the race has switched from an obsession with the nervousness of Democrats, to the weirdness of Republicans, especially Donald Trump and JD Vance. Even Fox News has broken ranks with their Dear Leader with an occasional nod to reality…

SEE THIS: WATCH: Fox News Host Says that Trump Calling Kamala Harris ‘Dumb’ is a ‘Profound Mistake’

However, Trump’s tribulations do not end with his sagging electoral prospects. One of the main reasons he’s running at all is to accumulate more wealth via grifting off of his glassy-eyed cult followers. And that isn’t going any better than his campaign is. [Note: The other reasons are to stay out of prison and to amass tyrannical power] A new report by “The Righting,” a conservative monitor of right-wing media, just released user data for Trump’s Truth Social that is sure to send the ketchup flying at Mar-a-Lago…

“The Donald Trump-controlled Truth Social platform recorded its third straight month of declining traffic. Truth Social attracted 2,112,000 unique visitors, down 38% compared to June 2023 when the site generated 3,407,000 unique visitors. It was the platform’s second worst traffic performance since June 2022 when Truth Social had only 1,891,000 unique visitors.”

These numbers are not only declining precipitously, they are virtually meaningless in the social media world. For comparison, Twitter/X, the site that Trump left to launch Truth Social, has more than 200 million daily active users. Which makes the valuation of Trump’s scam site – Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) – on Wall Street as preposterously exaggerated as his real estate assets that resulted in a nearly half billion judgment for financial fraud.

Trump’s stock price is not driven by the company’s financials. Rather, it is driven by two main factors. One: It’s a vehicle for the wealthy and corporations, even foreign interests, to surreptitiously (i.e. illegally) buy influence. And two: It trades on the whims of his cult disciples who believe that they will cash in when he returns to the White House. That latter scenario is becoming less plausible every day. The stock (DJT) is down 56% since it went public on March 26, 2024.

In addition to the financial woes of Truth Social, it has a long history of legal problems as well. And there is news on that front. A new ProPublica investigation has found some more shady business dealings at TMTG. It involves the acquisition of a tech company with tentacles that reach into Slovenia, China, and Russia. Although both it’s operations and executives are mysterious and unaccountable. Could it be another pipeline to funnel funds between Trump and businesses and/or governments with conflicts of interest?

Trump’s Truth Social has never been a a good business or investment. It has been unable to attract or maintain a significant user base. It has failed to produce sufficient revenue to remain in business. It has been horribly mismanaged by incompetents and criminals. And there is abundant evidence of all of that…

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing by the company reveals its financial frailty. The report paints a pitiful picture of the enterprise’s prospects going forward and reveals that it has lost $31.5 million since it opened for business just two years ago.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse
on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and Threads.

And check out my books on Amazon:

Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

Thanks so much for your support.

Crybaby Trump Unleashes a Flaming Freak Out Vilifying Fox News for Not Censoring his Foes

The acute personality disorders of Donald Trump have been well documented for many years. Particularly his severe case of malignant narcissism. And mental health professionals have long predicted that his symptoms would grow progressively worse over time without treatment, which he would never agree to.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Therefore, it is not surprising that Trump’s condition has noticeably worsened with extraordinarily grave intensity. With each passing day Trump becomes more detached from reality and displays ever more extreme hostilities. His animosity toward those he regards as enemies is expressed on a daily basis on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

All day Monday Trump unloaded another barrage of venomous vitriol. This time the target of his tantrum included his very own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. It’s not the first time that Trump has lashed out at his MAGA media network, even as he is simultaneously gracing it with his noxious presence on the programs of his loyal sycophants such as Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. But it was one of his most vicious and sustained assaults. He began by posting the following inquiry…

“Why is FoxNews putting on Crazy Kamala Harris Rallies? Why do they allow the perverts at the failed and disgraced Lincoln Project to advertise on FoxNews? Even Mr. Kellyanne Conway, a man so badly hurt and humiliated by his wife (she must have done some really NASTY things to him, because he is CRAZY!), is advertising on FoxNews. We have to WIN WITHOUT FOX!”

From Trump’s perverse perspective, an alleged “news” network should not be covering the campaign of the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for president, Kamala Harris. [Note: He’s also changed his nickname for her again, from “Laffin'” to “Lyin'” and now “Crazy Kamala”]. Then he whines about Fox News having sold advertising time to his critics. It must be awful for the “most fabulous whiner” (his words), to have to watch these blisteringly accurate presentations of him…

in response to this affront to his massive, yet fragile, ego, Trump let loose 37 posts on Truth Social. They were mostly weird memes with QAnon themes proclaiming Trump as the messiah or Democrats as evil. Some of the bizarre messages implied that the FBI “ordered the assassination” of Trump; said that January 6th was “an inside job;” called Harris a “Cackling Moron;” called Nancy Pelosi “Batshit Crazy;” and declared that Trump is “what god has ordained.”

Also interspersed among these ravings were meme’s that expressed Trump’s malice toward Fox News, including “Scr*w you FOX!;” “Who needs RINO FoxNews?;” “I don’t watch Fox News.;” and “Who needs Fake FOX & CO?” One example that just oozed his seething fear made the outlandish accusation that Fox News hosts Neil Cavuto and Shannon Bream are “On the Soros Payroll.”

That ought to be enough to convince most people that Trump is suffering from deep-seated anxieties and dread of the foreboding future that awaits him politically and legally. But sadly, there are those who have been indoctrinated into the Trump cult who can’t be convinced of anything, regardless of the abundant evidence. They are lost and irredeemable.

Let them go. There are still many more who remain rational and willing to join the reality-based community that will reject Trump’s egomaniacal totalitarianism and embrace the hope and honesty that Kamala Harris and the Democrats are offering. The next few months will be a bit nerve-racking, but with hard work and devotion to the principles that make America great, the result be a gratifying victory. Stay strong and true.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

It’s been only two days since President Biden announced that he would not seek reelection, and passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. In that time Harris as united the Democratic Party behind her candidacy and raised a record $81 million from grassroots supporters.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

In that same short period of time, Harris’ opponent, Donald Trump, has exhibited an array of acute psychoses triggered by his inbred cowardice and innate inability to confront a competent, compassionate leader whose intelligence and moral character intimidates him. That’s especially true when that leader is a woman – a Black woman. Under such trying circumstances, Trump’s notorious weaknesses pour out in the most bizarre and pathetic ways…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

In the first few hours following Biden’s announcement, Trump behaved as if he was still running against the President, posting numerous comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. But eventually someone on his nursing staff advised him that he has a new opponent. And with that Trump commenced an onslaught of vitriol and infantile tirades aimed at Harris. None of which contained any shred of truth or rationality. He began with this expression of surprise…

“Wow, just watching the Fake News, and they’re doing their very best to turn the Worst President in the History of our Country into a ‘Brilliant and Heroic Leader’ (He was heroic because he quit!), and to turn ‘Dumb as a Rock’ Kamala Harris from a totally failed and insignificant Vice President into a future ‘Great’ President. No, it just doesn’t work that way!”

There’s a boatload of malarkey in that commentary. First of all, Trump’s characterization of Biden is certifiably false. A survey of 154 presidential historians ranked Biden in the top third of U.S. presidents. They ranked Trump dead last. Secondly, Biden’s display of courage and patriotism was recognized in his selfless devotion to his country over his personal interests. Thirdly, Trump reverts to his natural obnoxiousness by insulting Harris’ intelligence and distinguished record of accomplishments.

But Trump’s reprehensible ranting was just getting warmed up. He went on to introduce his new nickname for Harris, “Lyin’ Kamala,” a pejorative prefix he has recycled several times already (e.g. Hillary, Comey, Cruz). he criticized her for her work on the border, which was never a part of her portfolio as vice-president (she was a diplomatic liaison to the Northern Triangle countries of Central America). He mocked her “terrible pole (sic) numbers.” And he laughably described himself as a “brilliant young man.” Yeah, he’s a regular prodigy.

However, perhaps the best indication of how deeply disturbed Trump is by the elevation of Harris, he is floating potential excuses to chicken out of the already scheduled debate in September. In fact, this is the second time that he has suggested that he wouldn’t participate. The first time he proposed that the debate be moved from ABC News to Fox News. Now he’s doubling down for no reason other than that he’s scared to show up at any forum that isn’t hosted by his Ministry of Propaganda. He raged that…

“ABC Fake News is such a joke, among the absolute WORST in the business. They try to make Crooked Joe into a brave warrior because he didn’t have the ‘guts’ to fight it out — He quit! They then tried to make ‘Sleepy’ look like a great President – he was the WORST, and Lyin’ Kamala into a competent person, which she is not. ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, is not worthy of holding a Debate, of which I hope there will be many! MAGA2024”

Clearly Trump is terrified by the prospect of debating Harris and is desperately searching for a way out. And bone spurs likely won’t do the trick this time. Although he may have let slip what is actually driving his dread when he posted a comment saying that “Lyin’ Kamala Harris destroys everything she touches!” That would explain his trepidation. He’s afraid that if he does show up for the debate that she will destroy him. And in that respect his fear is well warranted and you can’t really blame him for wanting to hide out at his Mar-a-Lago bunker.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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From Hush Money to Flush Money: Trump’s Felony Convictions Trigger ~50% Truth Social Stock Flop

It has been nearly a month since Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in order to cover up his affair with adult film star, Stormy Daniels. Trump and his team have been frantically reacting to his being the first former president ever to be convicted of felonies by alternately whining that the system is “rigged” against him, and/or bragging that it’s all going to be a huge benefit for him. Which means that he doesn’t really believe either of those scenarios.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

In the wake of his convictions, Trump has been shaken by the reality that he is facing potentially severe consequences when his sentencing is handed down next month. He’s behaving like a desperate reality TV show character who is scared witless and is grasping at any notion that will relieve his fears. He is even lashing out at supporters, including his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News…

SEE THIS: TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

However, Trump’s problems are not confined to his legal dilemmas. In the few short weeks since he was convicted, his financial fortunes have taken a significant hit. The stock for his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, has lost nearly 50% of its value, declining from about $52.00 on the day his verdict was announced, to about $27.00 now. The most recent drop came after early investors unloaded their shares on the first day they were allowed to by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“The share price of Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) slid by more than 17 percent in after-hours trading on Tuesday, showing that investors were wary of additional shares being approved for resale by the Securities and Exchange Commission and possibly diluting their holdings — and more generally that there’s just not a very strong business case for the outfit’s once-soaring share price.”

That decline is just what has occurred since Trump was convicted. The stock is down even more (66%) from its $80.00 high three months ago. All of this means that the value of the enterprise to Trump is shrinking by the day. And he is subject to a share lock-up that prohibits him from selling any stock until late September. By then it could – and should – be essentially worthless.

Trump’s Truth Social has never been a a good business or investment. It has been unable to attract or maintain a significant user base. It has failed to produce sufficient revenue to remain in business. It has been horribly mismanaged by incompetents and criminals. What follows are some of the reasons that anyone succumbing to the scam was foolish and destined for disaster…

Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?
In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year.

Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus
A quick look at the company’s prospectus should frighten off any astute investors. It is exposed as “a high-risk, speculative operation with few hard numbers behind it. It’s already the subject of subpoenas, from regulators and a grand jury, even though it’s barely off the ground.”

Trump’s Truth Social Reports Massive Losses and Warns that it Could Go Out of Business
A Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing by the company reveals its financial frailty. The report paints a pitiful picture of the enterprise’s prospects going forward and reveals that it has lost $31.5 million since it opened for business just two years ago.

Trump Crime Syndicate: Investors Arrested for Insider Trading in Failing Truth Social Scam
Trump’s associates in his truthless, anti-social media venture were arrested and charged with insider trading. Reports indicate that “the three individuals together made more than $22 million in illegal profits.”

Truth Social Disease: Ads on Trump’s Twitter Ripoff are Mostly Scams and Trump-Fluffing Merch
Advertisers are afraid of their ads being juxtaposed with hate speech and other noxious content. Consequently, the only advertisers who are willing to shell out are sketchy scammers, conspiracy theorists, and junk peddlers.

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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?

The bad news for Donald Trump is piling up as his trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “hush money” trial is winding down. On Tuesday Trump’s defense counsel rested their case after calling only two witnesses, one of which was immensely beneficial – to the prosecutors.

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Donald Trump calls for a "Unified Reich"

Compounding Trump’s troubles is the quarterly financial report from his Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), the company that operates his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. The report notes that…

“Trump Media & Technology Group lost more than $300 million during the first quarter and generated very little revenue, the owner of Truth Social announced in a press release Monday. The results will raise additional questions about the multi-billion dollar valuation on the newly public company, which is majority owned by former President Donald Trump.” […] “The company generated just $770,500 of revenue, marking the second-straight quarter where its revenue totaled less than $1 million.” […]

“In April, the conservative-friendly social network experienced a 19% year-over-year drop in average daily active US users on iOS and Android to just 113,000, according to market research firm Similarweb. Rival X (formerly known as Twitter) had more than 34 million users on iOS and Android.”

In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year. That loss comes during an election year when interest in Trump by his cult followers ought to be at a peak.

So what would account for these significant losses of cash, advertisers, and users? Perhaps it has something to do with Truth Social’s primary (only) reason for existing, Donald Trump. He posts relentlessly every day to his glassy-eyed disciples. And those posts are generally hostile attacks, infantile insults, and forecasts of doom, sprinkled with a hefty dose of narcissistic self-exaltation and hero worship. Maybe that isn’t the best sort of content to sustain an audience.

An example of the messaging that Trump regularly engages in was a video he posted Monday that asked the burning questions: “What’s next for America?” and “What happens after Donald Trump wins?” The video (now deleted) answered those questions with images of newspaper headlines including one that heralded the Trumpian future as being “DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH.”

Trump has often exhibited his affinity for Nazi principles and rhetoric. He famously dined at his Mar-a-Lago bunker with the avowed neo-Nazi, Nicholas Fuentes. He praised racist Nazi protesters in Charlottesville, Virgina, as being “very fine people.” He uses language taken from Hitler’s speeches that refers to immigrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of America.

Trump’s response to having been criticized for this video never bothered to condemn it’s vile views. He just blamed it on an anonymous staffer. Here is that response, along with with the thoughts of President Biden’s spokesperson, as reported by Politico

Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt: “This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court.”

Biden spokesperson James Singer: Donald Trump is not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘Unified Reich.'”

You’ll notice that Trump didn’t apologize for or renounce the video. He just slithered out of taking any responsibility for it. Because he doesn’t disagree with its content. He’s just afraid that getting caught might hamper his authoritarian aspirations to reoccupy the White House. That’s all he cares really about. Which is why it is imperative that he be soundly defeated in November. He needs to be as big a failure as a politician as he is as a tech mogul.


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Trump Brags that Truth Social is the ‘Voice’ of His ‘Movement’ and Begs His Cult to Support It

Shortly after Donald Trump incited the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, he was banned from Twitter in order to prevent him from fomenting more riots by spreading more lies about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged and stolen” from him.

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Donald Trump

In retaliation for that preventative measure by the responsible moderators at Twitter at the time, Trump launched his own social media site, Truth Social, that he promised would be a bastion of free speech for everyone. Of course, that was never the purpose of the site. It was always intended to be a platform for Trump to disgorge his rancid rants that consisted almost entirely of attacking his enemies, exalting himself, and funneling cash into his own pockets. The latter of which hasn’t worked out particularly well for him…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Craters in First Week of Trading, Auditor Doubts Its Ability to Continue

In the few weeks that the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) stock has been listed on the NASDAQ, it has suffered devastating losses. It has declined 62.5% from the high it hit on its first day of trading. Anyone who invested in it, and didn’t sell on day one, has already lost a bundle. It’s CEO couldn’t account for its flopping on Fox News. And it’s only gonna get worse.

Consequently, Trump is attempting to pump up the stock so that there is something left for him when he is legally able to dump it. Which, barring any favors from the TMTG boar, won’t be for six months. So on Friday morning Trump posted a comment on Truth Social to beseech his glassy-eyed cult disciples to bail him out.

“I am so proud of Truth Social, because I believe it represents the Make America Great Again Movement, and it shows the Spirit and Love of our Country. If people who believe in putting America First and want to Make America Great Again, support TRUTH, we will be your Voice like never before, and a Real Voice is what our Country needs, because we are in decline, and must bring America to Greatness. Think of this as a Movement, the Greatest Movement in the History of our Country. We are going to Save our Country, and Make America Great Again, GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!”

Let’s set aside the pathetic spectacle of this fake billionaire begging his saps to salvage his sinking social media scam. And never mind the absurdity of Trump praising it as a place that “shows the Spirit and Love of our Country,” when it’s mostly a fetid swamp of hostility and negativity. Even in this comment Trump maligns America as a country “in decline.”

What Trump is actually revealing here is that the site is not, and never was, the Internet “town hall” that he promised. He is now saying explicitly that it is his vehicle to exclusively promote his interests and to advance his “movement.” And therefore, he implores his MAGA minions to “support TRUTH.” In other words, join and prop up his failing business and stock.

So according to Trump, Truth Social isn’t really a free speech platform at all. It’s the PR arm of a partisan movement (aka cult), and slush fund generator for Dear Leader. But if it were truly “the Greatest Movement in the History of our Country,” he wouldn’t have to shamelessly solicit this support, and sponge off of his pitiful flock, and lie about his imaginary success. But then again, when has he ever done anything but that?


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Fox News Host Asks Trump’s Truth Social CEO About its Stock Flop, Gets Babbling Lies in Response

The saga of Donald Trump’s frequent financial failures continues unabated into the 2024 presidential election cycle. The most recent example of a Trump enterprise that is destined to go belly up is his ego-driven social media scam, Truth Social, that he launched after he was banned from Twitter for posting flagrant and dangerous lies.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

In its short history, the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), which runs Truth Social, has racked up an impressive record of failure. It has lost millions of dollars, been investigated for securities fraud, and seen its early investors arrested for insider trading. And to top it off, its newly listed stock suffered a massive meltdown, resulting in fortunes being lost by Trump’s most devoted supporters.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social Craters in First Week of Trading, Auditor Doubts Its Ability to Continue

On Sunday morning Devin Nunes, the CEO of TMTG, and former Trump-fluffing GOP congressman, was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News. The segment began with a surprisingly accurate summary of the troubles the stock encountered in going public. Bartiromo, ordinarily an ardent purveyor of pro-Trump propaganda, prefaced her interview with some uncharacteristically (for Fox News) factual information (video below)

“President Trump’s media company has had a volatile two weeks. The stock finished down about 30% this week. The company, which operates Trump’s Truth Social platform, lost $4 billion in market value after gaining six billion in value during its debut on the Nasdaq two weeks ago. For 2023, Trump media posted a loss of $58 million on revenue and $4.1 million in a regulatory filing. The company also disclosed that its auditor had raised concerns about its ability to continue operating before its recent merger and IPO.”

OUCH! Bartiromo then introduced Nunes and asked him pointedly, “When would you expect this company to turn profitable?” Notice that Nunes never comes close to answering the question. Instead, he rambles incoherently about unrelated and/or imaginary obstacles that he says the company has faced. And true to the Trump ethos, the company was a victim of a devious cabal of covert enemies conspiring against it.

“Look, it’s important to remember that those numbers are based on what was the longest IPO in history. So we were over regulated. So if you actually look at the cost we built Truth Social – our beachhead against Big Tech, an impenetrable beachhead that everybody said couldn’t be done without using Big Tech companies – that was built for a fraction of what many of these Big Tech dinosaur companies were built for. So even if you take the ridiculous cost that it took us to get to this point, we are well positioned. Why are we well positioned? Because we have no debt. We’re coming out of this with no debt, a platform that works really, really well, that communicates to millions of people. And then we have $200 million in the bank.”

For the record, it was not the longest IPO in history. And his definition of “over regulated” just means having been required to comply with the same laws that every other company does prior to a stock market listing. If it was launched on the cheap, as Nunes claims, that’s apparent in how often it has crashed, including on the day it premiered on the NASDAQ. So much for it being “a platform that works really, really well.”

As for Nunes’ claims that the company is “well positioned” and free of debt, that reeks of stock fraud considering its huge losses, of which about 67% is interest on outstanding loans. Undeterred by reality, Nunes then unleashes a buzzword salad, saying that he is looking at “the entire ecosystem,” and asserting that the primary question his business is asking is “What does it take to make sure that we protect people in the United States and around the globe from these tyrants of Big Tech who want to silence them?” See? It’s all an altruistic venture for Nunes and Trump.

Of course, Nunes is not alone in his deceitful grifting. Trump has also been pumping this dump of a stock. A few days ago he posted a comment blasting all of his competitors as “those in the Radical Left Democrats Party who are failing at every level.” And he touted Truth Social as “the primary way I get the word out and, for better or worse.” It’s interesting that he acknowledges the “worse” part of that. Then he claimed that “people want to hear what I have to say, perhaps, according to experts, more than anyone else in the World.” And by “experts” he means his MAGA cultists and other assorted rubes, such as his army of disbarred attorneys and the incarcerated January 6th insurrectionists.

If Nunes’ appearance on Fox News is successful in getting some more of their viewers to buy TMTG stock Monday morning, it may get a bit of bounce. But in the end it is still likely to sink to a level approaching the amount of debt that Nunes says the company has – ZERO! And they will get what they deserve for believing an obvious con men.

UPDATE I: Apparently Nunes’ appearance on Fox News was not successful (surprise). Rather than the bounce he hoped for on the Monday morning following his interview, the TMTG stock dived another 10%, putting it down about 55% from it’s high, and below it’s opening price one the first day of trading.

UPDATE II: One week later, the stock is continuing to decline. So the company announced that it is issuing 21.5 million new shares, diluting the value even more.


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