America’s foremost Russian asset is at it again. Tucker Carlson of Fox News has distinguished himself among America’s white-wing blowhards as Russia’s favorite western media “personality.” He shamelessly fawns over Vladimir Putin and maligns President Biden, even during a time of war. No wonder Russian TV venerates Fox News and replays Carlson on an almost nightly basis.
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On Wednesday night Carlson continued his adoration of all things Putin. But this time he may have given some unintended credit to President Biden. In a rambling rant Carlson delivered a rather bizarre take on the Russian assault on Ukraine saying that…
“When the Russian military invaded Ukraine last month, the most highly credentialed people in the world seemed stunned by it […] That’s pretty weird if you think about it, because for weeks, Joe Biden had been speaking in a very loud voice about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. They seemed ready for it and yet it turns out that nobody in Washington, including Biden himself, really thought it was going to happen and when it did happen, official Washington concluded that Putin must be insane.”
What? Carlson just said that “Biden had been speaking in a very loud voice about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine” and that “Biden himself [didn’t think] it was going to happen” – in the same freakin’ sentence! It’s true that Biden had correctly predicted that Russia would invade Ukraine. He said back in mid January that “My guess is [Putin] will move in.” And he repeated that prediction several times in the weeks that followed. However, contrary to Carlson’s assertion, there is no record of Biden ever saying that did not think that would happen. As usual, Carlson is making stuff up to fit – or rather manufacture – his narrative.
What’s more, Carlson advises his already dimwitted audience to listen only to those “who saw the Ukraine war coming and said so out loud.” That, of course, is President Biden, as Carlson himself said above. But shortly thereafter Carlson contradicted himself (again) to say that Biden didn’t say what Carlson already said that he said. Then Carlson went further over the edge saying that “The U.S. has never had a president as reckless as Joe Biden.” For being right?
Carlson’s entire monologue was an introduction to a commentary by the British white nationalist, Nigel Farage. Not surprisingly, Farage agrees with Carlson’s exaltation of Putin and recommends that the West surrender to his imperialistic aggression. They think we should just give Putin everything he wants. Farage and Carlson believe that Putin “is actually on our side,” and admonish us against “provoking Putin, whether we like him or not.”
They are good couple of obedient, fascist, sycophants, aren’t they? Carlson then unleashed a common and ridiculous whine among conservatives that they/he is being censored, while he’s disgorging his lies on a national television network: He asked…
“Why did the Russians do this? It’s not treasonous to ask that.[…] but our leaders so far have refused to do that. They keep lying to themselves. They’re imposing censorship on the rest of us.”
Here Carlson is reprising his signature method of propagating crackpot conspiracy theories by pretending to ask innocent questions. But his questions are actually carefully contrived statements intended to advance his overtly political biases. In this case he’s questioning anyone who would criticize Vladimir Putin for launching an unprovoked, genocidal invasion of his peaceful neighbor Ukraine.
Carlson complains that some pundits have been mean to Putin by characterizing him as insane. Because Carlson, like Trump, thinks Putin is a genius and devotedly defends him. Which proves that Carlson is right that somebody here is indeed insane. Except that it’s Carlson himself. Who is also flagrantly anti-American.
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“…They think we should just give Putin everything he wants. Farage and Carlson believe that Putin “is actually on our side,” and admonish us against “provoking Putin, whether we like him or not.””
•Putin is NOT & never has been, “on our side”!
•How dare you say we should give Putin everything he wants!!? He is our adversary ~ enemy to USA + freedom & democracy. Has long despised & worked against our Country! No history taught in fancy prep school??
•…you admonish US not to provoke HIM?!
Whose side are YOU on, *ucker Carlson? Sure does not sound like you’re on ours!
Are you a Putin puppet? How far up your butt does his hand go?!? Works your mouth, I see.