The hearings of the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th insurrection incited by Donald Trump have been effectively exposing the role of Trump and his confederates in politics and the press. It is now an inescapable fact that they knew that their attempts to undermine democracy and overturn the election were illegal and they just didn’t care.
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On Tuesday a judge confirmed that Fox News was among those who knowingly spread lies and disinformation regarding the 2020 presidential election. The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems who allege that Fox News (and Newsmax and One America News Network) defamed them with blatantly false reports of election fraud. The ruling rejected Fox’s motion to dismiss the case, and explicitly cited the network’s owners as justification to allow the suit to proceed. According to Bloomberg News…
“Fox News’s parent company can be sued by a voting-machine maker because Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch may have acted with “actual malice” in directing the network to broadcast conspiracy theories alleging the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump. […]
“Dominion cited in its suit a report that Rupert Murdoch spoke with Trump a few days after the election ‘and informed him that he had lost,’ the judge noted.”
The judge further noted that…
“‘These allegations support a reasonable inference that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch either knew Dominion had not manipulated the election or at least recklessly disregarded the truth when they allegedly caused Fox News to propagate its claims about Dominion.””
The evidence that Fox News purposefully maligned Dominion is overwhelming and irrefutable. The flagrant falsehoods promulgated on Fox include bizarre allegations that Dominion was created by deceased Venezuelan leader, Hugo Chavez; that their machines were rigged to switch votes from Trump to Biden; that Dominion was run by a George Soros associate; that Jewish space lasers operated by China altered the voter database.
Okay, that last one was not alleged in the lawsuit, but has been alleged by other Trump cult disciples. And the fact that it fits right in with the other real allegations says something all by itself.
In another defamation lawsuit filed by voting software company, Smartmatic, actual malice – exemplified by Tucker Carlson – was also cited when Fox’s motion to dismiss that case was rejected.
RELATED: Judge Cites Tucker Carlson as Validation of ‘Actual Malice’ in Defamation Suit Against Fox News
There’s a reason that these ruling keep going against Fox News. The network’s deliberate distortions of the truth have been a core part of their propaganda crusade to advance the “Big Lie” that Trump has been whining about for more than a year and a half. He has lost more than sixty cases challenging the election results, primarily because he has never produced a shred of evidence to support his charges.
Unfortunately, the efforts by Trump, aided and abetted by Fox News, have led to numerous episodes of violence, including the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill. And even that was predicted by a judge in a related case…
SEE: Judge: Trump’s ‘Frivolous’ Lawsuit is ‘The Stuff of Which Violent Insurrections Are Made’
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FINALLY !!! Finally, the despicable Murdochs have been cited for their huge part in desseminating Trumpler’s Big Lie, which they knew to be just that: his biggest ever lie. Fox is still doing it, using its on-air puppets to pump out Trump propaganda and defame president Biden with lies of its own. Now, what can the judicial system do about it and what’s the next step for Dominion and Smartmatic?
Okay, so what? You think anyone cares? They DON’T. You think it matters? It does NOT because NOTHING will happen to f*x spews or anyone even remotely connected to the “network”. They STILL exist. They are STILL on the air, STILL on the radio, STILL on the internet. Cable companies STILL carry them. So, unless/until they are yanked/forced OFF cable carriers and the other media outlets, maybe just stfu about them UNTIL something actually happens to the station.
Both Dominion Voting Machines and Smartmatic care, bigtime. Their suits are for large sums and while Fox has plenty of filthy money, OAN and Newsmax don’t. It will take this kind of private lawsuit to get anything done. Both companies involved have suffered enormous damage to their businesses, and in America, that’s seen as a serious matter.
All talk and no action is doing nothing to stop the evil Murdoch asshats or Fox Spews. The judicial system needs to take ACTION now! I just hope something is done soon, but i am not going to hold my breath. Seems the judicial system does things at the pace of pouring syrup in sub-zero weather…….
True. But at least I found where that insane Marjorie Taylor Greene got the phrase “Jewish Space Lazers”.
I have wondered how that Marjorie Traitor Greene teeth ever graduated from Kindergarten? She is dumb as a rock like many other idiot Rethugs…. That goes for Herschel Walker too… he is even dumber than MTG. and i keep getting emails he is polling ahead Warnock in the Senate race. That just goes to see the widespread stupidity here in this lousy state of Georgia….Warnock is a thousand times more qualified than that dumb bell Walker.
Biden & company should suspend Fox’s FCC license.
I DO agree with that. Their FCC license should have been suspended a long, long, time ago. Just look at all the damage their lies and misinformation have already caused. Carlson Tucker, Sean Hannity, and that lying bi**ch Laura Ingraham belong in prison. The brain damaged Rethug voters believe every word those asshats spew on a daily basis….
One more thing, the main source behind Fox Spews, (Rupert Murdoch) should have already been deported back to Australia and be exiled to the middle of the hot, dusty, dry Outback where he can no longer do damage to anyone..
There isn’t actually any “license” that the FCC could suspend. We just have to stay vigilant and correct the record when Fox lies.
We will most certainly stay busy correcting Fox Spews lies. 99% of what they spew is blatant lies every day of the week. They wouldn’t know the truth if it was staring them in the face. Money and lies are their cash cow.