With the 2022 midterm election now less than two months away, the Republican Party is piling on the lies, pseudo-scandals, personal insults, and fear mongering. The projections for control of the House and Senate have been trending toward the Democrats ever since the Supreme Court’s Dobb’s decision that effectively reversed Roe vs Wade. Plus, Democrats have had numerous legislative achievements in the past few months.
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Consequently, the GOP, and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) have been reprising their customary campaign of contrivances such as caravans of immigrants, rampant crime, and economic apocalypse. It’s their predictable, knee jerk response whenever an election is nearing and their prospects are dimming.
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On Fox News Monday morning, host Dana Perino interviewed the chair of the Republican National Committee, Ronna McDaniel. Perino led into her question with a video clip of former President Bill Clinton commenting accurately on how Republicans use fear to motivate their base. Which led to a rather bizarre exchange between Perino and McDaniel…
Clinton (video): The Republicans always close well. Why? Because they find some new way to scare the living daylights out of swing voters about something. That’s what they did in 2021 when they made critical race theory sound worse than smallpox.
Perino: The Democrats have been trying to scare people as well.
McDaniel: News flash, Bill. Your party’s doing that just fine. We don’t need to help you with that as well. You’re scaring voters everywhere. With open borders. I mean, just last month 2,000 pounds of fentanyl came across our border. That could kill 500,000,000 people. We’re coming into Halloween. Every mom in the country right now is worried. What if this gets into my kid’s Halloween basket? The rainbow fentanyl.
RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel criticizes President Clinton for accusing Republicans of fear mongering and then promptly goes on to fear monger about fentanyl:
"Every mom in the country right now is worried, 'What if this gets into my kids' Halloween basket?'" pic.twitter.com/PO8K8kDOyY
— The Recount (@therecount) September 20, 2022
The first notable observation in that segment is that neither Perino nor McDaniel disputed what Clinton said. That might be because it’s indisputably true. However they did attempt to “whatabout” his remarks in a peculiar way. The examples that McDaniel gave of Democratic fear mongering were actually the long established scare tactics of the Republican Party. It isn’t Democrats who use open borders and drug smuggling to frighten voters. That’s the GOP. So McDaniel was just inadvertently affirming Clinton’s political analysis. In fact, she was engaging in it.
What’s more, while missing her target by a mile, McDaniel also managed to make a mess of whatever she was trying say. First of all, she complained that thousands of pounds of fentanyl were confiscated at the border last month. That is actually evidence of how well the Biden administration is policing the border and preventing illegal drug smuggling. Secondly, McDaniel claimed that the fentanyl seized could have killed 500,000,000 million people. Which is about 200,000,000 more people than there are in the U.S.
Perhaps the most preposterous of her comments was the utterly baseless suggestion that “Every mom in the country right now is worried” that their kids will be getting fentanyl treats for Halloween. Does she have any proof that even a handful of moms are worried about that, much less all of them? And what makes her think that drug dealers are plotting to give their products away for free in order to commit the mass poisoning of America’s children?
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If this is the high point of the Republican’s political gamesmanship, Democrats have even less to worry about come November than previously thought. However, given the intellectual capacity of the average GOP voter, there is still a risk that they could turn out and make some gains. So Democrats can’t relax or take anything for granted. Democracy itself is riding on these midterms. And Republicans are still pouring on the craziness that exemplifies their party today…
"President Biden will let any illiterate gang banger, oftentimes with drugs, come right on it" — Sen. John Kennedy pic.twitter.com/QVCLfYkil9
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 20, 2022
"…white supremacy, which I condone—I mean, I condemn…" https://t.co/cEfZjJwJgv
— Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) September 20, 2022
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) fear-mongers about bill codifying federal recognition of same-sex marriages:
“This bill is about empowering the Biden IRS to target every church and school and university and charity in America that refuses to knuckle under to their view of gay marriage.” pic.twitter.com/EtgCVD3xV2
— The Recount (@therecount) September 19, 2022
And let’s not forget the Fear Monger in Chief for the Republican Party, Donald Trump…
President Trump on Michael Sussmann verdict pic.twitter.com/75Kq4UIDxr
— RSBN ?? (@RSBNetwork) May 31, 2022
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Not only do they use scare tactics, their main thing is lie tactics. They are really good at the lie tactics thing because these sub-human baboons do not know how to tell the truth, they don’t have a clue of what the truth is… Rethuglicans are the worst of the worst baboons on the face of the Earth. I hate and despise all of them…