Trump Still Swears to Take Revenge on Political Foes Even After Lame Attempts to Walk it Back

The prospect of another four years of Donald Trump occupying the White House is a blood curdling notion that most Americans would find more nauseating than dinner with Hannibal Lector who, along with Jeffrey Epstein, has been making more frequent appearances in Trump’s stump speeches at his cult rallies.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

In most presidential campaigns, the candidates focus on detailing their proposals for advancing the welfare of the citizenry whose votes they seek. Trump, however, has been a uniquely unconventional candidate. His pitch to voters is a promise to “be their retribution,” He was even asked by Sean Hannity of Fox News whether he had “any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people?” To which Trump replied that he would only be a dictator on “day one.” That’s comforting, isn’t it?

SEE THIS: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

More recently, Trump and his MAGA media mouthpieces have been attempting to sanitize his most appalling campaign promises to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate his political enemies. To that end he sat for an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw who tried to give him an opening to soften his stance on vengeance, asking him specifically about his intentions to “make the people that have come after you pay.” But Trump instead replied that “Sometimes revenge can be justified, I have to be honest.”

On Thursday Trump made it clear that he still intends to lock up his critics. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he maliciously and childishly attacked President Biden, the American justice system, and members of Congress…

“It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz ‘Out of Her Mind’ Cheney.”

Although that was just the beginning of an elaborate rant that was typically comprised of flagrant falsehoods and culminated with a call to indict the members of the House Committee Investigating January 6th…

“It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR ‘FINDINGS!’ MAGA2024”

First of all, Trump’s assertion that crimes by the Committee were “irrefutably proven” have no basis in reality. There is no truth whatsoever that the Committee “deleted and destroyed all material evidence.” That’s a lie that Trump has floated before, and it has been thoroughly debunked.

SEE THIS: Trump Demands Indictments Be Withdrawn After Fox News Falsely Reports on January 6th Committee

Reality, however, has not deterred to Trump from calling for indictments and further persecution driven by his wholly fabricated allegations. And he has gotten support from his pals at Fox News. For instance, Jesse Watters did a segment in which he dismissed as a hoax accurate observations by Democrats that Trump “plans to jail opponents.” Kellyanne Conway said that not having prosecuted Hillary Clinton is proof that Trump doesn’t want revenge. Except that he tried to, but failed because his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, couldn’t find any crime. And Trump recently told Fox and Friends that he never said “Lock her up,” about Clinton. Except that he definitely did…

So regardless of what the Trump-fluffers on Fox News and other right-wing media say, Trump is clearly on a determined course to emulate his hero, Vladimir Putin, by eliminating his opponents by any means necessary. He says so. Believe him. And then be sure to vote for Biden and every Democrat on the ballot to make certain that Trump’s nightmarish vision doesn’t come true.


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DELUSIONAL Fox News Host Remembers When ‘Blacks Loved Trump’ and ‘Wanted to Be Trump’

Political campaigns commonly make rosy claims intended to bolster the perceived depths of support the candidate has among various constituent groups. Ordinarily those claims are backed up by at least some kernel of truth. But in the era of the MAGA GOP, all standards of honesty have been discarded as what was once the Republican Party morphs into the Cult of Trump.

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Fox News Jesse Watters

Fox News provided an outstanding example of that on Thursday night in a segment of the Jesse Watters program wherein he was “reporting” on Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx. Throughout the day Fox News covered the rally as if there had been a sighting of the Virgin Mary that drew 100,000 faithful to a park in New York City. Actually, the attendance was more like 2-3,000, and most of them were from out of town, or even out of state. But diverging from the facts never stopped Fox News before.

SEE THIS: Fox News Fans the Flaming Lie that Biden Sought to Assassinate Trump During Search of Mar-a-Lago

Like many others on Fox News, Watters sought to portray the Bronx rally as evidence that Trump has significant support in the Black and Latino communities. He didn’t bother to notice that most of the audience was White in a borough that is 85% people of of color.

Watters went on to complain about the frequent observations of Trump’s blatant racism. However, his comments were typically out of step with reality. He whined that…

“It does seem like they’re trying to say Trump’s racist. And they have to go all the way back into the 80s to say he’s racist. I remember in the 80s, Blacks loved Trump. In the 90s they loved him. In the 2000s Blacks wanted to be Trump. Everybody wanted to be Trump, no matter what color you are. That changed when he ran for president.”

First of all, it isn’t the vindication of Trump that Watters thinks it is to notice that examples of his racism date back 40-50 years. That’s more of a validation. But Watters goes even farther afield by claiming to “remember” the 1980s when “Blacks loved Trump.” Watters was born in Philadelphia in 1978. So he wants his viewers to believe that he recalls Trump’s popularity with Blacks in New York from his years as a toddler in another state.

There is, of course, no evidence that Blacks loved Trump in the 80s, or the 90s, or any time since. Particularly New Yorkers who actually do remember Trump taking out a full-page ad in four newspapers calling for the execution of five Black teenagers (the Central Park Five), who were falsely accused of a horrific rape and murder. Thirteen years later DNA evidence exonerated them. The five eventually received a $41 million settlement from the city of New York in 2014. Trump has never retracted his statement or apologized.

Watters continued his deranged distortion of reality by asserting that “Blacks wanted to be Trump. Everybody wanted to be Trump.” Once again, there is no evidence of any such desire on the part of anyone, with the exception of other privileged White grifters who envied Trump’s shameless deceitfulness in pursuit of greed. Most New Yorkers were repulsed by Trump and his pseudo-playboy aspirations and tawdry friendships with the likes of underage sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein.

Fox News needs to keep spreading blatant lies like these about Trump’s feeble support among Black Americans in order to convince their viewers that he is a shoo-in for the presidency in November. They are an insecure bunch of willfully blind followers who will crumble at the notion that Trump isn’t viewed by everyone as a messiah. So designated fluffers like Watters are dispatched to keep the emotional Kool-Aid flowing. It’s sad that there are still suckers – although relatively few – who continue to fall for it.


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Trump and Fox News are Priming the MAGA Cult for Devastating and Dangerous Disappointment

The trial of Donald Trump for election interference and campaign finance fraud (sometimes known as the “Hush Money” trial), has wrapped its fourth week. Throughout that time the prosecution has presented witnesses whose testimony has been credible and severely damaging to Trump’s fading prospects for an acquittal. And the cross examinations by Trump’s defense counsel have been wholly ineffectual, and at times even beneficial to the prosecution.

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Donald Trump Insurrection

Consequently, Trump has resorted to pitifully lame outbursts that range from whining that he is the victim of a “hoax” prosecution that is being run by President Biden (for which he has never provided a shred of evidence), to infantile insults aimed at the judge and other parties to the proceedings. Yet somehow, in the midst of all this seething angst, Trump still babbles about how splendidly everything is going.

SEE THIS: CRYBABY TRUMP Says ‘The Case is Going Fine,’ While Also Whining About How Badly It’s Going

In what has become a staple of Trump’s hallway harangues, he has been brandishing batches of print outs provided by his campaign caretakers. This stack of carefully vetted emotional support documents consists of entirely of articles by Trump’s Fox News flunkies and assorted legal hacks who are unflinchingly devoted to Dear Leader.

This courtside ritual sees Trump rifling through the documents and reciting the names of his TV legal advisers. What it doesn’t do is offer any coherent argument in his defense or evidence of his innocence. He doesn’t even bother to quote from the articles he is flaunting.

However, on Friday Trump posted a series of citations from some these legal “experts” on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. This should give everyone an idea of why he is so convinced that he will prevail in his criminal cases. Trump began with own fact-free decree of confidence, shouting in all caps that, “THERE IS NO CRIME, ACCORDING TO ALMOST EVERYONE, AND IT IS TOO LATE FOR OUR CORRUPT GOVERNMENT TO CREATE ONE!” What follows are some of the “everyone” to whom he is referring…

  • Jonathan Turley: “This case is becoming legally obscene…Defense doing well, have been all along.”
  • Laura Ingraham: “This is a papered over political hitjob further sullied by Merchan’s overbroad and unconstitutional Gag Order.”
  • Kerri Urbahn, Legal Editor, Fox News: “Not going well for prosecution.”
  • Alan Dershowitz: “Trump’s Trial Will Go Down In The History Books As A Stupendous Legal Catastrophe.”
  • Gregg Jarrett: “This case is a partisan ‘witch hunt’ —a trial in search of an imaginary crime. It can’t be found because it doesn’t exist […] The case against Trump has been on life support.”
  • John Yoo: “Based on everything seen so far, the prosecution has not proven a single element of the ‘crime’!”

Notice that the common denominator of all of these Trump-fluffers is their association with Fox News. And you can add Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Mark Levin, and Jesse Watters to this list of legal losers. And Trump has blocked out true legal experts such as Lawrence Tribe, Andrew Weissmann, Neal katyal, Joyce Vance, and many others. All of whom regard the prosecution’s case as strong and have no trouble defining the laws that Trump has broken. Even Trump’s own Attorney General, Bill Barr, said that “If even half of what [the indictment] says is true, HE’S TOAST!”

Making matters worse, Watters delivered a monologue Friday night that demonstrated the delusional perspective that permeates the MAGA minions. Ignoring the constant barrage of hostilities emanating from Trump and his confederates, Watters complained that it was actually Democrats who are disgruntled, saying that “There’s a lot of anger, confusion, and sadness, in the Democrat Party.” He didn’t cite any examples of that, but he did make the following ridiculous analogy…

“They wanted to arrest this guy for a decade, and now that he’s in court, and now that they’re in court they’re complaining? Like a dog chasing a car, as soon as they catch it, they don’t know what to do. Democrats aren’t happy no matter what happens.”

Watters included a clip of Trump saying “Has anyone ever noticed that there’s just no happiness on the left? They’re not happy. They’re not happy people.” Which is yet another example of projection by Trump. His congenital unhappiness and anger is a hallmark of his public persona.

UPDATE: Eric Trump was on Mark Levin’s Fox News program Saturday night and disagreed with his father’s assertion that Democrats are not happy…

But that isn’t what’s really troubling about all of this. A much bigger problem is that Trump and Fox News are flagrantly lying about the potential outcome of his trial. They are assuring the cultists that Trump will triumph, when the most likely result is just the opposite. And by pretending that Trump is winning his legal battles, they are setting up the MAGA cult for a crushing disappointment.

That could result in an outburst of civil unrest that could make the January 6th insurrection look like a walk in the park. And that’s exactly why they are doing it. They want riots and violence and hordes of StormTrumpers filling the streets. They haven’t been able to gin that up during the trial – not for lack of trying – but this sort of deception could produce the result they hope for.

The nation’s law enforcement needs to be ready for that should it occur. And the responsibility for any harm must placed on Trump, Fox News, and their political and media accomplices, for their advocacy of violence and their inciting of it by these flagrant lies. They know precisely what they are doing, and what the consequences are. They must not be allowed to get away with it.


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Fox News Host is APPALLED that President Biden Wants to Make it Easier for ALL Americans to Vote

The Republican Party, in concert with their aspiring authoritarian Dear Leader, Donald Trump, has long been fiercely opposed to the basic tenets of democracy. They impose flagrantly gerrymandered redistricting, engage in overt voter suppression tactics, oppose early and mail-in voting, and they even staged a violent coup attempt to prevent Congress from certifying President Biden’s election on January 6, 2021.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

Naturally, the MAGA cult’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, has been the media partner for these anti-American efforts to illegally and unethically interfere with the free and fair administration of elections. Their primary objective is to insure that the GOP candidate is declared the winner, whether or not they got the most votes. And they intend to secure that objective by any means necessary.

SEE THIS: Trump Blows Blatantly Racist Dog Whistles to Motivate MAGA Voter Intimidation Squads in 2024

On Fox News Wednesday night, Jesse Watters provided additional proof of the nefarious blueprint for the right’s theft of elections. He floated a crackpot conspiracy theory that it’s Democrats who are plotting to skew election outcomes by – get this – encouraging people to vote.

“Biden’s using tax dollars to register Democrats to vote in the election. You say ‘Wait Jessie.’ He wants everyone to register to vote. No, no, no. He’s targeting people who interact with the federal government. People who are dependent on government assistance. Families who get food stamps. Families in the free lunch program. Families who get free health care. Homeless people. Is this a demographic you’d consider traditionally Republican? I don’t know. Maybe.”

OH NOES! Biden is concocting schemes to make it easier for millions of Americans to vote. And notice that every example that Watters lists is about lower income “families.” Apparently he thinks that “those” people shouldn’t be voting. Like most Republicans, he believes that voting should be reserved for rich, white landowners.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Watters wonders whether the family profiles in his rant would be considered “traditionally Republican.” Why? Is that his criteria for enabling easy access to voting? What’s more, Watters appears think that only Democrats benefit from government programs that provide assistance with food and healthcare.

He’s wrong. Many conservative residents of red states receive such benefits. And many of them are even Fox News viewers. Furthermore, those programs also provide additional benefits for the nation by putting funds into the hands of consumers who will spend them on goods and services, stimulating the economy.

Consequently, any opposition to the voter registration initiatives that Watters is complaining about would likely backfire on him and his GOP confederates. It would alienate the millions of Americans in rural districts who rely on the government aid that offends Watters and his Republican pals. It would also be a risky political move considering that polls show that a majority of voters want such programs increased, not cut.

So the more that Watters and Fox News and the Trumpists whine about cutting these programs, and preventing recipients from voting, the more voters will be likely to support Democrats. The American people know who is on their side. And it isn’t the party that wants to cut Social Security, Medicare, and other programs that give families a chance to thrive.


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WHUT? MAGA Media is Ranting About Biden Eating Salad and the Loch Ness Monster on Trump’s Jury

It must be impossibly difficult for Donald Trump’s disinformation brigades to keep up their non-stop smear campaigns. After all, how often can they regurgitate the same lame and libelous laments about “rigged” elections and trials, and desperately infantile insults aimed at President Biden and other Democrats?

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

The answer to that question is apparently that there is no limit to how often the Trump cult can rehash tired tirades that they have already disseminated to death. The inevitable result of that obsessive overuse of perpetual peevishness is that the propaganda purveyors wind up descending ever deeper into the depths of depravity and absurdity.

FOR INSTANCE: Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him

On Tuesday morning the MAGA media was called to arms to defend Dear Leader Trump and to malign Biden. Unfortunately for them, they had nothing of substance – or even sanity – with which to pursue their missions. So they puffed up their chests and went into a battle of wits entirely unarmed.

First we have Eric Bolling of Newsmax. He is the former Fox News host who was fired for sexual misconduct and rescued by the lower tier wingnut network. Bolling delivered a monologue based on his perverse perception of Biden having a perfectly normal meal at the White House Correspondents Dinner last weekend. What Bolling saw, however, wasn’t remotely related to reality…

“Here is the President of the United States, the man with the nuclear codes at his fingertips, grappling with a bowl of lettuce. He can barely feed himself. […] The man who is going to push back on Russia, China, North Korea? Are you kidding me? He can’t even take a bite of his own salad. This man’s not suited for the job for four more minutes, let alone four more years.”

It’s remarkable that Bolling can claim that Biden wasn’t able to “take a bite of his own salad” while simultaneously playing a video of Biden taking taking a bite of his own salad. It was right there in the split screen next to him. It appears that Bolling was upset that Biden didn’t shovel the salad into his mouth the way that Trump devours a bucket of KFC. In MAGA Land behaving in a civilized manner is evidence of senility. But ravenous gorging is proof of manhood.

Not to be outdone in the deranged department, Jesse Watters of Fox News did a commentary on Trump having been charged and fined for contempt of court following his violation of the gag order that the judge had to impose on him because he wouldn’t stop attacking court personnel, witnesses, and jurors…

“They are threatening to throw the Republican nominee for president in jail for talking. For talking during an election. Now I am not a lawyer. Just play one on TV, but according to the gag you could have the Loch Ness monster as a juror and Trump can’t say the Loch Ness is real. That’s a thousand dollars. Boom, right there. It’s not fair. It’s unconstitutional. And it goes against everything that this country stands for.”

LOCH HIM UP! First of all, Trump is not being threatened with jail for talking. He is being penalized for violating a court order to refrain from intimidating people. He can talk all he wants. In fact, he rarely stops. But he cannot engage in threats or harassment.

Watters seems to be dead set on retaining his role as the stupidest person on Fox News. Which judging from these remarks, he has nothing to worry about. He also doesn’t need to remind people that he isn’t a lawyer. Especially when he drags the poor, unsuspecting Loch Ness monster into a discussion about the jurors on the Trump trial.

Watters seems to think it’s okay for a defendant to malign jurors based on the scales of their skin. And he thinks that attacking jurors of monster-origin is what this country stands for. Does anyone have the slightest idea WTF he’s talking about?

The rants by Bolling and Watters are asininity on the scale of MAGA’s prior attacks on Biden for eating ice cream cones, or the false allegations that he is plotting to confiscate household appliances, or that the eclipse was a Democratic plot to sneak migrants into America. It seems that they just keep getting more and more preposterous every day. And that aint easy. So give them credit. It’s something that they really have to work at.


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UNFIT TO SERVE: Trump and Fox News Whine that Sitting Up Straight All Day is Draining Trump’s Brain

The 2024 presidential election has been fraught with concern about the age of the candidates and whether that would impact their ability to endure the unique burdens of the job. President Biden has demonstrated his competence by presiding over one of the most productive administrations is modern times.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Donald Trump, on the other hand, cannot point to a single achievement during his occupation of the White House other than tragically mismanaging the COVID pandemic, cutting taxes for the wealthy, losing more jobs than any other president since Hoover, Adding eight trillion dollars to the deficit, and appointing justices who rolled back reproductive rights for women. And since he left office he’s been singularly focused on his “Big Lie” that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him, and avoiding prison for his 88 pending felony charges.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

The question of competence arose again this week while Trump has been in court for his first criminal trial. And among those who doubt Trump’s ability to perform is, surprisingly, one of the most prominent Trump-fluffers on Fox News, Jesse Watters. During his primetime program Watters offered what he presumably thought was a defense of Trump’s ordeal in court, saying that Democrats are conspiring against him by forcing him to attend the trial like any other defendant…

“They’re draining his brain and his body. Now, I don’t like to sit. They say sitting is the new smoking. You’re going to take a man who is usually golfing or in action, and you’re going to sit him in a chair in freezing temperatures and just let people rip you and you can’t say anything? Four days a week, eight hours a day — that takes a toll.”

First of all, It isn’t Biden or Democrats who are responsible for Trump suffering the indignity of “sitting” in court. It is first and foremost Trump’s responsibility for violating the law. And there is no evidence that Democrats were involved in the law catching up with him. His indictments were issued by a panel of citizens on a grand jury.

More to the point, if Watters thinks that sitting quietly in a courtroom for a few hours a day will “drain Trump’s brain and body,” what would sitting through weeks of negotiations with Congress or foreign leaders do to him? Watters is inadvertently, but effectively, arguing that Trump is unfit to serve as president.

What’s more, Watters is trying to invent a version of a vigorous, athletic Trump that doesn’t exist in reality. But at the same time he’s asserting that Trump is a frail flower that can’t tolerate a chilly courtroom. Watters also portrays Trump as being too fragile to withstand the testimony of some of his own former friends and associates. According to Watters, Trump will wither in this scenario because the sitting and the temperature and the exposition of the truth “takes a toll” on the tenderness of Trump. That’s not exactly a profile of the presidential strength required of anyone aspiring to the post.

Earlier the same day on his other Fox News show, “The Five,” Watters painted a similarly weak picture of Trump saying that…

“Trump needs exercise. He’s usually golfing and you’re going to put a man who’s almost 80 sitting in a room like this on his butt for all that time? It’s not healthy. He needs sunlight. He needs activity. It’s really cruel and unusual punishment.”

Watters is actually arguing that it is “cruel and unusual punishment” for criminal defendants like Trump to have to attend their trials rather than play golf in the sunshine. What an atrocity! And he asserts that Trump’s health will suffer if he can’t do that every day. Never mind that Trump’s “exercise” consists of riding around in a golf cart for a couple hours, before lining up at the Mar-a-Lago buffet for some fried chicken and diet soda.

For his part, Trump is echoing Watters’ opinions. He frequently holds impromptu press avails when court isn’t in session (which the press really needs to stop doing). And on Tuesday Trump complained to reporters that…

“I’m here in a courtroom, sitting here. Sitting up as straight as I can all day long. It’s a very unfair situation.”

It’s so unfair to make Trump sit up straight at his criminal trial when, according to reports, all he wants to do is nap, or when he can stay awake, to scowl menacingly at others in the courtroom. Why can’t people just leave Trump alone so he can hold his cult rallies and hobnob with rich folks who are looking for favors from the government?

Apparently it’s just too much ask ask someone who wants to be president to pay attention in the courtroom where he’s being tried on serious felonies. Yet Trump and Fox News and the MAGA minions think that such a person is competent to serve as president. Perhaps all of their brains have already been drained.


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Fox News is Lusting After Trump Going to Jail as a Way to Kick-Start His Comatose Campaign

The first criminal trial for Donald Trump – or any American president – is now set to commence on Monday morning. This is naturally whipping Trump’s brain into a frothy puree of dyspeptic pulp as he predictably unleashes a frenzied assault on his perceived enemies in the courtroom, the media, and pretty much anywhere he turns.

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Donald Trump, Prison

Trump’s anxiety is driven by his fear that he will finally be held accountable for his myriad crimes. He knows what he’s done, and he knows that the evidence will prove it. So he resorts to malicious attacks that only affirm his impotence and cowardice. And to one’s surprise, his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is standing by to provide shelter in the storm…

SEE THIS: Trump Desperately Clings to Fox News Legal Hacks Who Ignore the Law to Fluff Trump

The prospects of Trump being convicted have been examined by knowledgeable lawyers and legal academics. But there is another path that could lead to Trump’s incarceration. He is virtually daring the judge in his election interference (aka hush money) case to find him in contempt of the court’s gag order prohibiting him from maligning court personnel, prosecutors, witnesses, and jurors.

If Trump really wants to go to jail, he has an ally in Fox News. On Friday there were a couple of notable commentaries that not only address that possibility, but actually promote it.

Let’s begin with Pam Bondi, the former Republican attorney general of Florida, and currently with the ultra-MAGA America First Policy Institute. She was a guest on Sean Hannity’s program where they had the following exchange…

Bondi: Do I want to see him in jail? Absolutely not. I wouldn’t put it past this judge though. And [former] president Trump should be allowed to be out on the campaign trail every single day. This trial shouldn’t even be going until after the election.
Hannity: Well, let me ask you…If they try to put the former president in jail a hundred and some odd days before an election, you really believe that’s gonna happen? What do you think the country’s reaction to that is?
Bondi: I think he’ll win by an even a bigger landslide than he’s going to win by already.

First of all, the trial will be in session four days a week. Which leaves three days a week for Trump to be out on the campaign trail. This week he didn’t go out campaigning at all on those three days, which isn’t the court’s fault. Trump is just inherently lazy. And it shows as he has sequestered himself in his Mar-a-Lago bunker, or his golf resorts, while President Biden has been crisscrossing the nation to meet voters and discuss the issues that matter to them.

More to the point, if Bondi really believes that incarcerating Trump would result in “an even a bigger landslide,” then why wouldn’t she want to see him jail? She’s essentially making the argument that putting Trump behind bars would be a smart strategic play, but then disowns her own theory. Many Americans, however, would love to see that theory tested. So he should either go for it, or shut up.

MORE ON BONDI AND TRUMP: Donald Trump Caught Outright Lying About ‘Donation’ To Florida Attorney General

Later Friday night, Jesse Watters raised the same issue on his program. And he was even more explicit in his advocacy of jailing Trump…

“I would make them put me in jail. I would have a tweet about maybe something perhaps I said on ‘The Five’ or ‘Jesse Watters Primetime,’ and I would force them to throw me in jail.”

Okay, fine. Let’s all hope that Trump is listening and takes Watters’ advice. Because they are convinced that the American people would embrace a candidate who is so hostile and emotionally unstable that he would provoke a judge to punish him for disruptive and infantile behavior. That’s just what the MAGA cult wants in a national leader.

Time will tell if Trump decides to take the path to prison. He is certainly capable of it. He believes he is infallible and untouchable. He’s half right. And whether by intention, or just the fact that he can’t keep his big mouth shut, he could wind up crossing the line and getting sent to the slammer.

But hey, that’s no problem for Trump because it would only make him a martyr and more popular in the eyes of his cult followers. Right? Both he and Fox News are certain of it. And America is waiting and hoping that Trump tests out his theory. The sooner the better. Or is it just another lie and attempt to look tough?


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HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

The Trump-fluffers of Fox News seem to be determined to continuously prove that they are the masters of hypocrisy with the self-awareness of a dormant bacterium. However, they need not be worried about losing their status as world-class clodpoles, given the blockhead start they have over any potential challengers.

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Donald Trump Baby Fox News

The editorial manglers at Fox News must get together every morning to map out the day’s outrages and distort fragments of alternative facts into exploitable pseudo-scandals. And judging by how poorly they do it, it must be a profoundly difficult task. But they take it up with the same measure of gusto, and flaming dishonesty, that their beneficiaries at the Republican Party do…

SEE THIS: The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

Recently the hair-on-fire Fox News fabulists have been expressing their unbridled outrage at what they characterize as hyperbolic criticism of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult followers. They seem to believe that Democrats have gone overboard with the reckless use of offensive adjectives. Apparently they have never heard a single thing that Trump has ever said. And that sheltered and purposeful ignorance has led to commentaries such as the following…

Fox News host Harris Faulkner: “I’ve gotta talk to you about that word ‘crazies.’ It reminded me of ‘deplorables.’ And if Democrats are again willing to go down this road, because the Vice-President didn’t say anything when Joy Behar screamed out, ‘How are you gonna stop the crazies,” it’s Hillary Clinton’s deplorables all over again.”

First of all, Faulkner is complaining about something said by Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View” She is paid to express opinions, and is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. More to the point, Faulkner is holding Vice-President Kamala Harris accountable for Behar’s views, and comparing it to something that Hillary Clinton said eight years ago. Proving that Fox News is, once again, totally plugged into what matters most to voters today.

For the record, Clinton’s reference to “deplorables” was limited to just a subset of Republicans who were overtly hateful and bigoted. So the comparison made by Faulkner is not really far off. Behar was also referring to the same subset of GOP crackpots who believe Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the “rigged and stolen” 2020 election, and that President Biden is a usurper and/or an imposter.

Fox News Senior Political Anal-Cyst, Jesse Watters, also weighed in to blast Democrats for “demonizing” the glassy-eyed disciples of Trump…

Fox News host Jesse Watters: “This country cannot have an election where one side is demonized, and you don’t say how I’ve improved your life. And Joe Biden, he kind of has to demonize because if you look at the metrics he has not improved anyone’s life.”

In the real world, if you look at the metrics, Bidenomics is working astonishingly well. The economy is booming. The stock market is soaring. Inflation is declining, GDP is increasing, Consumer sentiment is higher. Biden has presided over the creation of more jobs than any other modern presidency. Billions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Billions of dollars of tax revenue has been recovered from wealthy tax cheats and corporations.

Furthermore, Biden has steered unprecedented funding to infrastructure projects and climate change mitigation. And he continues to fight for family values such as the right to make their own health choices, and to be safe from massacres perpetrated with assault weapons. All of this is concrete evidence of how he has improved the lives of the American people.

Nevertheless, Watters is very upset about politicians demonizing their opponents. But his anger seems more appropriately aimed at Donald Trump, who rages daily about the “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

To anyone who has been paying attention, it is Trump, Republicans, and Fox News who have been engaging in vilification and demonization. And they direct their assaults, not just at extremists, but at anyone and everyone who has the temerity to merely disagree with them or Dear Leader Trump. Their allusions to demons is literal, as they regard Trump as having been chosen by god to lead them to glory.

Absent Trump’s leadership, America is, according to Trump himself, “going to HELL!” He even used his Christmas greeting to attack Democrats as “evil and ‘sick’” “THUGS” who “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.” And Fox News defended that seasonal grotesquery…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Look for more of this malicious hatred to be unleashed by the MAGA crowd as election day draws nearer. It’s really all they have left, since their pitiful attempts to govern have failed so dramatically, and they have abandoned any effort to draft policies that will appeal to the American people. And, true to form, as they flail in desperation they will accuse Democrats of the repulsive behavior that they themselves engage in. It’s what they do.


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GOOD LUCK: White House Asks Fox News to Apologize for ‘Hateful Lies’ By Racist Host Jesse Watters

The war in the Middle East between Hamas terrorists and Israel is continuing to cost the lives of untold numbers of civilians on both sides of the conflict. However, the tragic consequences of this war are not limited to the geographical region of the combatants. In some obvious and painful ways the war has been brought home to the U.S.

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Jesse Watters, Fox News

Americans of Jewish and Arab heritage are increasingly becoming the victims of vile bigots who are engaging in verbal and physical abuse against innocent people who have nothing to do with the war. Indeed, many of the victims are advocates for peace and tolerance. Even worse, among the blatant racists are leaders in the Republican Party such as their new Speaker, Mike Johnson, who is already callously politicizing the war…

SEE THIS: Republicans in Congress are Holding Israelis Hostage to Aid for Wealthy American Tax Cheats

To no one’s surprise, the GOP’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is leading the parade of prejudice. On Thursday Jesse Watters, Fox’s Senior White Nationalist since the exodus of Tucker Carlson, unleashed a repulsive rant attacking the entire Muslim population of America. He fumed feverishly that he wanted “to say something about Arab Americans and about the Muslim world.” Then he upchucked the following…

“We made them rich. We got that oil out of the ground. Our military protects all of these oil shipments, flying around the world, making them rich. We fund their military, we respect their kings. We kill their terrorists. OK? But we’ve had it. We’ve had it with them. Obama, Trump, now Biden, have tried to get the heck out of that stupid desert. Just as we’re about to get out, because we have this great balance of power we’re arranging, these crazy Muslim fanatics come in and massacre over a thousand of our allies and hold Jewish people hostage, hold Americans hostage. And so, if you are an Arab American in this country and you ripped down posters of Jewish hostages, American hostages. No. No. No. No. Someone is gonna get punched in the face.”

Notice that Watters directed this hostile harangue to Arab Americans. Not to the Hamas terrorists or anti-Semites in the U.S., but to every Arab resident in the country. And his threat of being “punched in the face” was likewise aimed broadly at an entire ethnic community. It is bitterly emblematic of the Islamophobia that infects the hate mongers of the ultra-right.

In response, President Biden had the White House issue a statement condemning Watters’ rancid rhetoric and asking Fox News for an apology. Never mind that Fox would never rise to the level of decency necessary to produce such an apology. To the contrary, they would more likely give Watters a bonus. The White House statement said that…

“These hateful lies about ‘Arab Americans and…the Muslim world’ highlight the urgency of President Biden’s work to ensure hate has no safe harbor in America, and why he committed to the first national anti-Islamophobia strategy in our history. These unacceptable remarks come just weeks after the heartbreaking killing of a 6 year old Palestinian-American child, and during a spike in threats against Muslim and Arab Americans.

“Fox News owes an apology to every single viewer for this sickening attack on the rights and dignity of their fellow Americans. President Biden will always stand up against Islamophobia, antisemitism, and all forms of hate. Fox News should learn from his example.”

Predictably, Republicans and other committed racists attacked Biden’s efforts to diminish bigotry. Across the rightosphere there were complaints that the Biden administration was focusing only on islamophobia and ignoring anti-Semitism. For instance, Fox News anchor Julie Banderas opined that “college campuses have become hot beds for Jew haters.” Then went on to criticize the administration saying…

“But then you have Kamala Harris, the vice president, who just this week launched a strategy to end anti-Islamophobia in this country, almost turning a complete blind eye to the true hatred in this country right now, and it’s anti-Semitism.”

Banderas’ Fox colleague, Steve Hilton, agreed insisting that college campuses where students protested attacks on Palestinian civilians need to be shut down. Which is both anti-Palestinian and anti-free speech. However, it’s consistent with the conservative opposition to education, in order to keep their followers stupid.

What’s more, these remarks are not merely racist. They are also flagrant lies. The Biden administration has spoken out repeatedly against anti-Semitism. And just two days prior to this rant on Fox News, the administration announced an initiative to address the growing anti-Semitism in America…

“The Biden administration is unveiling new actions Monday to combat antisemitism on college campuses after an ‘alarming’ uptick in incidents since the Israel-Hamas war started in early October. The departments of Justice and Homeland Security are partnering with campus law enforcement to track hate-related threats and provide federal resources to schools, according to the plan.”

So the cretins on Fox News and in the Republican Party are deliberately lying about the positive efforts by Biden to constrain hate mongering. And they are also lying in order to exacerbate the hatred of Muslim and Arab Americans. That’s because they want these relationships to sour so that they can blame any unrest on Biden and the Democrats. And they just don’t care who gets hurt.


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Fox News Host Praises Trump’s Mugshot as Appealing to Black Voters Because They’re Pro-Criminal

Right-wing media have spent much of this year attacking the “radical leftist thugs” conspiring to destroy Donald Trump by holding him accountable for his multitude of crimes. They regard the four criminal indictments (to date) and the 91 felony counts (so far) as contrived and dismiss them as “election interference,” despite the abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt, provided mostly by Republicans and former Trump staffers. It’s all been a dreadful drain on Trump’s ability to pursue his lavish life of luxury.

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Fox News, KKK

Among the most atrocious acts by Democrats, according to the Trump cult, has been their forcing him to pose for mugshots. Of course, that’s a requirement imposed by local law enforcement authorities, not political operatives. However, since Trump’s first mugshot was published, the very same Trumpists have been celebrating it as a boon to Trump’s image and electoral prospects. They insist, falsely, that it is increasing his popularity, and they greedily engage in peddling mugshot merchandise at every opportunity.

SEE THIS: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

On Monday, Fox News host Jesse Watters did a segment on the Trump smugshot that crossed the line from beatification to blatant bigotry. This should come as no surprise considering that Watters replaced Fox’s former Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. Watters gushed that…

“The Democrats Soviet tactics has alienated their most loyal voting block. The mugshot has breathed new life into the Trump campaign and broadened his appeal to Black Americans. Over the weekend, with the help of mugshot merchandise, the Trump campaign raked in more than $7 million. Today my garbage man told me he’s buying mugshot t-shirts for everyone he knows this Christmas.”

According to Watters, Black Americans idolize anyone who breaks the law and has a mugshot taken. He is implying that they are by nature drawn to criminals. He states this matter-of-factly as if everyone knows that it’s true. Does that mean that they also admire James Earl Ray, and Charles Manson? Watters’ assertion that Black Americans have a knee-jerk appreciation for outlaws is racist on its face.

Watters is also asserting, without evidence, that it is Black people who are shelling out for Trump’s mugshot merch, rather than his rank and file cult followers. And as proof of his offensive political theory, Watters cites his garbage man, who we are supposed to assume is Black, because of course he is. We are also supposed to believe that this wealthy, elitist TV host regularly converses with sanitation workers. But Watters apparently couldn’t find a Black financial analyst or mechanical engineer or oncologist who is gifting Trump mugshot apparel for the holidays.

What’s more, Watters makes a preposterous and factually unsupported statement associating Democrats with “Soviet tactics” that are alienating Black voters. He thinks that by charging Trump with crimes and arresting him, Trump joins the group of minorities who have been discriminated against by racist institutions. Never mind that wealthy white men are actually least often the victims of such prejudice. That fact notwithstanding, Watters believes that Trump’s legal tangles will result in Black voters abandoning Democrats. Not only is there zero evidence of that, but recent polls show that Trump’s criming has caused a general collapse of his support.

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Watters isn’t the only Trumpozoid who is certain that his mugshot is a huuuge positive. MSNBC compiled a partial list of others espousing the same idiocy…

“Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo told host Laura Ingraham that… Trump’s arrest gives him ‘cred among a new bloc of voters.'”

“Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield said Thursday that he believes ‘many Black men’ will find Trump’s arrest ‘endearing,'”

“Laura Loomer, a far-right activist [said Trump’s arrest made him] ‘the most relatable man on the ballot for the black community.'”

“Dinesh D’Souza claimed mug shots [made] Trump the ‘ultimate gangsta in our culture'”

For the record, it isn’t Black Americans who embrace felons as political leaders. It’s Republicans. And that isn’t conjecture. They actually admitted it on national television at the recent GOP primary debate where six out of ten candidates proudly committed to supporting Trump if he’s the party’s nominee, even if he is convicted of the pending charges.

RELATED: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

So contrary to Watters’ racist remarks, it is his party – and his network – that favor criminals in politics. Which is convenient since it is his party, and his network, where most of the criminals reside.

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