Trump is So Scared of Losing the GOP Primary He’s Posting Anti-DeSantis Links to MSNBC’s Joy Reid

The 2024 presidential primaries are still almost a year away. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from waging an all-out battle against what he considers to be his biggest obstacle to the Republican nomination, Ron DeSantis. And consistent with his battle strategies, he has lowered the bar for decency and honesty as he goes into attack mode.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

No one will be surprised to learn that the acid-tongued Trump has attacked DeSantis in the most vile terms. He has taken a profoundly hostile approach to DeSantis, exhibiting his penchant for childish insults in a series of posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. In summary, Trump has implied that DeSantis is a gay pedophile who will terminate Social Security and deliver the GOP to establishment RINOs and Democrats.

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

On Friday Trump demonstrated just how desperate he is to torpedo DeSantis before the Governor has even entered the race. Trump posted a a link to an article that revealed how poorly DeSantis is doing at garnering the endorsements of other republicans from his own state. But what makes this posting especially significant is that the article was published on the website of MSNBC host, Joy Reid. Trump’s post featured the article’s lede that said…

“Ron DeSantis’ D.C. charm offensive was a massive failure—Florida’s governor, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, may have been looking for a coronation when he met lawmakers in Washington. He got a clown show, instead.”

While all of that is unarguably true, it is rather bizarre that Trump chose Reid’s website as the source for the that opinion. Surely there are other conservative sources that opined the very same criticisms of DeSantis. But Trump was apparently to frantic too get out this “news” to bother with ascertaining the source.

There’s a reason that Trump is so hyper-focused on attacking DeSantis. At this point in the election cycle, DeSantis is his only plausible competition. So he’s determined to bring him down before he can get any traction. Trump knows that none of the other potential candidates (i.e. Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Greg Abbott, Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, etc.) currently pose any problem at all for him. So he’s laying off of them. In fact, he needs them in the race to weaken DeSantis’ strength as the leading anti-Trump candidate.

A recent poll by Monmouth University shows that Trump is well ahead of the GOP pack with 41% of respondents choosing Trump. Coming in second is DeSantis with 27%. However, a head-to-head race between Trump and DeSantis in the same poll was a virtual tie.

Consequently, While Trump is flailing away hysterically at DeSantis, he is literally welcoming other candidates into the race. Albeit, he does so in a patently passive-aggressive manner. When Haley announced her candidacy, Trump responded saying “I’m glad she’s running. I want her to follow her heart – even though she made a commitment that she would never run against who she called the greatest president of her lifetime.”

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

Trump knows that the more candidates in the GOP primary, the more the anti-Trump vote is diluted, and the better chance he has of winning a plurality. And Trump is so terrified of losing that he would even cite Joe Biden if the President bothered to criticize DeSantis. That’s not the behavior of a strong candidate or personality. It’s the behavior of whiny snowflake who’s frightened and desperate.

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2 thoughts on “Trump is So Scared of Losing the GOP Primary He’s Posting Anti-DeSantis Links to MSNBC’s Joy Reid

  1. Hmmmm, let me see, DeSatan or TUMP?? That sounds like someone asking me to name my poison. I would tell them, i wouldn’t piss on either one of these low life bastards if they were on fire. Both of them will be full fledged Dictators if either one of them won the election. Anyway, if either one of those 2 cretins win the general election, i will no longer be living in the United States. I for one am not going to put up with this Fascist/Nazi type of leadership. These vile assholes aren’t going to tell me how to live my life.

  2. What I do not understand is that polls show Trump has so many supporters At the same time for all of his many crimes New York DA Alvin Bragg indicted Trump, DA Fani Willis is working on indicting Trump in Georgia, and special counsel Jack Smith working with US Attorney General, Merrick Garland, are working to arrest Trump for the insurrection and the stolen secret documents. It is beyond my comprehension that Trump could be elected president and that would save him from jail.

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