Trump Gushes Over Staffer Who Quit DeSantis Campaign, Who Also Says Biden Beats Trump in 2024

After eight years of Donald Trump demonstrating that he is a marginally cognitive, compulsively lying, malignant narcissist, it seems hard to imagine that he can still surprise anyone with his blustering idiocy and persistent state of blind rage. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s not to underestimate the depths to which he can sink.

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Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis

Trump is a perpetual outrage machine. He was consumed by anger when he won the election in 2016. Rather than celebrating, he delivered an inaugural address with the theme of “American Carnage.” And to no one’s surprise, his anger was multiplied many fold when he lost in 2020. For nearly three years now Trump has been whining about having been decisively beaten by President Joe Biden, a man he calls “Sleepy” or “Crooked” and who he thinks is both crippled by senility and driven by evil genius.

RELATED: Fox News Hypes Hostile ‘Trump Revenge Tour’ Promising that ‘If He Wins He’ll Be Out for Blood’

On Wednesday Trump posted a comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that once again illustrates just how demented he is. For several months Trump has been hammering at his competition for the 2024 Republican nomination for president. His main target has been Florida governor, Ron DeSantis. At every opportunity Trump lashes out at DeSantis, the only GOP candidate other than Trump who is in double digits in the polls. And in this case Trump reacted to the news that GOP campaign strategist, Ed Rollins, had quit the DeSantis “Ready for Ron” super PAC…

“Highly respected political pundit Ed Rollins just quit the DeSanctimonious Campaign saying that Ron is a highly ‘FLAWED CANDIDATE,’ whose poll numbers are crashing.”

Giving credit where it’s due, DeSantis is indeed a “highly ‘FLAWED CANDIDATE.'” Which might explain why his campaign has been going almost straight down ever since it began. Also, Rollins is a “Highly respected political pundit” in Republican campaign circles. However, Trump’s praise is peculiar for several reasons, as reported by Newsweek

To begin with, Trump is celebrating that Rollins departed the DeSantis PAC. But he must have forgotten that previously Rollins worked for Trump’s “Great America” PAC, which he left to go to work for DeSantis. So if quitting the DeSantis campaign reflects badly on DeSantis, the same thing must be true for quitting the Trump campaign. More to the point, after criticizing DeSantis, Rollins went on to say that with Trump as the GOP nominee…

“At the end of the day, I don’t see how Trump is a viable presidential candidate in part because of his legal problem. [but] unless something serious happens, Biden is probably going to get a second term…and I could even see Republicans losing their majority in the House.”

So the “highly respected political pundit” that Trump is praising so profusely for his good political sense, is predicting that Trump is going to lose again to Joe Biden. And Trump’s effect on the broader electoral landscape will also likely swing the House majority to the Democrats. And the same guy had the good sense to quit both the DeSantis and Trump campaigns. Sounds like a pretty savvy strategist. But don’t anybody tell Trump or it might trigger yet another meltdown.

SEE ALSO: Snowflake Trump Whines to DOJ that ‘An Indictment of Me Would Only Further Destroy Our Country’

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Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, Grills DeSantis on a Flurry of Fake Scandals

The Republican presidential primary is fulfilling its promise to be this season’s most stupendous circus of silliness and psychopathy. It features a cast of Lilliputian candidates who are fighting to see who can be the most solicitous toward the GOP’s Dear Leader, Donald Trump.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo

The only contender so far to have slithered out of single digits, other than Trump, is Florida’s aspiring authoritarian, Ron DeSantis, who is managing to lose to both Trump and Mickey Mouse. The DeSantis strategy appears to be focused on capturing the segment of the Republican electorate that thinks that Trump isn’t fascist enough and has too much charisma.

RELATED: DeSantis Issues a Fascist Fatwa on Fox News to ‘Destroy Leftism’ – Meaning Millions of Americans

The DeSantis obsession with what he calls the “woke mind virus” has compelled him to reference that wholly manufactured disease in at least every other sentence. And on Sunday morning he took that anti-woke road show to Fox News, where he spends more time than he does in Tallahassee.

However, on this occasion, DeSantis came face to face with Fox’s most Trump-loving host, Maria Bartiromo. And she greeted him with something that was more of a confrontation than an interview. Each utterance of her repeated inquiries as to what DeSantis would do was like a challenge that assumed he wouldn’t do anything significant (video below).

“I think one of the reasons that Donald Trump is in the lead is because of the corruption and the unfairness of our justice system. I want to know what you’re going to do. What are you going to do about the fact that the FBI worked with Twitter to censor information, amplify lies and suppress truth? What are you going to do about this influence peddling that we see is in plain sight that the Biden family has been doing allegedly, for now, more than a decade? What can you do to straighten things out now that Americans are sick and tired of the corruption they see in plain sight?”

To support her undisguised bias in favor of Trump, Bartiromo’s question enumerated a series of fictional scandals. The first of which was her belief that the American justice system is corrupt and unfair simply because it has recently endeavored to hold Trump accountable for his multitude of crimes. That’s straight out of Trump’s hyperbolic and hostile “Playbook of Pathetic and Vicious Victimhood.”

SEE THIS: Trump Says ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Staged Photo of Trump with Suspected Obama Stalker

Bartiromo continued with her inquisition asserting such fallacies as “the FBI worked with Twitter to censor information.” That was proved to be a flagrant lie promoted by Elon Musk and Fox News. Then she alleged that there was “influence peddling” by the Biden family “that we see is in plain sight.” Which was just another evidence-free conspiracy theory advanced by Republicans in Congress. And finally, Bartiromo whined that the American people are “sick and tired of the corruption” that she attributes to the Biden administration. The nation is indeed sick and tired of corruption, but most Americans believe that it is Trump who is responsible for it.

SEE ALSO: TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

For his part, DeSantis responded to Bartiromo by dodging every one of her questions. He never said what he would actually do about any the phony issues she raised. He merely agreed with her allegations and muttered vaguely that he would fix whatever the heck she thought was wrong.

“”We will end the weaponization of government, […] And I look back at like the Hunter Biden censorship, which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election. And yet, you know, those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with big tech.”

What wasn’t said was that everything that DeSantis and Bartiromo are complaining about took place during the Trump administration by people that he appointed. So in effect, they are alleging that Trump colluded against himself. It’s a bold and bizarre strategy. But it’s the only one they have. And while it might work on Trump’s cult disciples, it will further alienate the rest of the electorate. So expect more of the same as the primary proceeds. And enjoy the battle between DeSantis and Trump as they try to out-crazy each other.

RELATED: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

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Trump Previews His Excuses for Chickening Out of the Fox News Republican Primary Debate

Fox News will be hosting the first 2024 Republican presidential primary debate on August 23. It’s bound to be a raucous affair with a growing roster of candidates – 13 declared so far. The fact that so many people are challenging Trump is evidence that he isn’t viewed as much of threat to his prominent contenders who include a senator, five governors, and even his former vice-president, Mike Pence.

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Donald Trump Chicken

For his part, Trump has been making noises about skipping the debate. He has complained about Fox News hosting it because he asserts that they are “hostile” toward him and filled with “angry TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors.” Which makes one wonder if the Fox News he is watching is the one in his warped and paranoid imagination.

If Fox News is, in his mind, too biased against him, what network could he possibly consent to host any debate? He recently whined that “I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval.” So apparently he believes that the Republican Party must get his approval before scheduling any debates.

SEE THIS: Trump Announces that He’s Afraid to Debate Republicans for the 2024 Presidential Nomination

On Monday morning Trump posted a couple of comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, grumbling that Fox was covering Florida Governor Ron DeSantis more than him…

“FoxNews just covered, from beginning to end, the Ron DeSanctimonious very boring news conference […but…] FoxNews, which is down 37% in the Ratings, doesn’t cover my [Republican Party dinner] in Michigan, or my Keynote Speech for Faith & Freedom in D.C., and then wants me to show up and get them ratings for their ‘Presidential’ Debate, where I’m leading the field by 40 points. All they do is promote, against all hope, Ron DeSanctimonious, and he’s dropping like a rock. Sorry FoxNews, life doesn’t work that way!!!”

Not that Fox News deserves any defense, but the DeSantis coverage was a press conference that might arguably have contained some viable news content. Trump is mad that Fox didn’t cover his blatantly political gatherings – a GOP dinner, and a right-wing, Christian political conference – where Trump could be expected to merely regurgitate the same talking points, propaganda, and lies that he tells at all such events.

Nevertheless, Trump is exploiting his perception of this snubbing to weasel out of the Fox News debate. He regards his presence as a gift to the network for ratings, rather than as a responsibility to voters considering the candidates. And if the network doesn’t provide the quantity and tenor of coverage to satisfy his grossly inflated ego, he will punish them by not showing up. What’s more, Trump pretends that his reluctance might have something to do with Fox’s low ratings, which have indeed dropped precipitously in recent weeks.

SEE ALSO: MSNBC Trouncing Fox News Post-Trump Indictment is a Preview of Democrats vs Republicans in 2024

The bottom line is that Trump is scared and angry. He is afraid of Chris Christie, who has been effectively hammering Trump. He hates Ron DeSantis, who he regards as disloyal. And he is pissed Off at Fox anchor Bret Baier, who recently had the audacity to ask him a few probing questions.

Despite Trump’s cowardice, Fox News is proceeding with debate as if he will participate. But that doesn’t mean that they believe the election will be “free and fair.” In fact, they are already laying the groundwork to challenge the results and assist Trump in his future efforts to declare the election “rigged and stolen” unless Trump is declared the winner. Because they are all too deranged to accept any outcome other than one that coronates their Dear Leader.

RELATED: Anticipating Failure? Fox News is Already Gaslighting About Imaginary Election Fraud in 2024

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What’s Troubling Trump Today? The Term ‘WOKE’ that He Has Repeatedly Used Himself

If there’s one thing that epitomizes the multitude of mental defects that Donald Trump displays, it’s that he is a perpetual outrage machine. Virtually every time he opens his mouth he is complaining about something or someone that has failed to supply the unflinching adoration that he demands. He is – in his own words – the most fabulous whiner.”

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Trump Fear

It doesn’t take much to set Trump off. Lately he has been obsessed with his rival for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, Florida Fuhrer Ron DeSantis. More of Trump’s posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, are attacks on DeSantis than on any other subject. His Fear of DeSantis transcends his feigned interests in immigration, Russia’s war crimes against Ukraine, the debt ceiling default, and even his imminent legal peril that has already produced 34 felony indictments, with more to come.

RELATED: Fox News Finally Recognizes ‘The Biggest Problem for Donald Trump’ and it Isn’t Ron DeSantis

On Thursday Trump was campaigning in Iowa where he unleashed yet another assault on “Ron DeSanctimonious,” as Trump calls him. This time it was a catty callout of DeSantis and his tedious rhetoric that certifies a diagnosis of acute “woke mind virus.” That affliction prompted Trump to disavow any association with “wokeism,” a disease that produces severe discombobulation, stupefaction, and dumbfoundery. Trump said that…

“I don’t like the term ‘woke.’ Because I hear the term ‘woke woke woke.’ It’s just a term they use. Half the people can’t define it. They don’t know what it is.”

As absurd as it sounds… Trump is right. Most people (including Trump) can’t define “woke.” And they surely don’t know that it originated in the Black community as a call to be conscious of oppression and discrimination, and to work to overcome the inequities of society. To the Trump/GOP cult it simply means anything that they don’t happen to approve of at a particular moment in time. But Congress will surely get to the bottom of it with their spanking new Anti-Woke Caucus that they claim will stop the “greatest domestic threat to America today.”

However, Trump’s aversion to the term now represents a stark reversal of his prior position. He has frequently used the term when it suited him to do so. Only a week ago his campaign boasted that “When he is re-elected, Pres. Trump will END this woke insanity and restore honest, patriotic education to our classrooms. First, he will FIRE Biden’s woke educrats.” And his adoption of the word goes back nearly two years, when he declared triumphantly that “Everything woke turns to sh*t.” Hmmm… Does that include Fox News?

SEE THIS: UH-OH: Wait Until the GOP / Trump Cult Finds Out How Ultra Woke FOX News Is

What makes this “woke-phobia” all the more preposterous is that the war against woke isn’t even an effective political strategy. A recent poll by USA Today/Ipsos found that a majority of Americans have a positive impression of the term. According to the poll…

“Fifty-six percent of those surveyed say the term means ‘to be informed, educated on, and aware of social injustices.’ That includes not only three-fourths of Democrats but also more than a third of Republicans.”

So DeSantis is barking up the wrong trepidation. And Trump isn’t helping himself by playing both sides of the contrived “woke-roversy.” The whole subject is a farce that serves only to distract from the real problems that face Republicans. Namely that their leading candidate is a twice-impeached, serial sexual abuser, who has civil and criminal cases pending for crimes ranging from financial scams to election fraud to inciting an insurrection to espionage. And America is “woke” to that.

RELATED: Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed

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DeSantis Issues a Fascist Fatwa on Fox News to ‘Destroy Leftism’ – Meaning Millions of Americans

The race to the bottom in the 2024 Republican presidential primary continues apace now that Ron DeSantis is officially a candidate. Never mind that his announcement on Twitter was glitch-filled farce. And set aside that he is trailing Donald Trump by anywhere between 20 and 60 points.

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Ron DeSantis

Despite Trump’s lead among the MAGA cult that dominates the Republican Party, he is feverishly obsessed with the threat that DeSantis poses to his quest for the nomination. Trump posts more comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, about DeSantis than any other single subject. Yet he cheerfully welcomes all other GOP contenders into the fray. There’s a reason for that…

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

Meanwhile, DeSantis is parading around on right-wing media, hoping to prove that he is more Trumpy than Trump. On virtually every issue DeSantis is running to Trump’s right. He’ll deport more immigrants than Trump. He’ll ban more books than Trump. He hates LGBTQ+ people more than Trump. He’ll suppress more votes than Trump.

Most of all, DeSantis pledges to wage a more hostile, censorious, and totalitarian war against “woke” (whatever that means) than Trump. Even if that means the political genocide of his ideological foes. On Monday morning DeSantis was on Fox News responding why he thinks this is the right time for his campaign…

“Everyone knows that if I’m the nominee that I will beat Biden. I will serve two terms. And I will be able to destroy leftism in this country, and leave ‘woke’ ideology on the dustbin of history.”

First of all, if virtually every recent poll is any indication, DeSantis has little hope of beating President Biden, much less serving two terms. But more disturbing is his promise to “destroy leftism.” Bearing in mind that what Republicans mean when they say anything about the “left” in American politics is every member of, and voter for, the Democratic Party. Republicans thinks that Joe Manchin is a leftist. Having a “D” after your name is a scarlet letter denoting a devotion to Marxism, according to the tunnel-blind cretins of the GOP.

Consequently, DeSantis is advocating the elimination of at least half of the American people. And he thinks that that will be an effective campaign strategy. While it might have some appeal to the glassy-eyed cultists who vote in GOP primaries, it would be disastrous in the general election.

DeSantis is just trying to prove his bona fides as an aspiring autocrat in the mold of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Donald Trump. He believes that diverse opinions and free thought must be stamped out in favor of a philosophy of single minded thought control, and punishment – even destruction – for any offenders. His election to any office is a threat to freedom. And it is a course of action he has already implemented in Florida. He must not be permitted to spread it nationwide.

SEE ALSO: Ron DeSantis Seeks to Muzzle the Media with Unconstitutional Libel Law Reforms – Just Like Trump

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Fox News Finally Recognizes ‘The Biggest Problem for Donald Trump’ and it Isn’t Ron DeSantis

For the American people, Fox News has never been a reliable chronicler of what is going on in the country or the world. Their staunchly partisan, rightist slanting of current events – or history for that matter – was designed from its inception to deceive on behalf of the conservative agenda and the Republican Party.

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Donald Trump, Prison

As the 2024 presidential election cycle begins to unfold, Fox News continued its mission to advance the interests of the far right. Even after some of the most devastating blows to its already journalistically unscrupulous reputation as revealed by the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit that they recently settled for nearly a billion dollars.

RELATED: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

For much of the past seven years, Fox News has served as Donald Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, advancing his interests and defending him from any and all criticism. One of their most frequent methods of aiding and abetting Trump’s cultish MAGA movement has been to simply ignore any bad news. And that’s particularly true with regard to the multitude of civil and criminal cases for which he is the subject.

Which makes the remarks Wednesday morning by Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade all the more surprising:

“The biggest problem for Donald Trump might not be Ron DeSantis, might be the court cases. As you saw yesterday, he’s gotta be in court in March. Right in the middle of the primary season. As you see what happened yesterday. He’s sending his lawyers to send to a letter to Merrick Garland saying ‘I want to meet.’ Because it looks like an indictment is coming out of the Mar-a-Lago case. So his biggest threat is something that has nothing to do with this widening field.”

Indeed. Ron DeSantis is hardly a threat to Trump’s aspirations for the GOP nomination. Neither is Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, or Asa Hutchinson. The MAGA cult is all in for Trump and totally uninterested in his wannabes.

However, the looming legal perils that Trump faces are becoming more treacherous for Trump by the day. Kilmeade vaguely referred to a couple of them. The one for which Trump must appear in court next March involves his indictment on 34 felonies related to hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels to buy her silence prior to the 2016 election.

More ominous for Trump is the letter Kilmeade mentioned from Trump’s lawyers to Attorney General Merrick Garland. It was Trump’s pathetic cry for mercy as he acknowledges that more indictments are imminent with regard to his theft and hoarding of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, and his incitement of the January 6th insurrection.

Trump’s lawyers pleaded with Garland for an audience so that they could whine about how “unfairly” Trump thinks he is being treated. But their letter doesn’t bother to provide any details about what such a meeting would discuss or accomplish, other than to complain and rant irrelevantly about Hunter Biden…

“We represent Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, in the investigation currently being conducted by the Special Counsel’s Office. Unlike President Biden, his son Hunter, and the Biden family, President Trump is being treated unfairly. No President of the United States has ever, in the history of our country, been baselessly investigated in such an outrageous and unlawful fashion.

“We request a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the ongoing injustice that is being perpetrated by your Special Counsel and his prosecutors.”

For the record, there is nothing unfair or unlawful about the special counsel probe of Trump. It is based on barrels full of incriminating evidence and testimony, much of it from Trump associates. What’s more, the only reason that no president in history has been subjected to this sort of investigation is that no other president was so transparently craven and criminally corrupt.

Garland was right to decline the meeting with Trump’s attorneys. He has maintained an ethical distance from the Trump probe, just has he has from the Biden documents probe and the recently concluded Durham Nothingburger.

RELATED: Trump (and Fox News) FREAK OUT After Durham Report Turns Out to Be Another GOP Nothingburger

The fact that Trump’s attorney’s can so casually be dispatched is proof of just how feeble Trump is in these waning days of his increasingly impotent political life. But expect him to become ever more outraged in response to his dwindling influence. Like a cornered rat he will bare his tiny teeth and squeal incessantly in the hopes of scaring off his foes and preserving whatever scraps of cheese he can.


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Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

The 2024 primary for the Republican nomination for president is already in full swing with five declared candidates vying to upset the party’s entrenched cult messiah, Donald Trump. And that doesn’t even include undeclared, but probable, candidates Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence, and at least eight others.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News

For his part, Trump has been waging a feeble campaign from the safety of his Mar-a-Lago bunker, where he frantically posts demented comments on his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. Occasionally he will venture out to attend a cult rally or participate in a dreadful, so-called town hall on CNN.

SEE THIS: How Horrible Was CNN’s Lie-Riddled Trump Town Hall? Let’s See What CNN Has to Say About It

On Tuesday morning Trump excoriated his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, for failing to be unflinchingly worshipful. It’s a posture he has assumed frequently as of late. Earlier this week he complained about a segment that didn’t damn DeSantis to hell, saying that “He sucks, and so does Fox News.” But on this occasion, the target of Trump’s tantrum was one of his most devoted boosters on the network, Laura Ingraham. Trump bellowed that…

“Laura Ingraham on FoxNews just did a hit piece on me (there go her ratings!) showing some polls which indicate that Ron DeSanctimonious may do better against Biden than I would, when actually polls show that I do MUCH better against Biden than ‘Rob.’ The poll your looking at now, which has me doing far better against Crooked Joe, was just put out by FOX, I am sure unhappily. I’m also leading DeSanctus by over 40 points in Primary Voting. Watch Greg Kelly on Newsmax at 10:00 P.M.”

What triggered Trump was a segment on Ingraham’s show Monday night, wherein her conservative pundit guest blasphemed Trump’s divine infallibility saying that…

“Donald Trump, in almost all the polls that we’ve seen that have been done so far, granted it’s early, is behind Joe Biden. Now Joe Biden is running pretty badly against generic Republicans, maybe against a Tim Scott or against a Ron DeSantis type figure, but he’s consistently beating Donald Trump.”

Ingraham should know better than to ever say anything that isn’t utterly adoring of Trump. Doing so lands you a spot on his ever-growing enemies list. And to suggest that President Biden could defeat Trump – which he did decisively already – is unadulterated heresy.

Trump is doing his part to destroy Fox News, which may be the only thing he has ever done to benefit American society. However, his assault on Ingraham may be wasted considering that she is already rumored to have lost her primetime spot in the wake of the firing of Tucker Carlson. Fox has announced programming changes that would move wingnuts Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld to primetime, which would mean Ingraham is pushed out.

Newsmax has been the beneficiary of the Carlson dumping as Fox News ratings have cratered since then, and some of that audience has migrated to Newsmax. Trump’s post exacerbates that exodus as he urges his cult followers to flip over to the ultra-rightist Newsmax during Ingraham’s 10:00pm time period.

As for the battle between Trump and DeSantis, there are several polls that show DeSantis doing better than Trump against Biden. But Trump is known for denying reality and/or deceiving his followers to insist that he is always winning whatever fight he’s in. Never mind that he has been singularly responsible for Republican losses in 2020 and 2022. And there’s no reason not to assume that he won’t have the same impact in 2024. Even without Fox News to prop him up.

RELATED STORY: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

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Trump Announces that He’s Afraid to Debate Republicans for the 2024 Presidential Nomination

It is still nearly a year before any of the primaries for the 2024 Republican nomination for president. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from engaging in the sort of dirty campaign tactics that have been the hallmarks of his political life. Trump has a “burn all bridges” approach to electoral politics, and he has started his rhetorical bombardment unusually early.

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Donald Trump Baby at Podium

The principle recipient of Trump’s wrath has been Ron DeSantis. The Florida governor is currently the only credible opponent in the GOP field, and even in his case, the term “credible” is generous. Trump has been lashing out at DeSantis with criticisms of his failed stewardship of Florida (which is hard to argue with). He accuses DeSantis of seeking to cut Social Security and Medicare, mismanaging the COVID-19 pandemic, and has even implied that he is a gay pedophile. Meanwhile, Trump has welcomed all other GOP candidates into the race with open arms. There’s a reason for that…

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

With the election cycle beginning to heat up, Trump is now displaying signs of his pitiful cowardice. He posted a hysterical comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, threatening to refrain from participating in any Republican candidate debates scheduled by the Republican National Committee. Trump raged that…

“I see that everybody is talking about the Republican Debates, but nobody got my approval, or the approval of the Trump Campaign, before announcing them. When you’re leading by seemingly insurmountable numbers, and you have hostile Networks with angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors asking the ‘questions,’ why subject yourself to being libeled and abused? Also, the Second Debate is being held at the Reagan Library, the Chairman of which is, amazingly, Fred Ryan, Publisher of The Washington Post. NO!”

First of all, “everybody” is certainly not talking about Republican debates. Hardly anyone has mentioned them at all. But more importantly, where does Trump get the idea that his “approval” is required to hold such debates. He can decline to show up if he’s too chicken to face his opponents. But he doesn’t get to decide whether there will be any debates, or to dictate the terms.

For the record, the only network that has been identified as a host for any GOP debate is Fox News. Apparently Trump believes that Fox is a “hostile network” that is filled with “angry, TRUMP & MAGA hating anchors.” That’s some nuclear-grade delusion right there. If he’s afraid that he will be “libeled and abused” by Fox News’ questions, what network could he possibly accept as a debate host? Perhaps Russia’s RT news channel?

Trump is also maligning the patron saint of the GOP, Ronald Reagan, whose presidential library has been selected as a debate site. Trump’s problem with that is that library’s board is chaired by Washington Post publisher, Fred Ryan. Trump doesn’t mention that both Rupert Murdoch and his son, Lachlan, are also board members, along with an array of hard right business and political figures. He also doesn’t explain how the physical location would influence the content of the debate.

It is notable that the RNC has already demanded that Republicans refuse to participate in any of the debates sponsored by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD). This was done on Trump’s behalf to keep him from having to answer questions more difficult than “Were you the greatest president ever”?

RELATED: Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

Some Republicans might complain of hypocrisy considering that the Democratic National Committee recently said that they don’t expect to be holding debates for the Democratic nomination. However, these are two entirely different circumstances. The RNC is expected to have many viable candidates vying for their nomination, including governors and senators. However, the DNC presently has no other serious contenders. New age oracle Marianne Williamson and Steve Bannon’s stalking horse Robert F. Kennedy Jr. certainly don’t qualify. What’s more, it was a decision made by the DNC, not President Biden. If the DNC decides to hold debates, Biden will surely be there.

What we are witnessing is just another example of Trump’s pettiness, self-importance, and abject fear. He’s looking for excuses to evade any confrontations with smarter Republicans on a national stage that he doesn’t control. Should he follow through on his threat, the RNC should hold the debates without him. Which would actually improve their usefulness.

For his part, Trump can stage another cult rally where he rambles on interminably about the same crapola he’s been whining about for the past two years (mostly election fraud and his rapidly accumulating collection of indictments). It won’t get any media coverage other than on Newsmax and OAN. And it certainly won’t expand his support beyond his base of glassy-eyed yokels who are already indoctrinated into his cult. All of which should make for a profoundly comical season of GOP politics.

RELATED: Read Trump’s Raving Arraignment Response as Foretold By His Unhinged Truth Social Rants

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Trump is So Scared of Losing the GOP Primary He’s Posting Anti-DeSantis Links to MSNBC’s Joy Reid

The 2024 presidential primaries are still almost a year away. But that hasn’t stopped Donald Trump from waging an all-out battle against what he considers to be his biggest obstacle to the Republican nomination, Ron DeSantis. And consistent with his battle strategies, he has lowered the bar for decency and honesty as he goes into attack mode.

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Donald Trump, Snowflakes

No one will be surprised to learn that the acid-tongued Trump has attacked DeSantis in the most vile terms. He has taken a profoundly hostile approach to DeSantis, exhibiting his penchant for childish insults in a series of posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. In summary, Trump has implied that DeSantis is a gay pedophile who will terminate Social Security and deliver the GOP to establishment RINOs and Democrats.

SEE THIS: GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

On Friday Trump demonstrated just how desperate he is to torpedo DeSantis before the Governor has even entered the race. Trump posted a a link to an article that revealed how poorly DeSantis is doing at garnering the endorsements of other republicans from his own state. But what makes this posting especially significant is that the article was published on the website of MSNBC host, Joy Reid. Trump’s post featured the article’s lede that said…

“Ron DeSantis’ D.C. charm offensive was a massive failure—Florida’s governor, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, may have been looking for a coronation when he met lawmakers in Washington. He got a clown show, instead.”

While all of that is unarguably true, it is rather bizarre that Trump chose Reid’s website as the source for the that opinion. Surely there are other conservative sources that opined the very same criticisms of DeSantis. But Trump was apparently to frantic too get out this “news” to bother with ascertaining the source.

There’s a reason that Trump is so hyper-focused on attacking DeSantis. At this point in the election cycle, DeSantis is his only plausible competition. So he’s determined to bring him down before he can get any traction. Trump knows that none of the other potential candidates (i.e. Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Greg Abbott, Asa Hutchinson, Larry Elder, etc.) currently pose any problem at all for him. So he’s laying off of them. In fact, he needs them in the race to weaken DeSantis’ strength as the leading anti-Trump candidate.

A recent poll by Monmouth University shows that Trump is well ahead of the GOP pack with 41% of respondents choosing Trump. Coming in second is DeSantis with 27%. However, a head-to-head race between Trump and DeSantis in the same poll was a virtual tie.

Consequently, While Trump is flailing away hysterically at DeSantis, he is literally welcoming other candidates into the race. Albeit, he does so in a patently passive-aggressive manner. When Haley announced her candidacy, Trump responded saying “I’m glad she’s running. I want her to follow her heart – even though she made a commitment that she would never run against who she called the greatest president of her lifetime.”

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

Trump knows that the more candidates in the GOP primary, the more the anti-Trump vote is diluted, and the better chance he has of winning a plurality. And Trump is so terrified of losing that he would even cite Joe Biden if the President bothered to criticize DeSantis. That’s not the behavior of a strong candidate or personality. It’s the behavior of whiny snowflake who’s frightened and desperate.

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GOP Presidential Poll Reveals Why Ron DeSantis is the Only 2024 Opponent that Trump is Attacking

While the first primary for the 2024 Republican nomination for president is still nearly a year away, Donald Trump is already running hard. He announced his candidacy last November in a nightmarishly bleak address that featured dystopian references to “blood-soaked streets” in “cesspool cities,” and was universally poorly received.

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Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis

Since Trump’s official entry into the 2024 race he has maintained a constant presence via his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. He routinely posts dozens of comments a day, mostly linking to ultra-rightist websites and his anonymous QAnon cult followers. Occasionally Trump even posts stories from Fox News, which he has come to detest for being insufficiently worshipful. But he still can’t resist it when they exalt him as he believes he deserves, such as their analysis of the apocalyptic commencement of his candidacy.

RELATED: Fox News Lauds Trump as ‘Unbeatable in 2024’ Following His Dystopian Campaign Announcement

Although there has been almost no adversarial interactions on the campaign trail, Trump has taken a profoundly hostile approach to one prospective opponent, Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Trump has lately descended into the scummiest depths of political hostilities. In a series of assaults he has implied that DeSantis is a gay pedophile who will terminate Social Security and deliver the GOP to establishment RINOs.

Oddly, however, Trump has hardly said a word about any of the other Republicans who are mulling running against him. And a new poll by Monmouth University tells us why that is.

The survey shows that Trump is well ahead of the GOP pack with 41% of respondents choosing Trump. Coming in second is DeSantis with 27%. The rest of the contenders wallow in single digits.

However, the poll also asked respondents who they would support if the only choices were Trump and DeSantis. In that case the race was a virtual tie with Trump at 47% and DeSantis at 46%. And that explains why Trump is only bashing DeSantis. He is the only one who represents any competition at this point. So in Trump’s mind, he must be destroyed.

Furthermore, the other potential candidates currently pose no problem at all for Trump. So he’s laying off of them. In fact, he needs them in the race to dilute DeSantis’ strength as the leading anti-Trump candidate. Consequently, when Nikki Haley announced her candidacy, Trump literally welcomed her into the race, albeit in a somewhat passive-aggressive fashion.

SEE THIS: Trump ‘Welcomes’ Nikki Haley Into the 2024 GOP Primary with a Furious Flurry of Feces Flinging

The more piddly Republicans who run (i.e. Haley, Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Mike Pompeo, Tim Scott, Chris Christie, etc), the better it is for Trump. So he ignores them. But he is so worried about DeSantis that a day doesn’t go by without multiple attacks.

On Wednesday Trump posted a link to an article about Steve Bannon calling DeSantis a “weasel” for injecting a sly reference to Trump’s troubles with adult film star Stormy Daniels into his criticism of Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan District Attorney who is contemplating an indictment of Trump.

Talk about passive-aggressive. Although Bannon’s criticism included the same references to the Stormy situation, so she got a two-fer. Actually, it was a three-fer because Trump reposted the Bannon article, further highlighting the porn star, hush money affair.

RELATED: Trump’s Attorney Admits that Trump Lied About Making Hush Money Payments to Stormy Daniels

In the coming weeks and months look for Trump to lob ever more poisoned spears at DeSantis. For his part, DeSantis will likely avoid declaring his candidacy as long as possible, partly because it is currently illegal for him to run and serve as governor at the same time (although the Florida legislature is in the process of repealing that law). So all of the open acrimony will be coming from Trump, while DeSantis meekly slings his muffled mud.

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