Fox News Admits that the GOP is Demanding Tapes of Biden So They Can Mock Him for Stuttering

Among the tediously repeated lines that Trump delivers in his traveling cult rallies is a new one wherein he declares that the 2024 presidential election is “the most important election in the history of the United States.” And for once, he isn’t wrong. But he also isn’t right for the reasons that he thinks.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On November 5, 2024, the American people will choose between President Joe Biden, a dedicated, patriotic, statesman, and family man, or Donald Trump, a twice impeached, serial adulterer, who has been adjudicated as a rapist and fraudster, and been convicted of 34 felonies. Inexplicably, there is still a small but noisy contingent of Trump cultists who remain irredeemably devoted to their Dear Leader despite all the evidence of his moral decrepitude. The good news is that most voters won’t have a particularly difficult time making their decision.

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

In the meantime, the Trump-fluffers at Fox News are hard at work spreading lies, right-wing propaganda, and malicious insults that would embarrass an eight year old. Which is what they’ve always done, so that isn’t exactly news. A recent example of this comes from Kayleigh McEnany, a former Trump press secretary who is now doing essentially the same job, but with a bigger paycheck from Fox.

In a segment of Fox’s Sean Hannity show, McEnany addressed a wholly contrived controversy over Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has declined to turn over some audio tapes of Biden to the rabidly biased Republicans in the House of Representatives. Garland advised the GOP that such requests violate precedent when there is an objection on the basis of executive privilege. But in a fit of petulant rage, the GOP voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress anyway.

To the surprise no one with a functioning cerebellum, Garland decided not to prosecute himself. Not out of personal interest, but because there is no crime to prosecute. This exacerbated the already unhinged anger of the GOP and Fox News. McEnany lashed out saying that…

“This is of great public interest. As congressmen have pointed out, the transcripts were edited to keep out the ‘ums,’ the ‘ahs,’ ‘the stutters. The American people deserve to hear this President in long form.”

So McEnany is admitting that the only purpose of releasing the audio tapes would be to embarrass the President who has had a lifelong problem with stuttering. It’s a sickening request that seeks only to mock an otherwise irrelevant speech impediment. What she is asking is akin to demanding the videotapes of the President’s colonoscopy because the American people “deserve” to see the President’s long intestine.

The tapes do not provide any substantive information that would be useful for any legislative purpose. Congress has the full transcripts of the tapes, and such transcripts always remove extraneous pauses and fillers. But McEnany and her confederates at Fox News don’t have any coherent criticisms to make of Biden, so they are desperate for petty things like this that they can exploit to attack him.

McEnany is not alone on this. The Republican Speaker of the House, MAGA Mike Johnson, is also weighing in on the matter. He has announced that Congress is going to sue the Justice Department in an attempt to get the tapes. Johnson is, once again, proving that he believes the role of Congress is to serve as Trump’s private law firm. Rather than pass any bills that actually benefit the nation or its citizens, Johnson focuses entirely on partisan political attacks on behalf of Trump. That’s why this session of Congress has been the least productive in decades.

SEE ALSO: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

What’s more, the goal of disparaging Biden’s mental acuity by Fox News and the MAGA GOP, is one that fails miserably in contrast to Trump’s own cognitive problems. Trump provides frequent evidence of his Acute Psychobabble Disorder (APB). It ranges from rants about succumbing to electrocution or sharks, to ridiculously inflating the size of the crowds at his cult rallies, to claiming to have the solution to every world problem that he can only reveal if he’s elected.

However, the pièce de résistance is Trump’s alleged proof that he is mentally superior to most mortals because he supposedly “aced” a cognitive test given to him by a disgraced former doctor, now Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson, wherein he was asked to identify an elephant and count backwards. However, in Trump’s latest attempt to brag about this “accomplishment,” the “stable genius” couldn’t even remember the doctor’s name…

So it is with the backdrop of Trump’s inability to retain information that he refers to frequently, along with his Bizarro World yammering that no one can decipher, that Fox News and the GOP want to get their hands on some tapes of Biden stammering during a five hour long interview, in order to prove that he’s unfit for office. That is how pitifully desperate they are to find anything to dirty up Biden with.

While this might work on the already indoctrinated Trump disciples, it is going to fall flat for everyone else. And the best forum within which to prove that is the upcoming Biden/Trump debate. That is, if Trump doesn’t chicken out.


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Marjorie Taylor Green Scorches Fox News for Wanting ‘To Control What Republican Voters Think’

The magnitude of the maladjustment within today’s Republican Party has reached unprecedented levels of chaos and hostility. And while they unload plenty of vile on their Democratic foes, they frequently aim at one another, ripping themselves to shreds in pursuit of some illusory glory or at least attention.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

Case in point: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA), has been ferociously mauling her GOP confederates, including the leader of her party in the House of Representatives, Speaker Mike Johnson, who she tried unsuccessfully to oust.

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

Not satisfied with that humiliating failure, Greene reached out to the patron taint of MAGA Land, Steve Bannon, to try to enhance her embarrassment by lashing out at the right’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News (video below). Greene whined…

So you got to remember Fox News that literally fired Tucker Carlson, the number one cable TV news host in the nation. Tucker, who was basically the voice of everyone, that’s the Fox News that refused to cover me calling the motion to vacate. The Five never switched gears, they never changed, never went to anything different. Fox News wants to control what Republican voters think.

Let’s set aside Greene’s deranged assertion that Tucker Carlson was “the voice of everyone.” And we can likewise ignore her lie that Fox News “refused to cover “ her motion to vacate stunt. Neither of those remarks resemble anything remotely like reality.

What’s notable about Greene’s comments is the part that she surprisingly got right. Fox News does indeed want to control what Republican voters think. And they always have. In fact, it’s pretty much their reason for existing.

However, Greene seems to think that that wasn’t the purpose of the network from its inception, and in partnership with the GOP. She delivers this opinion as criticism. Never mind that she was happy to take advantage of this propaganda machine when it suited her purposes. She went on tell Bannon that…

“They want to make viewers, their viewers think that we have to fight for Ukraine, that we have to stop Putin because he’s gonna steamroll across Europe just like Hitler did even though there’s no evidence of showing that.”

Greene is ignoring the evidence of Putin’s intentions, such as his own words. This is why even Greene’s fellow Republicans have been calling her “Moscow Marjorie.” She continued saying that…

“This is the same Fox News that wants to infuriate you every single day while Republicans go down to the border, drag out the podium once again, point it, oh, look. Look. They’re crossing the border. Oh my goodness. Oh my. But, yeah, Republicans don’t do a damn thing to actually stop it.”

Greene, of course, is a ray of sunshine who never resorts to infuriating her followers. As for the border bill, she was one of the Republicans who voted against a bipartisan solution because Dear Leader Trump told them to. They prefer chaos to solutions because they think they can blame it on President Biden. And she still wasn’t through…

“The Speaker can do anything he wants to do if he’s willing to do it, but we have a speaker that’s weak that a man — an 80-year-old man with dementia is able to fool him. This is where we are.”

That hardly needs a response. Finally, Greene closed saying that…

“Fox News wants to make sure, make sure that you guys don’t have your own opinion, that you only have the opinion that Fox News tells you to have.”

So how is that different than what Fox and the GOP have wanted for years? How is it different from what Greene and Bannon want? The Republican Party is a lockstep organization that has always demanded total fealty to their doctrine, and now to their messia, Donald Trump. Other than new faces, nothing has changed.


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Mob Boss Trump Demands a 5% Cut of All Funds Raised By GOP Candidates Who Use His Name or Image

The 2024 presidential election season is not going especially well for Republican candidate, and MAGA cult messiah, Donald Trump. Due to his recidivist criminal activities, Trump is wasting precious hours and days scowling in a courtroom and whining to MAGA media about what a poor, pitiful victim he is of the American judicial system that he complains is corrupt and biased against him.

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Donald Trump Angry

Meanwhile, President Biden is advancing a progressive agenda for the nation and traversing the country, meeting with swing state voters, and celebrating the promise and optimism of a nation that is making real progress. The contrast between Biden’s positive campaign and Trump’s future of felonious courtroom melodrama reflects the differences between a true statesman who has the best interests of the people at heart, and a confirmed criminal who is desperately seeking to avoid prison.

SEE THIS: Trump Says All Presidents Must Have ‘Total Immunity’ from Crimes – Except for President Biden

Affirming the failure of Trump’s campaign is the abysmal results of his fundraising. The Biden team has raised over $190 million, more than double Trump’s take. And while spending more to open field offices and hire staff, Biden’s camp still has millions more cash on hand. This disparity has caused the Trump team to resort to some peculiar and brazenly unethical methods to juice their income. As reported by Politico, Trump’s camp sent a letter to his fellow Republicans demanding that any candidates “who use his name, image and likeness in fundraising appeals give at least 5 percent of the proceeds” to Trump. The letter states that…

“Beginning tomorrow, we ask that all candidates and committees who choose to use President Trump’s name, image, and likeness split a minimum of 5% of all fundraising solicitations to Trump National Committee JFC. This includes but is not limited to sending to the house file, prospecting vendors, and advertising.”

The letter ominously warns that failure to comply with these demands “will result in the suspension of business relationships between the vendor and Trump National Committee.” Conversely, those who are obedient “will be seen favorably by the RNC and President Trump’s campaign and [be] reported to the highest levels of leadership within both organizations.” So y’all better behave, ya hear?

This isn’t the first time that Trump has issued this sort of self-serving decree. In March of 2023, Trump threatened the House GOP’s campaign arm to “stop using the former president’s image and likeness in your fundraising pitches or you will pay.”

SEE THIS: Trump Threatens Republicans to Stop Using His Image to Raise Money that He Wants for Himself

Also, in March of 2021, Trump’s campaign legal team sent out cease and desist orders to the Republican National Committee to bar them from using Trump’s image. On that occasion it turned out to be an empty threat and there were no apparent repercussions for disobeying. Proving once again that Trump is all mouth.

When asked to comment about this new demand for a 5% cut, Danielle Alvarez, a Trump campaign spokesperson, said that “It is important to protect small dollar donors from scammers that use the president’s name and likeness.” That’s right! Because only Trump is allowed to scam those small dollar donors. And anyone who forgets that might end up sleeping with the fishes. Capisce?


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IT’S A CULT: GOP Governor Still Embraces Trump After Hearing a Summary of His Lies and Crimes

The political support for Donald Trump has always been centered on his tabloid celebrity status as a fake real estate magnate and reality TV game show host. The willful ignorance of his supporters matched his own reckless abandon of knowledge and facts, in favor of silly slogans and the shameless exploitation ultra-rightist wedge issues.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

As a result, what Trump calls the “MAGA movement” has devolved into a full blown cult of personality. His glassy-eyed disciples don’t bother to pretend that they have any interest in the substance of his positions or concern for his abhorrent behavior. They view his words and actions as divinely inspired no matter how far removed they are from the ethical doctrine they profess to believe. And they have a Media Ministry that molds their skewed perceptions to a faux reality, enabling them to maintain their craven “faith” in Trump.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Joins the Trump Cult Choir Proclaiming that ‘We’ve Always Seen Honesty with Trump’

An example of the disturbing depths of devotion to the Trump cult was provided during an interview on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” of the Republican governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. Stephanopoulos tried several times to get Sununu to explain how he could continue to support Trump for president even after conceding that Trump had committed serious breaches of ethics and the law. Finally Stephanopoulos sought to condense the question in order to elicit a straight answer. Suffice to say that Sununu failed the test despite the clearly defined summation of Trump’s treachery…

Stephanopoulos: Just to sum up. You support Trump for president even if he’s convicted in the classified documents case. You support him for president even though you believe he contributed to an insurrection. You support him for president even though you believe he’s lying about the last election. You support him for president even if he’s convicted in the Manhattan case. I just want to say, the answer to that is yes, correct?
Sununu: Yeah. Me and 51 percent of America.

So Sununu, like the rest of the Trump cult, will continue to back Trump even if he violated the Espionage Act, incited a deadly insurrection, is a pathological liar, and a convicted felon. Stephanopoulos left out that their support also continues after Trump has been found liable for financial fraud, and has been adjudicated as a rapist.

It is also notable that Sununu’s response, in addition to being nauseating, is patently false. It is not true that “51 percent of America” supports Trump. His polling average is consistently in the low 40’s. And much of that is just support for the Republican candidate, not for Trump. Recent polls show President Biden beating Trump. And on the eve of the start of Trump’s election interference trial in New York, a majority of Americans say that Trump has committed serious crimes.

What’s more, the alleged popularity of Trump is irrelevant to the question of whether he should be supported or not. Would Sununu continue to support Trump if were found to have committed rape? Oh, wait… What if he had stolen classified documents? Oh, wait… What if his university and charity were shuttered due to fraud? Oh, wait… What if he shot someone on 5th Avenue? That’s the ticket. He hasn’t done that yet. He’s only bragged about being able to.

This is how cults work. Members are not permitted to have independent thoughts. They must believe only Dear Leader. Everyone else must be considered to be lying to them. Everything that Dear Leader does is sanctified, no matter how repulsive. And Sununu, just like the rest of the Trump cult, is cool with that.


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Fox News and the GOP Are Now Dreaming of ‘Weaponizing’ the Justice Department Against Biden

Donald Trump’s MAGA Republican Party and its Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, deserve some “credit” for one thing: They have an inexhaustible supply of the mindless bullheadedness required to persist in pushing preposterous pseudo-legal smear campaigns despite having lost every attempt to spread their lies and malice.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Republicans in the House of Representatives have spent more than a year “investigating” President Biden and his family, searching desperately for any shred of evidence that he committed some unarticulated crime. And despite having the power of the majority in the House, they have come up empty every time. Even worse, their own witnesses have testified that Biden has never done anything remotely illegal or impeachable.

SEE THIS: GOP Speaker Admits the Purpose of the Biden Impeachment Inquiry is to Hurt Biden Politically

None of that, however, has dissuaded them from their malicious mission to denigrate Biden and his family, and to subject them to vicious personal attacks without any basis in reality. And naturally, Fox News is right beside them to buttress their lies and defamation.

On Wednesday morning, Senior Fox News Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Rep. James Comer (R-MAGA), chair of the House Oversight Committee. And undeterred by the utter lack of any new or evidence or testimony, they resumed wallowing in the sort of dishonesty that resulted in Fox News having to pay $787 million for lying about election fraud. Bartiromo began with a question that included her own obvious bias…

Bartiromo: What else can you do get some accountability after all of this information that you say you’ve dug up?
Comer: I think the two best options moving forward are obviously criminal referrals and then impeachment. Impeachment is still on the table. There’s still an overwhelming majority of Republicans that agree with me that Joe Biden has committed impeachable offenses. Now our confidence level in the Senate is very low, but at the end of the day the criminal referrals are something that I believe – if we don’t have a Department of Justice today, hopefully in a year we will have a Department of Justice that can hold him accountable. But we’re gonna have the tools in place to hold this family accountable for the criminal wrongdoing that they have committed one way or the other.

Virtually every word of Comer’s reply is untrue. He has no path forward for impeachment, or he wouldn’t be resorting to criminal referrals. And he has no path forward for criminal referrals because their is no evidence of any crime, and the Department of Justice will surely laugh it off. Furthermore, Comer does not have an “overwhelming majority of Republicans” on his side or he would have brought it to the House floor for a vote.

What Comer is actually announcing is that he expects Trump to “weaponize” the Justice Department (something that Trump and the GOP regularly whine about) to prosecute his political opponent if he were to reoccupy the White House. Which would be peculiar since Trump insists that presidents have “total immunity” from any criminal prosecution.

SEE ALSO: Is Trump Now Saying that Presidents Do Not Have ‘Total Immunity’ – Or Just that Biden Doesn’t?

Apparently Fox News and Comer disagree with Trump. And Trump will disagree with himself if the opportunity arises, because he couldn’t care less about being consistent or even rational. The only thing Trump ever cares about is whatever he can bend to his self-interest at the moment.

Of course, none of this comes to pass if Biden is reelected. In which case, Comer’s “two best options” are losers before they even leave the gate. Which is a situation that he should be familiar with by now, considering all the losing he has suffered through so far.


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Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

If it seems to you like every day Republicans in Congress do something new to humiliate themselves, while advancing their ultra-rightist smear campaigns against President Biden and other Democrats, and sucking up to their Dear Leader Donald Trump, then it’s clear that you are paying attention.

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Donald Trump, Republican, GOP

It’s almost as if the GOP is purposefully planning these embarrassing political pratfalls as their strategy for winning back the White House. What else could explain stunts like the one that Marjorie Taylor Greene just pulled by filing a motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson after only five months as Speaker? And recall that he got that post because Republicans ousted the previous Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, after only nine months.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The reaction to Green’s motion has been swift and hilarious. Most of her GOP colleagues have condemned her for reinforcing the accurate impression that the Republican Party is populated by idiots and is awash in chaos. But those condemning her are doing their own part in reinforcing that impression. They surely are not exhibiting the unity that Trump recently bragged about…

SEE ALSO: REALLY? Dementia Addled Trump Babbles that ‘I Have Never Seen the Republican Party So Unified’

And if that weren’t bad enough, Fox News isn’t taking any of this very well. It is presenting them with more obstacles to their propaganda mission of propping up Republicans and Trump-fluffing. That was glaringly evident in the monologue of Fox’s Laura Ingraham who whined that…

“I have been in Washington for 30 years. I have never witnessed what I’m witnessing now. A party with a narrow majority in the House of Representatives – everything on the line in the country – but committing a slow suicide. This is why conservatives call the GOP the stupid party.”

First of all, it isn’t conservatives calling the GOP “The Stupid Party” (which would make a great new name for them). It is mainstream Republicans and most Americans. If anything, it’s the conservatives like Greene and the GOP’s Freedom Caucus who are attacking Johnson, advocating extremist policies (i.e. banning abortion, cutting Social Security, etc.), and generally spreading around the stupid.

What’s more, Ingraham is complaining about the GOP being incapable of governing with their “narrow” and shrinking majority. But she is steadfastly against working with Democrats on compromise legislation such as funding the government, securing the border, or providing aid to Ukraine. She and her right-wing confederates have no positive solutions to the nation’s problems. Instead, they are laser focused on impeaching President Biden and maligning his family and Cabinet. It is that agenda that is causing their “slow suicide.”

However, Ingraham is not alone. Her Fox News comrade, and former Trump press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, joined the pile-on following Green’s Johnson-busting business. On Friday’s episode of Fox’s “Outnumbered” McEnany offered a uniquely perverse point of view…

“So, Marjorie Taylor Greene said ‘I have not talked to president Trump about this.’ Largely president Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson have had a great relationship. Speaker Mike Johnson just put out a piece congratulating him on securing the nomination. I think it’s a pretty big voice you would want to get input from since he’s the titular head of the party at the moment.”

What McEnany is proposing is that Trump be given the right of approval as to who Republicans in the House choose to lead their party. Never mind that the Constitution explicitly divides the government into three independent branches. McEnany would do away with the principle of “separation of powers” so that Trump could reign as a monarch, imposing his will on the legislative and judicial branches, in addition to the executive. Which, by the way, he does not currently occupy.

This is just further evidence that the Stupid Party is more of a cult than a political enterprise. And it’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is fully on board with elevating Dear Leader Trump to messiah status as they pray for him to be their savior. But if the abject foolishness of Republicans is regarded as the party having committed suicide, it is one that will benefit the nation and its citizens, So perhaps a more fitting description for the demise of the GOP is that it’s a mercy killing.


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The Biden-Harris Campaign Exposes the GOP’s Bogus and Failed Biden Probe – on Truth Social

Fourteen months ago Republicans assumed a razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives. What they have done with it since then is a masterclass in incompetence, failure, and humiliation. They have chosen to conduct the business of government in a manner that replicates how Donald Trump conducts business – by driving it into bankruptcy.

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Donald Trump, Congress, Mike Johnson

After taking fifteen votes to select their first Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, the Republicans threw him out after only none months. Then they spent three weeks to select their replacement, Mike Johnson, who was their fourth choice. And throughout all of this infighting and chaos, they have managed to score a modern day record for low productivity, essentially accomplishing nothing on behalf of the people they allegedly represent.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

Having nothing affirmative to run on, Republicans decided that their only recourse was to stage phony investigations and baseless impeachment inquiries aimed at smearing President Biden, his family, and other Democrats. But even that has ended in abject failure because of one slight flaw in their strategy: They have absolutely zero evidence of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part. In fact, most of their own witnesses have testified that Biden never engaged in anything improper, much less illegal. Consequently, their defamatory scheme is falling apart and will likely be abandoned. As reported on CNN…

“This is not how Republicans thought their 15 month investigation would be going. When they got the majority, investigating the President and his family was a huge focus, But after 15 months pouring over a hundred thousand bank records, interviewing around 40 people, including the President’s son, Hunter, and brother James, their business associates, Department of Justice officials, IRS whistleblowers, Republicans haven’t found any evidence of wrongdoing by the President, and they don’t have the votes to impeach

To make matters worse for Republicans and Trump, this segment from CNN outlining the failure of the Republican smear job was also posted on Trump’s failing social media scam, Truth Social, by the Biden-Harris campaign. Of course, most of the users of that website won’t care much about reporting from CNN, but it still expands the exposure of this news into territory it might not otherwise reach.

However, the story doesn’t stop with CNN. The futility of the GOP’s fake probes has been so obvious that even Fox News had to acknowledge it. In a segment reporting on the current state of the GOP’s inquisition and the prospects for a Biden impeachment, Fox’s Shannon Bream reported that…

“I think it’s increasingly unlikely…I think Republicans are trying to be realistic with the margins that they have. And the Speaker seems to signaling that ‘maybe we’re not gonna push this to the floor for a vote.'”

That’s right. According to Fox News, the GOP doesn’t even have enough votes among their majority to pass the articles of impeachment that they have been yammering about for nearly a year and a half. To be sure, some of the hardcore deadenders will continue to try to push this nonsense. But they will soon tire of beating that deceased old nag. And when they do, the Biden-Harris account on Truth Social will let all of the Trump cultists know what is actually going on.


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TOTALLY AGREE… With the RNC Chair Who Says ‘We Are Better Off Today’ than Four Years Ago

Forty four years ago Ronald Reagan asked a question that has become a staple of every presidential election that has followed. During a debate with President Jimmy Carter, Reagan asked “Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?” It was really a rather simplistic question that didn’t get to the heart of any specific issue. But it was an effective rhetorical worm that borrowed into the minds of voters.

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Joe Biden, GOP, Elephant

Ever since, American voters have been asked to make the same comparison. And the 2024 presidential election is no exception. However, it does make a huge difference who is asking this question now. President Biden has presided over a booming economy, unprecedented job creation, and a legislative agenda that includes progress on climate and the environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, infrastructure, manufacturing, and more. It’s a record that Republicans are having a hard time criticizing…

SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been spending his days in court defending himself against dozens of civil and criminal charges, including election interference, inciting an insurrection and rape. And that will continue to dominate his time through November and beyond.

Which makes it difficult for the GOP to ask the “better off” question now. But that hasn’t stopped them from doing so. The latest Republican to venture down this path is the newly installed co-chair (along with Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump) of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Michael Whatley. He appeared on Fox News and asked that question. But the answer he provided was a bit of surprise…

“At the end of the day, this comes down to a very simple contrast between President Trump and President Biden. Were you better off four years ago than you are today? The answer for this entire country is no. I mean yes. We are better off today.”

That’s right. Whatley’s first stab at the answer was to say that, no, we were not better off four years ago during the Trump administration. Then when he tried to clean up his gaffe, he made it worse by saying that, yes, we are better off today. It’s hard to argue with him. But it’s par for the course for the new RNC leadership that is doing more to help Democrats than Republicans.

SEE ALSO: IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

What’s more, in the past few days this question has been asked by everyone in the Trump cult, from Lara Trump to Sean Hannity, who insisted that Democrats “cannot run on ‘are you better off than you were four years ago.'”

Really? For the record, four years ago thousands of Americans were dying every day from a virus that Trump mismanaged through neglect and/or ignorance; the stock market had crashed; jobs were eliminated as companies closed; and you couldn’t buy toilet paper. He also added eight trillion dollars to the deficit, embraced foreign dictators, alienated allies, and appointed ultra-rightist judges that who reversed Roe v Wade and generally ruled in favor of wealthy elitists and corporations. All the while, Trump cast himself in the starring role of a daily reality TV show where he upstaged the experts and lied that “a lot of good things are gonna happen.”

Actually, Trump was right, just a little early. Because, as for whether we are better off than four years ago, well…a lot of good things did happen – after President Biden took over. For instance…


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IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

Just in case anyone was wondering who is in control of the Republican Party, the former reality TV game show host, and aspiring authoritarian dictator, Donald Trump, is making it abundantly clear that he is the divinely anointed master and all others must bend down and kiss his – let’s say ring.

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Donald Trump, QAnon, Dictator

As evidence of Trump’s commandeering of the GOP (Groveling Obedient Peons), he has proposed to put his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, at the helm of the Republican National Committee (RNC). From there she can allocate the funds it receives in donations from corporations, wealthy benefactors, and brainwashed simpletons, to paying for her Sugardaddy-in-law’s lawyers and traveling salvation shows. In fact, that’s precisely what she promised to do…

SEE THIS: Grifter Girl Lara Trump Says When She is RNC Chair ‘Every Single Penny Will Go to Donald Trump’

Never mind that the RNC is supposed to be a neutral enterprise that advances the prospects of all GOP candidates. In the Era of Trump there is only one mission. and that is to venerate Dear Leader Trump above everything and everyone else. Affirming that objective, Sister Lara appeared on the Trump-fluffing “news” website, “Real America’s Voice,” to declare that…

“I can assure you that there will be no funny business. Anyone who is not on board with seeing Donald Trump as the 47th president, and America-loving patriots all the way down the ticket being supported by the RNC, is welcome to leave. Because we are not playing games, and we have no time to waste. So we have to insure that every single penny of every dollar donated goes to the causes people care about.”

And make no mistake. In Trumpism the “causes that people care about” are all focused on exalting Trump. In other words, believe or be banished. No independent thought or fealty to heretics is permitted in the New Republican Ministry. That sort of disloyalty will be severely punished, and all apostates will be cast out. Rev. Trump said himself that any supporter of Nikki Haley will be permanently banned from the realm of MAGA.

Sister Lara went on to pitch herself for the leadership of the RNC, citing as her qualifications that “There is no one more loyal to Donald Trump.” It is in that spirit of compulsory devotion that Rev. Trump declared that the Republican Party has never been more united. He said that right after the first few GOP primaries where he lost 40% of his own party’s vote. And republicans in Congress are such a disjointed mess that they’ve gone through two Speakers and secured a modern record low for legislative productivity.

MORE HERE: REALLY? Dementia Addled Trump Babbles that ‘I Have Never Seen the Republican Party So Unified’

But never fear, MAGA-naughts. The 2024 election is the bag for Trump. It is such an assured inevitability that Trump told his cult followers that he doesn’t even need their votes. So Trump supporters can just skip the whole election and go to the monster truck show instead. That’s a message that everyone – including Democrats – can get behind. See? Trump is uniting the country.


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White House Seeks Retraction from Fox News of Biden Smears By GOP and Russian Indicted for Lying

For nearly a year now, the Republican Party has been desperately struggling to invent pseudo-scandals and contrived crimes that they could pin on President Biden and use to justify their preposterous and ponderously partisan impeachment plot. Those efforts have produced nothing that is even remotely incriminating against Biden. But they have produced plenty of humiliation for the GOP.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

A major component of the GOP’s smear campaign was delivered by a shady character, Alexander Smirnov, who is now in jail after having been indicted for fabricating his whole story and lying to authorities about it. Smirnov has also been found to have unsavory links to the Russian intelligence operations that have conducted election interference campaigns in the U.S. And the questions about his lack of credibility are nothing new. Fox News even noted it way back in July of 2023.

SEE THIS: UH-OH: Even Fox News Rejects the GOP’s ‘Evidence’ to Impeach Biden as ‘Completely Unverified’

Despite the obvious faults and falsehoods in the fables being told by Republicans like Jim Jordan and James Comer, and their Ministry of Propaganda agents on Fox News, such as Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, and Laura Ingraham, these deliberate defamers have stuck to their stories and are still refusing to tell the truth. Consequently, the White House is taking steps to get some corrections on the record

“The White House is demanding that Fox News retract or revise its coverage of claims that Joe Biden was involved in a multi-million dollar bribery scheme after the key witness in the allegation was indicted for making it all up.

In a letter to top executives, Ian Sams, White House spokesman for oversight and investigations, cited Fox News Digital stories on the bribery claims, including ones headlined ‘The Explosive New Evidence of Biden Family’s Breathtaking Corruption,’ labeled an opinion piece from Gregg Jarrett, and ‘Joe Biden Allegedly Paid $5M By Burisma Executive As Part of Bribery Scheme, According to FBI Document,’ a story from Brooke Singman. Other stories reported that the allegations came from a ‘highly credible” source.'”

Sams further noted that…

“Despite this, Fox has taken no steps to retract, correct or update its reporting on this false allegation from 2023.” [And that the White House feels strongly that Fox’s stories] “at a minimum be updated with editor’s notes informing readers that the source of this allegation has been federally indicted for making it up.” [And that Fox News] “inform their viewers on air that they have been sharing a discredited allegation.”

The White House shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for Fox News to comply with this request. They knew that what they had reported was unverified and likely untrue at the time. They didn’t care. Their purpose is not to report the news. It is to disseminate propaganda that maligns Biden and other Democrats, and to advance the prospects of Trump and his MAGA GOP.

That’s why Fox News reported what were known lies in the first place. And it’s why they won’t consider making any retractions, corrections, or apologies now that their lies, and the lying liar they relied on, have been exposed to the world. Undeterred by journalistic integrity, or even morality, Fox News will remain steadfastly true to their mission of deceit and right-wing propaganda. It’s what they’ve done from their inception, and they aren’t about to stop now.

Nevertheless, it is appropriate that the White House make a good faith attempt to set the record straight, no matter how unlikely that it is that Fox will decide to be honest – for a change.


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