In the short time since Kamala Harris has become the Democratic nominee for president, Republicans have had plenty to be upset about. Not the least of which is how quickly she has consolidated support across a broad spectrum of Americans, raised record amounts of money, and signed up hundreds of thousands of volunteers.
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The Kamala phenomena has not been lost on the GOP and its addled and anxiety-ridden standard bearer, Donald Trump. They have expressed their concerns about the surging Harris candidacy by lashing out wildly with impotent attacks centered on preposterous allegations that she is a “far left lunatic,” who isn’t really Black, and has the audacity to engage in bizarre human behavior such as laughing…
SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All
On Friday morning Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) aired a segment that addressed yet another pressing issue that is uppermost on the minds of America’s voters. The co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered, Kayleigh McEnany (formerly Trump’s White House press secretary), played a montage of Harris speaking before some of the cheering crowds she has been attracting. But what bothered McEnany was not anything related to the policies Harris advocated, which are mostly aligned with the majority of the American people.
Nope, what ruffled Fox’s feathers was that Harris repeated some of the same things in a couple of different speeches. Apparently that consistency is abhorrent to the MAGA Fox “News” clan. McEnany complained that…
“Look, I know this is a stump speech. Over and over, I can recite most of it. But the unison – you’ve gotta get off script. Every politician has a stump speech, but that’s a lot of the same.”
Fox News’ Kayleigh McEnany complains about Kamala Harris giving stump speeches on the campaign trail.
— The Recount (@therecount) August 9, 2024
Actually, it was not really “a lot of the same.” It was just about six sentence fragments extracted from speeches that were closer to an hour long. But more to the point…WHO F**KING CARES?
McEnany acknowledges that Harris was delivering common, ordinary stump speeches. By definition that is an address that is retold at a variety of campaign stops. Candidates don’t write entire new speeches for every city they visit. So what McEnany is really whining about is that Harris has the good judgment and discipline to stay on message in order to execute a successful campaign plan, and to communicate effectively with her audiences.
Perhaps the reason that Fox News is so disturbed by this is that it is such a pronounced departure from the wandering ramblings of their Dear Leader Trump. Not that he doesn’t disgorge relentlessly repetitious rants at every one of his cult rallies. He does. In fact, his ponderous prattle often puts his parish to sleep.
However, Trump is also notorious for swerving off script frequently to disinform his devotees of important matters such as being electrocuted or devoured by sharks; or the heartbreak of windmill cancer; or the vastness of his crowds that are thousands more than his venue even holds; or his romance with brutal dictators; or whatever his perverse relationship with the fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter is.
To Fox News a speech isn’t worthwhile unless the speaker proves that they are incapable of sticking to the subject or remaining moderately coherent. So naturally they revere Trump, but they are furious with Harris for showing that she has focus and intellect, as well as being relatable and even joyful.
And speaking of joy, that’s another thing that Fox News isn’t going to tolerate in a political leader. Julie Banderas, on the same episode of Outnumbered, blasted the sunny disposition of the Harris campaign saying that “There is nothing to be joyful about.” What an inspiring nod to the doom and gloom of Trump, whose MAGA movement is a promise of dystopian despair. And to their credit, it’s a promise that they have been remarkably adept at fulfilling.
"There is nothing to be joyful about."
Fox News has perfectly summarized the campaign message of Donald Trump and MAGA. They should put it on a bumper sticker.
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) August 9, 2024
- UH-OH! Trump Meltdown Reveals Kamala Harris Plot to ‘Destroy’ the ‘County’ of America
- GREAT NEWS! Trump Says that ‘Everyone One of Us are Gonna Be Leaving’ If Kamala Harris Wins
- Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris
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Amazing how simple irony sneaks right past the thick-as-bricks talking heads at Fux and all the MAGAt networks.
But how lovely of them to so succinctly define their own worldview: in MAGAt World there is indeed nothing to be joyful about. It’s all about fear, loathing and infantile name-calling. It’s about being blatantly ignorant and flaunting it in silly clown outfits at Trump’s shrinking rallies. And for the highly-paid shills at Fux, it’s all about lying through their oh-so-whitened teeth for a living. They’re intolerably smug but joyful? I think not.
Of course, if Kamala DOES go “off script,” the TrumpButt line will be Kamala can’t read.
Their God can’t read, but that’s not necessary when you spew nothing but lies and libel against The Enemy (aka, anyone who won’t worship Their God).
She and Walz are even cutting into Trump’s base! People seem drawn to the difference between gloom and doom and smiling and laughing (and really meaning it). He’s losing it — bigly. He can’t stand not being the center of attention, not being referred to as a success instead of a loser. He’s the one who made age an issue; now he has to live with it. Because suddenly HE’S the oldest candidate in the race. While she didn’t pick Buttigieg, there are loads of cabinet positions –Veterans Administration, Transportation, Climate Advisor the position created by John Kerry — Or even Communications. Whatever it is, I have a feeling it’ll be influential and good for us.