Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

In only three days, the entire landscape of the 2024 presidential election has been transformed. The anxieties felt by many Democrats over the candidacy of President Biden have been replaced by a frothy enthusiasm for the Party’s likely new standard bearer, Vice-President Kamala Harris.

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Fox News, Maria Bartiromo, Donald Trump

Now it’s the Republican Party that is awash with anxiety over their pitiful and unpopular candidate, the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist, Donald Trump. And now he is the only candidate that bears the stigma of advanced age and conspicuous cognitive corrosion. As a result, the GOP is scrambling frantically to reconstruct their defunct campaign strategy that was carefully designed to defame Biden.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Frantic Fear of Kamala Harris Overflows in a Manic Meltdown on Truth(less) (anti)Social

Fortunately for the failing Trump team (or unfortunately as it’s likely to turn out), their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is stepping up to fill in the vacuum left by the GOP’s loss of Biden as a target for their smears. The Fox crew has spent the past 72 hours brainstorming approaches to shatter the excitement that Harris’ promotion has generated. And the best that they have come up with so far is that she laughs.

LOLOL: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Wednesday morning, Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, took a stab at fortifying Trump’s defense. And you have to hand it to her for taking such a bold stance on behalf of her Dear Leader. Bartiromo’s plan was to align herself and Trump with the China state media operation that has long favored Trump over Democrats and democracy. She said that…

Chinese state media is reportedly slamming Vice-President Kamala Harris’ performance in the White House as mediocre, saying she lacks the experience and achievements to serve as president.

So there you have it. Fox News is acting as China’s affiliate in America to dispense their anti-American screed. If the Chinese press considers Harris “mediocre,” then that’s good enough for Bartiromo and Fox News. Never mind that Harris’ experience and achievements are well documented and impressive. The state-run press of China thinks that they are lacking, so Fox needs to apprise Trump’s cult followers of this breaking “news.”

And that’s not all. Bartiromo’s guest for this segment was GOP Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. He joined in proudly saying that “I’m agreeing with China on this” Which is typical of today’s Republican Party that can’t resist aligning itself with America’s autocratic enemies. Trump himself regularly brags about his friendship with, and admiration for, China’s Xi Jinping, North Korea’s Kin Jong Un, and of course, Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

It isn’t surprising that Fox News would unleash vicious attacks on Harris or any other Democratic politician. In fact, it’s expected of them. That has been their mission from the beginning. But it is a bit more unnerving to see them recite and embrace propaganda directly disseminated by China’s state media. How far do they have to go before they are required to register as foreign agents? Trump crossed that line long ago. And he is dragging Fox News and the Republican Party over that line more with each passing day.


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Newsmax Host Berates Jurors for Not Exposing Themselves to Deadly Threats From the Trump Cult

Three weeks ago Donald Trump was unanimously found guilty by a fair and impartial jury of his peers on all of 34 felony charges brought against him. It was a clean sweep for the prosecution, a bitter disappointment for the defense, and well deserved comeuppance for Trump, who is now the first ever former president to have become a felon.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, QAnon

Ever since then, Trump and his mouthpieces in the MAGA media have floated a stream of preposterous excuses for why their Dear Leader was convicted. And it will surprise no one to learn that none of those excuses included the fact that the documentary evidence, and the testimony provided by his closest associates, was solidly against him. It was so solid that he didn’t even testify on his own behalf. And he isn’t doing any better in the court of public opinion…

SEE THIS: LOCK HIM UP: After Guilty Verdicts, Poll Finds that More Americans Say Trump Should Go To Prison

On Monday morning, the rabid pro-Trump propaganda outfit, Newsmax, took a break from adorations of Trump to focus on denunciations of his perceived enemies. That group now includes the citizens who served on the jury that convicted him. Newsmax host Greg Kelly launched a repulsive rant implying something nefarious was afoot because the the jurors had not granted any interviews with the press since the verdict. Kelly complained that…

“It’s been THREE WEEKS since that Jury ‘convicted’ Trump. Why aren’t they doing the TODAY SHOW? Where is the 60 Minute ‘sit-down’?? And don’t give me this ‘they’re afraid of MAGA’ nonsense. The Jurors who convicted GOTTI and Whitey Bulger gave interviews. WEIRD!”

WEIRD? Why so? What’s weird about it? Is Kelly suggesting that there is some sort of cabal by the jurors to shun the media? And what does he think their motive would be for doing that? Are the Today Show and 60 Minutes in on it?

Let’s make this simple for Kelly and the glassy-eyed Trump disciples who watch his program. The jurors are indeed afraid of disclosing their identities to the small but dangerous community of MAGA crackpots. Although Kelly dismisses that notion out of hand with a ludicrous analogy, the jurors have a great deal of justification for that fear. Felon 45 and his StormTrumpers have demonstrated repeatedly that they are capable of, and anxious for, violent retribution to avenge their messiah.

Kelly’s claim that the Trump jurors would not be legitimately afraid to give interviews because the jurors who convicted mobster John Gotti had done so is a pretty poor excuse. First of all, a google search turned up no evidence that a Gotti juror ever spoke to the press. Perhaps it requires a more extensive search, but if it occurred, it shouldn’t be that difficult to find. So it’s a fair assumption that Kelly is lying.

What’s more, whether or not a Gotti juror spoke to the press is entirely irrelevant in this case. Gotti would have gained nothing by murdering a juror or jurors after the verdict was already handed down. And he was not a populist politician with a legion of psychotically worshipful fanatics who would be hungry for revenge against private citizens who had no power over him or them. So what would be the point?

In addition to that, Gotti was convicted in 1992, 32 years ago. He never had mindless minions who could be triggered by his troubles to step out on their own to seek revenge. There wasn’t an Internet facility for anti-social media that drove doxing and other forms of violence and harassment. Trump, on the other hand, has cultivated all of that. And the results have already produced tragedies, such as the January 6th insurrection on the Capitol that Trump incited.

In short, the Trump jurors actually have a lot more to fear now than the Gotti jurors did then. But Kelly couldn’t care less. He is actively advocating for their identities to made public. Why? The only plausible reason would be so that they could be targeted for harassment or worse. Ironically, Kelly is the one who is acting as a de facto mob enforcer, who wants to crush the enemies of the crime boss he serves. And he’s using his platform on Newsmax to achieve that horrific end.


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Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

Last week a unanimous jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felonies affirming that he had falsified business records when he paid off a porn star to buy her silence, and covered it up in order to deceive the public just prior to an election, Since then Trump and his apologists have been frantically trying to whitewash the convictions in order to deceive the public just prior to another election.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Those efforts on behalf of the Republican Party’s convicted felon nominee for president have predictably fallen flat. For the most part they have only served to remind voters that Trump is a morally vacant criminal who whines incessantly while blaming others for his problems.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

Proving the old adage that “when the going gets tough, the wimps get desperate,” Trump and his confederates are latching onto a preposterous “news” item that they seem to think will lead to his legal salvation. The story centers around a notice filed by Judge Juan Merchan that a comment was posted on the Court’s Facebook page that the Trump faithful believe is a lifesaver for their Dear Leader. The comment said simply that…

“My cousin is a juror. He says Trump is getting convicted.”

HOLY CRAPOLI! Stop the presses. A weird dude on Facebook made an alarming remark with no evidence that any of it is remotely true. There is no evidence that he has a cousin who is a juror. And no evidence that his alleged cousin told him anything about the trial. So obviously the Trump contingent must drop everything and obsessively promote it.

What there is evidence of, though, is that the whole affair is a hoax. And that’s straight from the person who posted the comment in the first place. This “Michael Anderson” fellow admitted the fraud, referring to himself as a “professional sh*tposter.”

That confession, however, didn’t stop Trump from embracing the bullshittery and linking to it with a hysterical and impotent demand for a “MISTRIAL!” And he wasn’t the only one. His faithful Fox News legal “experts” weighed in with their own demands to erase Trump’s conviction. Fox host Mark Levin advanced the hoax bellowing “Surprise. surprise. Crooked juror in Trump case. How many more?” And Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett discussed the matter with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity…

Sean Hannity: I assume a motion for mistrial is being written now and going out as we speak.
Gregg Jarrett: Absolutely. If it is true – and that’s a big if – if it is true it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial.

Both Levin and Jarrett are allegedly attorneys. And they were both frequently quoted by Trump outside of the New York courtroom as proof of his innocence. Clearly they were wrong about that at least 34 times. And they are wrong about this as well. But Hannity went even further with a declaration that this phony revelation by a shameless Facebook fraudster is “HUGE!”

This mass delusion by Trump and his MAGA media minions on Fox News is emblematic of the lengths they will go to to spread flagrant lies. And despite the facts being readily available, none of these liars have bothered to issue apologies or retractions.

In fact, they have been joined by other Trump cult devotees in Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. So it’s likely that there will be more to follow. This is what happens when a cult leader is threatened by reality and his desperate disciples can’t figure out how to cope.


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Trump Still Swears to Take Revenge on Political Foes Even After Lame Attempts to Walk it Back

The prospect of another four years of Donald Trump occupying the White House is a blood curdling notion that most Americans would find more nauseating than dinner with Hannibal Lector who, along with Jeffrey Epstein, has been making more frequent appearances in Trump’s stump speeches at his cult rallies.

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

In most presidential campaigns, the candidates focus on detailing their proposals for advancing the welfare of the citizenry whose votes they seek. Trump, however, has been a uniquely unconventional candidate. His pitch to voters is a promise to “be their retribution,” He was even asked by Sean Hannity of Fox News whether he had “any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power, to break the law, to use the government to go after people?” To which Trump replied that he would only be a dictator on “day one.” That’s comforting, isn’t it?

SEE THIS: Trump Cloddishly Dodges Hannity’s Softball Questions About Whether He Would Be a Dictator

More recently, Trump and his MAGA media mouthpieces have been attempting to sanitize his most appalling campaign promises to arrest, prosecute, and incarcerate his political enemies. To that end he sat for an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw who tried to give him an opening to soften his stance on vengeance, asking him specifically about his intentions to “make the people that have come after you pay.” But Trump instead replied that “Sometimes revenge can be justified, I have to be honest.”

On Thursday Trump made it clear that he still intends to lock up his critics. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, wherein he maliciously and childishly attacked President Biden, the American justice system, and members of Congress…

“It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz ‘Out of Her Mind’ Cheney.”

Although that was just the beginning of an elaborate rant that was typically comprised of flagrant falsehoods and culminated with a call to indict the members of the House Committee Investigating January 6th…

“It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR ‘FINDINGS!’ MAGA2024”

First of all, Trump’s assertion that crimes by the Committee were “irrefutably proven” have no basis in reality. There is no truth whatsoever that the Committee “deleted and destroyed all material evidence.” That’s a lie that Trump has floated before, and it has been thoroughly debunked.

SEE THIS: Trump Demands Indictments Be Withdrawn After Fox News Falsely Reports on January 6th Committee

Reality, however, has not deterred to Trump from calling for indictments and further persecution driven by his wholly fabricated allegations. And he has gotten support from his pals at Fox News. For instance, Jesse Watters did a segment in which he dismissed as a hoax accurate observations by Democrats that Trump “plans to jail opponents.” Kellyanne Conway said that not having prosecuted Hillary Clinton is proof that Trump doesn’t want revenge. Except that he tried to, but failed because his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, couldn’t find any crime. And Trump recently told Fox and Friends that he never said “Lock her up,” about Clinton. Except that he definitely did…

So regardless of what the Trump-fluffers on Fox News and other right-wing media say, Trump is clearly on a determined course to emulate his hero, Vladimir Putin, by eliminating his opponents by any means necessary. He says so. Believe him. And then be sure to vote for Biden and every Democrat on the ballot to make certain that Trump’s nightmarish vision doesn’t come true.


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POOR BABY: Trump Insists He’s a ‘Legitimate Person’ Who is ‘Under Siege’ in a ‘Banana Republic’

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article with a brazenly biased headline saying that “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article featured quotes and baseless allegations that were almost exclusively by partisan Republicans known for their tendency to shamelessly lie to malign President Biden.

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Fox News Sean Hannity

CNN’s Oliver Darcy delivered a detailed and damning dissection of the Journal’s purely political hit piece. They could have covered Trump, a candidate showing actual signs of a degenerating grip on reality, but no. That would have meant being honest journalists, which is contrary to their corporate mission.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

After breaking down the numerous journalistic flaws in the Journal’s “reporting,” Darcy asked “Where are the stories about Trump’s former inner circle raising questions about his mental fitness?” Those stories could have included actual on-the-record sources that know Trump well, such as his former communications director, Alyssa Farah Griffin, or his former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. Darcy also wrote that…

“Republicans accusing their political foe of lacking the mental fitness to hold office is nothing surprising. Such accusations are made every night on Fox News. And Donald Trump, who at 77 years old has also shown plenty of signs of waning mental faculties, including repeatedly falling asleep at his own high-stakes hush money trial, has made the accusation a centerpiece of his campaign. In other words, these accusations from the right aren’t exactly news.”

It may be too much to expect that a Rupert Murdoch rag like the WSJ would actually produce fair coverage of the candidates in this year’s presidential election. Although, Democrats hardly need any help from right-wing propagandists to demonstrate the mental unfitness of Trump. He does that exceptionally well all by himself. Virtually every word that comes out of his mouth is evidence of his acute cognitive decline.

A perfect example of this occurred on Wednesday during an interview of Trump by his bestie, Sean Hannity of Fox News. Hannity spent half of his time trying guide Trump through leading questions that Trump was too dense to pick up on. For instance, Hannity would pose questions like “You wouldn’t engage in retribution against your political enemies, would you?” To which Trump would equivocate saying that “It has to stop,” but adding that “I would have every right to go after them.”

Despite his hedging, Trump has every intention of persecuting Biden and other Democrats. He and his MAGA confederates have been explicitly calling for the arrest, incarceration, and even execution of Democrats and other critics.. It’s literally laid out in their horrifyingly totalitarian Project 2025 Agenda.

However, Trump’s latest affirmation of how he is showing “Signs of Slipping” is not even behind closed doors. It’s right out in the open, and broadcast on Fox News. During the segment with Hannity wherein Trump embraced his hostile and imaginary “right to go after” his foes, he unleashed the following stream of nonsensicality…

“Look, what I’ve gone through nobody’s ever gone through. I’m a very legitimate person. I built a great business. Everything’s been…I’ve been under siege. Nobody has ever seen anything like this in this country. Now in other countries, in other third world countries, or Banana Republics as they say, a Banana Republic. We’ve become a Banana Republic. At the border we’ve become a Banana Republic. With so many other elements of our country we’ve become a Banana Republic. You take a look at what’s happening with inflation. That’s a Banana Republic inflation what we have.”

Holy Shih Tzu! It appears that Trump learned a new phrase – Banana Republic – so he felt compelled to repeat it six times in less than twenty seconds. It’s behavior that is more commonly observed in proud toddlers who are eager to show off what new knowledge or skill they acquired. In toddlers, it’s kind of cute. In 77 year old malignant narcissists, with a weakening grasp on reality and aspirations of authoritarian power, it’s sad and somewhat frightening.

Trump’s remarks also display the severe anxiety and gnawing victimhood (“under siege”) that has become a hallmark of his perverse persona. In his mind there is no one that has ever lived who was ever more tormented by evil forces, despite the abundance of magnificence that he believes he is responsible for. He is, after all, a “legitimate person.” As opposed to what? A Looney Tunes cartoon character? (Okay, that example may be a little too on the nose).

Finally, Trump has proven that he has no idea what the phrase “Banana Republic” means. He just uses it as an all-purpose pejorative. He mistakenly believes that only small impoverished nations hold their former leaders accountable when they violate the law. And now he’s learning the hard way that even America has standards for legal conduct that do not permit him to get away with criminal acts, like he has for much of his business career. And unfortunately for him, his legal problems have only just begun.


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Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

One of the most predictable personality flaws that convicted felon Donald Trump displays is his pitiful and persistent pronouncements of victimhood. For someone who is so obsessed with presenting an image of strength, he sure complains a lot about how he is so bruised and battered by his innumerable foes including those he regards as too weak to walk or “put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Trump’s obvious frailty makes it difficult to grasp how his glassy-eyed disciples can find anything to admire in him as a leader. But that’s the nature of a cult. The leader is seen as heroic and infallible, even when he shows himself to be cowardly and feeble. And Trump has not only shown that, he has bragged about it…

SEE THIS: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President

Last week Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies related to his “hush money” payoff to adult film actor and producer, Stormy Daniels. But rather than accept the verdict and express remorse, Trump has again chosen to embrace his victimhood. To that end he posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, sobbing that…

“I am the political prisoner of a failing nation. But I will soon be free on November 5th. The most important day in the history of our country.”

Poor baby. Never mind that he has no comprehension of what a political prisoner is. He thinks that the term applies to someone who is completely free to go about his business, to slouch around his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel, to play golf, and to bask in the glow of his devotees at staged cult rallies. Furthermore, he has no idea what a failing nation is either, but that doesn’t stop him from denigrating America as one. What a patriot.

Curiously, Trump posted another comment just fourteen minutes later. In that post Trump not only affirmed his ignorance of political prisoners, he also made the suffering of an actual political prisoner much worse. He said that…

“Evan Gershkovich, the reporter from the Wall Street Journal who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the election, but definitely before I assume office. He will be home, he will be safe. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, and I don’t believe he’ll do it for anyone else.”

This was actually a repeat of the very same noxious comment he made two weeks ago. News Corpse reported it at the time in the following article (excerpt)…

Trump Brags that He and Putin are Holding Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich Hostage

Gershkovich has been held captive in Russia for just over a year on trumped up charges of espionage. The Biden administration has been working continuously to secure his freedom, just as they did for WNBA star Brittney Griner and Marine veteran Trevor Reed. But this interference by Trump isn’t going to help. To the contrary, it appears to be an unlawful attempt to conduct foreign policy and endanger the lives of Americans in Russia and elsewhere abroad.

In asserting that Putin will only release Gershkovich to Trump, and only after he is reelected, what Trump is implying is that he and Putin are conspiring to hold Gershkovich hostage in exchange for helping Trump’s reelection campaign. If Trump really has the influence that he is claiming (which is doubtful), why doesn’t he just tell Putin to release Gershkovich now?

Clearly both Trump and Putin are using this situation to benefit themselves. They both want Trump back in the White House. Putin wants him there because he is a malleable and obedient servant who fulfills the interests of Russia, such as dismantling NATO and defunding Ukraine. Trump wants to be there for the power tripping he enjoys so much, and to avoid prison and the other consequences of his illegal activities.

That’s right. Trump is so scared of the fate that awaits him, that he will even exploit the suffering of an American hostage in Russia. He will sabotage efforts to secure his freedom. And he will flagrantly lie to accomplish his nefarious and self-serving goals.

So, yeah, Trump is a prisoner. But not a political one. He is a prisoner of his own derangement and fear. Unfortunately, because so many of his MAGA Republican confederates are equally afraid to think for themselves, the rest of us must suffer as well. At least until Trump (along with those he has conned) is soundly defeated and shamed for his crimes, greed, and narcissistic delusions of grandeur. Which does indeed make November 5th an important day.


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The Cult of Trump Received Their Orders to Recite the Pre-Approved Lie that ‘There is No Crime’

As the jury in Donald Trump’s so-called “Hush Money” case continues to deliberate on whether he is guilty of falsifying business records, election finance violations, and/or tax fraud, Trump himself is busy disseminating his thoroughly dishonest propaganda about America’s justice system being “rigged” against him by the evil genius, President Joe Biden, who Trump also says is so mentally deficient that he “can’t put two sentences together.”

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Donald Trump, Twitter

During the evidentiary portion of the trial, the prosecution put on a detailed case that included mountains of documentary evidence and hours of testimony, mostly from Trump’s own circle of close business associates. The defense, on the other hand, called only two witnesses, who likely benefited the prosecution more than Trump. Which led to a surprisingly pessimistic appraisal of the proceedings by Trump.

SEE THIS: Trump is Predicting a Guilty Verdict Saying that ‘Mother Teresa Could Not Beat These Charges’

With the prospects for acquittal approaching a zero percent probability, the Trump team is taking affirmative action to prepare both Trump and his glassy-eyed cult disciples for the bad news that they seem to expect. And foremost on their agenda is to tarnish the credibility of the jury’s verdict, and the entire premise of the case having been brought at all.

However, the mission to accomplish their goal is so brazenly manufactured and transparent that no one with a functioning cerebellum could take it seriously. And Trump is personally leading this gaslighting operation with a decree to dismiss the prosecution as a “hoax” for which “there is no crime.” A quick scan of his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, reveals just how robotic their effort is. What follows are comments that Trump reposted that are all from Fox News hosts or regular contributors…

  • Gregg Jarrett: “Where is the crime? It’s nowhere! This is what I call a Bigfoot Case. It’s a Trial in search of an imaginary crime.”
  • Pam Bondi: “He committed no crime…There is nothing there.”
  • Bill O’Reilly: “There is zero evidence he even thought about campaign funding statutes.”
  • David Gelman, Fox Business: “Prosecution, you did not meet your burden, you did not find that there is a crime here.”
  • Newt Gingrich: “In New York we have a corrupt judge and a corrupt district attorney creating a corrupt trial trying to frame President Trump.”
  • Doug Collins, Fox News: “This is a prosecution in search of a crime. It’s not there. Donald Trump didn’t do anything.”
  • Laura Ingraham: “There was no crime that was committed.”
  • Lawrence Jones: “The crime has still not been presented before the court.”
  • Andy McCarthy: “NDAs are legal. An intent to defraud cannot be derived from the performance of a legal act.”
  • Jonathan Turley: “Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg…started with nothing and sold it as a legal abstraction.”

Gee…You might think that Trump wants to persuade people that he hasn’t been charged with any crime. Which is, of course, preposterous. Trump joined in the chorus with his own comment saying that “I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE CHARGES ARE IN THIS RIGGED CASE—I AM ENTITLED TO SPECIFICITY JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE. THERE IS NO CRIME!” And he followed that up with a statement at one of his impromptu press tantrums outside of the courtroom…

For the benefit of Trump and his confederates, the crime that he is charged with was clearly identified when it was originally filed by the Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg. It said that…

“TRUMP is charged in a New York State Supreme Court indictment with 34 counts of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree.”

That seems simple enough, even for the MAGA RedHatters to understand. The press release for the indictment elaborated saying that Trump falsified New York business records in order to conceal an illegal conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the 2016 presidential election and other violations of election laws. And it is important to note that when he was arraigned he was asked by the judge whether he understood the charges against him, and he replied under oath, “Yes.”

So Trump pretending not to know what the charges against him are is just another example of how shamelessly he lies. And the same goes for all of his MAGA media cohorts who are engaging in the same charade. They all know perfectly well what the charges are. And they all likely believe that Trump will be found guilty of some or all of those charges. They just can’t bear to admit it to themselves, or to Trump’s cult followers. It’s a form of cowardice that they share with their Dear Leader.


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Marjorie Taylor Green Scorches Fox News for Wanting ‘To Control What Republican Voters Think’

The magnitude of the maladjustment within today’s Republican Party has reached unprecedented levels of chaos and hostility. And while they unload plenty of vile on their Democratic foes, they frequently aim at one another, ripping themselves to shreds in pursuit of some illusory glory or at least attention.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene, QAnon

Case in point: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-MAGA), has been ferociously mauling her GOP confederates, including the leader of her party in the House of Representatives, Speaker Mike Johnson, who she tried unsuccessfully to oust.

SEE THIS: Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

Not satisfied with that humiliating failure, Greene reached out to the patron taint of MAGA Land, Steve Bannon, to try to enhance her embarrassment by lashing out at the right’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News (video below). Greene whined…

So you got to remember Fox News that literally fired Tucker Carlson, the number one cable TV news host in the nation. Tucker, who was basically the voice of everyone, that’s the Fox News that refused to cover me calling the motion to vacate. The Five never switched gears, they never changed, never went to anything different. Fox News wants to control what Republican voters think.

Let’s set aside Greene’s deranged assertion that Tucker Carlson was “the voice of everyone.” And we can likewise ignore her lie that Fox News “refused to cover “ her motion to vacate stunt. Neither of those remarks resemble anything remotely like reality.

What’s notable about Greene’s comments is the part that she surprisingly got right. Fox News does indeed want to control what Republican voters think. And they always have. In fact, it’s pretty much their reason for existing.

However, Greene seems to think that that wasn’t the purpose of the network from its inception, and in partnership with the GOP. She delivers this opinion as criticism. Never mind that she was happy to take advantage of this propaganda machine when it suited her purposes. She went on tell Bannon that…

“They want to make viewers, their viewers think that we have to fight for Ukraine, that we have to stop Putin because he’s gonna steamroll across Europe just like Hitler did even though there’s no evidence of showing that.”

Greene is ignoring the evidence of Putin’s intentions, such as his own words. This is why even Greene’s fellow Republicans have been calling her “Moscow Marjorie.” She continued saying that…

“This is the same Fox News that wants to infuriate you every single day while Republicans go down to the border, drag out the podium once again, point it, oh, look. Look. They’re crossing the border. Oh my goodness. Oh my. But, yeah, Republicans don’t do a damn thing to actually stop it.”

Greene, of course, is a ray of sunshine who never resorts to infuriating her followers. As for the border bill, she was one of the Republicans who voted against a bipartisan solution because Dear Leader Trump told them to. They prefer chaos to solutions because they think they can blame it on President Biden. And she still wasn’t through…

“The Speaker can do anything he wants to do if he’s willing to do it, but we have a speaker that’s weak that a man — an 80-year-old man with dementia is able to fool him. This is where we are.”

That hardly needs a response. Finally, Greene closed saying that…

“Fox News wants to make sure, make sure that you guys don’t have your own opinion, that you only have the opinion that Fox News tells you to have.”

So how is that different than what Fox and the GOP have wanted for years? How is it different from what Greene and Bannon want? The Republican Party is a lockstep organization that has always demanded total fealty to their doctrine, and now to their messia, Donald Trump. Other than new faces, nothing has changed.


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Fox News Hack Joins the Trump Cult Choir Proclaiming that ‘We’ve Always Seen Honesty with Trump’

The eagerness with which the disciples of the Donald Trump cult embrace what they regard as his divine perfection is always disconcerting. But from time to time they manage to transcend even their typical levels of blind devotion.

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This is particularly noticeable on Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, where the glassy-eyed adoration of Dear Leader overtakes every measure of rationality. Characters like Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham and Jesse Watters can’t seem to contain their rabid reverence for the Messiah of Mar-a-Lago. It’s a reverence that Trump also feels about himself.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims to Be Standing Up to the ‘Demonic Forces’ Destroying Our Country

Among the apostles of Trumpism on Fox News is Tammy Bruce. And she demonstrated her resolute affinity for Trump in a segment on Hannity’s show wherein she rapturously fawned over Trump as a beacon of truth…

“It perhaps is one of the most honest evenings we’ve seen in a very long time. We’ve always seen honesty with President Trump. One thing about that guy is that you know who he is. He is always going to be himself, he never adjusts the nature of what he’s going to say or do to trick people or to pander.”

REALLY? Bruce’s description of Trump as someone from whom “we’ve always seen honesty” is laughable. She is deeply ensconced in idol worship that makes her perception incomprehensibly twisted. After all, Trump has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House. But undeterred by reality, both he and Bruce see things through a delusional lens.

SEE ALSO: OMG! Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

What’s more, for anyone on Fox News to assess the honesty of Trump – or anyone else – is audacious in the extreme. Have they forgotten that Fox News settled a defamation lawsuit for $787 million after having been found to have lied purposefully and repeatedly about the 2020 presidential election being “rigged and stolen” from Trump.

From a certain perverse perspective, Bruce could be right. Yeah, Trump is honest in the sense that “He is always going to be himself.” So long as you accept that he is a pathological liar who will say anything that advances his interests at any moment in time, then sure. That is exactly who Trump is. And will always be.

The problem with that is that his cult followers continue to have unflinching faith in Trump as their savior whose every word is gospel. If he told them that they were too stupid to know that he was lying to them, they nod and agree. In fact, that’s pretty much how keeps them in line, despite his constant stream of falsehoods. And they love him for it.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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Trump-Fluffing Fox News Host Doesn’t Get It: You Have to Hate Trump to Love America

There has been a barrage of bad news for Donald Trump lately. Last week the New York Attorney General, Letitia James, won a civil lawsuit against Trump that resulted in a $350 million judgment for his having falsified financial statements. That followed a civil judgment of $83 million against him for the defamation and rape of writer E. Jean Carroll. And a date has been set for next month for his trial on charges of paying hush money to adult film star, Stormy Daniels.

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These cases do not even include the 91 felony counts for the criminal charges that are still pending. Trump’s legal problems continue to eat away at what remains of his cognitive functionality. And that mental breakdown is evident in the rancid rants at his cult rallies and on his increasingly incoherent comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social is Revealed to Be Another Terribly Risky Trump Scam – By Its Own Prospectus

But never fear. Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is hard at work covering up Trump’s emotional and intellectual defects. Whether it is his demands that he be allowed to commit any crime he wants without consequences, or his subservient encouragement to Vladimir Putin to attack America’s NATO allies. Fox News finds a way to sanitize his overtly traitorous tendencies. For example, on Monday morning Lisa Boothe, co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered, unleashed this sycophantic slop…

“These people clearly hate Trump more than they love America. And by the time they finally get him, if they ever do, what’s going to become of the country? Think of all the damage these threats to democracy people have done as they burn the country down to try to get him.

“No one trusts elections anymore after they upended the system during COVID, a virus almost as deadly as the flu. As they upended the process with mail-in balloting and trying to take Trump off the ballot. No one trusts the rule of law anymore. It doesn’t exist as they’ve used it weaponized against Donald Trump. The media debased itself lying about Donald Trump.”

Let’s just set aside the utterly insane dismissal of COVID as “a virus almost as deadly as the flu.” COVID has at least a 60% higher fatality rate than the flu. Moving on, someone needs to explain to Boothe that it’s possible – even necessary – to hate Trump in order to love America. And that’s true specifically because of the things that Boothe enumerates- albeit inadvertently – in her spiel. Such as…

  • The fact that it is Trump who is the “threat to democracy.”
  • That Trump literally tried to “burn the country down” via his incitement of an insurrection on January 6, 2021.
  • That Trump has fomented distrust of elections with his refusal to accept his loss to President Biden, and his relentless lies about election fraud that he has never been able to prove.
  • That Trump promoted gross disrespect for the rule of law by repeatedly breaking it and disparaging the American system of justice.
  • And it is Fox News that best represents “media [that] debased itself lying about Donald Trump.”

Any American patriot with open eyes can see that it is impossible to love America without hating Trump and his determination to destroy what America stands for. And that goes for Fox News too. This pathetic embrace of Trump’s venality is just more proof that Fox is a purposefully anti-American enterprise that only serves the interests our enemies.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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