Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

Kamala Harris has only been a candidate for president for about a month. But in that brief span of time it is abundantly clear that she has rattle Donald Trump even farther off his hinges than he has been for the past few decades.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

Among the things that are triggering Trump tantrums are Harris’ surging poll numbers, her massive and enthusiastic crowds, her intelligence and good judgment, and her ability to set the agenda, ignoring Trump’s insults and efforts to bait her into the sort of whiny, kindergarten scuffles that he’s most comfortable with. All of which drives him to seek the security of his safe place at Fox News to unburden himself.

SEE THIS: BONKERS TRUMP Calls Fox News to Whine and Lie Following the Kamala Harris Convention Speech

In addition to Fox News, Trump shelters in his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to lash out unchallenged at Harris. He relentlessly posts dishonest and derogatory comments for the few glassy-eyed cult disciples that are still hanging around. For example, here is one that Trump posted Friday night…

“Kamala Harris is the Weakest Presidential Candidate in History on Crime. She’s allowed millions of people to pour through our Borders, many from prisons, mental institutions and, indeed, terrorists, coming in at levels never seen before. What gives her the right to run for President? She got no votes to Biden’s 14 Million. She failed in her previous attempt, was the first one out of 22 people to quit, never made it to Iowa, and now she’s a Presidential Candidate? This is a Threat to Democracy!”

Needless to say, that rant is littered with lies. The popularity of Harris as Vice-President is evident in the response to her candidacy for president. She has presided over years of declining crime rates. She has taken the lead in most polls and raised a record half a billion dollars in only one month.

Furthermore, no one but Trump’s most brainwashed believers buy his ludicrous allegations that Harris “allowed millions” of criminals, crazies, and terrorists, into the country. In fact, illegal immigration is at lower levels now than at any time during the Trump administration. And Trump’s incessant whining about Biden having passed the torch to Harris as being some sort of “Threat to Democracy” is Olympic-grade crackpottery. The 14 million votes received during the Democratic primaries were for Biden AND Harris.

However, the most preposterous, and troubling, part of Trump’s tirade is his where he asks “What gives her the right to run for President?” That is a flashing red light alarm signaling Trump’s craving for authoritarian powers to suppress and/or control democracy. He truly believes that he has the right to determine who is allowed to seek political office and, if they don’t pass his tests, he can bar from them running.

Trump pulled the same sort of power grab when he said that President Biden shouldn’t be allowed to run due to Trump’s biased assessment of his cognitive ability. Likewise, his efforts to disqualify Barack Obama by charging falsely that he wasn’t a citizen were similar attempts at anti-democratic treachery.

So the answer to the question “What gives Harris the right to run for President?” is “The Constitution!” Which Trump can be forgiven for not knowing since he probably has never read it, understood it, or believed in it.

Make no mistake, if Trump were to reoccupy the White House, he would implement the tyrannical tactics that he is overtly describing here. Much of it is already plotted out in his Project 2025 agenda. And the American people – Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. – need to take this into consideration when they vote in November. The choice is between Kamala Harris or tyranny.


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One thought on “Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

  1. If the massive amount of unlimited dark money flowing into Trump’s campaign coffers – no doubt to be amped up, along with the BS attacks;
    online trolls spreading lies;
    price increases by Corps (the power behind “Project 2025) on basics, to make Biden/Harris & Dems look bad to voters; & our own Corporate MSM putting their slant on what they do/do not report… if any of this is indicative, then we have much to lose between now & election. Expect MSM to discourage voting, since we far outnumber the MAGA-nuts. Somehow, we must keep the momentum going, while not making people think we don’t need their votes to win ~ we definitely do! It will take an overwhelming number of Blue ? voters to make it so that it’s not worth the risk of being caught rigging the counts & Electoral votes in the 6(?) States GOP has set-up for this.
    EVERYONE must get out there & vote! Many will be surprised on Election Day when they show up at polls & find out they were ‘purged’ & not told. They’ll be given a Provisional Ballot & think they voted, but those aren’t usually counted, unless a tie-vote, or something. Having no real reason to remove so many Dem voters & then not tell them + not tell them that they must show up with ID at Resistrar’s Office within “x” # of days, for Provisional Ballot to be counted at all, well… just 1 more way for GOP to do Election Fraud in quasi-legal manner & get away with it. They left nothing to chance & with their hand-picked people in charge, “anything goes”! THIS stuff is how GOP spent their time after Jan 6th. They should’ve been defending themselves, their actions, but instead, just moved on to the next way planned to cheat, rig elections for 2024. Maybe if we hadn’t taken so long to get investigation/committee going after Jan 6th &/or if Dem Party had been out there pushing the truth on all the news outlets, then maybe GOP would’ve been too busy defending themselves, to be able to spend all that time screwing with THIS election in advance & unnoticed?!!

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