Nepo-Baby Lara Trump Proves Just How Valuable She is as RNC Chair – For Democrats!

The insulated bubble within which Donald Trump and his MAGA minions reside is a sterile world that has been thoroughly cleansed of all remnants of reason and critical thought. The only perspectives permitted are those that are aligned with Trump’s pre-chewed, ego-fluffing delusions and self-serving distortions of reality.

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Fox News, Lara Trump

The obsession that Trump has for imposing stiff mandates on approved rhetoric and viewpoints was evident during his occupation of the White House when he placed devoted sycophants and members of his family (Ivanka and Jared Kushner) into the most prominent advisory roles. And it continues to be his modus operandi as he aspires to acquire an even greater abuse of power.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Seeks to Cancel Kamala Harris asking: ‘What Gives Her the Right to Run?’

When Trump made his daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), he obviously wasn’t looking for experience or ability. Because Lara had none of either. Her most notable achievements were ripping off a charity, butchering a Tom Petty song, and alienating Republicans not named Trump.

On Sunday morning Lara visited with Fox News Senior Trump Flunky, Maria Bartiromo, to discuss the game-changing endorsement of Trump by conspiracy crackpot and brain-worm host, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. In the process Lara demonstrated her deft …er, make that daft… skills at electoral camapign strategies. Bartiromo asked Lara “How important was the RFK, Jr support?” A simple question that should pose no problem for a seasoned party leader. But this Lara Trump’s reply…

I think it’s huge. And I think the Democrats are very upset about that and that’s great. And I actually think he did a great thing when he came out and said not just ‘I’m endorsing Donald Trump, but here’s why. Because Democrats are a threat to our country. I cannot associate with a party that has been in my family, and is integral to my family and who we are for my entire life.’ And I thought it amazing to see him come out, I think you’re gonna see with any swing states where he has taken himself off the ballot, that the percentage bump that I believe it will give Donald Trump is going to be huge. And I think you’ll see that in the next round of polling.

Let’s begin with Lara’s contention that RFK, Jr’s endorsement will be “huge.” There is no data whatsoever that supports that theory. He is presently drawing a pitiful 5% in recent polls, and those are not necessarily voters are are transferable to Trump. Whatever shifts in his voters probably already took place in the weeks since Kamala Harris became the Democratic candidate, and those that remain in his camp will likely be non-voters in November.

As for Lara’s notion that “Democrats are very upset,” she appears to have pulled that straight out of her asinine impression that she has the slightest idea what Democrats are feeling. She might want to check with how Kamala Harris reacted to RFK, Jr approaching her campaign prior to selling out to Trump…

Lara followed that up with a quote that she attributed to RFK, Jr. that he “cannot associate with” the Democratic Party that has been “integral” to his family. However, the rest of his family is vehemently opposed to his endorsement – and to Trump. They made a point of saying so publicly…

“”We want an America filled with hope and bound together by a shared vision of a brighter future, a future defined by individual freedom, economic promise and national pride. We believe in Harris and Walz,” the statement continued. “Our brother Bobby’s decision to endorse Trump today is a betrayal of the values that our father and our family hold most dear. It is a sad ending to a sad story.”

Lara went on to claim that her Sugardaddy-in-Law would get a huge percentage bump with this endorsement. Which Trump would likely dispute. After all, he believes that he alone holds the greatness to inspire the gazillions of disciples who adore him. Everyone else is just running on his fumes. Although, she allowed a bit of light to filter through when she conceded that “the next round of polling” would be more favorable to Trump. That’s unlikely, but she is, in effect, admitting that the current round of polling sucks for him.

What’s more, why should Trump get any bump from a candidate that he himself called “a Democrat ‘Plant,’ a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden”?

By putting Lara Trump in charge of the GOP, Papa Trump did a big favor – for Democrats. She is proving to be as incompetent, dishonest, and disreputable as most other members of Trump’s immediate family. And her contributions to Trump’s candidacy will be remembered and appreciated by Kamala Harris and other Democrats for at least the next four years.


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One thought on “Nepo-Baby Lara Trump Proves Just How Valuable She is as RNC Chair – For Democrats!

  1. The fantasies the Drumpfylanders are ready to believe. Especially for a man that 2 months ago they would have demanded be hung at the stake!!

    Said before that, deep down, the Drumpfys don’t trust Booby Jr, the Dems hate him, and his family wants a divorce.

    And the only reason the Drumpfys have now so utterly embraced Booby is because Their God ordered them to!! No other reason. Because the Drumpfy KKKult will forever be eternal.

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