Ever since the election last November, Donald Trump has been exaggerating – aka lying – about the scope of his victory. He repeatedly refers to it as a “landslide,” despite the fact that his margin of victory over Vice President Kamala Harris was a mere 1.5%, one of the narrowest wins in modern times.
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This is typical of Trump’s acutely narcissistic psychosis that causes him to obsess over measurements of the size of everything from vote results, to rally attendance, and even to his manhood. His compulsion to overstate reality is something that he has bragged about, calling it “truthful hyperbole,” or in plain English, lying!
SEE THIS: OMG! Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’
Another metric that Trump clings to for emotional support is television ratings. His long occupation as a reality TV game show host has fused his fetish for Nielsen numbers into his corroding cranial cavity. But his dependence on audience affirmation may deal him a severe blow now that the ratings for his inauguration have been released…
“Trump’s second swearing-in brought in an average total viewership of 24.59 million viewers […] Viewership for the 2025 inauguration was down 27% from Biden’s 2021 inauguration, which scored an audience of 33.76 million viewers.[…] The 2025 inauguration also saw a 19.75% viewership downtick from Trump’s first inauguration in 2017, which scored 30.64 million viewers.”
UH-OH. Trump is gonna have an aneurism when he gets wind of this. Dropping below his prior inauguration would be bad enough. But getting swamped by President Biden may be too much for him to bear. Perhaps even worse for Trump, he also didn’t come close to President Obama’s audience of 37.8 million viewers in January of 2009.
If anything, Trump’s numbers should have been higher due to the freezing weather that forced his event inside the Capitol Rotunda, as well as forcing people to stay home and watch the lie-riddled affair on TV. Plus, he has the advantage of a dedicated Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – to blast his orange puss to an adoring cult following that is permanently plastered to the channel. With regard to that, Fox did its part by delivering nearly half of the total TV audience (10.3 million viewers) for the inauguration day festivities. The rest of the TV audience clearly had better things to do.
This is further evidence that Trump’s reoccupation of the White House is not the popular ratification of his return that he pretends that it is. And he cannot make a rational argument that he has anything resembling a mandate to implement his extremist, authoritarian agenda. Unfortunately, that won’t stop him from trying. And it is up to the people to spread the truth, and to make sure that the cowardly, complicit, legacy media reports it.
- REALLY? Trump Proposes Allowing the US Government (and China?) to ‘Police’ Americans on TikTok
- Trump’s Inauguration Day Rants Affirm that He is a Wannabe Dictator and a Pathological Liar
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