Trump Attorney Announces Laughable Lawsuit Against CNN for Accurately Calling Trump a Liar

Donald Trump is nothing if not predictable. Whenever he encounters bad news he responds reflexively by going on the attack. Often that manifests in his declaring an intention to file a lawsuit against those he deems to have offended him. For the most part, his antics fail to achieve anything except to waste the time […]

Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Gets Stuck in Ludicrous Loop About Protesting Supreme Court Justices

The daily White House press briefing is supposed to provide an opportunity for the media to get information about the administration and inquire about matters of consequence to the public. Unfortunately, some reporters often seem more interested in contriving “gotcha” questions and trying to stump the press secretary. Click here to Tweet this article Peter […]

GOP Senator Tells Fox News that Support for Gun Reform in Polls is Because People are Stupid

This year there have been an appalling number of horrific mass shootings that have weighed heavily on the hearts of the nation and brought untold grief and loss to the communities in which they occurred. These tragedies are even more gut wrenching when children are the victims, as they were in Uvalde, Texas. Click here […]

Insurrectionist Trump Toady Mo Brooks Warns that Guns Are Needed to ‘Take Back Our Government’

In the wake of the tragic massacre in Uvalde, Texas, the debate over how to prevent future such atrocities rages on in Congress and in the press. And as is common during these debates, there is an over abundance of hypocrisy, hyperbole and flagrant dishonesty. Click here to Tweet this article Among the more repugnant […]

Nicolle Wallace Fact Checks Texas Gov. Abbott: We Are Not Gonna Let Him Gaslight Anybody Today

The parade of the protectors of assault weapons and their manufacturers continued in Texas on Friday as their Republican governor, Greg Abbott, held another press conference to run cover for corporations that profit from death. It was just more of the same stubborn defense of lethal firearms, and deflection of blame to inadequate mental health […]

For Those Wondering What Biden and Democrats in Congress Have Been Doing the Past 16 Months…

As the 2020 midterm election approaches, the Democratic Party is facing headwinds that threaten to leave the Party in the minority for the remainder of President Biden’s term. Biden himself is suffering inexplicably low approval ratings in most recent polls. Click here to Tweet this article Sure, there are notable difficulties that are impacting the […]

Trump is Outraged Over the DHS Disinformation Board – Because He Spreads So Much of It

Last week the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced to Congress that the DHS had established a new working group whose purpose is to monitor foreign sources of disinformation that pose a threat to national security. And within minutes Republicans and Fox News pundits blasted the Disinformation Governance Board (an admittedly discomforting name) as […]

WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene Freaks Out When Asked a Few Questions By CNN’s Jim Acosta

QAnon representative Marjorie Taylor Greene testified this week in a court case challenging her reelection campaign on the basis of her having participated in an insurrection. Her testimony was riddled with blatant dishonesty, much of it in the form of claims to not remember things she actually said. Click here to Tweet this article Green […]

OMG! Pathological Liar Trump Says He is ‘the Most Honest Human Being God Ever Created’

Whenever Donald Trump stages one his traveling salvation shows, there is certain be an avalanche of flagrant falsehoods foisted on his gullible cult followers. For the most part they are regurgitations of the litany of lies that he has been unleashing for months and years. And that was true Saturday night in North Carolina where […]