Fox News is Steaming Mad at GOP Chairman Comer for Being an Incompetent Biden Persecutor

The Republican obsession with manufacturing criminal charges against President Biden has suffered for years from an absolute failure to find any crumb of a crime that they could pin on the President. And it is driving them crazy knowing that their failure is the a result of a combination of their incompetence and the fact that Biden has been a decent and honest public servant.

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Nevertheless, the GOP chairman of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer, continues in his fanatical and futile fishing expedition despite accomplishing nothing except to further embarrass himself and exasperate his Republican confederates. But undeterred by trivial considerations, like whether or not there are any facts to support his accusations, Comer persists in his malicious mission to malign Biden.

SEE THIS: GOP Rep Tells Fox News He Would ‘Probably’ Impeach Biden for – Um – Zero Evidence of Any Crime

The GOP in the House has been holding their useless and partisan hearings for years now. They somehow manage to set aside the fact that they have failed utterly in their mission to find dirt on Biden. Comer has been humiliated repeatedly by Democrats on the Committee who have pointed out how dishonest and incompetent he and his GOP colleagues are. Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz has even challenged Comer to call for a vote to impeach Biden, if he thinks he has the goods on him. He obviously doesn’t.

Now it appears that Fox News is getting tired of the ineffectiveness of Comer and Company. After Fox’s Maria Bartiromo challenged Comer as to why he hasn’t issued criminal referrals to the Department of Justice on an array of crimes that neither she nor Republicans have any proof ever occurred, Comer replied with a typically vague assertion that his ghost indictments are coming soon. Really, they are…

Bartiromo: Are you saying that we could expect a criminal referral against Joe Biden for money laundering? Is that what you just said?
Comer: I think it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent. That’ll probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama/Biden administrations.

Yeah, right! If they do file a report, it will surely contain an abundance of lies that the DoJ will quickly and appropriately dismiss. You can rest assured that if Comer had evidence that “Joe Biden’s committed many crimes,” it wouldn’t be a secret. He would have produced it long ago.

Bartiromo followed up by asking why Comer doesn’t “subpoena these people.” Which, of course, he has already done. That includes the President’s son, Hunter, his brother, James, and several business associates. They all showed up and gave testimony under oath. Comer’s problem is that that testimony produced zero evidence that comes close implicating Biden, or anyone else, in any criminal act. To the contrary, his witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing.

It appears that even Fox News is becoming impatient with Comer and other Republicans in Congress, such as Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan, who haven’t been effective enough at smearing Biden. But then, they haven’t been effective at anything else either, such as passing legislation, or selecting leadership. So is anyone surprised?


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