CNN’s Campbell Brown: Free Sarah Palin

It would be a mistake to get too bogged down on the Republican spokesmodel for vice-president, Sarah Palin, but this commentary by CNN’s Campbell Brown is notable for diving straight to the point:

This is also notable because Brown herself has not been a particularly bright light in the media sky. She has a history of leaning rightward in her reporting and is married to former Bush flack Dan Senor. But giving credit where it’s due, Brown has nicely summarized an argument not often heard with regard to the sequestration of Palin from the press – sexism:

“Tonight I call on the McCain campaign to stop treating Sarah Palin like she is a delicate flower that will wilt at any moment. […] Free Sarah Palin. Free her from the chauvinistic chains you are binding her with. Sexism in this campaign must come to an end. Sarah Palin has just as much a right to be a real candidate in this race as the men do. So let her act like one.”

The only problem with Brown’s demand is that the reason the Palin/McCain camp is treating Palin like she may wilt is because that’s what they are afraid she will actually do. They have calculated the risk of keeping her closeted with the risk of letting her out and concluded that they must keep that door shut tight.