Trump’s Press Secretary Stumped When Asked If It’s Safe to Fly – By Peter Doocy of Fox News

Within hours of the news that an American Airlines jet had collided with a military Blackhawk helicopter and crashed, killing everyone aboard both aircraft, Donald Trump had already drawn his conclusions as to the cause. He surmised that the cause of the tragedy was hiring practices that promoted diversity, equity, and Inclusion (DEI). He followed that up by blaming Presidents Obama and Biden.

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Donald Trump and Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt

Never mind that Trump had no evidence whatsoever that his racist conclusions had any merit, or even a remote relationship with reality. He neglected expressions of concern or condolences in order to advance his agenda of noxious bigotry, and to exploit the tragedy to attack his political foes. And of course, that narrative was faithfully supported by his obedient politburo chief, Karoline Leavitt, who has been busy clearing press credentials for devoted MAGA cultists.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Press Secretary Pledges to Plant Pro-Trump Crackpots in the White House Press Room

On Friday morning, the White House press briefing took a bizarre turn when Peter Doocy of Fox News rose to ask Leavitt a question about the safety of air travel in America. He made an uncharacteristically insightful point about the consequences of Trump’s drumbeating of disparagement toward employees in the aviation sector that he regards as being too dark skinned, feminine, or otherwise representative of the diversity of the nation.

Doocy: If president Trump is telling us that air traffic control towers are staffed with unqualified controllers, DEI hires who never should have been brought on, then it’s not safe to fly commercially, is it?
Leavitt: The president was asked and answered this yesterday, and he believes that it is still indeed safe and Americans should feel safe traveling our skies. With that said, two things can be true at the same time. And we certainly have seen the deterioration of federal hiring standards at the Federal Aviation Administration. And the president wants to increase those standards.

PETER DOOCY: Given DEI hires, it's not safe to fly commercially, is it?LEAVITT: The president believes it is still indeed safe. With that said …

Aaron Rupar ( 2025-01-31T18:17:09.467Z

Doocy’s question staggered Leavitt. It makes sense to reason that aviation safety is at risk if the people responsible for it are incompetent and/or unqualified, as Trump insists. And anyone who accepts Trump’s assessment should keep their feet firmly planted on the ground, rather than put their lives in the hands of freeloaders who shouldn’t have been hired. Right?

Well, according to Leavitt, the answer is more complex. She argues that “two things can be true at the same time.” In her view, the pilots, air traffic controllers, and other aviation staff can be inferior clods who, nevertheless, are still perfectly able to insure the safety of American travelers. Except for the times that they cause jetliners to crash into the Potomac. Leavitt elaborated on her duplicity theory saying that…

“When you’re flying with your loved ones, do you pray that your airplane lands safely and gets you to your destination or do you pray that the pilot has a certain skin color? I think we all know the answer.”

The choices Leavitt offers here are absurd in the extreme. Obviously every air passenger wants to land safely. But nobody “prays” that “the pilot has a certain skin color.” Well, except for racist Trump cultists and MAGA disciples who will only approve of white pilots. For instance, Trump flunky Charlie Kirk actually said “I’m sorry. If I see a Black pilot, I’m going to be like, ‘Boy, I hope he’s qualified.'”

Trump’s obsession with casting blame on Blacks, women, Democrats, and others for whom he has a visceral, inbred hatred, is emblematic of his rancid divisiveness. And in the furtherance of his prejudices, he couldn’t care less about whether or not what he’s saying about DEI true. And as PolitiFact affirms, it isn’t. But that won’t stop him. He won’t stop lying because he’s pathologically incapable of it. What’s more, he knows that his cult followers not only accept it, they love it.


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Trump’s Press Secretary Pledges to Plant Pro-Trump Crackpots in the White House Press Room

As Donald Trump continues his mission to guide America down the path toward his anti-democratic brand of authoritarianism, his administration underlings are faithfully carrying out his directives in a manner that is familiar to students of tyrannical regimes throughout history.

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Donald Trump and Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt

Prominent among Trump’s team of neo-fascistas is his Politburo Chief, Karoline Leavitt, whose commitment disseminating propaganda would make Goebbels proud. She has been a devoted advocate of transforming the role of press secretary into a clearing house for Trump’s official falsehoods and MAGA evangelism.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Press Secretary Plans to Turn the WH Briefing Room Into a Pro-Trump Propaganda Mill

On Tuesday Leavitt told reporters about her intention to allow members of “new media” to apply for White House press credentials. by that she means the sort of MAGA friendly Internet influencers that Trump relied on to spread his dishonest campaign messages last year. She said that…

“I take great pride in opening up this room to new media voices to share the president’s message with as many Americans as possible. In doing so, number one, we will ensure that outlets like yours, Axios and Breitbart, which are widely respected and viewed outlets, have an actual seat in this room every day. We also, again, encourage anybody in this country, whether you are a TikTok content creator, a blogger, a podcaster, if you are producing legitimate news content, no matter the medium you will be allowed to apply for press credentials to this White House.”

This would be a good time to remind everyone that in Trump World Joe Rogan and Alex Jones produce “legitimate news content.” So Leavitt would permit crackpots like that to take the seats of credible journalist that Trump doesn’t like, such as Jim Acosta who was just elbowed out of CNN by executives who are partial to, or afraid of, Trump.

SEE ALSO : Jim Acosta’s Parting Words for CNN (and Trump): It Is Never a Good Time to Bow Down to a Tyrant

Leavitt, however, neglected to note that it is not within her duties as press secretary to decide who gets to attend the White House press briefings. While the White House Press Office does authorize access to the White House itself, reporters need to be accredited by the independent White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) and pass a background check by the Secret Service. Something tells me that Alex Jones, and others of his ilk, would have difficulty meeting either of those criteria.

So it took eight days into Trump 2.0 before Leavitt finally held her first press briefing from the White House. And it surely didn’t disappoint those who were expecting a free-flowing festival of partisan flackery. Despite her stated commitment to telling the truth from this podium every single day,” she lied repeatedly, including in her promise to tell the truth “every single day,” since she’s only been at that podium one day so far.

Among Leavitt’s lies were those that addressed Trump’s halting of federal assistance and grant programs, his inhumane mass deportation plans, his non-existent initiatives to lower consumer prices, his vengeful revocation of security for former government officials, his illegal firing of inspectors general and Justice Department officials, his inflationary tariffs, and his absurd claim that he sent the military to California to turn a magic faucet that would get the water flowing.

Michael Kosta of “The Daily Show” was among those watching Leavitt’s debut performance. And he couldn’t help but notice her attitudinal shift from campaign flack to White House hack. He presented a video clip demonstrating how she has moved forward from her prior role as a Biden basher…


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Trump’s Press Secretary Plans to Turn the WH Briefing Room Into a Pro-Trump Propaganda Mill

From the earliest days of Donald Trump’s political life he has had a love/hate relationship with the press. He loved when it brought him the attention that he craved. But he hated when it failed to exalt him as Gawd’s gift to humanity.

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Donald Trump Angry

Trump’s malignant narcissism is evident in nearly every public utterance he makes. And the common thread that weaves through all of his inbred hostilities is his abhorrence of the media that he regular refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” Just since the recent election, Trump has taken to threatening the national news networks with revocation of their broadcast licenses (which don’t exist), and the nomination of his devoted cult disciple, Kash Patel, who shares his animosity toward the press…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Free Press? His FBI Flunky Kash Patel Threatens to ‘Come After the People in the Media’

One of Trump’s primary goals for his reoccupation of the White House is to remake its relationship with the media. To that end, he dispatched his press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, to deliver a message via his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News), regarding the restructuring of the White House Press Briefing Room. Leavitt openly explained precisely how she intends to poison the process by which the press informs the public about presidential affairs.

“I hope the legacy media will take a step back and realize that the American people haven’t listened to their lies. Trust in the legacy media is at an all-time low. And Trump ran in an untraditional media lane on the campaign trail. Big part of the reason he won. Because he sat down with podcasters and social influencers and new voices that the American people are clearly listening to. And as Trump’s press secretary, we’re gonna find new ways to bring those voices into the briefing room as well. Which I think will be a very effective way to continue to get the president’s message out to the American people.”


Leavitt is right that trust in the media is low. Although a big part of the reason for that is Trump’s constant whining about any criticism of him as “fake news.” Another reason is that much of the press has been too timid to call out Trump’s blatant lies and his inability to speak coherently on any subject. The result is that he gets to filibuster interviews with deceit, deflection, and gibberish. None of that inspires trust.

However, Leavitt is wrong to propose that the White House Press Room should open its doors to the sort of “podcasters and and social influencers” who kissed Trump’s – let’s say ring – during his campaign. The Press Room is not supposed to be an outlet for partisan propaganda. It is there to provide journalists with access to the president and his staff in order to inform the public.

Leavitt’s vision – and Trump’s – is to turn the Press Room into a propaganda mill where only those who have sworn allegiance to Trump will be able to ask questions that they know will illicit positive responses that glorify Dear Leader. That’s the recipe for fascism that is cooked up by the totalitarian dictators who Trump reveres and seeks to emulate.

If the press ever hopes to raise the level of trust that they receive from the public, they need to reject this new perversion of press relations with the White House. They need to condemn it as a farce that violates the Constitution’s First Amendment protecting freedom of the press. And they need to resist Trump’s efforts to subjugate them to the servitude of his ego. Will they rise to the occasion? Stay tuned.


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Trump’s Press Secretary Lies on Fox News that Reporters are ‘Excited that Trump Will Be Back’

As Donald Trump assembles his team for the reprise of his occupation of the White House, he is making it crystal clear that there is only one unnegotiable prerequisite for service in his administration: Unflinching fealty to Trump. Above and beyond everything else, the malignant Narcissist-in-Chief demands absolute adoration at all times.

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Donald Trump TV Set

Other job criteria, such as a total lack of relevant experience, and a commitment to dismantling whatever department you’re assigned to manage, are important, but have room for a small measure of flexibility. The result is that Trump’s Cabinet is going to be populated by incompetent know-nothings, who worship Dear Leader, and advance the interests of right-wing extremists and elitists.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

An outstanding demonstration of this perverse tilt of the political landscape occurred Thursday on Fox News. Trump’s press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, visited the MAGA Ministry of Propaganda where she offered a uniquely demented opinion about the state of the media…

“If you talk to reporters off the record they will tell you they are excited that Trump will be back in the Oval Office because they know how much access they had to him and his press secretaries in his first term.”

WHUT? First of all, the likelihood that Leavitt got off the record expressions of “excitement” from reporters gushing over the prospect of Trump’s return is about as realistic as Trump’s hysterical claims that “big, strong. men with tears in their eyes” are constantly flocking to him to express their undying gratitude and devotion.

Furthermore, Leavitt’s assertion that reporters recalled Trump’s previous playacting as president as a time when they had extraordinary access to him and his press office is laughable. In fact, Trump had virtually discontinued the routine daily press briefings that were held by the press secretaries of all other modern day presidents. There times when Trump’s White House didn’t have a press briefing for months on end. And when he addressed reporters it was often impromptu gaggles next to a waiting helicopter, where he hurled lies and insults without actually answering any questions.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Press Secretary Has Replaced ‘Daily’ Press Briefings with Softball Interviews on Fox News

What’s more, there are some disturbing reasons why reporters are actually worried about the next Trump term. Throughout his campaign this year he has made overt threats aimed at the media that he regularly refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” He has proposed replacing credible journalists in the White House Press Room with screwballs, conspiracy crackpots, and fawning sycophants and MAGA trolls, like Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson.

Even worse, Trump’s nominee to be Director of the FBI, Kash Patel, recently threatened the press, saying that “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you.”

You really have to wonder who the reporters are that Leavitt says “are excited that Trump will be back in the Oval Office”? The only plausible people who would say that are folks like Steve Bannon, or Megyn Kelly, or maybe the alleged drug-addled sex trafficker, Matt Gaetz, who was recently dumped as Trump’s nominee to be Attorney General, but who is now scheduled to host a primetime show on the piddling, Trump-fluffing, One America News.

So it doesn’t seem like the press corps is really all that excited by Trump’s return. More likely, they are nervous and preparing for a hostile relationship with the White House for the next four years. However, if nothing else, Leavitt is doing precisely the sort of job that Trump wants her to do. And she is proving her bona fides as Trump-worthy disseminator of dishonesty and lies.


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DNC Projects the Real Message of Trump’s Anti-American MAGA-Palooza onto Madison Square Garden

As Election Day draws near, candidates generally make more concerted efforts to refine the part of their message that they want voters to focus on. For instance, Kamala Harris is currently talking more about lowering the economic burdens on middle class families, protecting reproductive freedom and access to healthcare, and preserving American democracy.

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Trump Praised Hitler

Donald Trump’s campaign is also seeking to remind voters of what he regards as the most important themes to reinforce in the minds of his MAGA minions. And judging by the rally he held at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, that appears to be his affinity for the neo-fascist ideals that have long been present in his raging cult rally rants.

However, Trump is increasing the intensity of his hate-speech for these final days of the campaign and, with the help of his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, he’s making certain that his devotees don’t miss the point.

SEE THIS: HOLY CR&P! Fox News Defends Trump Wishing that He Had ‘the Kind of Generals that Hitler Had’

What Trump and his campaign strategists may not understand is that the Harris campaign is just as anxious for the voters to see the real Trump as Trump is. Which is why the Democratic Party was outside of Trump’s MSG rally projecting this message onto the arena where he was speaking: “Trump Praised Hitler.”

Indeed, it was recently revealed that Trump told his White House Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly, that he needed the “the kind of generals that Hitler had.” Kelly went further to note that Trump himself “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist, for sure.”

During the MSG event, Trump’s surrogates affirmed much of what was already known about Trump’s character, or lack thereof. An especially troubling example was when an alleged comedian dropped a repulsive insult aimed at fellow American citizens saying that “There is literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”

The potential for harm by that “joke” was recognized by some members of the Trump team, and they tried meekly to distance themselves from it. But that’s a difficult task since it mirrors Trump’s own rhetoric wherein he said that “America is a garbage can.” The futile attempt to clean up the joke continued the next morning on Fox News…

Fox and Friends co-host Steve Doocy: This morning the mainstream media picked up on the comic’s comments, which were offensive and have been denounced by the campaign and everybody else. What went on with that?”
Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt: It was a comedian who made a joke in poor taste. Obviously it does not reflect the views of president Trump or our campaign. And I think it is sad that the media will pick up on one joke that was made by a comedian rather than the truth that was shared by the phenomenal list of speakers that we had. We had congressmen and women. We hade Sen. JD Vance. […] And the crowd, they didn’t mind. It was a diverse group of people. The joke fell flat. But the crowd was there because they know who president Trump is.

First of all, Doocy’s assertion that the comic’s comments were “denounced” is not exactly accurate. There was only a statement saying that it “did not reflect” the views of Trump or his campaign. That’s a long way from saying, for example, “That sort of hateful bigotry is intolerable and we unreservedly repudiate it.” Also, Doocy’s claim that “everybody” denounced is untrue. In fact, nobody who followed the comedian, including Trump, bothered to condemn his remarks.

Secondly, Trump’s spokeswoman, Leavitt, let the comedian off with a gentle wrist-slap, saying only that the joke was in “poor taste.” Then she complained that the media dared to report this disgustingly racist attempt at humor by an approved guest of the Trump campaign who must have known what he would say if his script was loaded into the TelePrompTer. Yet nobody sought to modify the bit, which included another joke about the comedian carving watermelons with his Black friends for Halloween.

Finally, Leavitt downplayed the whole affair because, as she noted, “the crowd didn’t mind.” So what? Of course they didn’t mind. Trump’s racism is why they love him. And it proves the one thing that Leavitt got right. That “the crowd was there because they know who president Trump is.”

Exactly! And so does the majority of the American people. And if they all get out to vote between now and November 5th, Trump will be the one put in the garbage bin of history. LFG!


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CNN Bumps Flaky Trump Flack, Giving Steve Bannon and Trump Another Excuse to Dump Biden Debate

One of the most destructive aspects of modern media has been its casual tolerance of flagrant dishonesty by deliberately deceitful politicians and pundits. They justify their submission to liars as a commitment to “balance,” a phony objective that obscures a proper journalistic commitment to truth.

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Donald Trump, CNN

On Monday morning, Donald Trump dispatched his campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, to unfurl a litany of lies on CNN. In her typical fashion, Leavitt attempted to dodge every substantive question and replace coherent answers with infantile insults.

SEE THIS: HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

Since the Trump team has no reality-based criticisms of President Biden, they have to rely entirely on childish personal attacks and wholly manufactured controversies that invariably complain that poor crybaby Trump is a victim of vast cabals that are “rigging” everything from elections to trials, and now to debates. On this occasion, Leavitt griped that Trump is…

“…knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network, on CNN, with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years and their biased coverage of him.”

So why did Trump agree to this debate, with Jake Tapper and Dana Bash as moderators, and all the rules, when he’s convinced that they are all aligned against him? He can’t claim that he’s bravely entering the lion’s den if he does nothing but whine about it. Which is all that Leavitt was doing. To her credit, Hunt replied, “Ma’am, we’re going to stop this interview if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues.”

Leavitt did not budge from her mission to malign Tapper and Bash. And true to her word, Hunt ended the interview. That’s exactly how a credible journalist should deal with determined liars. They should do it more often. In fact, they shouldn’t even invite people known to dispense blatant lies on their programs in first place.

This so outraged Leavitt that she scampered off to the safety of Steve Bannon’s “War Room” Internet show to unburden herself of the unpleasantness she endured on CNN. And Bannon provided precisely the sort of sympathy and consolation that Leavitt was seeking in the following exchange

Leavitt: CNN showed their hand with me on their network this morning. The fact that they cut off my microphone simply for repeating words that Jake Tapper himself has said. Lies about President Trump. […]

Bannon: CNN owes you an apology today. And if we don’t get that apology to Karoline Leavitt and to the Trump campaign and to MAGA today, President Trump should cancel this.

First of all, Leavitt was not simply repeating Tapper’s words. She was purposefully mischaracterizing them and sanitizing Trump’s noxious adoption of Hitlerian rhetoric. Surprisingly, an excellent example of this was posted by White nationalist Jack Posobiec…

Furthermore, Bannon’s threat that Trump should back out of the debate with Biden if MAGA doesn’t get an apology is a transparent excuse for Trump to chicken out. And the frequency with which Trump’s sycophants keep coming up with these excuses is the best evidence that he is scared witless and is desperately searching for an escape clause, or at least an explanation for why he’s going to lose. For instance…

WATCH: Trump’s ‘Doctor’ Ronny Jackson Tells Fox News What Kinds of Drugs Trump Could Be Taking

Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him

Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden

That’s a pretty thorough campaign of complaining and excuse-making for someone who wants to present himself as a strongman taking on a senile commie. And it’s equally notable that Biden is the one who appears to be confidant and strong and mentally stable. He doesn’t need to do any of this pathetic whimpering because he knows his stuff. And he knows that Trump has always been a coward and weakling and he will be seen as such by the nation on Thursday’s debate.

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HYPOCRISY UNCHAINED! Trump Flack Whines that Biden’s Campaign is Making Trump’s Trial Political

The trial of Donald Trump in New York for his falsifying business records and campaign finance fraud (sometimes called the “Hush Money” case) is wrapping up this week with the delivery of closing arguments and the commencement of jury deliberations. Predictions of the outcome by all sides is pure speculation, but the case by the prosecutors appears to be extraordinarily strong.

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Donald Trump

As the case is entering its final phase, Trump’s team is pulling out all the stops to try to influence the court of public opinion. They have been doing that throughout the trial, led by their Dear Leader, who would hold impromptu press avails outside the court every day it was in session. And for some unknown reason the press would cover it, despite the fact that it was just a tediously repetitive rendition of what he had already posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

SEE THIS: Trump and Fox News are Priming the MAGA Cult for Devastating and Dangerous Disappointment

On Tuesday morning Trump’s campaign press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, held her own court on the courthouse steps to give the press a ludicrous account of what was going on. She was ostensibly responding to statements made earlier by President Biden’s campaign, featuring cinema icon, Robert De Niro. Leavitt said that…

“What you just heard from is a desperate and failing and pathetic campaign who knows that they are losing. Joe Biden sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse – it is a full-blown concession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top. Comes from Joe Biden.”

Really? Does Leavitt actually believe that she can characterize the press conference by Biden’s team as evidence that the whole affair is political? She knows very well that, from the beginning, it was Trump and his cohorts who made it clear that they were going to treat the trial as a political matter. He even flew his congressional flunkies in from Washington for moral support. What could be more political than a frontline of MAGA Republicans running Trump’s defense?

SEE ALSO: MAGA Mike Johnson Announces His Intention to Interfere with the Criminal Investigation of Trump

Leavitt followed that up by unleashing a batch of Trump’s pre-approved insults of everyone involved in the case, including D.A. Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan. She makes the laughable assertion that “This case would have been laughed out of any other courtroom in America,” and complained about the gag order that was issued because Trump wouldn’t stop maligning and intimidating court personnel, witnesses, and jurors. She called the proceedings “a disgrace,” a “witch hunt,” and a “scam.” But then claimed that it was just making Trump more popular. If that’s true, what’s she so upset about?

Leavitt also repeated the wildly exaggerated estimates of Trump’s crowds in the Bronx and New Jersey, and lashed out at “elitist out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro.” Then added that she “could not help but laugh” at accurate descriptions of Trump as “a threat to democracy.” She argued without any rational foundation that “Joe Biden is the real threat to democracy,” and the case against Trump is “a communist show trial.”

Leavitt closed by calling Biden “weak” and “pathetic” for orchestrating “this weaponization of our justice system,” which, of course, he didn’t do. Then she launched a robo-whine about alleged Biden faults that have no basis in reality, such as…

“…his wide-open border invasion that is allowing a mass invasion of illegal people into this country, terrorists, criminals. Our economy is in shambles. We are heading toward World War III. [but that] Trump is going to win this election. And ultimately he will be vindicated of this sham crooked trial because he has the truth on his side and he is an innocent man.”

This seems like a good time for a reminder that Leavitt’s initial complaint was that the trial was being turned into something political. By Biden. Does she ever listen to herself? Or to Trump? Their entire spiel is political.

Biden, on the other hand, hasn’t said a single word about this trial, or any of Trump’s 88 pending felonies. So who is being political? It might also be useful to note that Biden’s campaign spokesperson, Michael Tyler, specifically said that he wasn’t outside the court for the trial, but because that’s where the press was. Which is a pitifully sad statement about the press, who have political obsessions of their own to contend with.


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Are Trump’s Nazi Videos and Hateful Posts Why Truth Social Lost $327 Million and 19% of Users?

The bad news for Donald Trump is piling up as his trial for falsifying business records and election interference (sometimes known as the “hush money” trial is winding down. On Tuesday Trump’s defense counsel rested their case after calling only two witnesses, one of which was immensely beneficial – to the prosecutors.

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Donald Trump calls for a "Unified Reich"

Compounding Trump’s troubles is the quarterly financial report from his Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), the company that operates his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. The report notes that…

“Trump Media & Technology Group lost more than $300 million during the first quarter and generated very little revenue, the owner of Truth Social announced in a press release Monday. The results will raise additional questions about the multi-billion dollar valuation on the newly public company, which is majority owned by former President Donald Trump.” […] “The company generated just $770,500 of revenue, marking the second-straight quarter where its revenue totaled less than $1 million.” […]

“In April, the conservative-friendly social network experienced a 19% year-over-year drop in average daily active US users on iOS and Android to just 113,000, according to market research firm Similarweb. Rival X (formerly known as Twitter) had more than 34 million users on iOS and Android.”

In the just first quarter of 2024 TMTG lost $327 million on revenue of less than $1 million. Which makes its stock valuation of $6 billion something of a joke. What’s more, Truth Social lost nearly 20% of their active users in the past year. That loss comes during an election year when interest in Trump by his cult followers ought to be at a peak.

So what would account for these significant losses of cash, advertisers, and users? Perhaps it has something to do with Truth Social’s primary (only) reason for existing, Donald Trump. He posts relentlessly every day to his glassy-eyed disciples. And those posts are generally hostile attacks, infantile insults, and forecasts of doom, sprinkled with a hefty dose of narcissistic self-exaltation and hero worship. Maybe that isn’t the best sort of content to sustain an audience.

An example of the messaging that Trump regularly engages in was a video he posted Monday that asked the burning questions: “What’s next for America?” and “What happens after Donald Trump wins?” The video (now deleted) answered those questions with images of newspaper headlines including one that heralded the Trumpian future as being “DRIVEN BY THE CREATION OF A UNIFIED REICH.”

Trump has often exhibited his affinity for Nazi principles and rhetoric. He famously dined at his Mar-a-Lago bunker with the avowed neo-Nazi, Nicholas Fuentes. He praised racist Nazi protesters in Charlottesville, Virgina, as being “very fine people.” He uses language taken from Hitler’s speeches that refers to immigrants as “vermin” who are “poisoning the blood” of America.

Trump’s response to having been criticized for this video never bothered to condemn it’s vile views. He just blamed it on an anonymous staffer. Here is that response, along with with the thoughts of President Biden’s spokesperson, as reported by Politico

Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt: “This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court.”

Biden spokesperson James Singer: Donald Trump is not playing games; he is telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power: rule as a dictator over a ‘Unified Reich.'”

You’ll notice that Trump didn’t apologize for or renounce the video. He just slithered out of taking any responsibility for it. Because he doesn’t disagree with its content. He’s just afraid that getting caught might hamper his authoritarian aspirations to reoccupy the White House. That’s all he cares really about. Which is why it is imperative that he be soundly defeated in November. He needs to be as big a failure as a politician as he is as a tech mogul.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.

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