Fox News Openly Defends the White Supremacy and Treason of Domestic Terrorists

On the solemn anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, four presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden) made dignified and respectful appearances to honor the victims, heroes, and families whose lives were changed forever. These statesmen demonstrated the compassion and decency to set aside their personal interests in order to remind the nation what it means to be the “United” States of America.

Fox News, KKK

The only holdout was, of course, Donald Trump, who had a more pressing engagement to enrich himself as a commentator at an exhibition fight in Hollywood, Florida. He did put out a video that was typically dominated by tributes to himself and bitter assaults on his political foes.

On Monday morning Fox News covered some of the weekend events from a thoroughly bizarre and repugnant perspective. The segment somehow veered off into territory that had nothing to do with 9/11 (video below). At one point, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy felt compelled to say that…

“We had a stand down on white supremacy in the military, and I guess that I’m just not seeing that that’s worthy of a stand down.”

Really? So Campos-Duffy is in favor of the military permitting white supremacy in the ranks? While it isn’t particularly noteworthy that she and others on Fox News would hold that opinion (her co-host Brian Kilmeade agreed saying that “I share your frustration”), it isn’t often that they state it so explicitly on the air.

What triggered this outburst was a discussion about remarks by George W. Bush on Saturday. In a surprisingly thoughtful address, Bush drew parallels between foreign terrorists and the homegrown variety that have been inspired by Trump and Fox News. Bush said that…

“We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within. There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit.”

Campos-Duffy complained that Bush’s comments took “the focus off of who we need to be focused on.” She elaborated saying that…

“I think that motivations matter. The Islamic terrorists want to kill Americans. They hate Western civilization. They hate America. They have lots of reason for that. Regardless of what you think about what happened on Jan. 6, the people there went in with the flags. They were not America haters.”

What distinction is she making here? The motives of the Trump insurrectionists were also that they wanted to kill Americans, including Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi, and other members of Congress. They hate Western civilization and America, as evident in their efforts to discard the Constitution and impose their own totalitarian dictatorship. Yes, they went there with flags, which they used as weapons against the police officers who were protecting the seat of American democracy. How were they not “America haters”? And Trump himself weighed in on Bush’s speech saying that…

“…he lectures us that terrorists on the ‘right’ are a bigger problem than those from foreign countries that hate America and that are pouring into our Country right now.”

Notice that Bush said nothing about the “right” or any other political ideology, but Trump recognized his own faction when he heard it described. And his assertion that foreign terrorists are “pouring into our Country right now” is just more of his delusional hyperbole. Just like his “Big Lie” about election fraud, there is no factual basis for his charges. Trump just wants to drench his cult followers in irrational fears.

Furthermore, Trump is whining (as usual) that Bush has no right to “lecture” anyone because he is responsible for thousands of deaths from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. That may be true. But there is a nauseating sort of irony in Trump saying it considering that he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of American deaths from his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID pandemic.

In the attempt by Fox News to distinguish the crimes of the January 6th insurrectionists, and other domestic terrorists, from foreign terrorists, they actually highlighted their similarities and common purpose. And even worse, they overtly expressed their not-so-veiled racism. This isn’t new for Fox, but it nevertheless needs to be exposed and disseminated widely to remind everyone what sort of vile propaganda network the Murdochs are operating.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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24 Hours Later, Big Mouth Trump Has Nothing to Say About Biden’s Drone Strike Against ISIS-K

If there is one thing for which Donald Trump has distinguished himself, it’s his interminable compulsion to inject his transparently self-serving, usually incoherent, and always lie-riddled opinion into every discussion on any subject regardless of how ignorant he is on the topic. Which is pretty much every topic. Trump’s mouth is a perpetually gaping hole that excretes waste product at all hours of the day and night.

Donald Trump

So it’s curious to note that Trump has been uncharacteristically silent on one particular subject for the past 24 hours. On Friday, President Biden’s White House announced that the U.S. military had deployed an armed drone to a remote province in Afghanistan where it successfully terminated a high-level ISIS-K operative. This strike was an opening salvo in retaliation for the terrorist bombing that took place at the Kabul airport the day before.

Ever since the airport bombing that took the lives of 13 American service members and an estimated 150 Afghan civilians, Trump has been flinging vicious and unfounded attacks, not at the terrorists, but at Biden and America’s military. He complained that “This is what you get when you have weakness in the White House.” So you have to wonder if he meant that to apply to the 80+ soldiers who were killed while he was occupying the White House.

Trump would not shut up about the tragedy. He pretended to care about the victims, although he has previously insulted fallen soldiers as “losers” and “suckers.” and he callously exploited it to whine some more about having lost the 2020 presidential election. But what he hasn’t done is to acknowledge the military’s achievement in hitting back at the terrorists so quickly and efficiently.

It isn’t that Trump has been busy with other more important matters, like golfing or watching Fox News. On Saturday morning he released four official statements via his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban). Each statement was a bitter and flagrantly false anti-Biden outburst:

  • “Biden’s Hostage Crisis of Epic Proportions”
  • “‘They Showed Weakness’: Pompeo Hits Back At Biden, Says Trump Admin Had ‘Conditions-Based’ Withdrawal Plan”
  • “Rep. Ronny Jackson to Newsmax: ‘Bad Things Going to Happen’ on National Security”
  • “Trump says Kabul airport explosion wouldn’t have happened if he were president”
  • “The Presidential Election of 2020—a disgraceful moment in our Country’s history!”

UPDATE: It’s now been 48 hours and still no comment by Trump acknowledging the successful strike against ISIS-K. However, there were more of these rage-tweets (all linking to Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post)…

  • “This debacle has exposed Joe Biden as a failed president”
  • “Afghanistan Reveals All the President’s Weaknesses”
  • “I ran Team Trump’s Afghan withdrawal—Biden’s attempt to blame us is just sad”
  • “In the midst of a White House breakdown: Goodwin”

So Trump had plenty of time to express those derogatory thoughts that serve no purpose other than to bring down America. But he hasn’t had the time or inclination to offer a bit of praise for those who are defending the nation under dangerous circumstances.

Trump is simply a malignant narcissist who is too jealous and emotionally warped to allow Biden to get any credit, even if that means denying well deserved commendations for the hard work and sacrifices of American heroes. But then that’s “what you get when you have weakness” in a treasonous, lying, twice-impeached, former TV game show host, who still has authoritarian aspirations.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Exploits the Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan to Whine About Losing the 2020 Election

In the wake of the tragic terrorist attack in Afghanistan, Republicans wasted no time engaging in rank politicization of the loss of life and wantonly blaming President Biden. This despite the overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump bears the most responsibility due to his having negotiated a “surrender agreement” with the Taliban (according to his own National Security Advisor), and his lethal failure to plan for the withdrawal.

Donald Trump, Snake Tongue

For his part, Trump is behaving predictably as he frantically absolves himself of any responsibility, baselessly castigates his critics, and incoherently rambles from subject to subject in an effort to land on something that he thinks casts him in a favorable light.

Trump’s most recent babbling in this regard took an especially rancid turn as he conflated the casualties in Afghanistan with his “Big Lie” rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election having been “stolen” from him. In a tweeted statement by his spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), Trump ranted that…

“If the Democrats could fight wars as well as they execute Election Fraud, we would have obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World, and would have nothing to worry about!”

Really? First of all, Trump is sort of complimenting Democrats with his admission that they outsmarted him by decisively defeating him the 2020 election. Although outsmarting Trump isn’t a particularly high bar to get over. But worse, Trump is noxiously exploiting a human tragedy in order to continue propagating the same proven lies about election fraud that led to the deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C.

What’s more, Trump is accusing Biden and the Democrats of failing to “win” the war in Afghanistan after being in office for only seven months. If that’s a failure on Biden’s part, what does it mean that Trump had four years during which he could have “obliterated all of our many enemies throughout the World,” but failed to either achieve victory or to complete a withdrawal?

On at least three occasions in the past two days Trump has made made similarly repulsive remarks. He told radio right-winger Hugh Hewitt that Democrats “used COVID in order to cheat, cause they cheat fantastically. If they could fight wars like they cheat in election, we would have had that war won in one day.” And he released a pure propaganda video on Sean Hannity’s Fox News program wherein he exalted himself saying that “This tragedy should never have taken place. It should never have happened. and it would not have happened if I were your president.”

Trump’s assertions that the world would have been a peaceful utopia had the American people reelected him is an absurdity borne out by actual facts. Not only were 80 service members killed in Afghanistan on Trump’s watch (most of which he callously ignored), but there were multiple attacks on military bases in the United States, resulting in 12 fatalities. Trump has also conveniently forgotten the terrorist attack by ISIS in New York City that killed eight civilians.

By using the deaths of American soldiers to regurgitate his election fraud conspiracy theories, Trump is affirming his unfitness for any office of public service. He is disqualifying himself from inclusion in civil society. And he is putting his well known narcissism, indecency, and inhumanity on public display. But then again, what else would you expect from Trump and his Republican Party?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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The Crackpot Cult of Trump Believes the January 6th Rioters Were ‘Defending Freedom’

Six months ago hundreds of treasonous subversives incited by Donald Trump stormed the United States Congress in an attempt to undermine democracy and prevent the peaceful transfer of power according to the will of the American people. It was an event so despicable that it produced harsh condemnations, even from Republicans including Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (although both have have since backtracked).

Donald Trump, QAnon, Dictator

That moment of bipartisan disgust and concern for the future of democracy was an encouraging sign that there was hope for unity where the fate of the nation hung in the balance. However, that moment was short lived. A new poll by CBS News has some disturbing findings and trends:

“A majority of Americans still specifically call what happened that day an ‘insurrection’ and an attempted overthrow of the government. This is where most Democrats and independents land. But roughly one-third of the country call it patriotism, or defending freedom”

While there is some comfort knowing that a majority of Americans recognize the horror of what took place January 6th, the number of those who see it as something positive is disconcerting. The most troubling finding in this poll is how Trump voters view the assault on America’s seat of government…

So a majority (55%) of Trump voters describe the riots on Capitol Hill as “Defending Freedom.” Likewise, a majority (51%) of Trump voters describe that event as “Patriotism.” Only 20% of them described it as “Insurrection.” Also worrisome is that 51% of Republicans strongly disapproved of the January 6th insurrection back in January, but now only 39% hold that position. That’s a 12 point swing toward insanity.

What this tells us is that today’s schizoid Republican Party has had some success in convincing their glassy-eyed followers that violent StormTrumpers who attacked police officers, vandalized property, and threatened to murder Vice-President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, were actually guardians of virtue protecting the nation from some undefined, invisible foe bent on stealing Trump’s delusions of victory.

This also tells us that there is a lot of work to do if America is ever going to be restored as a model of democracy. How we will battle the kind of insanity that causes people to see unending videos of destruction and violence, but come away thinking it was, as Dear Leader Trump says, hugging and kissing, is a question that won’t be easy to answer. But if this poll is accurate, then it’s what we need to face, and we need to find to the solution sooner rather than later. Good luck to us all. We’re gonna need it.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Fox News Vigilantes, Lara Trump and ‘Judge’ Pirro, Issue Call to ‘Arm Up’ to Shoot Migrants

There is a harrowing pattern of advocating violence that is indelibly integrated into the modern, Donald Trump diseased, Republican Party. It was evident in Trump’s rhetoric that glorified hostility toward his critics at his his cult rallies. It was inbred in his attacks on Democrats and the press as “the enemy.” And it recently manifested horribly at his Capitol Hill Insurrection.

Fox News, Lara Trump

As if all of that weren’t bad enough, now his progeny is joining in the reckless call for innocent blood. And Fox News is, of course, the bullhorn for this abhorrent talk. On Saturday’s episode of Justice with “Judge” Pirro, her guest was Eric Trump’s wife, and Fox News contributor, Lara Trump. The discussion was filled with the typical animus of the televised Hate Channel. However, it devolved into a vile assault on the already troubled community of migrants. And then Lara Trump dug even deeper…

“I don’t know what to tell people that live on the Southern border. I guess they better arm up and get guns and be ready, and maybe they’re gonna have to start taking matters into their own hands.”

Lara Trump, with the assistance of Fox News, is now openly advocating murder and vigilantism. The victims of Trump’s dangerous and heartless proposal would be refugees from Central American countries fleeing violence and poverty. Most of them are women and children. What’s more, how would the untrained, fear-driven vigilantes know the difference between refugees and Latinx U.S. citizens? They wouldn’t know or care. Its a recipe for more unspeakable savagery and grief.

This is the sort of racist hate mongering that produced that mass murder of 22 mostly Latinx shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso in 2019. The shooter confessed to “targeting Mexicans,” and his writings mirrored the xenophobic rhetoric of Donald Trump, Lara’s bigoted father-in-law.

Just prior to Lara Trump’s promotion of domestic terrorism, Pirro complained about unverified reports that migrants damaged fences and left garbage. Even if true, those are hardly capital offenses. Trump herself acknowledged that the migrants were predominantly children.

After her heinous comments, Pirro simply changed the subject with no pushback whatsoever on Trump’s call to shoot unarmed refugees. And for good measure, both of them disparaged Vice-President Kamala Harris, who just returned from a diplomatic mission to the region. Their catty assertion that she was unqualified for the job is ludicrous. Harris was the Attorney General and senator of the largest state in the country, California, which is also a border state.

No one should be surprised by these remarks. Fox News is notoriously drenched in xenophobic hate-speech. Their Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, has attacked immigrants repeatedly. And he unabashedly promotes the racist “white replacement theory” that fear mongers about people of color being brought into the U.S. to “pack the electorate” against the soon to be minority whites. So the Piroo/Trump tirade is just the next sickening step in the Fox News/Republican battle plan.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Clings to Trump’s Big Lie of Election Fraud that Fueled the Capitol Riots

A week ago several thousand Donald Trump cult disciples stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to disrupt the constitutional duty of Congress to certify the results of the presidential election. These traitors terrorized members of Congress, their staff, and Capitol security. Five people died during the insurrection, and many more were seriously injured.

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Fox News, Terrorism

The impetus for this assault on democracy was Trump’s “Big Lie” that the election was stolen from him by some nefarious and massive Deep State cabal. Never mind that there is no evidence whatsoever of this alleged conspiracy. Just the allegation was sufficient to inflame Trump’s followers and produce a historic and tragic atrocity carried out by fatuous fools under the influence of flagrant falsehoods.

Within a week Trump was impeached for his role in inciting the riots, which he threatened would result in even more violence. He may be right. His cult is notoriously hostile and not known for their adherence to reason or facts. And it makes little difference that he posted a video asking to find common ground. With racist conspiracy crackpots? Not likely.

All of which makes what aired on Fox News Thursday morning more heinous and dangerous. Trump’s trade advisor, Peter Navarro, who has zero credentials to address these matters, appeared on Fox News for an interview with their Senior Trump-fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. The segment could only be described as a further incitement to violence (video below):

Navarro: What happened yesterday [the impeachment vote] was a travesty. The Democratic Party did violence to this country by attacking a president who I believe was legally elected on November 3. If the election were held today he’d be elected again. And if he runs in 2024 he will be elected then. And I think that’s what the Democrats fear. I’ve never been more pissed off in this place, and I think there’s 74 million Americans out there who voted for President Trump who feel exactly the same way.”

Notice that Navarro tries to linguistically associate Democrats with violence when all of the violence was caused by Republicans and Trump supporters. More ominously, he is regurgitating the very same “Big Lie” that Trump has been pushing about a “rigged” election, which is what triggered his supporters to commit terrorist crimes in the Capitol. This is a brazen attempt to incite more violence, just as Trump warned. Navarro then engaged in this exchange with Bartiromo:

Navarro: So I would say to these people on Capitol Hill, “Knock it off. Stop this.” Let the man leave peacefully with his dignity. He was the greatest jobs president, the greatest trade negotiator we’ve ever had in history. And this is just wrong what they’re doing.
Bartiromo: We know that there were irregularities in this election. We know that 70% of Trump voters have said we’re not buying this election. We think it was rigged. But get this, you cannot say that on social media. You will get banned.
Navarro: You can’t say it anywhere.
Bartiromo: You can’t use the word “irregularities.” And if you say there was fraud it’s absolutely outrageous. This feels more like communist China than it does America, that they have the ability to stomp out free speech.

First of all, suggesting that Trump has any dignity is just another big lie. What’s more, he is literally the worst jobs president ever. As for trade, he has only succeeded in imposing tariffs that have crippled American businesses.

Then Bartiromo returns to the election fraud lie, saying that “70% of Trump voters have said we’re not buying this election.” So what? Those are Trump’s dimwitted zealots whose opinions were formed by his hammering falsehoods into them. Of course they feel that way. That is not, however, the way the majority of Americans feel. They support his impeachment and removal from office.

Both Bartiromo and Navarro then make the absurd observation that you can’t say the election was rigged. Notice that they are both saying it on a national television network. Bartiromo goes further to compare her false allegations to the media in communist China. Once again, she’s making that charge on her own nationally broadcast TV show. The only plausible comparison that can be made in that regard is the comparison to how devotional and sycophantic she and her Fox News confederates are toward Dear Leader Trump.

Fox News seems to be doing everything in its power to exacerbate an already volatile situation. An analysis by Media Matters shows that Fox News has cast doubt on the results of the election nearly 800 times in the two weeks since Fox itself called the election for Joe Biden. They seem to be purposefully antagonizing Trump’s terrorist brigades. There just isn’t any other plausible explanation for their persistent dissemination of Trump’s lies. And if they keep it up, they will make sure that Trump’s prediction of more violence comes true.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Warns Of More Violence If He’s Impeached For Inciting Violence

After a week of conspicuous silence since the Trump Insurrectionists assaulted Congress, Donald Trump finally made a few self-serving remarks to the press on his way to a photo-op with his holey border wall that Mexico didn’t pay for. It was typical of Trump’s exploitation of the media to exalt himself and malign his foes.

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Donald Trump Dreamer

The first of his comments came while leaving the White House. He called the new moves by Congress to impeach him “a continuation of the greatest witch hunt in the history of politics,” and complained that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are “causing tremendous danger to our country, and it’s causing tremendous anger.” That’s coming from someone who fired up a dangerously overheated mob by telling them that “we fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”

So Trump is issuing a warning that any effort to hold him accountable for his inflammatory rhetoric that inspired a mob of coup plotters would result in further violence by the same deviant mob. It’s not unlike a Mafioso threat to comply lest something terrible happen to your lovely shop. It’s demanding capitulation to a terrorist threat.

Trump addressed the press again later to elaborate on his threats of rising anger among the troops of his seditious army. After lashing out at the “horrible things” “Big Tech” is doing, he wrapped himself in the warm fuzziness of what he imagines is “support probably like nobody’s ever seen before.” He’s actually kind of right. His support is currently at a record low of 33% and majorities say he should be removed from office or resign. And it isn’t going to improve with more dishonest and utterly incoherent exchanges like this one:

Reporter: What is your role in what happened at the Capitol? What is your personal responsibility?
Trump: So if you read my speech – and many people have done it and I’ve seen it, both in the papers and in the media on television. It’s been analyzed, and people thought that what I said was totally appropriate. And if you look at what other people have said, politicians at a high level, about the riots during the summer, the horrible riots in Portland and Seattle and various other places, that was a real problem, what they said. But they’ve analyzed my speech and my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence. And everybody, to the tee, thought it was totally appropriate.

First of all, not “everybody” thought Trump’s pre-packaged propaganda video in response to the attack on the Capitol was “totally appropriate.” In fact, there was a broad based and bipartisan rejection of his tone deaf support of the attackers wherein he called them “special” and gushed that “we love you.” Many Republicans effectively surrendered by pleading for unity in a futile attempt to evade accountability of their own.

Meanwhile, Trump and his shills in Congress and the press are struggling mightily to characterize his impotent abdication of duty as strength, when it’s nothing more than lame victimhood. He’s whining about his loss of privileges on Twitter, Facebook, etc., as censorship driven by political differences. That’s a deliberate (and coordinated) lie. Trump was booted from these platforms because his comments incited his already deranged cult disciples to violence. Had he not been so purposefully inflammatory he would still be tweeting.

Trump is behaving perfectly in alignment with his sociopathic character, or lack thereof. It’s nothing less than one would expect from a malignant narcissist under intense pressure as his world is falling apart. And it’s why it is so important to proceed with impeachment and make certain that Trump pays for his crimes and can never again be in any position of power. And the same goes for his congressional and media enablers.

UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Fox News is also advocating capitulation to domestic terrorists. Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade echoes Trump’s position that holding the President accountable for inciting violence will trigger more violence and, therefore, the terrorists should be left alone to commit violence without impunity:

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News is Still Fomenting Violence and Making Excuses for Trump’s Terrorists

The day after Donald Trump sent his terrorist goons to assault the United States Capitol, and the American people’s representatives as they tried to do perform their Constitutional duties, there is still a whiff of chaos and treason in the air around Washington, D.C. The perpetrators have not been apprehended and many of their enablers in the Republican Party continue to espouse the dangerous lies that motivated the insurrection.

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Fox News

Trump himself has still not condemned the violence. In fact, in a video that Twitter removed, Trump actually embraced it and told the terrorists that he loved them. Twitter also deleted Trump’s last tweet before his account was suspended for putting the nation at risk. In that tweet Trump excused the violence saying that…

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

WRONG! These are the things and events that happen when a sociopathic, narcissistic, aspiring authoritarian dictator stages a coup in order to maintain his illegal grip on power and avoid certain criminal indictments.

There has been a broad condemnation of Trump from across the political spectrum in America and around the world. However, from Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) there has been a steady drumbeat of support, rationalization, and even condemnation of others for Trump’s wrongdoing. Chief among the Trump apologists is Tucker Carlson, who devoted his Primetime White Nationalist Hour to making excuses for Trump and his treasonous brigades (video below). Carlson began by sympathizing with the delusions of the rioters:

“Millions of Americans sincerely believe the last election was fake. You can dismiss them as crazy. You can call them conspiracy theorists. You can kick them off Twitter. But that won’t change their minds.”

The reason that some Americans believe the election was fake is because people like Carlson, and others on Fox News, have endorsed and amplified Trump’s flagrant and repeated lies on the subject. But Carlson is correct in saying that their minds won’t be changed. And his sanctimonious monologue didn’t even attempt to do that. In fact, he just made things worse:

“What happened today will be used by the people taking power to strip you of the rights you were born with as an American. Your right to speak without being censored. Your right to assemble, to not be spied upon. To make a living. To defend your family, most critically.”

So the lesson Carlson takes from this purposeful act of sedition is that the government that these traitors sought to overthrow truly is their enemy and is determined to squelch their freedoms and kill their families. That is not how you deescalate the irrational tensions of insurrectionists. That’s how you incite them to further violence.

Carlson closed by saying that “We got to this sad, chaotic day for a reason. It is not your fault. It is their fault.” So Carlson is validating the terrorists by affirming that had a good reason to commit terrorism. And besides, it isn’t their fault anyway. It’s the fault of the democratically elected government that they oppose and hope to topple.

Fox News is wholly complicit with the evildoers of Trump World. They immediately joined the chorus of Trump cult disciples who sought to blame the insurrection on Antifa. Never mind that they had zero evidence of that, or that Antifa doesn’t even exist. Fox News also tried to draw outrageously false equivalencies between these traitors and the millions of citizens who protested institutional racism and police brutally.

Fox News hosts minimized the riots by characterizing them them as protests that “got a little out of hand” by “passionate” people “who love our country.” Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends justified the terrorists saying that “They were there to support the President of the United States and to defend our republic.” “I understand what this country represents,” Hegseth said. Adding that “I see how the left is trying to tear it down. And I see one man in Donald Trump who’s been willing to fight undeterred.”

That’s precisely the problem. Trump and his confederates are determined to start a fight that they hope takes the form of a civil war. And they are undeterred by reason, facts, decency, or patriotism. They are committed to betraying the country in favor of a tyrannical dictatorship led by a megalomaniac with no moral core.

And Fox News is at the center of Trump’s communications strategy to disinform the dimwitted and lead them into submission and oppression. So when anyone proposes that Trump must be removed from office and prohibited from serving again, they have to include Fox News if the nation hopes to avoid the next aspiring dictator.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump’s Lame Address to His Terrorist Coup Plotters: “Go Home, We love you.”

The terrorism that is being carried out in Washington, D.C., is a clear and predictable consequence of the insurrectionist rhetoric of Donald Trump, Fox News, and their confederates on the far-right, treasonous, lunatic fringe. And as it proceeded, Trump remained silent for an intolerable stretch of time while the U.S. Capitol was under assault by Trump incited traitors.

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Donald Trump

Eventually Trump managed to slap together a prerecorded, one minute long statement politely asking his cult disciples to disperse. He began by affirming the very reason they were acting out, saying that “We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it was stolen.” His message was both lame and pitifully weak. “Go Home, We love you,” Trump gushed. Adding “Go home and go home in peace.”

Note that Trump’s tweet was tagged as being “a risk of violence.” Twitter was considerably late for that. UPDATED NOTE: Twitter later deleted Trump’s tweet containing his repulsive video response to the insurrectionists he inspired (available here for you masochists). Twitter also deleted a tweet that effectively excused the insurrectionists saying…

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

This would be a good time to remind people of how Trump responded to what he called thugs and anarchists who protesting the institutional racism that has resulted in so many tragic injuries and fatalities of innocent, unarmed black citizens. When those overwhelmingly peaceful protests were occurring, Trump lashed out at the diverse crowds and labeled them all as “Antifa” agitators, an organization that doesn’t actually exist. He tweeted insults and threats such as these…

So Black Lives Matter protesters are “sick and deranged,” but the members of Trump’s bowel “movement” are “wonderful, sweet and innocent people.” BLM protesters “will be prosecuted,” while the Trump Brigades can just go home, leaving behind a trail of destruction and assault on citizens, members of Congress, and law enforcement officers.

It’s typical of Trump to include the media in his tirades. However, the role of the right-wing media is one of willing complicity. Fox News presently has an article on their website that is brimming with Trump’s inciteful language. For instance, he called the election of Joe Biden “a catastrophe,” and labeled Biden “illegitimate.” They quoted Trump at his grossly misnamed “Save America” rally saying that…

“We do not want to see our election victory stolen by radical left Democrats, that’s what they’re doing, and stolen by the fake news media, that’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up and never concede.”


“We don’t have free and fair elections, and you know what else, we don’t have a free and fair press. It suppresses thought, it suppresses speech and it’s become the enemy of the people. It is the biggest problem we have in this country.”

This is precisely the sort of inflammatory dialog that produced the insurrectionists in Washington. And the article was actually a criticism of other media (CNN and MSNBC) for not disseminating Trump’s vile words. Apparently Fox News would prefer that this sort of bombastic blather get even more exposure and reach more nut cases to storm the Capitol.

At this point there is no justification for Trump remaining in office for another minute. He is a threat to the security and tranquility of the nation. And the same thing can be said of Fox News. They have both taken advantage of our nation’s freedoms in way that furthers their treasonous aspirations. And it’s long past time that they be held to account.

For contrast, here is President-Elect Biden’s address to the nation:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

In Defense Of The Pre-9/11 Mindset: 2020 Edition

[On September 11, 2006, I wrote an essay about how the American perception of its place in the world supposedly shifted after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. I reprint it here today because much of it is still true. And in the midst of a historic election, Donald Trump has made fear his brand. He is exploiting the horror of another catastrophe, the coronavirus pandemic, to advance his selfish political interests.

While 9/11 is nearly twenty years in the past, there is a nightmare that we are all living through now that has already taken as many lives as 64 9/11’s due to Trump’s negligence, incompetence, and even deliberate and dishonest malfeasance. It, therefore, seems like an appropriate time to revisit these thoughts]


In September of 2004, Vice President Dick Cheney, in a sinister demonization of Democrats, warned that…

“if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we’ll get hit again, and we’ll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States, and it will fall back into the pre-9/11 mindset, if you will, that in fact, these terrorist attacks are just criminal acts and that we’re not really at war.”

The Pre-9/11 Mindset is much maligned as mindsets go. Disdain is heaped upon it as if it were a discarded hypothesis. There is now a stigma associated with a worldview that was perfectly acceptable 24 hours prior. And a cadre of power hungry fear merchants is restlessly hawking the notion that everything we thought we knew has withered into irrelevance. The Post-9/11ers propose that an imaginary line has been drawn that illuminates the moral and intellectual differences between those who stand on one side or the other. So what exactly does it mean to be 9/10ish?

I remember clearly what was on my mind. I was still upset that a pretend cowboy, whose intellectual marbles rattled around vacantly in his 2 gallon hat, had gotten away with stealing an election. I was recalling, with renewed appreciation, an era of domestic surplus and international cooperation. Or as The Onion headline put it when Bush was first elected, “Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over.”

9/11 was undoubtedly an unwelcome milestone in American history. But the idea that everything changed on that day is shallow and puerile. The history of human civilization reveals that we simply do not change that much from one century to the next. And the events that actually do precipitate change are rarely the ones we presume them to be. There was terrorism before 9/11. There were birthdays and funerals and parking tickets and snow cones and life’s everyday extraordinary spectrum of pleasure no matter how painful.

What changed was that a nation that was once perceived to be inviolable and courageous was now seen as vulnerable and afraid. Like a child lost in a crowd, America was searching for a guardian, but what we got was no angel. As President Bush took to the mound of rubble for his megaphone moment, he was not alone. He was accompanied by a media that sought to construct a hero where none stood. I must admit that it was an ambitious undertaking considering the weakness of the raw material. They took an inarticulate, persistently mediocre, dynastic runt, who on September tenth was considered by many to be Crawford’s lost idiot, and transformed him into a statesman overnight. The enormity of this achievement underscores the power of the media.

My Pre-9/11 Mindset was thrust into fear on that transitory day because I knew that the imbecile we were stuck with in the White House was incapable of reacting appropriately to the threat. I remember vainly trying to persuade previously reasonable people that if they thought Bush was a moron the day before, there was nothing in his breakfast that infused him with wisdom on that sad morning.

What transpired since has, regrettably, proven me right. We toppled the Taliban but let the 9/11 commander escape. Now the remnants of the Taliban are rising again and creating havoc in an unprepared and unstable Afghanistan. We were misled into an unrelated conflagration in Iraq via fear and deception. Now tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians have been liberated – liberated from the confines of their physical bodies. It’s too bad that these liberated corpses will be unable to march in the parades celebrating their liberation. A world that had nothing but sympathy for us after 9/11, is now repulsed by our arrogance. At home we are paying for our adventures by burdening the next few generations with a record debt. And we pay a much greater price in the cost of lost liberties, courtesy of a despotic cabal in Washington that has more trust in fear than it does in our Constitution.

The historical revisionists that cast the Pre-9/11 Mindset as a pejorative are blind to its inherent virtue. The Pre-9/11 Mindset honors civil liberties and human rights. It recognizes real threats and inspires the courage to face them. It demands responsibility and accountability from those who manage our public affairs. It condemns preemptive warfare and torture. The Pre-9/11 Mindset is not consumed with fear, division, and domination. It is rooted in reality with its branches facing the sunrise.

The Pre-9/11 Mindset is superior in every aspect to the Post-9/11 apocalyptic nightmare that has been thrust upon us. Its adoption is, in fact, our best hope for crawling out from under the shroud that drapes our national psyche. Vice President Cheney also said that…

“Terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength. They are invited by the perception of weakness.”

If that’s true, then the terrorists must have perceived the weakness of the Bush administration and considered it an invitation to launch their attack. How do you suppose they perceive us now? They’ve seen the passage of the Patriot Act that limits long-held freedoms. They’ve seen our government listening in on our phone calls and monitoring our financial transactions. They see us lining up at airport terminals shoeless and forced to surrender our shampoo and Evian water. They see us mourning the loss of our sons and daughters who are not even engaged in battle with the 9/11 perpetrators. They see us as fearful and submissive. Is this not emboldening the terrorists for whom this perception of weakness will be seen as yet another invitation to attack?

Yes, I have a Pre-9/11 Mindset and it is not a yearning for a simpler bygone era of harmony. You could hardly call the maiden year of this century simple or harmonious. I have a Pre-9/11 Mindset because I’ve had it all along; all through the Post-9/11 defeatism and scare-mongering; through the war posturing and false bravado; through the sordid attempts to divide Americans and vilify dissenters; through the bigotry and arrogance of those who believe that their way is the right way and the world will concur as soon as we’re done beating it into them. I have a Pre-9/11 Mindset because I have not let the Post-9/11 Mindset infect my spirit with its yearning for a bygone era that more closely resembles the Dark Ages than the Renaissance.

Pre-9/11 Mindset Post-9/11 Mindset
Enduring Peace Perpetual War
Prosperity Poverty and Debt
Civil Rights The Patriot Act
Human rights Torture
Accountability Corruption
Reality Fear

I have a Pre-9/11 Mindset because I have a mind, and I use it. America has a decision to make in less than two months. Let’s hope we make the right one and elect a president who will console us, inspire us, and unite us. We need healing, honesty, and competence now more than ever. And we must not allow Trump to have another four years to shred our Constitution and drive us apart. COVID-19 is Trump’s 9/11. Never forget.