Trump Celebrates the Season with Blatant Christmas Lies and Rancid Antisemitism

“Tis the season to be…” jawing hatefully about Jews and spewing self-serving falsehoods about Christmas. At least that’s how Donald Trump is spending his yuletide days as he makes the rounds of right-wing media to keep himself uppermost in the minds of his cult disciples.

Donald Trump, Santa, Coronavirus

Trump might be worried about the fact that his holiday “Sexual Predator Tour” with Bill O’Reilly is the season’s biggest flop. Or he may be trying to deflect from the news that his Fox News propagandists have revealed his dereliction of duty as his StormTrumpers assaulted the Congress. Or maybe he is upset at having his flagrant deceptions about the January 6th insurrection that he incited being “honored” with PolitiFAct’s “Lie of the Year” award.

Whatever the reason, Trump took to the airwaves to try to restore his irredeemably tattered reputation. And predictably, his desperate efforts only made things much worse. It began with an appearance on the Trump-fluffing Newsmax network for a softball interview with Mike Huckabee, a former GOP governor and pastor. Huckabee began by falsely claiming that “Americans went through a long period where people quit saying ‘Merry Christmas.’ It was all ‘Happy Holidays.’ You deliberately changed that.” To which Trump replied…

“When I started campaigning I said ‘You’re gonna say Merry Christmas again…They are saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again. That was a big part of what I was doing.”

So Trump is bragging that he sought to force people to recite a salutation that many of them don’t subscribe to. And this is something he regards “a big part” of his fetid White House occupancy. He was also proud of his theocratic order to “cancel” anyone who disagreed with his religious mandate saying “Don’t shop at stores that don’t say ‘Merry Christmas.” And he added absurdly that “Whether you’re Muslim, whether you’re Christian, whether you’re Jewish, everyone likes Christmas.” Like a mental patient having a vocal seizure, Trump said “Merry Christmas” eight times in this brief clip.

For the record, people were neither prohibited nor inhibited about saying “Merry Christmas” in the years prior to Trump’s unfortunate candidacy and election:

Following his visit with Huckabee on Newsmax, Trump called into the ironically named “Unholy” podcast. It was there that he felt comfortable enough to repeat some of the overtly anti-Semitic views he has held for decades. Without prompting, Trump unleashed this mess of bigotry:

“People in this country that are Jewish no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews in this country. It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that. And yet in the election they still get a lot of votes from Jewish people. Which tells you that the Jewish people, and I’ve said this for a long time, the Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel. I mean, you look at the New York Times, the New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times. I mean, the Sulzberger family.

Trump’s assertion that “evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews” is not only a disgusting lie, but it fails to note the reasons for evangelical support for the Jewish state. Their interest is based on the biblical prophesy that Jesus will return after the the apocalypse and the annihilation of Israel. They are literally rooting for Israel’s destruction.

Even worse is Trump’s claim that “It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress.” Trump is rehashing an old trope that Jews control the government. But oddly, he seems to be suggesting that that was a good thing and he laments that Obama and Biden put an end to it.

When Trump whines about Jewish people not liking Israel, what he is really complaining about is that they don’t like him. He even expressed his dismay that he could only pull about 25% of the Jewish vote. Then he closes with another old anti-Semitic trope that Jews control the media (i.e. the New York Times), and therefore, the media should be promoting what Trump mistakenly thinks are Jewish interests.

These heinous remarks by Trump are nothing new. They represent the views he has espoused for many years. And the Republican Party is fully on board with this blatant prejudice. It is a repugnant platform that delights the neo-Nazi and racist hate groups that comprise so much of Trump’s cult and the GOP base. And it is sad that Trump would exploit the holiday season to advance these loathsome views.

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Fox News Edits Out White Nationalists in Article Pitting Fictional Antifa Against Trump’s America First

Last Friday Fox News deliberately and deceptively edited a video of President Biden to make it appear as if he made a racially insensitive remark. He didn’t. Fox News purposefully removed the part of Biden’s speech that provided the context and left the false impression. That’s not an uncommon tactic used by Fox to slander their political foes. And it happened again just one day later.

Fox News, KKK

On Saturday there was a protest at Gracie Mansion, the official residence of the Mayor of New York City, ostensibly in opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Naturally, Fox News covered this event without disclosing that they impose vaccine mandates on their employees. But that wasn’t the worst part of this pseudo-journalism.

The story, as it currently appears on the Fox News website, features the headline, “Antifa members clash with anti-vaccine protesters outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” It’s opening sentence states that “Antifa radicals and anti-vaccine protesters appeared to clash Saturday night outside Gracie Mansion, the mayoral residence in New York City.”

However, that is a significantly different presentation from the story as it appeared when it was first published. Originally the article’s title was “Antifa members clash with White nationalists over COVID vaccine mandate outside NYC’s Gracie Mansion.” The URL for the article still reflects its original title referencing the organizers as White nationalists.

That wasn’t the only undisclosed edit. The original article began quite differently, stating that…

“Antifa protesters and a White nationalist group appeared to clash at an anti-vaccine mandate protest held outside of Gracie Mansion in New York City on Saturday night.”

“Far-right activist Nick Fuentes organized the protest against vaccine mandates outside of Gracie Mansion on Saturday night, where Antifa groups also showed up to confront his group, the “Groyper Army. The Anti-Defamation League considers the “Groyper Army” as a white supremacist group.”

None of that is the article in its current state. In fact, the words “white nationalist” are not in the current article at all. Nor is the reference to the “Groyper Army,” a group described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and “America First” podcaster Nick Fuentes.” The White nationalist language also was preserved in an early tweet that Fox News posted to promote the article.

It’s also notable that the photo Fox News used in their promo was not taken at the Saturday protest. It is a stock photo that they have used many times when referring to Antifa.

Fox News, Antifa

The specter of Antifa is mentioned throughout the story. Never mind that Antifa does not exist. There is no such organization. There are no members, or leaders, or headquarters, or agenda, or logo-adorned hoods. At best it’s a loose affiliation of Americans who oppose fascism, like most Americans.

The original article cites the counter-protesters as being from “United Against Racism and Racism NYC.” That, however, was entirely removed from the story. Although the article does mention that Fox News attempted to get an official response, but that “A representative for Antifa did not respond to Fox News.” Perhaps that’s because it doesn’t exist or have any representatives.

This is a blatant example of Fox News manipulating their story, after the fact, to make it consistent with their editorial mission and their right-wing propaganda narrative. The original version connecting anti-vaccine activists – and Donald Trump’s America First thugs – to White supremacists could not be allowed to stand. But they apparently aren’t aware that the Internet preserves everything, including their dishonesty and disinformation.

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Fox News Maliciously Edits Biden Video to Falsely Portray Him as Racist

The obsessive compulsions of Fox News to viciously malign Joe Biden at every opportunity often results in shameless acts of flagrant dishonesty. And when they aren’t lying, some of their attacks are downright hysterical. For instance, their ludicrous criticism that Biden lacked stamina compared to Donald Trump because he rides bikes.

Fox News, Bullshit Factory

In yet another demonstration that Fox News cannot be regarded as a legitimate journalistic enterprise, the network’s morning show, Fox and Friends, ran a video clip that sought to slander President Biden as a racist (video below). The clip showed Biden delivering a Veterans Day speech. During the speech Biden took a moment to wish Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s father (a veteran) a happy birthday.

The “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends were taken aback at what co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy said was “President Biden facing backlash for a comment during his Veterans Day address.” Then she introduced the clip showing Biden saying that…

“I have adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time pitcher … name was Satchel Paige.”

This sent shivers of horror through the Fox News studio, and then across the right-wing mediaverse that disseminated it far and wide. The problem, however, is that the video Fox News aired was purposefully edited to create a false and derogatory impression. What Biden actually said was that…

“I’ve adopted the attitude of the great Negro — at the time, pitcher in the Negro Leagues — went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, in the Major League Baseball after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Paige.”

So it’s clear that Biden was not referring to Satchel Paige. He was referring to the what was once called “the Negro Leagues” of baseball. Well, it’s clear to anyone who saw the unedited clip. And it’s notable that what Fox cut out was taken from the middle of the quote without any acknowledgement of the edit. So they can’t simply excuse themselves by claiming that they truncated the quote for time. Even Sean Hannity played the unedited clip (although still applying the same dishonest framing), which makes the Fox and Friends fabrication even worse.

Their intent is unmistakable. They are trying to create a thoroughly contrived impression that Biden is a racist. And they are providing their phony “reporting” so that it can be adopted by the rest of the Republican confederacy of mudslingers.

That’s working to some extent as it has already been adopted by Greg Kelly of Newsmax, who accused Biden of using “an old fashioned version of THE N WORD.” And Lavern Spicer, a GOP congressional candidate, told the same lie in a fundraising pitch. And Texas congressman and former Trump White House physician, Ronnie Jackson, joined in. So did many of the right’s Internet propagandists such as Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, Breitbart News, and Townhall.

This is typical behavior from Fox News. They know that they can’t make substantive arguments based on facts to advance their extremist agenda. So they manufacture pseudo-scandals to achieve their nefarious goals. And if that means deliberately falsifying video or other documents in order to make a point, they have no ethical resistance to doing so.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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CRTeed Off: Tucker Carlson Admits that He Doesn’t Know WTF He’s Talking About

Tucker Carlson may be the most dangerous, racist, neo-fascist, demagogue on American television. His nightly tirades on Fox News are riddled with flagrant falsehoods, hateful histrionics, and crackpot conspiracy theories. Which explains how he became the face of Fox News and the primary architect of its editorial policy.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

Carlson’s rancid rhetoric has recently focused on his preposterous and evidence-free assertion that Donald Trump’s insurrection on January 6th was a “false flag” operation. He has also been promoting the grossly racist “white replacement theory.” And he relentlessly spreads deadly disinformation about the COVID pandemic.

However, on Wednesday evening Carlson made a surprising confession when discussing the Republican Party’s latest manufactured controversy, critical race theory (CRT). Carlson admitted that…

“I’ve never figured out what critical race theory is, to be totally honest, after a year of talking about it. They’re teaching that some races are morally superior to others, that some are inherently sinful and some are inherently saintly, and that’s immoral to teach that ’cause it’s wrong. That would be my view, and I think most voters’ view.”

So Carlson finally tells his viewers the truth about his ignorance of a subject that he’s been seething about hysterically for more than a year. Yet in the same breath he pretends to “know” that CRT teaches moral superiority. Which is not remotely related to the actual study of CRT. For the record, CRT is a field of study of that is defined as an “attempt to understand how victims of systemic racism are affected by cultural perceptions of race.” Carlson went on to say that…

“Schools are teaching your children that some races are inherently superior to other races. That’s the definition of racism, that some children are born with the stain of sin, inherently. That’s Nazi stuff.”

It’s cute that Carlson brings up “Nazi stuff,” a subject with which he is intimately familiar as it represents the core of his personal philosophy. Although he may not be the best person to complain about teaching that “some races are inherently superior to other races” when he so frequently exalts his European heritage over that of the “dirty” invaders he fears are being imported to replace him. And as a professed “Christian,” Carlson better reread his bible to bone up on that business about being “born with the stain of [original] sin.”

This would be a good time to remind everyone that Carlson was defended in a defamation case by his own Fox News lawyers, who successfully argued that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.” Unfortunately, there aren’t any reasonable viewers in Carlson’s audience to be skeptical of his wretched reputation. Just a bunch of Deplorables who believe everything repulsive he says.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Perjury Watch: Trump Ordered to Give Deposition in Lawsuit for Inciting Racist Violence

There are numerous legal cliffs over which Donald Trump is presently hanging by the sheerest of threads. Criminal prosecutors are investigating him for election interference in Georgia, financial corruption in New York, and insurrection in Washington, D.C. And there are also a couple civil suits in progress over his alleged sexual harassment and assault.

Donald Trump

Among the pending cases is one in which Trump has been accused of fomenting racial violence against Latinos and immigrants at his MAGA cult rallies. Those are the rallies wherein he called Mexicans “criminals and rapists,” and he advocated for “roughing up” protestors at his hate mongering events. Now a judge has ordered Trump to give a deposition scheduled for next week:

“Former President Donald Trump must sit for a videotaped deposition next week as part of a lawsuit involving his anti-immigrant rhetoric, a judge in the Bronx ordered.

“A group of Mexican protesters said they were assaulted during a rally outside Trump Tower in September 2015 over the then-candidate’s comments that Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists.”

This sort of deposition would be concerning to anyone accused of inciting violence. But in Trump’s case it is much more problematic. That’s because Trump is a pathological liar who is incapable of telling the truth for more than a few sentences at a time. Consequently, it is a near certainty that Trump will perjure himself repeatedly.

It will be interesting to see how Trump tries to dodge this deposition. He knows that he can’t refrain from lying because, even if he didn’t have a psychological compulsion to do so, it would mean having to confess his guilt. At the very least, expect Trump to post some furious tweets (via his proxy) attacking the plaintiffs, the judge, and the press, in a futile attempt to deflect from the facts and his fears.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump Spokeswoman Posts Racist Attack on Chair of the January 6th Insurrection Committee

It’s been nine months since Donald Trump’s insurrectionists invaded the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to prevent Congress from carrying out its constitutional duty to certifying the presidential election. Their violent and deadly assault failed to achieve their goal of subverting democracy, but it sparked a treasonous revolt that continues to this day.

Donald Trump Insurrection

Trump has still never conceded his loss to President Biden. And his cult followers still harbor delusions that he will be reinstated to his throne, despite having no evidence of any electoral irregularities and no legal pathway to that end. It’s a dangerous fantasy that led directly to the January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. And Trump is continuing to fuel the seditionist fires.

On Tuesday morning, Trump’s spokes-shill, Liz Harrington (whose proxy Trump tweeting is violating Twitter’s rules against circumventing a ban), posted a tweet with a link to an article (in fact, she posted it three times) whose headline read “Jan. 6 commission chairman once sympathized with black secessionist group that killed cops.” Both the headline and the article itself where dishonest, racist, and intended to malign Rep. Bennie Thompson who is the chairman of both the Homeland Security Committee and the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack. The article by John Solomon began by stating that…

“Fifty years ago as a Mississippi alderman, Bennie Thompson defended the Republic of New Africa and participated in a news conference blaming cops for the group’s violence even as FBI saw group as waging ‘guerrilla warfare.'”

Fifty years ago? That’s how far back Solomon had to dig to find something that he could warp into a pseudo-scandal. Solomon implies that Thompson was somehow affiliated with the Republic of New Africa (RNA), a separatist organization founded in 1968. But Thompson was neither a member, nor a legal representative. He was simply a local elected official who made a rather uncontroversial statement with regard to a police incident. Thompson said that…

“My utmost concern in this matter is to see that people who reside or pass through the town of Bolton,[MS] are treated fairly and given every opportunity afforded them by law. […] My position is that people are entitled to live as they choose, so long as they are law abiding and peaceful.”

Thompson’s explicit reference to being “law abiding and peaceful” didn’t stop Solomon from associating him with every allegation of criminal activity by the RNA. That’s how Solomon works. He is a disgraced propagandist who was even too disreputable for Fox News, who ditched him last year. The network warned their “news” staff that Solomon lacked credibility and engaged in disinformation campaigns. Solomon was also sent packing by The Hill, who said that he had published misleading columns. In some of those columns he was found to have been clandestinely collaborating with a notoriously untrustworthy source, Rudy Giuliani.

Solomon’s article had a single purpose: to personally vilify the Chairman of the Select Committee so that he could later dismiss the Committee’s work. And he chose to pursue that goal by slandering a well respected Black legislative leader with allusions to past crimes that he had nothing to do with.

Then, along comes Trump and his PR flack to hype the fake scandal. Because the last thing that any of these cretins want is for the truth to come out about what happened on January 6th and who was responsible. But with tactics like this they are only revealing how scared they are of the justice that awaits them.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Matt Gaetz Embraces Tucker Carlson’s Vulgar and Racist ‘Great Replacement Theory’ Rant

Florida’s QAnon supporting, alleged sex trafficking congressman, Matt Gaetz, seems more determined than ever to dig himself deeper into a pit of scandal with his every public utterance. After all, this is the cretin whose perversions, lies and criminality are so toxic that even Fox News has blacklisted him.

Matt Gaetz, Prison

Gaetz’s legal and ethical problems may have temporarily receded from the headlines, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still drowning in the muck of his swampiness. The Daily Beast is reporting that his defensive maneuvers have revealed a “scorched earth” strategy that indicates just how worried he is about his future:

“Gaetz is personally represented by Marc Mukasey, who has defended the Trump Organization in several high-profile disputes […] Separately, the Gaetz campaign—Friends of Matt Gaetz—also looked north when in June it retained New York-based trial lawyer Marc Fernich. Fernich’s client list includes child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, and convicted sex trafficker Keith Raniere.”

You’ve got to be pretty desperate to hire the same lawyers who represented Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein – and lost. In the meantime, Gaetz is reaching out to the Trump cultists who are the foundation of his moral and financial support. On Saturday he tweeted a shout-out to the Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. His message was a blatant embrace of a Nazi-inspired campaign to foment fear and racist violence:

“@TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America.

The ADL is a racist organization.”

Tucker Carlson has been peddling the white replacement theory for months. It’s an abhorrent lie that propounds a plot, often attributed to Jews, that foreigners are being imported to overwhelm the White population socially and politically.

In a recent tirade by Carlson, he specifically targeted George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist who is one of the right’s favorite foils. He was also a Jewish refugee from Nazi anti-Semitism. Carlson’s harangue focused on Soros’ efforts to help resettle our Afghan allies in the United States, which Carlson said was just another means of replacing his White majority with foreign “invaders”.

Shortly afterwards the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called for Fox News to fire Carlson. That led to this vulgar exchange between Carlson and former Fox News host Megyn Kelly:

Kelly: Today there’s more blowback on whether you’ve been pushing for the “Great Replacement Theory.” You said that this was gonna happen on your show last night. Sure enough, the ADL comes out and comes after you.
Carlson: F**k them! What liars.

When Gaetz tweeted that “TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory,” this crude and bigoted boorishness is what he was responding to. And his appended charge that “The ADL is a racist organization,” is a nauseating and baseless insult to an organization that has been fighting discrimination and racism for over a hundred years. However, it is precisely what you would expect from a desperate and hateful sleazeball who is struggling to stay out of prison.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

CNN’s Jim Acosta Righteously Nails Tucker Carlson as a ‘Human Manure Spreader’

Last week President Biden succeeded in completing a mission that four presidents before him failed to accomplish. He finally ended America’s involvement in the twenty year long war in Afghanistan. And in doing so he pulled off the largest personnel airlift in history, evacuating more than 120,000 people, including about 6,000 Americans.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Bullshit Factory

True to form, Fox News condemned all of that, and especially Biden, as a miserable failure. They focused on the few adversities – including a tragic terrorist bombing – while ignoring the exemplary deportment of our armed forces and diplomats who brought tens of thousands to safety and brought a futile foreign engagement to a close.

While more current events where taking place here at home (i.e. Hurricane Ida, a surging COVID pandemic, and a draconian Texas law setting reproductive rights back fifty years), both Fox News and Donald Trump wanted the press to cover only the bad news from the region.

On Saturday CNN’s Jim Acosta took aim at Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, in a segment that was particularly cutting. He referred to Carlson as a “human manure spreader.” Which is better than if he simple stopped at Carlson being human manure. Acosta said…

“Over on Fox, human manure spreader Tucker Carlson, has floated yet another race baiting conspiracy theory that tens of thousands of Afghan refugees are being welcomed into this country in order to change the outcome of future elections.”

Acosta then played a clip of Carlson disgorging his racist “white replacement theory” diatribe about Afghan refugees being brought to the U.S as part of a “Change America Forever” plot to pack the electorate with foreigners. Never mind that refugees cannot vote and it will be many years before they can even become citizens. It’s something Carlson has been fear mongering frequently. Then Acosta continued…

“Did he say ‘change America forever’? I think change is already in the air. We had an insurrection nearly eight months ago. An insurrection that, let’s face it, hasn’t really ended.”

Carlson believes – or wants his audience to believe – that the Afghans who helped Americans through difficult times in a foreign land are actually threats who must be feared and scorned. And if they come to America they aren’t just random threats on a vast continent. Nope. They are “probably” moving in next door to you by the millions. In other words…Be afraid America. That’s Carlson’s message.

Acosta’s words put all of that into the proper perspective. Except that what Carlson and Fox News are spreading is even too toxic for your suburban lawn. While fertilizer is intended to help things grow, the bullpucky that is being spread here is meant to kill whatever it comes into contact with. Which is why we need more word weeders like Acosta to cultivate common sense and promote a fertile environment.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Spreads Racist Lie that Blacks are Most Responsible for Spreading COVID

Fox News is the undisputed leader in disseminating disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic. Their top primetime hosts persistently downplay the severity of the crisis that they belittle as nothing more than the flu. Simultaneously they disparage efforts to mitigate its proliferation by taking such common sense measures as getting vaccinated and wearing face masks.

Fox News, KKK

Fox’s status as America’s top pro-COVID “news” network is affirmed by research finding that Fox News viewers significantly trail viewers of other media in getting vaccinated. This is unsurprising considering that their highest rated program host, Tucker Carlson, has articulated the false and paranoid view that vaccines don’t work and “they” aren’t telling you. And Sean Hannity is singing the same hymn as he assures his audience that “I never told anyone to get a vaccine. I’ve been very clear. I am simply not qualified. I’m not a medical doctor.”

On Thursday night their colleague Laura Ingraham joined the choir with an interview of Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick. Ingraham was committed to providing Patrick with a platform to make implausible and brazenly racist excuses for why Texas is currently among the worst states in the nation suffering from a surge in COVOD cases and fatalities. And Patrick took full advantage of it:

Ingraham: They’re coming after your state cause the increased COVID numbers, hospitalizations, deaths, are up in Texas. And there’s a direct assault on your governor’s policies and your state’s policies. A very brief response.
Patrick: The COVID is spreading particularly, most of the numbers are with the unvaccinated. And the Democrats like to blame Republicans on that. Well, the biggest group in most states are African-Americans who have not been vaccinated. And the last time I checked, over 90% of them vote for Democrats in the major cities and major counties.

So it’s up to the Democrats to get, just as it is up to Republicans, to try to get as many people vaccinated. But we respect the fact that if people don’t want the vaccination, we’re not going to force it on them. That’s their individual right. But in terms of criticizing the Republicans for this? We’re encouraging people who want to take it to take it, but they’re doing nothing for the African American community that has a significant high number of unvaccinated people.

Ingraham’s question began by invoking sympathy for Patrick as a “victim” of unnamed nefarious actors “coming after” Texas and it’s policies that have made it a COVID hot zone. Notice that Patrick acknowledged that the unvaccinated are the problem, which sharply contrasts with his opposition to taking steps to mandate vaccinations or masks for those who refuse. However, he then immediately diverted his response to place the blame entirely on African-Americans, not just in Texas, but throughout the country.

Of course the blame that Patrick is casting on unvaccinated Blacks is shared by the Democrats for whom they vote. Patrick is shamelessly politicizing the issue by creating a wholly contrived distinction between Republicans and Blacks. He views the Republicans who don’t get vaccinated as freedom-loving patriots with free will. Blacks, on the other hand, he sees as trouble makers whose ignorance is responsible for exacerbating a deadly plague.

More to the point, Patrick’s core problem is that he is dead wrong about the biggest group of unvaccinated Texans. It isn’t even close. The Washington Post reports on “U.S. Census Bureau data collected in July and August that suggests unvaccinated White Texans outnumber unvaccinated Black Texans roughly three to one.”

Patrick is purposely conflating vaccination rates with the actual numbers of persons who haven’t been vaccinated. Anyone paying even glancing attention would know that the majority white population would harbor a much larger number of the unvaccinated. It’s true that some Blacks have been resistant to vaccines due to past experiences with a medical establishment that has exhibited patterns of systemic racism. But much of the conservative Republican cult is outright hostile to vaccines. And while Blacks can be persuaded with information from trusted sources, the white-wingers have hardened views that are cast in stone.

This attempt by Patrick, via Fox News, to cast blame for the pandemic surge on Blacks is just the latest example of their overt racism. They will always seek out ways to find people of color at fault for any and every problem. And this episode proves that even when the facts completely contradict their narrative, they will twist them until they find a way to them fit.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson Stirs Fears of Afghan Allies as ‘Invaders’ Coming to ‘Your Neighborhood’

The swiftness with which Fox News is contradicting itself on Afghanistan withdrawal matters is giving some observers whiplash. This is an occupational hazard when it comes to tracking Fox’s views because they routinely change course whenever they stumble upon a new line of attack that they think might be more noxious.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Fox News began their predictably anti-Biden diatribes by accusing him of bringing the troops home too quickly and abandoning our allies in the region. That narrative ignored the fact that it was Donald Trump who virtually surrendered to the Taliban in an agreement promising to remove all American troops by last May. That deal also lifted all sanctions on the Taliban and released 5,000 of their imprisoned fighters.

However, after complaining that President Biden betrayed our Afghan friends, who we had a responsibility to evacuate to safety in the U.S., Fox News is now portraying them as enemies who must not be allowed to set foot on American soil for fear of them engaging in terrorist acts against their hosts. And of course, if Biden does offer them refuge here, he is putting all American citizens at risk. No, really!

On his Monday night White Nationalist Hour on Fox, Tucker Carlson delivered the latest in his overtly racist tirades meant to scare the bejeebus out of his easily and eagerly spooked audience. He spun a horror story that commenced with this bona fide nonsense (video below):

“Yesterday the Biden administration told us that American citizens would not be given priority in the evacuation from Kabul. So our government’s official position is that American lives are not more valuable than the lives of foreigners.”

First of all, the Biden administration never said that “American citizens would not be given priority in the evacuation from Kabul.” To the contrary, they said that Americans would be given the highest priority,” along with our partners. It’s also notable that Carlson places “values” on human lives based on their nationality. While it’s appropriate for a government to consider its obligations to its citizens, it’s another thing entirely to regard certain lives as “more valuable” than others. That’s the rhetoric of “master race” supremacists. But Carlson wasn’t through. He went on to say that…

“If history is any guide, and it’s always a guide, we will see many refugees from Afghanistan resettle in our country, probably in your neighborhood, and over the next decade, that number may swell to the millions. So first we invade, and then we are invaded.”

And there you have it. The Afghans who helped Americans through difficult times in a foreign land, have now been reduced to “invaders.” That word goes much farther than merely to suggest they would be unwelcome guests. Carlson believes – or wants his audience to believe – that they are threats. And they aren’t just random threats on a vast continent. Nope. They are “probably” moving in next door to you by the millions.

Carlson is turning this into one of those “Be Afraid” moments you see in the movies. And the “monsters” are the very same people who Biden was previously castigated for because he didn’t insure their passage to America quickly enough. Now, having corrected that problem, Biden’s critics are attacking him for moving too quickly to import terrorists. If your head is spinning, don’t worry. That’s a natural reaction to the political spin of Carlson and Fox News as they struggle to keep their audience of deplorables frightened and angry.

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