America’s most flagrantly dishonest and flamboyantly narcissistic president, Donald Trump, is affirming just how little he cares about the American people. Apparently it wasn’t enough for Trump to preside over the deaths of more than 620,000 Americans. He still felt compelled to exploit the victims of a terrorist bombing in Afghanistan in order to advance his “Big Lie” about election fraud.
And yet, that still didn’t satisfy Trump’s obsession with slandering President Biden, even at the expense of more suffering by fellow citizens.
On Monday morning Trump visited with the radical Christianist radio host, Todd Starnes, who was too over the top for Fox News, who fired him two years ago. In the course of their mutually admiring intercourse, Trump unleashed a round of the moldy oldies he has been spinning for years.
Trump railed against his omnipresent foes for having “the fake news, and they have all of the big tech, and all of the crooked politicians,” while delusionally claiming that “we have the people.” Well, except for the people in every poll and the 81 million majority who voted for Joe Biden. Then Trump hauled out this bit of inanity:
“[The people] are not taking what’s happening in Afghanistan. If you look at last night, all they talked about was the hurricane. You look at CNN, and you look at MSDNC, these are horrible … they’re way down, fortunately, they’re way down in ratings. But all they want to talk about is the hurricane, or anything else that they can talk about. Because Afghanistan is not something that can even be discussed in a rational way, The level of stupidity – and we had a great agreement.
So in Trump’s warped view, a catastrophic, category 4 hurricane bearing down on some of the nation’s most populated cities isn’t deserving of media coverage? This was the most severe weather crisis in the region in years. Millions of people were thrust into darkness. Homes and businesses were flooded. It’s too soon to assess the death toll because it isn’t safe enough yet for rescue and recovery operations to begin. But Trump is whining because this has allegedly interrupted the non-stop coverage of Afghanistan. He obviously couldn’t care less about the Americans currently in harms way at home.
You have to wonder what “news” Trump was watching. While there was extensive and warranted coverage of Hurricane Ida, stories about Afghanistan continued to be broadcast by all of the legitimate news networks. The only reason that Trump wasn’t satisfied is that the coverage of Afghanistan was unduly negative toward Biden, which Trump and his GOP confederates were fueling with their own disinformation and partisan criticisms. He was more interested in those attacks continuing than in the public being informed of imminent danger.
For it’s appropriate decision to focus on the hurricane, Trump lashed out at the media with his tedious complaint that they are “the enemy of the people,” adding that they are “fake and crooked and corrupt,” and that “They’ve got to hate our country.” But like almost every insult that Trump casts, these all sound like better description of his own fatal flaws. Trump is a textbook example of psychotic projection. And he is a bigger threat to the welfare of the nation than a hurricane.
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‘Because Afghanistan is not something that can even be discussed in a rational way, The level of stupidity – and we had a great agreement.’
I would really like to hear more about this ‘great agreement…’