Fox News Hypes Bogus Report By GOP Falsely Alleging that Biden Engaged in Impeachable Conduct

If anyone is looking for further affirmation that Fox News is the Ministry of Propaganda for Donald Trump and his MAGA movement, the notoriously disreputable network that settled a 3/4 of a billion dollar defamation lawsuit for lying on Trump’s behalf, just provided another example of its political biases.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

On Monday the Democratic National Committee (DNC) was set to begin its convention to officially certify the candidacy of Vice-President Kamala Harris as the Party’s nominee for President of the United States of America. This year the convention is being held under unique circumstances as Harris only became a candidate three weeks ago. Nevertheless, she is riding a wave of enthusiasm and surging popularity that is stirring anxiety and desperation in the Trump camp.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

Right on cue, Fox News and the Republican Party deployed to try to steal the DNC’s thunder. On the morning of the first day of the DNC convention, the GOP issued a report that they claimed contained proof “that President Biden engaged in impeachable conduct.” The report was immediately given to Fox News who broadcast it as an exclusive on Maria Bartiromo’s Trump-Fluffing Hour (video below). And Trump posted it to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, whining “And they go after me for NOTHING!” Fox correspondent, Brooke Singman, gleefully boasted that…

“I obtained a copy of this 292 page report from Republicans on the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees. They’ve been leading the impeachment inquiry against President Biden for months. They said that their investigation found that President Biden engaged in impeachable conduct and said that he abused his office and defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

Singman went on to quote from the report, saying that…

“As Vice-President, President Biden actively participated in his conspiracy by, among other things, attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when being placed on speakerphone by Hunter Biden”

The only problem with that is that it has no resemblance to reality whatsoever. The testimony of the GOP’s own witnesses actually absolved Biden of any wrongdoing. During the phone calls that Singman refers to, Biden was only on while innocent pleasantries like the weather were exchanged. The GOP’s “star” witness testified that he never heard the President talk about any business dealings.

Singman continued quoting from the GOP’s work of pure, unadulterated, and deliberate fiction, saying that…

“Several witnesses testified that Hunter Biden invoked his father in business dealings with Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian companies, resulting in millions of dollars flowing to the Biden family.”

Once again, the report doesn’t actually find that President Biden did any of what the report is alleging. In fact, every reference to any alleged wrongdoing in the report was vaguely framed as being associated with “the Biden family.” The report contained zero evidence that President Biden received any money or did anything wrong. What’s more, if Republicans were really interested in a president who enriched himself through shady business dealings with foreigners, they should have been investigating Trump…

It is notable that Singman’s report on Fox News didn’t provide any response from Biden or any White House representative. That isn’t because there wasn’t one. When she posted the same story on the Fox News website, where it wouldn’t get nearly the same amount of exposure, she did include a response by White House spokesperson, Sharon Yang. So she knew about it, but intentionally left it out of the television report. She even included it in an early morning tweet

Yang: “After wasting nearly two years and millions of taxpayer dollars, House Republicans have finally given up on their wild goose chase. This failed stunt will only be remembered for how it became an embarrassment that their own members distanced themselves from as they only managed to turn up evidence that refuted their false and baseless conspiracy theories.”

The attempt by Republicans to tarnish Biden’s reputation, even after he has announced his retirement, is reprehensible and intended only to be nasty while hoping that the stain rubs off on Harris. So far, like every other dirty trick that they have tried to play, they have met with failure.

They still have no evidence of any impeachable crimes. And even when they were taunted by Democratic representative Jared Moskowitz to call for an impeachment vote, the GOP reprobates never did. Which is emblematic of their dishonesty and cowardice. It’s a level of cretinism that is only matched by their confederates at Fox News.


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REALLY? JD Vance on Fox News: Polls are ‘Fake’ and ‘the Trump Campaign is in a Very Good Spot’

The delirium that has set in at the Donald Trump campaign is reaching ever deeper depths as polling and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris grows. In the mere three weeks that she has been a candidate, the joyful campaign of Harris has raised record amounts of money, signed up tens of thousands of volunteers, and inspired a nation that is anxious to move past the doom and gloom that Trump has made his hallmark for nearly a decade as a political grifter.

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Donald Trump, JD Vance, Dr. Evil, Mini-Me

For months Trump has been posting the results of polls that showed him leading President Biden. Every poll released that had him ahead was featured on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. Trump made sure that each opportunity he had to brag was prominently noted and promoted. However, since Harris has entered the race, Trump has been conspicuously silent with regard to election surveys. He’s either shut up entirely, or is resorting to dismissing them as “rigged” and/or “fake.”

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

So it should come as no surprise that Trump’s Mini-Me, JD Vance, is parroting his stance on polling. In a panic, Vance rushed to his safe place at Fox News where he was greeted with a question that was uncharacteristically challenging. Fox’s Shannon Bream asked Vance why “every other poll that’s been released has shown great momentum in [Harris’] direction?” After suppressing his shock and swallowing hard, Vance replied/lied that “There are a lot of polls showing her stagnating or leveling off.” Those must be the polls conducted by MyPolling, an election denying subsidiary of MyPillow.

Vance then sputtered desperately some rote responses that had no resemblance to reality: “We can’t worry about polls. […] The media uses fake polls to drive down Republican turnout and to create dissension and conflict with Republican voters. […] The Trump campaign is in a very, very good spot.”

So now they are suddenly not worrying about or interested in polls? Now the polls are fake and engineered to harm Republicans? And this abrupt about-face occurred spontaneously three weeks ago? Prior to which the polls were all irrefutable as they registered unabated adoration for Hair Trump. According to Vance, the media now has some sort of bias in favor of Harris that they didn’t have for Biden.

What’s more, Vance expresses his consecrated confidence that Trump’s crusade …er… campaign is in tip-top shape and bound for glory. His evidence of that must be the reception that Trump is getting at his recent cult rallies…

Later in this interview Vance told Bream that “If you talk to insiders in the Kamala Harris campaign, they’re very worried about where they are.” And you can count on the validity of that due to Vance’s well known connections to Harris and Democratic insiders. They like nothing better than disclosing internal secrets and dissing their candidate to their GOP opponent.

If this is the best that Trump and Vance can do, they are going to suffer an even more devastating defeat than previously imagined. And this was with Fox News. Wait until they are interviewed by legitimate journalists, if they ever allow that to happen. In the meantime, settle in for a season of MAGA dishonesty and delusion as their Dear Leader stumbles into well-deserved obscurity behind a curtain of shame.


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Trump Makes a Pitifully Impotent Attempt to Drive a Wedge Between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

The desperation in Donald Trump has been oozing out of every pore in his corpulent body ever since Kamala Harris became his opponent for the presidency. Trump was primed to run against Joe Biden with a barrel full of age-related assaults that he must now discard. He never had a substantive argument against Biden or a truthful one for himself.

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

Consequently, Trump is now left with nothing but his babbling diversions about Hannibal Lecter and his hostile and tiresome taunts at the press. He spent his recent cult rally in North Carolina – where he promised to focus on economic issues – flailing wildly with infantile insults at both Biden and Harris, whom he is now trailing in most polls.

SEE THIS: Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

On Thursday morning Trump took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to resume his barrage of incoherent blather aimed at Harris and Biden. In a psychotic rant Trump alleged that there is some sort of division between the President and the Vice-President. Of Course, it is another figment cooked up in his perversely warped imagination. He wrote that…

“Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN. They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley. He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me! He is an angry man, as he should be. They stole the Presidency from him — ‘It was a Coup!'”

First of all, any assessment by Trump of what is going on in the personal lives of Democrats must be taken with a shipload of salt. That’s especially true of his musings about the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC). He obviously has no sources or insights into internal Democratic affairs.

For the record, Harris has scheduled Biden to speak on day one of the DNC during a celebration of the President she has served loyally for three and half years. It will be a tribute at a time reserved for honors. By comparison, here are the people that Trump scheduled at the RNC for what he calls “Death Valley”: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sen. Ron Johnson, Sen. Tim Scott, Virginia, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem. They will surely be thrilled to find out just how lowly he regards them by having scheduled them there..

To make matters worse for Trump, Harris and Biden made their first public appearance together since the passing of the torch on the same Thursday morning. And Harris was not shy about expressing her admiration and appreciation for her boss. She introduced him saying that “I could speak all afternoon about the person that I am standing on the stage with. [Extended ovation] Our extraordinary President Joe Biden.”

And the feelings were mutual. In his remarks Biden praised Harris as “an incredible partner…She’s gonna make one hell of a president.” But he also found time to taunt Trump as “The guy we’re running against…what’s his name? Donald Dump?”

Trump’s characterization of Biden as hating Harris and Obama and Pelosi is just more evidence of his acute derangement, which is getting worse by the hour. Meanwhile, both Harris and Biden are campaigning in an environment of joyfulness that the nation finds endearing and a great relief from the animus of Trump & Co. Plus, like much of the English language, Trump is proving that he doesn’t have the slightest idea what the word “coup” means. It was Biden who chose to step aside and endorse Harris. And it looks like it was another brilliant decision on Biden’s part.

Trump is the coup plotter – and the convicted felon – and the sexual abuser – and the financial fraudster – and the serial adulterer – and the wannabe dictator. And for some gawdfersaken reason, he is also the choice of the Republican Party to be their standard bearer and lead them to another humiliating defeat in November. Let’s wish them all the best in that pursuit.


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Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

The massive, yet fragile, ego of Donald Trump must be an awesome burden to shield from the unsettling realities of life that bring him so much despair. Every day is a battle to maintain the fantastical wonderland that he has manufactured for himself and his glassy-eyed cult disciples. And as he descends to ever deeper depths of derangement, his attempts at deception become more desperate and downright pathetic.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

Nothing is more important to Trump than the shallow trivialities of TV ratings and crowd size. He dispenses anxious commentaries about these metrics at every one of his cult rallies, and nearly every day on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat

On Sunday Trump posted another rage-filled rant online that did nothing more than affirm the severity of his mental impairment. The posting was a regurgitation of a conspiracy theory that recently floated around the InterTubes about an allegedly fake photograph of Kamala Harris arriving at an airport with a cheering reception by thousands of supporters. Trump ranted that…

“Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she ‘A.I.’d’ it, and showed a massive ‘crowd’ of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST!”

This is Trump’s response to virtually every documented event where Harris draws larger audiences than he does. He simply declares – with zero evidence – that it didn’t happen. And he expects his followers to believe whatever he says, rather than their own wyes. Which they likely will do. He continued saying that…

“She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the ‘crowd’ looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake ‘crowds’ at her speeches.”

None of that is remotely true. He doesn’t bother to identify this imaginary “maintenance worker,” nor does he provide any source for the photo that he says was altered by AI. But he does expand his baseless allegations to other unspecified speeches Harris gave. And once again, the proof is buried in his broken brain. Then Trump concluded saying that…

“This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING – And they’re even worse at the Ballot Box. She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does that will cheat at ANYTHING!””

Naturally, Trump tries to tie these falsehoods to his notorious “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him. Never mind that he has never been able to provide a shred of evidence supporting his accusations after four years and 60+ court cases. By Trump’s reasoning, he should disqualify himself from the race for election fraud.

For the record, the airport reception that Trump says was attended by nobody was actually teeming with thousands of Harris supporters. What’s more, there was a heavy presence of reporters there, including many from conservative-leaning outlets. None of them reported that they – and the enthusiastic crowd – weren’t really there. And if further evidence is needed, how about a video…

This is emblematic of the acutely disturbed mental state that Trump lives in. He doesn’t care how obvious his lies are to any rational person. He knows that his minions will believe only him. That’s the nature of a cult. And if he has to disseminate crackpot conspiracies, he’s comfortable with that as well. Because in his twisted cranium, anything is better than the humiliation of losing. Particularly to a woman…a Black woman…a Black Democratic woman.


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Fox News is APPALLED that Kamala Harris is a Disciplined Orator Who Can Actually Stay on Message

In the short time since Kamala Harris has become the Democratic nominee for president, Republicans have had plenty to be upset about. Not the least of which is how quickly she has consolidated support across a broad spectrum of Americans, raised record amounts of money, and signed up hundreds of thousands of volunteers.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

The Kamala phenomena has not been lost on the GOP and its addled and anxiety-ridden standard bearer, Donald Trump. They have expressed their concerns about the surging Harris candidacy by lashing out wildly with impotent attacks centered on preposterous allegations that she is a “far left lunatic,” who isn’t really Black, and has the audacity to engage in bizarre human behavior such as laughing…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Friday morning Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) aired a segment that addressed yet another pressing issue that is uppermost on the minds of America’s voters. The co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered, Kayleigh McEnany (formerly Trump’s White House press secretary), played a montage of Harris speaking before some of the cheering crowds she has been attracting. But what bothered McEnany was not anything related to the policies Harris advocated, which are mostly aligned with the majority of the American people.

Nope, what ruffled Fox’s feathers was that Harris repeated some of the same things in a couple of different speeches. Apparently that consistency is abhorrent to the MAGA Fox “News” clan. McEnany complained that…

“Look, I know this is a stump speech. Over and over, I can recite most of it. But the unison – you’ve gotta get off script. Every politician has a stump speech, but that’s a lot of the same.”

Actually, it was not really “a lot of the same.” It was just about six sentence fragments extracted from speeches that were closer to an hour long. But more to the point…WHO F**KING CARES?

McEnany acknowledges that Harris was delivering common, ordinary stump speeches. By definition that is an address that is retold at a variety of campaign stops. Candidates don’t write entire new speeches for every city they visit. So what McEnany is really whining about is that Harris has the good judgment and discipline to stay on message in order to execute a successful campaign plan, and to communicate effectively with her audiences.

Perhaps the reason that Fox News is so disturbed by this is that it is such a pronounced departure from the wandering ramblings of their Dear Leader Trump. Not that he doesn’t disgorge relentlessly repetitious rants at every one of his cult rallies. He does. In fact, his ponderous prattle often puts his parish to sleep.

However, Trump is also notorious for swerving off script frequently to disinform his devotees of important matters such as being electrocuted or devoured by sharks; or the heartbreak of windmill cancer; or the vastness of his crowds that are thousands more than his venue even holds; or his romance with brutal dictators; or whatever his perverse relationship with the fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter is.

To Fox News a speech isn’t worthwhile unless the speaker proves that they are incapable of sticking to the subject or remaining moderately coherent. So naturally they revere Trump, but they are furious with Harris for showing that she has focus and intellect, as well as being relatable and even joyful.

And speaking of joy, that’s another thing that Fox News isn’t going to tolerate in a political leader. Julie Banderas, on the same episode of Outnumbered, blasted the sunny disposition of the Harris campaign saying that “There is nothing to be joyful about.” What an inspiring nod to the doom and gloom of Trump, whose MAGA movement is a promise of dystopian despair. And to their credit, it’s a promise that they have been remarkably adept at fulfilling.


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UH-OH! Trump Meltdown Reveals Kamala Harris Plot to ‘Destroy’ the ‘County’ of America

One thing for which Donald Trump can always be relied on, is his unwavering commitment to disseminating the most ludicrous hyperbole about any subject that comes up. Whatever or whoever he’s talking about is the most, worst, biggest, dumbest, craziest whatever or whoever in history on a level that nobody has ever seen before. No really!

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

A recent example of this gloom-casting is Trump’s reaction to a stock market decline this week that he said was just the beginning of a worldwide economic catastrophe that would lead to a Great Depression even worse than the one in 1929. At least that was his hope as he tried to create a panic in order to produce the very catastrophe that he was predicting.

SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

Of course Trump’s predictions were as successful as his bankrupt casinos. Three days after the market decline, the market has recovered more than it had lost and is now higher than it was before Trump’s fear mongering. And you might think that that humiliating failure would temper his confidence in making any more predictions. If so, you don’t know Trump. Because on Thursday he posted the following alarming warning on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social

“If [Kamala Harris] is Elected, our County, and indeed the World, will suffer a 1929 Style Great Depression. It will be the Worst in history and AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!”

OH NOES! Trump has assessed the wobbly condition of the nation’s economy and concluded that the “County” of America is doomed to fail if Kamala Harris triumphs in November. And it won’t merely be bad, but it will be “the Worst in history” and that “AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!”

Never mind that Trump has made the very same portentous prophecies before every election for many years. He said that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, would all drive the nation into everlasting ruin. And now he’s really pouring it on with Harris. In a press conference from his Mar-a-Lago bunker he said that…

“If [Kamala Harris] becomes president our country is going to be a giant fail. It’s gonna fail. It’s gonna be a failure the likes of which this world has never seen.”

Trump also ignores the reality that Biden and Harris have presided over one of the most economically successful administrations in decades. Millions of jobs were created. Profits are at record highs. Wages have increased faster than inflation. Manufacturers returned from foreign shores. Infrastructure improvements have been funded. And leading edge industries in technology and climate crisis mitigation have been supported.

In the meantime, Trump has been off the campaign trail. As Harris and her new VP running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, travel the country exciting voters, Trump remains holed up at Mar-a-Lago where he does call-ins to Fox News and now a babbling press conference that highlights his incoherence. Among the absurdities he spewed were that on January 6, 2021, there was a peaceful transfer of power, and that his base of supporters is 75% of the country.

The media made the mistake – again – of airing Trump’s press conference live. They should have learned by now that he is only exploiting these opportunities to spread lies. It’s an extended campaign infomercial that he gets for free. Although in his case, it’s also a live televised meltdown of a severely disturbed mental patient. At least MSNBC did a decent, if only partial, fact check afterward.


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GREAT NEWS! Trump Says that ‘Every One of Us are Gonna Be Leaving’ If Kamala Harris Wins

Anyone who listens to Donald Trump for any length of time has to wonder why he bothers to run for office, or even live in the United States. His speeches are a non-stop torrent of antipathy toward the nation that he repeatedly demeans as “failing,” and disparages most of its residents who he regards as “animals.”

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Donald Trump, Wah

The only time Trump ever says anything good about America is when he’s lying about his abysmal stewardship of it, or when he’s lauding the “very fine people” who promote neo-Nazi initiatives and confederate statues. He has adopted a rather bizarre campaign theme that is overtly anti-American and relies on tearing down the country in the most vile terms. For instance, he posted the following absurd pitch for votes on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social:


MORE HERE: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?

Now that the 2024 presidential race is in full swing, Trump is slithering farther out on the limb of sanity as he becomes utterly incapable of dealing with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris (who for some reason he keeps calling “Kamabla”) And on Wednesday, while Harris and her new running mate, Tim Walz, were out stumping across the country, Trump did another one of his lazy Fox News phone-in “interviews” in his jammies, from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, with the sycophantic Trump-fluffers on Fox & Friends. It consisted of the typical and tedious playlist of substanceless blather that Trump has been spinning for months.

Much of Trump’s whining was related to the recent volatility in the stock market. Trump has been ranting that it’s all President Biden’s fault. Or even Harris’ fault. And he repeated his prediction that a Democratic victory would result in a market crash worse than 1929. Of course, he’s been making the same ludicrous prediction since 2015. But now he is purposefully trying to create a panic by fear mongering that the world is coming to an end. In the Fox segment (video below) Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that…

“Our whole country, our whole system is gonna collapse. Even the talk about her has driven the stock market down. You know when the stock market goes down, when you see it go down, that’s because she gets a decent poll number. She gets bounces in the poll, the market goes down. The stock market will collapse like in 1929 if they’re elected.’

Needless to say, that is all pure Trumpian bullshittery. The market did go down after some polls showed Harris tightening the race. But the market went back up after some more polls showed her taking the lead. Obviously, stock market performance has little to do with election polling. But Trump is desperate enough to exploit anything in order to avoid facing the reality that he’s a loser.

SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

There is, however, some good news that Trump provided in this Fox segment. Just prior to his wacko statement above, Trump said that…

“If [Harris] does this to America, every one of us are either gonna be leaving or we’re gonna be living like dogs.”

Is that a promise? Will Trump, and every one of his cult disciples, really leave if Harris wins the election? That would be a fantastic addendum to the Democratic victory. It would be so much winning. And those of us who remain will “be living like dogs.” Which, if Trump knew anything about a dog’s life, would be pretty damn sweet. There’s even an old saying – “It’s a dog’s life” – that is used to describe times of pleasantness and leisure. Which the country, and the world, would enjoy in abundance if Trump and his ilk would just go away.


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Fox News Runs a Hit Piece on Tim Walz that the Kamala Harris Team Could Run as a Campaign Ad

It’s only been a couple of weeks since President Biden passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. And in that short time, Harris moved at lightening speed to assemble her campaign team, raise record amounts of money, and establish herself as the candidate with the greatest enthusiasm and momentum. Naturally, this is driving Donald Trump crazy(er).

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Perhaps the most highly anticipated undertaking of her aborning campaign has been who she would select as her vice-presidential running mate. Now that question has been answered with the announcement that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz would join the ticket. Harris had a remarkably strong roster of prospective candidates, so she could not have made a bad choice. Of course, whoever she chose was certain to be tagged as a radical leftist by Trump and his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Shortly after the announcement by Harris, Fox News wasted no time living down to their expectation as a flagrantly biased mouthpiece for MAGA media. Fox host Kayleigh McEnany (who is Trump’s former press secretary) rushed to put out a hit piece on Walz to define in the worst possible light before much of the nation got to know him. It was McEnany’s attempt at a brutally disparaging profile that would leave Walz a broken man and destroy the Harris campaign. Or at least she thought so. It went something like this (video below)

McEnany: “Facts still matter, so let’s look back at his record.”
Not a bad start, actually. But there was more to come.

McEnany: “Walz’s first executive order as Governor was to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council.”
The HORROR! Walz is in favor of non-discrimination in the workplace and housing. Just like most Americans, and even Fox News. Someone needs to tell McEnany about the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report that boasts that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top.”

McEnany: “He also supported open borders.”
As “proof” of this McEnany played a video clip of Walz pointing out that Trump’s border wall is a costly and useless vanity project because anyone could climb over it with a common ladder.

McEnany: “And he pushed socialism.”
Then McEnany played a video of Walz not “pushing” socialism at all. In fact, he was mocking right-wing hacks who attach that label to any policy that benefits people, such as school lunches and public libraries and interstate highways.

McEnany: “Oh wait, and there’s more. He signed an executive order protecting gender affirming care, or surgery, for minors in his state.”
So now McEnany is appalled that Walz supports freedom – that’s right, freedom! – for parents and families to make their own choices about healthcare, rather than government forcing its mandates on them.

McEnany: “And in 2020 he was the Governor of Minnesota during the George Floyd riots that burned part of Minneapolis to the ground. It was so bad that Walz himself callout his own response.”
McEnany is criticizing Walz for condemning the violence and having the integrity and honesty to accept responsibility for any faults in the state’s response. That refreshing display of decency in a politician is anathema to MAGA Republicans, but will likely endear Walz to most voters who appreciate the strength in honesty and humility.

This Fox News segment could be edited into a Harris campaign ad without much work. It shows Walz to be a man of honor with principles that are closely aligned with a majority of the American people. And while Fox News is trying to stuff a well-rounded Walz into a their pre-fab, square hole spin that any Democrat is a “far left radical,” Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance (who Trump is already regretting) continues to make a fool of himself…


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Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

President Biden is going to go down in history as patriot who always put his country before his own personal interests. That display of character was recently demonstrated again when he stepped aside and endorsed his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, to succeed him as the Democratic candidate for president.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

For contrast, Donald Trump has always put himself before country and every other concern that wasn’t directly associated with his selfish aspirations for money or power or self-aggrandizement. Not to mention his compulsion to avoid going to prison. His malignant narcissism is so severe that he has openly expressed an explicit desire for catastrophes that would harm millions of Americans if it helped him in some way.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

On Monday morning Trump sought to exploit a decline in the stock market for his personal, political benefit. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, whose purpose could only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to stoke needless panic and turn a small market dip into major disaster. He wrote that…

“Of course there is a massive market downturn. Kamala is even worse than Crooked Joe. Markets will NEVER accept the Radical Left Lunatic that DESTROYED San Francisco and California, as a whole. Next move, THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024! You can’t play games with MARKETS. KAMALA CRASH!!!”

This is just plain weird, as well as flagrantly untrue. First of all, if Trump wants to blame Harris for the wealth and prosperity of San Francisco and California, she probably won’t mind. Secondly, if the performance of the stock market is a reflection of the Biden/Harris administration, then it’s pretty good reason to vote for Harris and every other Democrat on the ballot. Thirdly, Trump is crawling out onto a pretty weak limb with his fear mongering about a “GREAT DEPRESSION.”

For the record, there was a real stock market crash in late 2008 during the GW Bush term that took the markets down 37%. The S&P index is down only about 2% today, and only 6% from its all time high. That’s a minor and expected correction from the 17% rise in the past year, and the 36% gain since Biden and Harris took office. What’s more, markets worldwide are also down about 2%. Does Trump think that Biden and Harris are also the leaders of every other country on the planet?

Financial experts know that markets are not driven by presidential politics. The gains and losses are due to the performance of the companies that comprise the indexes and the broader state of the economy. Which in this case is firing on all cylinders. Profits are at record highs. More jobs have been created than at any time in modern history. Manufacturing has returned to the U.S. from foreign shores. Wages are rising faster than inflation.

For a look at what bad management does to a company on the stock exchange, take a look at Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG: ticker DJT) that is the parent corporation of Truth Social. While the broader markets are down about 2% today, DJT is down 8%. Furthermore, it is down a whopping 34% since it went public just four moths ago.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat

Trump’s fear mongering is not just purposefully dishonest, it’s downright dangerous. He is trying to create a worse outcome by driving people to panic. He actually wants America to fail, and for people to get hurt, in order to prop himself up politically. And his cronies in Congress are playing along.

Trump seems to know that the only way he can win is for the American people to suffer. So he’s doing everything he can to produce that result. And anyone who is considering voting for him better reconsider. He’s not on your side. He’s only for himself. And he has no solutions to any of the problems that real people are facing. He has only whining, lying and fear mongering.

UPDATE I: The day following the “massive market downturn” that Trump said was leading to a “GREAT DEPRESSION,” the market gained back more than half of the prior day’s decline.
UPDATE II: Three days after Trump’s “GREAT DEPRESSION,” prediction, the market has recovered more than its losses. It is now higher than it was on before his gloomy and ridiculous prediction.


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Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million

Two years ago Fox News agreed to a record setting settlement with Dominion Voting Systems for engaging in blatant defamation against the company. The settlement came after pre-trial discovery that uncovered abundant and unambiguous evidence of Fox News executives and hosts blatantly lying about the 2020 presidential election being stolen from Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

Two years later, and after having to fork over $787 million bucks, Fox News is still disseminating the same lies. These were not merely differences of opinion. There were documents that proved that Fox personnel were making public comments on the air that were diametrically opposed to what they were saying to one another in private.

SEE THIS: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

This deceit and hypocrisy is still going on today. On Sunday morning, Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo, interviewed Trump’s running mate, JD Vance. In the course of her questioning, she asked him about the repeatedly debunked allegations of election fraud in 2020…

Bartiromo: President (sic) Trump continues to say that the 2020 election was stolen. He told me that again in this interview. How comfortable are you, in terms of the progress being made by the RNC and republicans, saying that, in fact, we will have a fair election this November?
Vance: Well, I think we’re making a lot of progress, Maria. […] The basic principle here is every American citizen’s vote should count. but if you’re not an American citizen, and you’re not casting a legal ballot, you’re vote shouldn’t count. Right? It’s sort of common sense that the Republican Party believes in. And interestingly, the Democrats seem to want illegal aliens to have the right to vote.

Notice that Bartiromo’s reference to Trump regurgitating his “Big Lie” was not to illicit a response to that flagrant dishonesty, but to deflect to a more vague inquiry about fair elections. In effect, she was validating Trump’s utterly fictional premise that the 2020 election was stolen. And consequently, she was implying that there would a be similar act of election theft in 2024.

Vance, of course, totally bought into Bartiromo’s narrative. Why shouldn’t he? He was asked a leading question by a biased Trump flunky, and he happily took the bait. But that’s not all. Vance furthered the dishonest narrative by extending the lie to accusations that undocumented immigrants were somehow responsible for stealing elections. And of course, he accused Democrats of advocating for that. Vance has no evidence to support those reckless and dangerous assertions, and neither does Bartiromo, who didn’t bother to point out that Vance was making stuff up.

Clearly Fox News has learned nothing from their having to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars for purposefully lying. Except maybe that they refrained from attaching their lies to a specific entity that could make a claim of defamation. They are more careful now to sanitize their deceit to avoid legal liability. But they are no less deceitful.

And yet, Fox News – and Trump and his MAGA team – will continue to pursue this path of pernicious lies, despite the fact that their efforts are obvious and tired rehashes of tactics that have failed in the past. They have nothing of substance to make their case, so they resort to desperation and fear mongering. And while it is surely not going to work, it is going make the next few months more annoying as these weirdos wallow in the slime.


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Fox Nation vs. Reality:
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