Shocker: Trump Embraces Obama and Clinton on Immigration, But Wildly Misquotes Them

The Trump Shutdown continues into its fifteenth day with no sign of resolution. Trump is actually becoming even more cemented into an increasingly bizarre stance that makes less sense every day. His raving tantrums on Twitter are filled with nonsense and lame memes that utterly fail to advance the dialog. Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and the new Democratic majority in Congress are ignoring his plaintive and desperate whining.

Donald Trump, Immigrant, Child

Trump’s recent comments claim that the idiotic vanity wall he’s so obsessed with will save billions of dollars. In addition to that, he insists that the new trade agreement (USMCA, which has not been ratified by the Senate) will effectively result in Mexico paying for the wall (or fence, or steel slat, or gold-tasseled drapery, or whatever). So the cost is being covered twice, but Trump is still demanding that Americans pay for it. He also claims that most of the people hurt by the shutdown support his position on the wall. But also that they are mostly Democrats. So he thinks that most Democrats are on his side of the great wall debate.

No one who has been paying attention really expects Trump to make sense anymore. It’s a given that he’s out of his mind and unfit for the office of a president (or a chicken coop). But on Sunday morning Trump went a bridge too far by embracing two of his most hated political foes: President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

You have to wonder what his Deplorables will think about him elevating the people that they have been trained to despise so vehemently for the past two years. Now Trump is hailing their vision and advocacy of rational immigration reforms. There’s just one problem. Trump is totally misrepresenting what both of them said and believe on the subject. For instance, here is what Obama went on to say after the out-of-context excerpt Trump posted. He was speaking in support of a 2006 immigration reform bill in the Senate:

“The bill the Judiciary Committee has passed clearly strengthens enforcement. To begin with, the agencies charged with border security would receive new technology, new facilities, and more people to stop, process, and deport illegal immigrants.”

Notice that there is nothing about a wall. He is advocating what all Democrats still want twelve years later: border security via smart reforms that actually address the problem. Not a wall that ignores the fact that the vast majority of undocumented immigrants enter the country through valid checkpoints.

Obama went to say that “while security might start at our borders, it doesn’t end there.” He made the case for an earned path to citizenship saying that “we must allow undocumented immigrants to come out of the shadows and step on a path toward full participation in our society.” That’s hardly the policy that Trump and his Republican Nationalist Party are proposing.

As for Clinton, Trump also misrepresented her remarks made during the 2016 presidential campaign. Although she was somewhat open to “a barrier,” her full answer to a question from a voter quickly diverted to our need to deal with undocumented immigrants already in the country:

“I do think you have to control your borders. But I think that it’s also true that we need to do more to try to, number one, deal with the people who are already here, many of whom have been here for decades.”

Clinton explicitly mocked the notion of a wall at one point saying that it wouldn’t solve the problem. “I don’t care,” she said, “how tall the wall is or how big the door is.” She went on to advocate for providing more resources to the immigrants’ countries of origin in order to improve living conditions, reduce crime, and obviate the need for them to leave in the first place.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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If Trump was really interested in a rational, workable solution he would adopt the positions taken by Obama and Clinton, rather than distorting what they said for cheap political points. That would be the way out of the Trump Shutdown and relief for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who are the innocent victims of Trump’s ego-driven wall fetish. That is, if he actually cared about them.

Stop the Presses: Donald Trump Tells a Flaming Whopper, Takes Journalist ‘Totally Out of Context’

As Donald Trump warned us all in an ominous Christmas Eve tweet, “Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change.” The truth of that is abundantly evident in the tweets that Trump continues to post in this new year. His fetish for an idiotic vanity wall, that will do nothing but waste money, took up much of Trump’s Saturday morning. And naturally, his whining was filled with lies, insults, and blame for anyone but himself.

Donald Trump

However, after his regularly scheduled manic tweetstorm, Trump decided to return to an old favorite obsession, lashing out with his Stalin-inspired portrayal of the press as “the enemy of the people.” In this episode, Trump is caught (again) regurgitating what he just saw on Fox News. He tweeted that:

Of course, that is a wholly dishonest characterization of what Abramson said. And we know this because Abramson tells us herself in this Twitter reply. And she elaborated in an interview with the Associated Press, rebuking Fox News (and by extension, Trump) for having taken her “totally out of context:”

“Jill Abramson, the former editor of The New York Times, said Thursday that Fox News took her criticism of the newspaper’s Trump coverage in her upcoming book ‘totally out of context’ for a story that appeared this week.” […]

“She said in an email interview with The Associated Press that the Fox article’s author, ‘Media Buzz’ host Howard Kurtz, had ignored compliments that she had for the Times and The Washington Post.

“‘His article is an attempt to Foxify my book, which is full of praise for The Times and The Washington Post and their coverage of Trump,’ she wrote in the email.”

So Trump’s tweet unsurprisingly misrepresented the truth. Although, he did say that Abramson was “100% correct,” so presumably that includes her praise for the paper and her remarks that “the depth and intensity of its accountability coverage of Trump ‘was masterful.'” Trump failed to mention that in his tweet.

The problem with reporting on this President is that there is so much negative news that simply being honest and accurate can appear to be biased. But it isn’t the fault of journalists that Trump lies every time he opens his mouth, or that his presidency is rife with corruption and criminal malfeasance. And it isn’t the fault of reporters that Trump’s incoherent press avails sound more like the ravings of a street-walking schizophrenic screaming absurdities at bewildered passersby and the occasionally unfortunate pigeon.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Covering Donald Trump means reporting when he tells lies that have long ago been debunked. It means holding him accountable for his own contradictions. It means disclosing his attempts to deceive and distract from whatever failure is maddening him at the moment. And it means unflinchingly publishing reports about the crimes that he, his associates, and his family have committed. And if Trump, Fox News, and his Deplorable cult followers think that’s biased, too bad? It’s more important to tell the truth than to pacify the fragile sensitivities of politicians and their patsies.

The GOP Outrage Over Rashida Tlaib is Overflowing with Hypocrisy – Trump has Said Much Worse

The new Congress has been gaveled into session by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and it is already making progress on the issues that the American people have wanted addressed, but were suppressed by the Republican Nationalist supplicants to Donald Trump. First up is ending the Trump Shutdown. But also on the list of priorities is election reform, restoring fairness to taxes, infrastructure funding, and the long overdue oversight of Trump’s criminal campaign and administration.

Donald Trump

So what is the biggest issue for the GOP? A new congresswoman said a naughty word. Rep. Rashida Tlaib was speaking to group of supporters Thursday evening and dropped an F-bomb when referencing her intention to seek the impeachment of Trump for his many crimes. Her language was raw and, by conventional standards, inappropriate for a public servant. And that sentiment was expressed by nearly every leader on the Democratic side of the aisle. But that didn’t stop Republicans from gasping in horror and fainting from the sheer shock of such insolence.

However, one of the big differences between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats will criticize themselves when they deserve it. Republicans will defend the most disgusting behavior rather than condemn a fellow Republican, especially Donald Trump. After all, Trump is the guy who bragged about grabbing women “by the pussy” but still got the GOP nomination for president. And that’s not all. Trump currently has fifteen instances of F-bombs on his Twitter feed, Including this one:

And Trump has not been shy about uttering profanities of all varieties in public. Here is a speech Trump gave that had multiple profanities. Pay particular attention to how he referred to his intention to levy tariffs on China:

In addition, Trump has recently tweeted some raw insults aimed at Democrats he is clearly afraid of. He referred to the new chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, as “Adam Schitt.” And that was followed a few weeks later by a tweet where he called Sen. Richard Blumenthal “the dick.”

Of course, there has been almost no criticism of Trump by his GOP colleagues for bellowing out the very same words that Republicans are now in such a tizzy about because a freshly minted Democrat said them in a private gathering. The GOP is less a political party than it is a cult where there leader is incapable of any wrongdoing. But the same behavior by their foes is a capital offense. This is how the GOP wants to start the new year with new leaders in Congress. And it’s an obvious attempt to distract the public from the government shutdown, and other failures, that they are wholly responsible for.

As for the underlying issue of impeachment that inspired Rep. Tlaib’s comments, that is something that is going to unfold in due time no matter what Trump has to say about it. Special counsel Robert Mueller is getting closer to releasing a report with his findings. And prosecutors in New York, Maryland, Washington, D.C., California, and other states are also investigating Trump for potentially impeachable crimes. Which has lead to Trump posting another of his plaintive whines that he’s innocent of everything:

There is so much wrong with that it’s hard to know where to begin. First of all, Trump was elected with only 46.1% of the vote, and with three million fewer votes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton.
Secondly, there is abundant evidence of collusion and/or conspiracy with Russia by Trump and his closest associates and family (and no collusion by Democrats).

What’s more, the first two years of Trump’s presidency has been rife with failure. He’s driven up the national debt by more than two trillion dollars. The stock market suffered it’s first negative year in a decade. There has been little or no progress on any foreign policy objective. The Climate crisis is getting perilously close to the point of no return. America’s roads and bridges are crumbling. The nation is more divided than ever. And of course, his idiotic vanity wall is still a figment of his diseased imagination.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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But by all means, let’s forget about all of that pull out our hair over some cursing by an excited new congressperson. And in the meantime, continue to keep the government shut down, forcing hundreds of thousands of Americans to go without pay for untold weeks or months. All because Trump’s ego is too fragile to cope with the reality that no one wants his stupid, racist wall. Yeah, that’s the ticket. And that’s exactly how the GOP is proceeding. There is no better proof that they couldn’t care less about this nation or its citizens.

Rachel Maddow Beats Her Fox News Competition Every Single Day for the Whole Month of December

The new year is beginning with an incredible boost from the remarkable performance of Rachel Maddow’s program on MSNBC. She has been dominating her Fox New competition, Sean Hannity, ever since the midterm election in early November. But her numbers for December are truly spectacular and may indicate a monumental shift.

Rachel Maddow, Sean Hannity, Fox News

The success of Maddow’s program may even be getting to Donald Trump. While he has never tweeted about her since becoming president, he did run an ad on Facebook that featured her as his top nemesis. Trump is notoriously frightened by strong women (see his fearful behavior around House Speaker Nancy Pelosi). And he has good reason to be scared of Maddow. Her program provides some of the most incisive, detailed accounts of Trump’s criminality and analyses of the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller. That attention to the facts in a comprehensible form has paid off for Maddow.

The Nielsen ratings for The Rachel Maddow Show have exceeded in almost every way possible. She beat the Sean Hannity show every single day for the entire month of December. Granted, he was on vacation for a small part of that time, but so was she. The numbers weren’t even close. Maddow topped Hannity by a whopping forty-seven percent in total viewers. She also whooped him by twenty-one percent in the all-important advertising demographic of 25-54 year olds.

What’s more, Maddow powered MSNBC to historic highs. The network was the third most-watched channel in primetime for all of cable TV, not just cable news. And it was the second most-watched basic cable network across the 24-hour day for 2018. It was the only network that posted double-digit growth over the prior year. And it was number one among African-American viewers for the year.

The rest of the MSNBC schedule also enjoyed record ratings. Lawrence O’Donnell, Brian Williams, and Nicole Wallace regularly beat their time-period competitors. And the dayside programs with Katy Tur, Andrea Mitchell, Ali Velshi, Stephanie Ruhle, Chris Hayes, etc., leaped to new highs. And all of this happened while Fox News either declined or made impotent gains of one or two percent.

This should inform the rest of the media that intelligent, honest, reporting and analysis is a winning programming strategy. The public is tired of deliberately hostile panels and ridiculous attempts to balance facts with lies and nonsense. And as the new year progresses with more revelations from Mueller and the expected oversight hearings in the new Congress, the media needs to rise to the occasion and fulfill its obligations to the people.

That means rejecting Trump’s anti-constitutional assaults on the free press that he frames in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” Maddow proves that when the press respects the principles of ethical journalism, rather than devolving into State TV flunkies (aka Fox News) the people will reward them them with their viewership, trust, and loyalty.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

OMG! Trump Has Been Whining Incoherently About Being Home Alone for Two Weeks

It’s official. The President of the United States of America is a whiny little baby who can’t be left on his own without throwing an infantile tantrum. Actually, Donald Trump will do that with other people around also. But it’s especially noticeable when he is whimpering about his loneliness himself and in public, as he did at his first cabinet meeting of the new year.

Donald Trump, Home Alone

The White House get-together with his sycophantic assembly of bootlickers was an epic mess. Trump lied repeatedly about many subjects. He misrepresented the history of the Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan. He said that he fired his former Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis (Mattis quit in protest). After insulting generals who have criticized him, he claimed he would have been a good general. Never mind that Cadet Bonespurs evaded the draft five times. And he went on endlessly about his idiotic vanity wall.

Among the bizarre episodes in this meeting, Trump, sitting behind a “Wall of Thrones” style poster on the table, complained about having been left home alone during the holidays. Although he didn’t go down to his golf resort in Palm Beach, he didn’t explain why Melania or other members of his family couldn’t have been with him at the White House, instead of partying at Mar-a-Lago. “I was here on Christmas evening,” Trump cried. “I was all by myself in the White House. It’s a big, big house.” But that wasn’t the only time that Trump expressed this sense of being forsaken. It began several days before:

Then he posted a video on Twitter where he sobbed that “While I’m at the White House working, You’re out there partying.” And he continued his snivelling in another tweet wherein he described himself as being “in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come on over.” This plaintive wailing was rather absurd since it was the Republicans, who controlled both houses of Congress at the time, that closed the session. Democrats had no say in the matter.

However, Trump’s relentless whining is just another indicator of how mentally unstable he is and how unfit to perform the duties of the presidency. Of course, he did proclaim with some pride that he is The Most Fabulous Whiner.” And now he is providing even more proof of it – not that it was necessary.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

LOL: Donald Trump’s ‘Official Presidential Job Performance Survey’ Plagiarizes Stephen Colbert

The first days of 2019 are promising to be just as challenging for Donald Trump as the past two years. He is presiding over a government that has been partially shut down for twelve days. His pronouncements about abruptly retreating from Syria were castigated by his fellow Republican Nationalists. And the specter of special counsel Robert Mueller continues throw a dark shadow over Trump and his crime family.

Stephen Colbert & Trump Baby

The most pressing problem for Trump is the government shutdown that has put hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work. These are innocent victims of Trump’s self-absorbed stubbornness who are unable to pay their mortgages or buy groceries. And all because of an idiotic vanity wall on the southern border that even he says was already paid for by Mexico via the new (but unratified) USMCA trade deal between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

Polls show that the American people are blaming Trump for the shutdown that he said he was proud to be the cause of. They are also opposed to the wall altogether. That is likely a contributor to Trump’s overall approval rating continuing to scrape the bottom of the political ocean floor, as it has since he was inaugurated.

Consequently, Trump is seeking to manufacture some support to rub on his inflamed ego. So he’s running a poll of his own to cuddle up with on the nights when Sean Hannity doesn’t call. The poll is designated on his website as the “Official Presidential Job Performance Survey.” And it is exactly the sort of brazenly biased piece of uselessness that you would expect.

It’s a single question poll that asks: “How would you rate President Trump’s job performance so far?” And then it gives you multiple choice options for your response. They are “Great,” “Good,” “OK,” and “Other.” So Trump isn’t providing any options that explicitly confer a negative response. It’s pretty darn close to Stephen Colbert’s famous questioning of public figures as to whether the President was “a great president, or the greatest president.” (Video below) But Colbert was doing it for laughs. Trump is serious. It’s because he needs to be treated like a baby who can’t handle even mild criticism. And the Republican Party ran the exact same poll on Trump’s behalf last year.

At the bottom of the poll is the real reason for its existence. It requires you to enter your name and email address before your responses will be recorded. So this is actually just a phishing expedition to include you into a database that they will exploit for their nefarious political ends. So if you don’t mind being added to a list of Trump’s Deplorables, go ahead and tell him what you really think.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump’s Top 10 ‘Witch Hunt’ Tweets in 2018

The new year is here, and with it the obligatory “Best Of” and “Top 10” lists. And News Corpse isn’t about to be left out of all this fun. So our contribution to this annual tradition consists of some of the most newsworthy revelations that graced the the official communications platform of the President of the United States of America: Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, Witch Hunt

That’s right. Trump’s obsessive tweetstorming was a unique feature of his presidency that brought with it many of the lies and and insults for which he is now notorious. But no messaging by this belligerent blowhard was more profound than those that railed furiously over what he called the Russian, hoax, rigged, phony “Witch Hunt.”

Trump’s endeavor became a full time occupation at the White House that resulted in 131 tweets wherein he referenced a Witch Hunt in some context. That includes seven that were deleted and re-tweeted for misspellings (mostly of the same word: council/counsel). There were numerous outbursts aimed at specific individuals including James Comey, Hillary Clinton, and his own now-former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. And many were contradictory or outright distortions of the truth. Three were just the words “WITCH HUNT” in all caps with no further comment.

But in the spirit of the season’s ritual of limiting recognition to a select few, what follows are what we regard (somewhat randomly) as the Top 10 tweets about Witch Hunts by Trump in 2018:

This one rang in the new year on January 10, 2018, and boldly claimed to know how Democrats and Russians were responding to the affair. He was certainly wrong about the Democrats, but he was probably right about the Russians laughing.

Oh those poor young and beautiful traitors like Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Michael Cohen. Their reputations ruined mainly because they lied and were dumb enough to associate with Trump.

Here Trump lays the groundwork for granting himself a get-out-of-jail-free card. Why would he even bring this up if he did nothing wrong?

Nothing says “I tried to stay uninvolved” like posting 131 tweets ranting about the injustice of being held to account by your own Department of Justice. As for the expense, Trump tweeted four times his assertions related to the cost of the special counsel investigation. It went went up rapidly from $10 million, then $20 million, then $30 million, and finally $40 million, all within the past year. That’s some pretty high inflation. In any case, the asset forfeitures from the Manafort case alone are worth more than that, so the probe is actually making a profit. And they haven’t even got to Trump’s assets yet.

Trump isn’t going too far by baselessly accusing a United States Senator of drunkenness, is he? And for the record, there are more than thirteen angry Democrats. It’s closer to 65,000,000, plus many more Independents and woke Republicans.

Something tells me it doesn’t help Trump’s argument that he isn’t colluding with Russia, by whining about his declining relationship with Russia.

This tweet is just included because we thought it necessary to have one with “FAKE NEWS” in it.

Trump is a master of projection. He is the one who has been maligning government officials in the FBI, Justice Department, and Congress. But now he’s trying to attach the McCarthy label to special counsel Mueller, who is just dong his job. Trump is also the big crybaby.

The best evidence that Trump’s mind is totally gone is that he really thinks he would have a seventy-five percent approval rating were it not for the so-called Witch Hunt. He’s barely cracking fifty percent with Rasmussen, the most biased right-wing pollster in the business.

This is a lovely example of Trump’s mob mentality. Calling someone a “rat” generally refers to a low-level hood who tells police the truth about his crime boss (i.e. Trump). Also, the FBI didn’t break into Michael Cohen’s office. They had a warrant issued by a judge. Cohen welcomed them in and later complimented them on their courtesy and professionalism.

Rest assured that 2019 will see a whole new collection of Twitter freak outs from Trump. As Mueller closes in on the President he will get ever more frantic and crazed with his reactions. If you thought “covfefe” didn’t make any sense, you aint seen nothin’ yet. Just wait until the special counsel report is released, or Congress begins holding oversight hearings. Trump’s madness has only just begun to manifest itself. And if he isn’t restrained, it could get dangerous.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

A Happy New Year Message from Donald Trump: ‘Some Things Never Get Better and Never Change’

Well, somehow we all made it through another year. And this one was particularly challenging with a president who is most notable for his dishonesty, callousness, ignorance, and unconstrained ego. Donald Trump is testing this American experiment in democracy and he’s really putting it through the wringer. Along with his State TV (aka Fox News) division, the nation is either getting stronger or withering away.

Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, New Year

To hear Trump tell it, there is little to cheer about going forward. He literally tweeted the most pessimistic New Year’s message ever, saying that “Throughout the ages some things NEVER get better and NEVER change […] and it will ALWAYS be that way!” What an inspiring thought on the eve of a new year.

But if that wasn’t enough, Trump later posted a New Year’s video that reinforced his delusional, all-consuming obsession with himself (video below). He leads off by congratulating himself because, in his diseased mind, “there’s never been an administration that’s done more than the Trump administration.” If you recall, that’s what he said at the United Nations a few months ago where the ambassadors of world laughed in his face. Such a proud moment for America.

That was followed by a litany of his alleged achievements that were nothing of the sort. He praised an economy that is “doing great” despite this being the first time in ten years that the stock market finished in the red for the year. He lauded rising wages that are the result of Democrats increasing the minimum wage across the country over the objections of Trump and the GOP. He thanked himself for trade deals and treaties that are either ineffective, non-existent, or downright destructive. And of course, he ranted incoherently about his idiotic vanity wall saying that without it there are no borders, and therefore no country. So what has been taking up all this real estate between Mexico and Canada for the past two and a half centuries?

Finally Trump closes with some of his familiar campaign gibberish. It may be his way of convincing himself that special counsel Robert Mueller isn’t real, you know, like Santa Claus. And he stutters out a New Year’s wish that focuses exclusively on him:

“We’re gonna win. We’re gonna win all the way. We’re gonna win at everything we do. So happy new year. And let’s enjoy the next year. And then we’re gonna enjoy the following year. And then we have four more. And everything is going to be so beautiful.”

Trump knows his audience is too dumb to get any message without being pummeled with it at least three times. Hence his repetition of the imaginary “winning” mantra. And he makes sure that the only years that he singles out for future enjoyment are those wherein he’s eligible to still occupy the White House. Never mind that most Americans will only enjoy those years if he’s been removed and, preferably, incarcerated. That would indeed be beautiful.

And to top off the night, Pete Hegseth of Fox News did a typically sycophantic phone-in interview of Trump from Times Square. It featured all of the expected Trumpian hogwash with some slobbering adoration from Hegseth. And it was all politics, no partying. Trump did his routine border wall blather, lashed out at Democrats, and for some reason boasted that “Nobody knows more about technology than me.” And he further applauded himself for “producing better than I actually said.” If he means producing more division and hatred and trouble for our country, he’s right. And as if to prove that point, Trump posted a deranged, all-caps tweet New Year’s morning that continued to malign the press and insult anyone who doesn’t sufficiently idolize him:

The year ahead is going to be as challenging as the one that just came to an end. As Mueller gets closer to nailing Trump and his crime family, he will get more belligerent and deranged. He will escalate his hostility and lies. So stay positive, engaged, and hopeful for the coming year and ultimately the return of justice, democracy, and sanity to America. And have a HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.