The legacy of the Kennedy family in America is renowned for producing leaders of great character and compassion. President John Kennedy and his brothers, Robert and Ted, who served in the Senate, stood for equality and fairness across lines of race and class. They were heralds of Democratic values.
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Unfortunately, every family tree has its bad apples. And in the Kennedy clan that role has come to be filled by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For much of his political life he has been consumed by crackpot conspiracy theories and distasteful associations with ultra right-wingers who are anathema to Democratic principles. He has become the Republican Party’s favorite anti-Democratic stooge and, more recently, a planted challenger to President Biden for the Democratic nomination for president.
RELATED: The Republican Party’s Desperate Smears of President Biden are Getting Even More Pathetic
Republicans have adopted RFK Jr as one of their own. They use him as a tool to bash Biden, while falsely claiming that his criticisms are evidence of disarray in the Democratic Party. And naturally, Fox News is leading the parade of wingnuttery that is embracing and exploiting him. On Thursday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends, the “Curvy Couch” potatoes demonstrated their adoration of RFK Jr in a segment that was supposed to be about his appearance at hearing held by the Republican-led House Committee on the Weaponization of Government.
The hearing was a typically partisan mess wherein Republicans filibustered with ridiculous attacks on Biden- and even his son Hunter – that had nothing whatsoever to do with the hearing’s purported agenda. It produced no evidence of any alleged wrongdoing. To the contrary, Democrats succeeded in exposing the GOP charlatans for staging yet another political sideshow.
This is where Fox and Friends comes in to try to salvage the farce that chairman Jim Jordan tried to put over on the nation. Although they had very little to work with. So what they ended up presenting was the following slimy suck up…
Brian Kilmeade: The problem with RFK Jr, he does his homework, is extremely bright. You better bring your ‘A’ game. And also, can you believe we are at a day when the Democrats would be calling a Kennedy disparaging names? What country are we in?
Fox's Brian Kilmeade: RFK Jr. "does his homework, is extremely bright… Can you believe we are at a day when the Democrats are calling a Kennedy disparaging names?"
Then the group laughs at a Democratic strategist who called him "a Republican."
— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) July 20, 2023
As usual, Kilmeade didn’t offer a single example of anything that RFK Jr said that supported his claim that he is “extremely bright.” But in Kilmeade’s defense, there aren’t any examples. Also, the fact that Democrats are willing to criticize members of a revered Democratic family only proves that they are not the sort of cult followers that the Republican devotees of Donald Trump are. If a Democrat does or says something stupid – or steals and lies about classified documents, or sexually assaults women in department stores, or tries to overthrow the government, or is impeached and indicted multiple times – they won’t continue to worship him as their messiah.
Fox Friend Steve Doocy briefly interjected something sensible, noting that “There are Kennedy family members who disagree with him as well.” Which is true. His sister Kerry Kennedy recently said that “His statements do not represent what I believe or what Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights stand for.” And his nephew, Joe Kennedy III said that “My uncle’s comments were hurtful and wrong. I unequivocally condemn what he said.”
Doocy’s colleagues ignored those remarks, then replied with mockery that Democrats correctly describe RFK Jr as “such a Republican.” Whereupon Kilmeade makes sure to note that, despite all the evidence, “He’s not a Republican. Oh my goodness.”
For the record, RFK Jr identifies himself as Democrat. However, virtually all of his supporters reside on the farthest fringes of right-wing Republicanism. They are people like Steve Bannon, who convinced him to enter the Democratic primary. And he proudly poses for pictures with the likes of Russian asset Mike Flynn, and GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone.
Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and Mike Flynn spent months encouraging Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run against President Joe Biden in the 2024 election. Bannon hoped RFK Jr. could serve as a "useful chaos agent" in the election.
— Tony – Resistance (@TonyHussein4) April 21, 2023
That’s who RFK Jr is. You know him by the company he keeps. And Fox News is brazenly participating in the charade that he is bona fide Democrat. Because they desperately need critics who they can claim are not partisan. And because they haven’t got any legitimate complaints about Biden other than pointless and pathetic smears that don’t make any sense. In fact, some of their attacks actually make Biden look so good that he’s now using them in his own campaign ads…
SEE THIS: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes
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