Trump Has a Full Blown Schizoid Meltdown Over the Prospect of Yet Another Criminal Indictment

The legal melodrama that has shrouded Donald Trump for years continues to unfold as new and more chilling plot points are unveiled with each passing day. The latest wrinkle in his farce is a comment that Trump posted on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, announcing that special counsel Jack Smith has notified him that he is a target in the probe of the January 6th insurrection.

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Donald Trump

If this notice is true (and it’s always sketchy with anything that Trump says), it will be his third felony indictment, exceeding the 70+ felony counts he is already facing. The abundance of crimes that are attributable to Trump is so massive that he’s even using it to put off his multitude of prosecutions. The poor guy just doesn’t have time to deal with all of his wrongdoing.

RELATED: WHUT? Trump Asks to Delay His Classified Docs Trial Because of All His Other Criminal Trials

Trump responded to the news of this new imminent indictment the way he always does. By lashing out with unbridled hostility, while utterly failing to make any coherent argument in his defense. It was a tedious tirade that rambled on with hysterical run-on sentences and crammed with every talking point he could think of, including his yelping about imaginary offences (i.e. spying on his campaign, fake dossiers, the Mueller Witch Hunt, and Russia, Russia, Russia) He whined

“WOW! On Sunday night, while I was with my family […] HORRIFYING NEWS for our country was given to me by my attorneys. Deranged Jack Smith…sent a letter (again, it was Sunday night!) stating that I am a TARGET of the January 6th Grand Jury investigation.”

It’s cute that Trump regards his being indicted again as “HORRIFYING NEWS for our country.” That’s his standard messianic playacting wherein he’s dying for the sins of his cult followers. The majority of the country, however, recognizes that the horror is Trump’s alone. In fact, most Americans believe he’s guilty. The horror would be letting him get away with his crimes.

SEE THIS: TRUTH THIS: More Americans – Including 25% of Republicans – Believe that Trump is Guilty

Trump complains correctly that “Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before.” But that’s only because no other political leader has dared to commit such blatant misconduct, and to do it so openly, even admitting to it in many of his pathetic public commentaries. His tantrum also included this morsel of mental instability…

“So now, Joe Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, who I turned down for the United States Supreme Court…”

Does Trump really think that he “turned down” Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court? Garland was nominated by President Obama, and his confirmation was stalled by Republican Senate leader, Mitch McConnell. And all of that was before the 2016 election. What’s more, does Trump really want to take credit for Garland not being confirmed? That led to his appointment as Attorney General by President Biden, and the special counsel investigations against him.

Adding to the evidence of Trump’s madness, he reposted six (count ’em, 6!) comments by the illustriously credible, ultra-MAGA, “Catturd,” including one that called for the impeachment of Merrick Garland, Chris Wray, and, of course, President Biden. Trump approvingly replied to the feline fecal matter’s conclusion that “The Republican Party = spineless, worthless, good-for-nothing cowards.”

It’s hard to disagree with that assessment of the GOP. Particularly since most members of the party are still bending over backwards to defend Trump as his indictments pile up. Which poses an interesting dilemma for Trump, who once insisted that candidates under felony indictment have “no right to be running.” It’s hard to disagree with that too.


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