Kevin McCarthy Can’t Even Lie Well About His Wretched Record as Squeaker of the House

It’s been seven months since Kevin McCarthy was selected by his caucus to become the Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives after a torturous fifteen vote marathon. In order to finally secure the post that he had craved for years, he traded away virtually all of the authority that normally comes with it.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy’s deeply unethical promises to the fringiest faction of his caucus has obligated him to concede to the demands of crackpots like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in order to keep his speakership. That obligation now includes entertaining unwarranted and evidenceless efforts to impeach President Biden. It is such a brazenly political charade that even Fox News has criticized it.

SEE THIS: UH-OH: Even Fox News Rejects the GOP’s ‘Evidence’ to Impeach Biden as ‘Completely Unverified’

Having nothing to present to voters as resembling an accomplishment, McCarthy is embarking on a press tour to disseminate flagrant falsehoods and fantasies. In furtherance of that agenda, he told one television interviewer that…

“Someone did an analysis of this Congress versus the last Congress. And in the last Congress the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate, and the presidency. But this Congress has actually produced more bills. More become law, which makes it more difficult. But the bigger things we also changed is we opened the House back up. Members now have to come to work.”

First of all, it’s likely that the “someone” who did the analysis that McCarthy referenced – but conspicuously failed to identify – was probably Sean Hannity or some similar right-wing toady. But more to the point, the alleged analysis is wholly unrelated to reality. Here are the facts:

“The 118th United States Congress, which began on January 3, 2023, and will end on January 3, 2025, has enacted 13 public laws and zero private laws.”

“The 117th United States Congress, which began on January 3, 2021, and ended on January 3, 2023, enacted 362 public laws and 3 private laws.”

Now some observers may object to that because the current 118th Congress has only just begun, and it’s unfair to compare it to the 117th Congress, when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker, and had two years to complete their work. But even if you just count the bills from the 117th that were passed in the same seven month period, there were still 39 bills, which is three times as many as McCarthy is bragging (lying) about.

What’s more, among the bills passed in the first year of the 117th Congress were the historic “American Rescue Plan” that brought the nation out of the pandemic recession, and the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” that created millions of jobs restoring America’s roads, bridges, airports, and communications. None of the GOP’s 13 bills in this session had anywhere near that level of benefit to the nation as those passed during Pelosi’s tenure.

Instead, while McCarthy has allegedly been in charge as Speaker, he has focused almost exclusively on ultra-partisan hearings aimed at maligning President Biden and other Democrats. They have sought to slander the Biden family, including his son Hunter and First Lady Jill. They are also seeking to impeach multiple members of the Biden administration, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Chris Wray, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In their spare time they are trying to defund the prosecutors and judges associated with the many criminal cases of Donald Trump.

All that McCarthy and the GOP have left at this point are lies, threats to tank the economy, meritless personal attacks, and boycotts of Barbie, Mickey Mouse, and light beer. Their agenda is so warped that Biden even used it in a satirical and hilarious mock campaign ad. Or maybe Republicans actually think that their doctrine of dystopia is what the public wants from their representatives in Washington. If so, that will work out well in next year’s elections – for Democrats.


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Trump Posts His ‘Proof’ of Election Fraud in Georgia that Actually Proves Election Integrity

The last presidential election was nearly three years ago. But Donald Trump is still yammering about the election having been “rigged and stolen” from him, despite having failed to produce a shred of evidence of any such fraud in dozens of court challenges or any of his television appearances or cult rallies.

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Donald Trump

A couple of weeks ago Trump promised to hold a press conference where he would finally unveil “A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia.” He insisted that this report would result in “a complete EXONERATION!” Which is something that Trump has been promising for years. And typically, failing to deliver.

However, to the surprise of absolutely nobody, that press conference never came to pass. Trump claimed that his lawyers convinced him to cancel it. Which is plausible because most lawyers don’t want their clients to go public with lies that will further incriminate them.

SEE THIS: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

True to form, Trump is unable to keep his fat yap shut for any measurable span of time. Consequently, he has just posted what is probably a key portion of the mystery report on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. The “irrefutable” proof that Trump is now promoting is a copy of a November 17, 2021, letter that Georgia governor Brian Kemp sent to the State Election Board asking them investigate “36 inconsistencies” in the ballot counting. That’s 36, not 11,780.

However, Kemp was not as convinced of the irrefutability of this information as Trump was. In the same letter Kemp stressed that “this letter does not purport to dispute or contest the outcome of the 2020 election.” He also noted that the citizen who reported the alleged inconsistencies also “never alleged the outcome of the election was in question.”

Furthermore, the subsequent investigation by the State Election Board that Kemp requested found that “Overall, the results of the hand recount — both in Fulton and all of Georgia — were similar to two machine counts, showing that Democrat Joe Biden won the state by about 12,000 votes against Republican Donald Trump.”

In other words, what Trump was boastfully presenting as exculpatory proof that his fellow Republicans in Georgia had conspired with Joe Biden and his “radical left Marxist fascist thugs” to steal the election from him, was in fact validation of the accuracy and integrity of the vote count in the state. Which had already been validated by three audits led by GOP officials.

Nevertheless, there is still value produced by Trump’s tortured truthless tantrum. It certifies just how severely demented and desperate he is. And it’s a great companion piece to his new and hilarious video proclaiming that President Biden is “a stark-raving lunatic.”


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Fox News Host Praises Trump’s Mugshot as Appealing to Black Voters Because They’re Pro-Criminal

Right-wing media have spent much of this year attacking the “radical leftist thugs” conspiring to destroy Donald Trump by holding him accountable for his multitude of crimes. They regard the four criminal indictments (to date) and the 91 felony counts (so far) as contrived and dismiss them as “election interference,” despite the abundant evidence of Trump’s guilt, provided mostly by Republicans and former Trump staffers. It’s all been a dreadful drain on Trump’s ability to pursue his lavish life of luxury.

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Fox News, KKK

Among the most atrocious acts by Democrats, according to the Trump cult, has been their forcing him to pose for mugshots. Of course, that’s a requirement imposed by local law enforcement authorities, not political operatives. However, since Trump’s first mugshot was published, the very same Trumpists have been celebrating it as a boon to Trump’s image and electoral prospects. They insist, falsely, that it is increasing his popularity, and they greedily engage in peddling mugshot merchandise at every opportunity.

SEE THIS: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

On Monday, Fox News host Jesse Watters did a segment on the Trump smugshot that crossed the line from beatification to blatant bigotry. This should come as no surprise considering that Watters replaced Fox’s former Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. Watters gushed that…

“The Democrats Soviet tactics has alienated their most loyal voting block. The mugshot has breathed new life into the Trump campaign and broadened his appeal to Black Americans. Over the weekend, with the help of mugshot merchandise, the Trump campaign raked in more than $7 million. Today my garbage man told me he’s buying mugshot t-shirts for everyone he knows this Christmas.”

According to Watters, Black Americans idolize anyone who breaks the law and has a mugshot taken. He is implying that they are by nature drawn to criminals. He states this matter-of-factly as if everyone knows that it’s true. Does that mean that they also admire James Earl Ray, and Charles Manson? Watters’ assertion that Black Americans have a knee-jerk appreciation for outlaws is racist on its face.

Watters is also asserting, without evidence, that it is Black people who are shelling out for Trump’s mugshot merch, rather than his rank and file cult followers. And as proof of his offensive political theory, Watters cites his garbage man, who we are supposed to assume is Black, because of course he is. We are also supposed to believe that this wealthy, elitist TV host regularly converses with sanitation workers. But Watters apparently couldn’t find a Black financial analyst or mechanical engineer or oncologist who is gifting Trump mugshot apparel for the holidays.

What’s more, Watters makes a preposterous and factually unsupported statement associating Democrats with “Soviet tactics” that are alienating Black voters. He thinks that by charging Trump with crimes and arresting him, Trump joins the group of minorities who have been discriminated against by racist institutions. Never mind that wealthy white men are actually least often the victims of such prejudice. That fact notwithstanding, Watters believes that Trump’s legal tangles will result in Black voters abandoning Democrats. Not only is there zero evidence of that, but recent polls show that Trump’s criming has caused a general collapse of his support.

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Watters isn’t the only Trumpozoid who is certain that his mugshot is a huuuge positive. MSNBC compiled a partial list of others espousing the same idiocy…

“Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo told host Laura Ingraham that… Trump’s arrest gives him ‘cred among a new bloc of voters.'”

“Newsmax host Grant Stinchfield said Thursday that he believes ‘many Black men’ will find Trump’s arrest ‘endearing,'”

“Laura Loomer, a far-right activist [said Trump’s arrest made him] ‘the most relatable man on the ballot for the black community.'”

“Dinesh D’Souza claimed mug shots [made] Trump the ‘ultimate gangsta in our culture'”

For the record, it isn’t Black Americans who embrace felons as political leaders. It’s Republicans. And that isn’t conjecture. They actually admitted it on national television at the recent GOP primary debate where six out of ten candidates proudly committed to supporting Trump if he’s the party’s nominee, even if he is convicted of the pending charges.

RELATED: GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

So contrary to Watters’ racist remarks, it is his party – and his network – that favor criminals in politics. Which is convenient since it is his party, and his network, where most of the criminals reside.

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Trump Shows Off His Ignorance and Detachment From Reality in Rabid Rants to Impeach Biden

An obviously frantic Donald Trump is unleashing a stream of bile and belligerence in the wake of a court ruling that his trial on charges of subverting democracy and attempting to stage a violent coup is now scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024. That’s just two months later than special counsel Jack Smith requested, and two years sooner than Trump did.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

Despite Judge Tanya Chutkan’s prior admonitions to Trump that he refrain from making threatening or intimidating comments directed to the court, prosecutors, or witnesses, Trump lashed out with hostile assaults at “Deranged Jack Smith & his team of Thugs” and a “Trump Hating Judge” He appears to be testing how far he can take his rancor before he is slapped with contempt and remanded to custody. By some measures he has already crossed that line.

RELATED: LOCK HIM UP! Trump’s Vile Lies About Judge Violate Court Orders to Cease Inflammatory Statements

Meanwhile, Trump is bloviating over past compulsions such as his pair of impeachments. In one comment posted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump complains about what he regards as a fundamental unfairness that he suffered as compared to his arch foe, President Biden. But, as usual, he gets everything wrong. Trump wrote that…


First of all, Trump did not “win” his impeachment against the “FASCHISTS” (sic). His impeachment by the House of Representatives – twice – is a permanent part of the historical record. That isn’t changed by the Senate not having convicted him and removing him from office. And for the record, a majority of the Senate voted for conviction, including seven Republicans. But that did not meet the two-thirds vote necessary for conviction.

Trump is also wrong about there not having been an impeachment inquiry. In fact, House Speaker nancy Pelosi did initiate an inquiry prior to the eventual vote on the House floor. As reported at the time

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Tuesday that the House of Representatives will open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.”

What’s more, Pelosi’s formal announcement wasn’t even necessary because…

“[M]embers of the House Judiciary Committee said that they have already begun to consider passing articles of impeachment and that they are in an inquiry.”

In addition to these ravings, Trump posted a flagrant lie asserting that the special counsel “met with high officials at the White House just prior to these political SleazeBags Indicating me.” How dare those “SleazeBags” “indicate” Trump, whatever that means. Trump claims that those meetings are proof that “Biden and his Fascist Thugs” were engaging in “Election Interference.” Except that the truth is that Smith’s team was not colluding with the Biden administration. They were interviewing witnesses in the classified documents case who happened to be working in the White House, and were working there during Trump’s term.

And if that’s not enough malarkey from Trump, he also posted a comment asserting that…

“Biden is a Stone Cold Crook-You don’t need a long INQUIRY to prove it, it’s already proven. […] Either IMPEACH the BUM, or fade into OBLIVION. THEY DID IT TO US!”

Despite not having a shred of evidence of any wrongdoing by Biden, Trump is ready to convict him without trial. And he is threatening his Republican confederates to move forward with impeachment or be cast into “OBLIVION.” Sadly, the cowardly Republicans in the House are susceptible to Trump’s threats and all to willing to go along with Trump’s totalitarian tantrums.

Finally, Trump explicitly admits that his motivations are purely for revenge because “THEY DID IT TO US!” Although what was done (four criminal indictments on 91 felony charges) was done to him on the basis of mountains of evidence and testimony, mostly from Republicans and former Trump staffers. But the Trump cult isn’t interested in those pesky things the rest of us know as facts.


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Poor Trump Whines that His Criminal Cases are Cramping His Jet Setting Golf Tourney Lifestyle

Who knew that committing 91 felonies among four criminal indictments would pose such a burden on someone’s time? And why didn’t someone warn Donald Trump that conspiring to illegally overturn an election, stealing classified documents, and inciting an insurrection, would so severely cut into one’s life of luxury?

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Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

This is the tragedy that Trump finds himself in today as he tries to navigate the legal morass that he has made for himself. With cases pending in four jurisdictions, his calendar for the next few months is going to be filled with court dates and depositions and endless meetings with lawyers. Where will he find time to grift off of his gullible flock with pitches for worthless merchandise?

SEE THIS: Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

On Sunday Trump complained that his criminal undertakings have even cut into his jet setting lifestyle and at his international golf resorts. In a plaintive plea posted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, Trump was despondent over having to miss a golf tournament in Scotland. He sobbed that…

“I have the Staysure Senior PGA Championship in Aberdeen, Scotland, on my great course, and I can’t go. I have to stay around and fight off the Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists. I wouldn’t want to be in Europe and watch this COUNTRY DESTROYING Scum work their disgusting and illegal ‘magic’ on unsuspecting Republican ‘leaders’ who just don’t think it is appropriate to Fight Fire With Fire. BUT WE WILL WIN. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

What a travesty! How could those sinister “Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists” force this punishment on poor Donnie? It’s almost like they regard the Constitution as being more important than Trump’s “pursuit of happiness.” And his lily-livered Republican confederates aren’t any better.

In light of this trauma, it needs to be noted that Trump has been complaining that the proposed dates for his upcoming trials are too soon and won’t give him sufficient time to prepare his defense. Although it could be argued that there is no amount of time that is sufficient because he has no coherent defense. He’s so obviously guilty, and he knows it. And so do most of the American people…

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

More to the point, if Trump is so strapped for time, then why is he upset about not attending a golf tournament in Scotland, when he should be conferring with his attorneys? Well, at least the ones that are still working with him. Perhaps the prosecutors will notify the judges that if Trump has the time to fly off to Scotland for golf today, he’s got plenty of time to be ready for trial in January.

It is also notable that this weekend Trump had the time to participate in a senior golf tournament at his Bedminster, New Jersey, club. In that contest he claimed to have a won with a score of 67. Remarkably, that’s eight shots less than golf legend Phil Mickelson scored on the same course two weeks ago.

On Truth Social Trump assured his cult followers that, with regard to his score, “there is no hanky/lanky,” whatever that is, and that because he is “surrounded by Secret Service Agents” he couldn’t cheat, as if monitoring his golf score was part of their job description. Also, he is implying that he would have cheated if the Secret Service weren’t there, or watching.

Hopefully the judges in Trump’s various cases will take note of the abundance of leisure time in his schedule and book his court appearances accordingly. If Trump wanted more time to travel, play games, hold cult rallies, post online, and do suck-up interviews on right-wing media, maybe he should not have devoted himself to committing so many crimes. Now he needs to buckle down and help his lawyers come up with some marginally plausible lies in his defense. Which, given the realistic legal options available to them, shouldn’t take very long.


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Fox News is AGHAST that Biden Mock Fundraised Off of Trump’s Mugshot, Which Trump Did For Real

Last week Donald Trump made another appearance in court to be arrested and booked on his fourth criminal indictment. However, on this occasion, Trump was finally treated like any other defendant and required to pose for a mugshot. He had furiously fought that requirement, but was ultimately unsuccessful in getting the special treatment that he craved.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Consequently, the United States now, for the first time ever, has a formal mugshot – or in Trump’s case a “smugshot” – of a former president that will forever be a part of the historical record. Trump has tried desperately to find some political advantage in this humiliation, but outside of of his smattering of glassy-eyed cult followers, the American people are not cooperating with Trump’s wounded ego.

SEE THIS: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Over at Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda – aka Fox News – there has been a spasm of spinning taking place to peddle a preposterous picture of Trump’s legal quagmire. And the up-sucking was led by Trump’s former press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, who is now a co-host of Fox’s “Outnumbered.” McEnany was bigly bothered by a lighthearted tweet posted by President Biden in the aftermath of the Trump mugshot reporting. Biden’s tweet said simply…

Oh, the HORROR! Never mind that Biden never mentioned the mugshot, nor even Trump’s name. But to McEnany and Fox News it was tantamount to treason. McEnany whined to her colleagues that…

“What stuck out to me was that Biden is fundraising off of this. […] President Trump tweeted out that’s the time of his arrest, this goes out from Biden. ‘Apropos of nothing. I think today’s a great day to give to my campaign.’ It seems very suggestive of what was going on at 730, which was the arrest of Donald Trump. And I really think it’s a low point for a president to fundraise over the arrest of his political opponent.”

“A low point for a president”? Really? Lower than inciting an insurrection? Or lying to the FBI about stolen classified documents? Or threatening state officials in order to illegally overturn an election? Or being criminally indicted four times on 91 felony counts, which led to getting the mugshot in the first place?

What’s more, this “low point” of fundraising off of the mugshot that has Fox News so livid is apparently not a problem if it’s Trump who is doing it. Within a couple of hours after the mugshot was posted, Trump was not just making glancing references to it. He was hawking actual merchandise.

Even worse, Trump aide Chris LaCivita posted a threat to anyone else who might dare to profit from Trump’s felonious face. In a testy Twitter tantrum, LaCivita warned that…

“If you are a campaign, PAC, scammer and you try raising money off the mugshot of @realDonaldTrump and you have not received prior permission …WE ARE COMING AFTER YOU … you will NOT SCAM DONORS.”

Of course, mugshots are public property and can be republished by anyone for any reason. So this is just more hollow griping by the grifting operation that Trump runs from the basement of his Mar-a-Lago bunker. It would be fun to see Trump try to sue Biden for allegedly misappropriating his repulsive image. And as for scamming donors, it’s clear why he is adamant about others not doing that. Because that’s Trump’s thing. He wants to be the only one scamming his gullible cult.

SEE ALSO: Trump Rips Off His Gullible Cult Followers, Spends $650K of Their Money on Portraits of Himself

As for Biden, on Friday he was asked directly what he thought of Trump’s mugshot. In an amusingly glib, though diplomatic, reply, Biden smiled and quipped, “Handsome guy. Wonderful guy.” Can you imagine how Trump’s profanity-laced harangue under the same circumstances, complete with yammering about “radical Marxist thugs”? would have gone down?


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Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

On August 24, 2023, Donald Trump made history by becoming the first former president of the United States to be captured for posterity in a mugshot. That’s in addition to the record he set previously of having been criminally indicted four times with a total of 91 felony counts. Second place is a 45-way tie with zero indictments.

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Donald Trump Mugshot - Loser Emoji

True to form, Trump is pretending to be proud of these “accomplishments.” He claims that these multiple prosecutions are enhancing his popularity and electability. And, like any good wannabe messiah, Trump claims that’s he’s being persecuted for “your” sins, and that the Democratic demons are actually after you, but he’s just “in the way.”

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

However, Trump’s cockiness is profoundly inapt. A new POLITICO Magazine/Ipsos poll reveals what the American people really think about Trump and his mounting legal liabilities. And not surprisingly, the results don’t align with Trump’s delusional distortion of reality. According to Politico…

“The survey results suggest Americans are taking the cases seriously — particularly the Justice Department’s 2020 election case — and that most people are skeptical of Trump’s claim to be the victim of a legally baseless witch hunt or an elaborate, multi-jurisdictional effort to ‘weaponize’ law enforcement authorities against him.”

What follows is a summary of Politico’s findings.

About half of the country believes Trump is guilty in the pending prosecutions.
“48 percent of respondents reporting that they believe Trump is guilty in [the Manhattan District Attorney’s] case [and] majorities said that they believe Trump is guilty in the other cases — 51 percent in the pending Justice Department and Fulton County prosecutions concerning the 2020 election, and 52 percent in the Justice Department’s classified documents case.” NOTE: This also includes a majority of independents.

Most Americans believe Trump should stand trial before the 2024 election.
“59% of respondents in the poll said that the federal trial in Trump’s 2020 election subversion case should take place before the 2024 Republican primaries begin early next year. A slightly higher number — 61 percent of all respondents — said that the trial should take place before the general election next November.” NOTE: This includes 63% of Independents and even 33% of Republicans.

A conviction in DOJ’s 2020 election case would hurt Trump in the general election.
“Nearly one-third of respondents (32 percent) said that a conviction in the case would make them less likely to support Trump, including about one-third of independents (34 percent).”

Half of the country believes Trump should go to prison if convicted in DOJ’s Jan. 6 case.
“50% of respondents said that he should go to prison, including a large majority of Democrats (87 percent) and a slight majority of independents (51 percent).”

Trump and the GOP’s ‘weaponization’ defense appears to be having limited traction.
“Fifty-nine percent of respondents — including nearly two-thirds of independents — said that the Justice Department’s decision to indict Trump in the 2020 election case was based on a fair evaluation of the evidence and the law. […] In fact, more people (53%) believe Trump is guilty of weaponizing the legal system than Biden.”

Trump is the prevailing villain in the story of his indictments
“Respondents provided Trump with a net favorability rating of -31 percent — the worst figure, by far, in this battery of questions.” NOTE: President Biden, Merrick Garland, Jack Smith, and the Justice Department all scored far more favorably.

Given the results of this poll, it is no wonder that Trump’s psychological state has suffered a severe decline. But it is still astonishing that, under these circumstances, Republicans are scrambling to bolster their defense for – and support of – Trump, as the American people become ever more disgusted and repulsed by both Trump and his sycophantic party confederates. All in all, this bodes well for Democrats next year.


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GOP Debate Affirms It’s a Pro-Criminal Trump Cult that Wants to Put a Felon in the White House

The first debate for the 2024 Republican nomination for president is in the can. And it lived down to most of the expectations that people had for the roster of groveling also-rans who were mostly too scared and weak to challenge the party’s frontrunner, Donald Trump.

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Donald Trump, Prison

The debate began inauspiciously with a probing question about the government’s coverup of UFOs. Thank goodness Fox News has the courage to broach the issues that are uppermost in the minds of the American people. And from there the affair descended into whiny squabbles and attempts by the participants to ingratiate themselves to the most notorious non-participant.

SEE THIS: Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

Perhaps the most notable moment in the two hour snoozer was when the moderators sought to interject some Trumpiness into the discussion. They did this with a tangential reference to Trump’s legal tribulations. While it was encouraging that they raised the subject at all, they did so in manner that didn’t promote discussion of Trump’s crimes, but merely the other candidates’ political reactions to them.

Bret Baier: We’re all going to take a brief moment and talk about the elephant not in the room.
Martha MacCallum: Former president Trump was indicted in four different states on 91 counts. He will be processed tomorrow in Georgia at the Fulton County jail for charges related to the 2020 election.
Baier: You all signed a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee. If former President Trump is convicted in a court of law, would you still support him as your party’s choice.

It’s important to note that the question was not simply whether they would support
Trump if were the nominee. It was if they would support him even if were convicted of crimes ranging from sexual harassment and rape, falsifying financial records, stealing and hoarding classified documents (and lying to the FBI about it), interfering with an election, and staging a violent coup.

Six of the eight candidates raised their hands indicating that they would indeed support Trump, even after he was found guilty by a jury of his peers. The only holdouts were Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson. What this tells us is that most of the Republican Party is a pro-criminal organization that is comfortable with putting a recidivist and unrepentant felon in the White House.

Presumably, these wankers hold that position because they believe it is what the base of their party wants. They are desperately afraid of offending any of Trump’s cult followers. However, they might want to check with recent polling to see if their analyses are aligned with reality. For instance…

“The Reuters/Ipsos poll found that 45 percent of Republicans said they would not vote for Trump if he were convicted, while 35 percent said they would still cast their ballot for the former president. Another 20 percent said they were unsure of how they would vote.”

So a significant majority (65%) say that they would not vote for a convicted Trump, or are not sure. Meanwhile, Trump is hanging on to the same 30-something percent of dead-enders that he has had for months. And it’s on the “strength” of that public “support” that most of the GOP candidates are committing to back Trump, even if he’s running from prison. That message should be spread generously throughout the upcoming campaign, whether or not Trump is convicted or has even come to trial. Because it still represents their views embracing criminals.

For his part, Trump is busy campaigning on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, where he has posted 45 comments Thursday (so far). He was pretending to spend Wednesday night during the debate being interviewed by Tucker Carlson, but that was actually pre-taped days before.

The content of the interview was ridiculous in the extreme. They spent much of their time delving into critical matters such as whether his pedophile friend Jeffrey Epstein was murdered, his opinion on the possibility of his StormTrumpers starting a civil war, the prospects his being assassinated, and the tragic consequences of low water pressure. And based on that, it really was a shame that he didn’t participate in the debate so he could address those issues before the nation. Nevertheless, in typical Trumpian fashion, he’s bragging (lying) that he and Tucker won the night…


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Fox News Liberal Calls Out Republicans – and her Co-Hosts – On Air for Their ‘Craven Lies’

Earlier this year Fox News was forced to settle a nearly billion dollar defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems that documented just how flagrantly the network deceived their viewers with propaganda and pandering toward Dear Leader Donald Trump. The evidence revealed that their hosts and executives shamelessly lied about Trump and his baseless allegations that the 2020 election was “rigged and stolen” from him.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Despite that costly and humiliating public rebuke, Fox News continues to lie on Trump’s behalf. They have not only failed to show any remorse or repentance for their dishonesty and betrayal of trust, they have actually doubled down by fortifying their primetime schedule with hardcore Trump-fluffers.

SEE THIS: A Primer on Jesse Watters Who is Replacing Former Fox News White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson

In addition to their new and rescheduled lineup cheerleading for Trump (even while he’s bitterly attacking them), Fox’s continuing shows remain staunchly under Trump’s banner. On the afternoon panel show “The Five” – which features four hard-right conservatives and one frequently interrupted liberal – the propaganda fest is in full swing with many of the same hosts and guests that were exposed in the Dominion lawsuit as liars.

However, occasionally the battered liberal, Jessica Tarlov, manages to squeeze out some truthful commentaries in the midst of the anti-Democratic mudslinging. That’s what occurred Tuesday when the panel discussed President Biden’s visit to the fire-ravaged island of Maui. As usual, the four right-wingers gleefully slandered Biden with false GOP talking points, until Tarlov responded saying that…

Tarlov: There have been so many craven lies told about the timeline of the response on this. Jesse just said his first comments were, “no comment,” which is categorically untrue. So that was on August 13th. The wildfires started on August 8th, on August 10th that’s when a major disaster declaration occurred. He got the call, the request from Hawaii to do that. It took him just 63 minutes to sign that.
Watters: He signed a piece of paper, I’m talking about significant public comments.
Tarlov: Just wait for it. Later that day, he was in Utah talking about something else. And he opened up by commenting on what was going on in Hawaii and how devastating it was. Listen to what the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, said, “Within six hours, the administration met our needs with federal movement. I don’t think that’s ever happened before.” The Maui County mayor: “I wanted to say how our response to the president has been he called me, I asked for the help that we needed. And within two hours, one of his cabinet members called me to answer my question. We’ve been getting all the help that we need.”

Tarlov didn’t mince words as she attacked her co-hosts for telling “craven lies” and presenting information that was “categorically untrue.” Watters interrupted again, to try to throw Tarlov off balance, but that didn’t work. She just schooled him on the facts about what happened with quotes from the local officials who were pleased and grateful for Biden’s rapid, effective, and compassionate response to the crisis.

Tarlov also shot down Republican whining about Biben giving victims “only” $700.00 by noting that that is the FEMA limit. Tarlov’s Fox News colleagues either don’t know that, or are lying, or think that Biden should break the law and give them more (scratch that last one. Republicans would never advocate giving people who are suffering more of anything but grief).

Meanwhile, throughout the segment Fox’s chyron read “BIDEN’S DISASTER TOUR,” implying that the disaster was Biden’s fault or that his visit was a disaster. Neither of which was true. But the truth never stopped Fox News or the Republican Party they’re partnered with from spinning preposterous departures from reality in order to malign Biden and the Democrats. They spent much of Tuesday lying that Biden fell asleep at a service in Maui, and being outraged that he pet a rescue dog. That’s the depths to which Fox News has sunk. And they haven’t hit rock bottom yet.

RELATED STORY: IT’S A CULT: Most Fox News Viewers Are Still Loyal After Dominion Lawsuit Discloses Their Lies

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NOPE! Eric Trump Lies that Daddy Gave All Foreign Money Made at His Hotels to the Treasury

The congenital dishonesty of Donald Trump and his family is one of the most reliable indicators of membership in that clan. The patriarch is notable for his having been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House. And his cult followers love him all the more for it.

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Trump Baby on Cash Pile

But Trump’s progeny are no slouches either. In the midst of the avalanche of arrests and arraignments of Papa Trump, ‘lil Eric Trump is striving to change the subject and to pretty-up his felonious father as a paragon of virtue. Never mind the four indictments with 91 counts, or the porn star hush money, or the sexual harassment and rape, or the stolen classified documents, or the fraudulent financial filings, or the attempted coup. Eric wants you all to know that Daddy wouldn’t take a penny from foreign officials patronizing his hotels and golf resorts. Also, all of the other charges are trumped up, and he has “proof.”

RELATED: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud

On Monday Eric appeared on the official Trump-fluffing network, Newsmax, to deliver his latest reputation make-over. It was a pathetic – and disturbingly manic – performance that sought to cast Donald as a humble public servant, utterly uninterested in profit or personal gain. And if you buy that, you probably also believe that he’s a loving father and a faithful husband. Spinning furiously, Eric said that…

“If somebody came into one of our hotels while my father was president and they were from a foreign country, a government official from a foreign country – you know what we’d do? We’d donate all the money from that margarita they bought at the bar to the US Treasury.”

Sure he would. When he wasn’t busy showing them classified contingency plans for military engagements with hostile foes. Trump would never accept money from foreign officials seeking favor from the United States. Well, except for all times he did just that. As reported by NPR last year

“Documents released by the House Oversight and Reform Committee show extravagant spending from foreign leaders at former President Donald Trump’s luxury hotel in Washington, D.C., which the committee says could have violated his oath of office by distorting U.S. foreign policy for personal financial gain.

“Government officials from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and the People’s Republic of China collectively spent over $750,000 at the Trump International Hotel during his presidency, according to committee chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and, she said, did so ‘at sensitive times for those countries’ relations with the United States.'”

Note that this report deals only with monies received at Trump’s hotel in Washington, D.C. Other more expansive reporting shows that Trump earned as much as $160 million dollars from foreign sources while president. A more expansive investigation by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) found that…

“Throughout his time in office, President Trump, his family and his Republican allies repeatedly assured the public that his refusal to divest from his businesses wouldn’t lead to any conflicts of interest. Americans were promised that Trump would donate his salary, which he did, until maybe he didn’t — all while siphoning millions from taxpayers that more than offset his presidential pay. When it came to foreign conflicts of interest, Trump and his company pledged to pause foreign business. They did not.”

Not surprisingly, the most frequent contributors to Trump’s coffers were from the Middle East and China. But according to Eric even the price of a single cocktail at the hotel bar was too much to hang on to. So maybe Trump reimbursed the twelve bucks for the drink, but kept the ten grand per night for all the rooms. In any case Eric is proving adept at the family business of lying. But then, he’s had plenty of practice.


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