The 2024 campaign for the presidency is shaping up to be one of the most contentious in modern times. While neither party has officially chosen their candidates, it appears likely that it will be a rematch between the current President, Joe Biden, and the whining loser, Donald Trump.
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Republicans are intent on lowering the character of the political debate to infantile name-calling, and vengeance for the perceived persecution of Dear Leader Trump. They are falling in line with Trump’s campaign slogan, “I am your retribution.” Which they apparently believe is what the American people are clamoring for.
RELATED: LOL: Fox News Defends Trump By Admitting that He’s a Lying, Narcissistic, Anti-Democratic, Loser
Democrats, on the other hand, are preparing to run on Biden’s record of accomplishments that include guiding the nation out of a deadly pandemic, and restoring the economy that was in a shambles after COVID and Trump’s tenure of incompetence and catering to right-wing extremists, corporations, and the 1% upper-crusters.
Fortunately, Republicans and their sycophantic media minions are proving to be among the best surrogates for President Biden’s reelection. Not only are they sabotaging their own prospects by embracing unpopular policies like abortion bans and impeaching Biden and half his Cabinet, but they are also tying themselves inextricably to Trump’s tedious “Big Lie” about election fraud and his obsession with relitigating the 2020 election that resulted in his humiliating defeat.
SEE ALSO: YEAH, RIGHT! Trump Promises an ‘Irrefutable,’ ‘Completely Exonerating’ Report on Election Fraud
On Friday’s episode of Fox News’ “Outnumbered” they offered up some more reasons why the American people should vote for Biden in 2024. They came during a segment wherein Fox contributor “Doctor” Janette Nesheiwat surely thought she was crushing Biden with righteous criticism. She said that…
“I took a look at Bidenomics. I wanted to see what exactly was in it. My takeaway? Higher taxes, especially on the wealthy and corporations, and massive spending especially when it comes to climate change. And then they want to dump more money into COVID? Hello? I saw maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week. So they’re just spending money, and they’re spending it recklessly.”
“I took a look at Bidenomics. I wanted to see what exactly was in it, my takeaway, higher taxes, especially on the wealthy and corporations and massive spending especially when it comes to climate change”
— Acyn (@Acyn) August 18, 2023
OMG! Biden is raising taxes on billionaires, who currently pay little or nothing. And he’s providing funds to mitigate climate change, which is threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions around the country and the world. Impeach him now! Never mind that broad majorities of Americans support these policies.
Nesheiwat went on to complain about spending on COVID, because she has only seen “maybe three or four cases of COVID this entire week.” Keep in mind that she is more of a TV commentator than a practicing physician. Still, she considers her personal observations a valid statistical sample. The CDC, however, using more credible methods, reports COVID hospitalizations of 10,320 for the past week, an increase of 14.3%.
What’s more, the Fox News analysis of Bidenomics couldn’t be more off target. There is ample evidence that Bidenomics is benefiting most Americans and especially the working-class. It is improving the U.S. economy, which is leading the world. The Biden administration is responsible for the nation’s record job growth, restoration of domestic manufacturing, inflation that has been declining for the past twelve consecutive months, expanding healthcare and making it more affordable, and much more. All while reducing the deficit.
Bidenomics is working for all Americans with record job creation, inflation declining 12 consecutive months, expanding healthcare, and more. All while reducing the deficit.
— News Corpse (@NewsCorpse) August 18, 2023
So if Fox News wants to complain about Biden making the rich pay their fair share, or saving the environment, let them have at it. It’s reminiscent of a recent episode where GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-QAnon) tried to take a swipe at Democrats, but wound up starring in a Democratic campaign advertisement. The ad replayed video of her complaining about Biden and his…
“…government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare […] And he still was working on it, the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs that is actually finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on and Joe Biden is attempting to complete.”
SEE ALSO: President Biden Trolls Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hysterically Lame Swipe at Democratic Successes
Heaven forbid that Democrats would help Americans with education, healthcare, infrastructure, the environment, and more. Democrats better be careful or they will fall behind on the issues that Republicans are working so hard on, such as banning books, restricting reproductive healthcare, enriching corporations, and suppressing democracy.
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