It’s hard to imagine that someone with the psychotic dysfunction of Donald Trump ever occupied the White House. But this is where we are as he melts down ever further in the face of serious and escalating legal peril that, so far, includes three criminal indictments on 78 felony counts.
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On Thursday Trump posted the following comments on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, all within about twelve hours. These remarks hardly need any elaboration. They tell the story of a severely damaged person who is suffering from paranoia, delusions of grandeur, and malignant narcissism.
1: “What Crooked Joe Biden, who can’t string two sentences together, has done to our once great Country […] OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED BY A MAN WITH THE MIND, IDEAS, AND I.Q. OF A FIRST GRADER.”
2:”I think that Crooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent, I believe he has gone MAD, a stark raving Lunatic […] HE IS A MENTAL CATASTROPHE THAT IS LEADING OUR COUNTRY TO HELL!”
3: “Deranged Jack Smith has just asked for a trial on the Biden Indictment to take place on January 2nd., […] Only an out of touch lunatic would ask for such a date.”
And as a bonus, Trump re-posted a comment from ultra-MAGA blogger and Trump messiah disciple, Wayne Allyn Root, that said simply “Donald Trump is ‘the Chosen One.'” And this is the guy that most Republicans want to return to the White House and have the nuclear codes?
These are cries for help from a diseased mind that is fixated on his fears and projecting mental maladies onto his foes. Trump will not recover from this sickness without help from his family, friends, and professional psychiatric therapy. Which he is unlikely to get since his family and friends couldn’t care less, and/or are dependent on his madness for their own welfare. Meanwhile, America, and the world, suffers. At least until Trump is convicted, sentenced, and defeated in the next election.
- Trump Says ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Staged Photo of Trump with Suspected Obama Stalker
- Utterly Deranged Trump Calls Special Counsel a ‘Radical Right Lunatic’ Who ‘Planted’ Evidence
- Trump Warns of ‘Death and Destruction’ if He is Indicted for Crimes that He Actually Committed
- Is Trump’s Rabid Rant Accusing the FBI of ‘Changing the Election Results’ Proof He’s Nuts?
- Trump Suffers Severe Cognitive Collapse, Claims that ‘Everyone Was Happy’ When He Was in Office
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