Trump’s Latest Infantile Rant is Chock-Full of Cheap Shots that Expose His Pathetic Weakness

With only a few hours to spare, the House of Representatives passed a stop-gap measure to delay a potential government shutdown for forty-five days. Despite it being a Republican bill, it got more votes from Democrats than Republicans. Ninety Republicans voted to shutdown the government, but only one Democrat did so.

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Donald Trump, Twitter

This confirms that it is Republicans who favored throwing the nation into economic chaos and significantly hurting the American people. It’s a position that they adopted on behalf of their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, who had been pressing hard for Republicans to reject any bipartisan agreement. The stubborn opposition by members of his own party seemed to surprise GOP House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

SEE THIS: Squeaker McCarthy Laments Learning that the GOP’s Mission is to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

Meanwhile, Trump was posting more of his hostile diatribes on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. The tenor of his tirades was typically juvenile as he sought to ridicule Congress, including his own party’s leaders, for not submitting to his demands. In a late attempt to sabotage the deal, Trump wrote that…

“I hear that Old Crow Mitch McConnell, together with his small band of weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney and ‘Hopeless’ John Cornyn, are, as usual, trying to cobble together a series of massive concessions for Cryin’ Chuck Schumer and the Lunatic Left, in order to ‘bail out’ Crooked Joe Biden, THE WORST & MOST CORRUPT PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. The Old Crow, and his group of ten (plus) COWARDS, have savaged our Country by approving Trillions of Dollars for Green New Deal Insanity, and the Weaponization of our System of ‘Injustice.’ Don’t do it!!!”

There has been a lot of speculation as to whether Trump is suffering from cognitive decline. And there has been some compelling evidence of it as well. But what seems unarguable is that he has reverted to the emotional maturity of an eight year old with his recent remarks. In the short comment above Trump lashed out with profound immaturity at…

  • Old Crow Mitch McConnell
  • Weak and ineffective RINOS like Mitt Romney
  • ‘Hopeless’ John Cornyn
  • Cryin’ Chuck Schumer
  • The Lunatic Left
  • Crooked Joe Biden

This is the sort of presidential diplomacy and stature that impresses the glassy-eyed MAGA cult. However, the rest of the American population is repulsed by such demonstrations of prepubescent posturing. Particularly when it is employed to undermine policies that the people support.

The two policies cited by Trump were, in his demented words, “Green New Deal Insanity” and “Weaponization of our System of ‘Injustice.” However, broad majorities of the American people favor efforts to mitigate the climate crisis. And they likewise support efforts to hold Trump and his accomplices accountable for inciting a violent insurrection and attempting to stage an anti-democratic coup and overturn an election.

SEE ALSO: Post-Mugshot: Trump’s Phony Bravado Falls Apart as Poll Shows Most Americans Say He’s Guilty

Trump addressed the question of his guilt at a California GOP conference on Friday. He whined that “When they indicted me — and then again and again and again — I was never indicted, now I’m setting records. Al Capone was not indicted so much.”

Which is a peculiar defense. Trump is comparing himself to mobster Al Capone, and complaining that he was indicted more than Capone was. Which only serves to remind people of two things. First, that Trump is a bigger criminal who broke more laws. And second, that he wasn’t as smart as Capone, who managed to conceal most of crimes and avoid prosecution.

For the record, Al Capone was convicted on five of twenty-three counts contained in two indictments for tax evasion. Trump is awaiting trial on 91 felony counts in four criminal indictments. So yeah, Trump can legitimately brag that he is “setting records” for criminal and ethical malfeasance. He is leading everyone else by levels never seen before. Congratulations!

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Trump Says He Watches a Lot of Fox News, That He Also Says is ‘Totally Fake’ and ‘Unwatchable’

The convolutions of Donald Trump’s character are too numerous and perverse to succinctly summarize. Suffice to say that he is a twisted bundle of frayed nerves and psychoses. His contradictions and hypocrisies are legendary. And anyone who thinks that they can anticipate his behavior – other than as hostile and self-serving – is fooling themselves.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In a new interview conducted by Raheem Kassam of the ultra-rightist National Pulse, Trump put this personality disorder on display. It was 36 minutes of incoherent rambling and rehashing of the same delusional talking points that he has been dispensing for years.

RELATED: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

The interview began with Kassam asking Trump about the state of immigration: “Did you ever think you’d see this level of American Carnage?” That was a throwback reference to Trump’s infamous “American Carnage” inauguration address. Trump’s reply was a typically tortured tirade that utterly avoided reality…

“No. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. […] Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from. We know they come from prisons. We know they come mental institutions, insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad.”

So in a single reply Trump asserted that “Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from,” then proceeds to tell Kassam where they are coming from. And, of course, it was all completely false and profoundly racist. He went on to lie that there were zero terrorists intercepted by border patrol during his occupation of the White House. (Fact Check: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration).

The interview briefly touched on Trump’s television habits. We know that he was an avid viewer of Fox News and other right-wing media while allegedly serving as president. He was reported to have watched as much as eight hours of television every day. Most of that was Fox News or some other Trump-fluffing outlet that catered to his massive yet fragile ego. And apparently nothing has changed, according to Trump in the following portion of the interview (see video below beginning at 4:20)

Kassam: You make a point about the press and the media. And I think that most of the media is quite hostile towards you. I think one that I think people are surprised that have been hostile towards you has been Fox. Especially recently…
Trump: We’ve done well with Fox over the years. […] But somehow there’s just an edge there. You take a look at the anchors, look at Sean Hannity, Laura’s been great. They’ve been good. But there’s an overhang if you just feel, there’s something missing.
Kassam: But do you think [Rupert Murdoch] is going, he kind of went all in against you in this primary cycle. And I think he’s realized now that he’s not gonna win that battle. Do you think that’s why he’s kind of shuffling…
Trump: Well they put everything against DeSanctimonious. And he’s not a talented person. He’s just not a talented person. He only won because I endorsed him. He was at 3%, he was dead, and I endorsed him. […]

[Note: It’s always been curious how Trump frequently brags about having endorsed people who he considers losers and liars and incompetents, and then takes credit for their political victories. Why the heck did he endorse them?]

Trump: The anchors are so good. Jesse [Watters] has been great. Greg [Gutfeld] has been great. You look at what he’s done, right? They’ve all been good. You look on Saturday, it’s been fantastic with Pete Hegseth, Rachel [Campos-Duffy], Will [Cain]. So we get a lot of good support. And lately Brian Kilmeade’s been great. But Steve Doocy’s been terrible. I mean, to me he’s been just terrible. He’s hurting the show. Ainsley [Earhardt] is good. […]
Kassam: You still watch it a lot then?
Trump: Yeah, I watch it. I watch it. I watch it, and I watch Newsmax. I try not to watch the other…There’s so much fake news. I mean honestly, somebody like MSNBC, it’s so bad and so vicious, and same thing with CNN, but maybe even to a lesser extent. But I watch these two and honestly, it’s a campaign contribution what they do. It’s a campaign contribution. And they should pay a lot of money. Somebody has to pay for this. Because that’s an absolute campaign contribution. And they can’t be allowed to be able to get away with this. It’s so unfair.

So Trump watches quite a bit of Fox News, despite the fact that he has recently maligned them saying that “Fox News is dead,”, and that “Fox News daytime is not watchable,” and that “Fox News Polls are totally FAKE.”

Trump’s idea of a free press is one that is consistently adoring of him, and anything less than worshipful devotion is tantamount to treason. He recently used that exact language to condemn the media saying that “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt [and] should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’” He elaborated threatening that “when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized,” and that they should not “be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA,” and that they “should pay a big price for what they have done.”

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

The rest of the interview was boilerplate, dishonest Trumpisms about abortion after birth, which is not a thing; the January 6th insurrection that he incited; his efforts to overturn the election with fake electors; the Mueller report and what he calls the Russia, Russia, Russia scam; and of course, his perpetual preposterous whining about Biden being incompetent and/or corrupt. In other words, it was Trump being Trump, and abandoning what the rest of us recognize as a little thing called reality.


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Fox News Cuts Out Democrats in Their Coverage of the GOP’s Bogus Biden Impeachment Inquiry

In two days the Republican shutdown of the government will go into effect, barring any last minute agreement with the Democrats who are valiantly trying to prevent this economic calamity. But despite the nation being on the edge of a fiscal cliff that will cause serious harm to millions of Americans, Republicans are laser-focused on their baseless impeachment inquiry intended only to smear President Biden.

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Fox News, Censorship

The GOP’s inquiry is typically devoid of substance or anything resembling evidence of wrongdoing by the President. That, however, is of no concern to Republicans whose their only interest is partisan political scandal mongering and personal defamation of their Democratic foes. They have even been saying so explicitly since they assumed their razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives…

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The first inquiry hearing held by James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, further demonstrated how pitifully inept the Republicans are at manufacturing misdeeds. You might think that they would be better at it after all the practice they have had. But no.

Consequently, The Republican Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News) is having to cover for them again. During their live broadcast of the Committee’s proceedings, Fox News diligently aired the questions and commentary by Republican members of the Committee. But when it came time for a Democrat to speak, they quickly cut away to offer their biased analysis from the studio. Just as Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch began to offer a counter argument to the GOP narrative, Fox News host Harris Faulkner interrupted up to say…

“So Republicans are laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry as they begin to put together the case made for impeaching in full President Joe Biden. And so this five minutes per lawmaker – there are 47 in the room – period is what they’re on now. After hearing from the witnesses, some of whom you might even recognize.

First of all, if Republicans are “laying out the reasons for this impeachment inquiry” they are doing an abysmal job of it. They have zero evidence to offer and disreputable witnesses to interview. But more to the point, her timing is impeccable as she interrupts the remarks of Rep. Lynch in order to interview ultra-rightist hack, Leo Terrell. This is an old tactic that Fox News also employed during hearings about Trump’s unsavory associations with Russia and his two impeachments. Every time it was a Democrat’s turn to speak, Fox cut away. They also did this to prevent a speech given by Hillary Clinton…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Cuts Off Hillary Clinton So They Can Lie More About Spying on Trump that Never Happened

For the record, what Fox News cut off was Lynch’s grilling of GOP witness, Eileen O’Connor, a staunch Trump-fluffer whose rank partisanship is unparalleled. He noted that in her opening statement she referred to a commentary that she wrote entitled “You would go to prison for what Biden did.” However, she left out that the title and article actually said “what ‘Hunter’ Biden did.” She claimed it was an inadvertent omission, but would you believe a MAGA cultist?

In another part of the hearing, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez asked frequent Fox News legal confabulator, Jonathan Turley, a simple question. “In your testimony today,” she began, “are you presenting any first-hand witness account of crimes committed by the president of the United States?” Turley replied “No, I’m not.” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez asked the same question of the other witnesses who likewise replied “No.” Which begs the question, “What are they even doing there?”

There were many moments when Republicans were humiliated by the lack of evidence or any plausible reason for the hearings. But one moment stood out as Rep. Greg Casar asked “Will members of the oversight committee raise their hands if you believe both Hunter and Trump should be held accountable for any of indictments if convicted?” Every Democrat raised their hand, but not a single Republican did. So apparently the GOP does not believe that the law should apply equally to anyone. Or perhaps that the law should be equally ignored for everyone. Bottom line: They have, in effect, admitted that their hearings are a partisan sham.


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Trump is Big Mad at Fox News For Daring to Talk About Republican Candidates Not Named Trump

The primary campaign for the Republican nomination for president is in full swing. And despite the fact that Donald Trump is himself a candidate, he has twelve challengers competing for the nod. That’s a pretty profound indication of how poorly he is regarded by his party peers. Former presidents are not often challenged for their party’s nomination.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Then again, former presidents are not often notorious losers who have been impeached twice, are awaiting trial on four criminal indictments for 91 felony counts, and have been adjudicated as rapists and business frauds. Trump is uniquely situated as a candidate who has accomplished all of that while exhibiting signs of cognitive decline, acute paranoia, delusions of grandeur, and sociopathy. Considering that record of mental instability and legal liability, his opinions on candidate qualifications are remarkably relevant…

SUCH AS: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

In his previous campaigns in 2016 and 2020, Trump had unprecedented support from right-wing media, especially Fox News. That’s still true in this election cycle, but Trump isn’t quite satisfied with the level of support he’s receiving. In his mind he must have unwavering adoration without the slightest diversion from total worshipful devotion. Anything less than that is tantamount to treason. Literally…

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

In light of that, Trump has been making his dissatisfaction known in posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. On Tuesday he complained that his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) was not living up to his expectations…

“I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable. All they do is ‘gush’ over job seeking candidates that are 50 Points, plus, down to your favorite President, or speak endlessly about people that will never run and, without cheating, could never win…And what ever happened to Steve? No wonder their ratings are way down. MAGA!”

First of all, Trump is now admitting that he watches Fox News after repeatedly maligning it as “dead, totally fake, and unwatchable”. But more to the point, his complaint is centered on his notion that a “news” network shouldn’t report on all of the candidates in a primary race. It should only report on him.

While Trump is correct that he is currently leading his opponents by substantial margins, that isn’t a reason to curtail coverage of them. What’s more, contrary to Trump’s grumping, the only candidate that Fox News has ever “gushed over” is Trump. And we know that he knows that because of how frequently he thanks Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Mark Levin, and others for their unabashed gushing.

Finally, Trump takes a personal swing at Fox and Friends co-host, Steve Doocy. He doesn’t cite whatever it is that has offended him, but it is likely a minor criticism that Trump has magnified in his cartoon brain. As for Fox’s lower ratings, that’s mainly a function of the scandalous revelations that came out as a result of the defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems. Fox settled the suit for 3/4 of a billion dollars, but not until after it was revealed that most of their hosts and executives had been lying to their viewers for years.

SEE ALSO: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

Trump’s tantrum over how Fox News has betrayed him isn’t anything new. He has been attacking Fox for quite a while. Whenever he sees something that he regards as insufficiently worshipful, he lashes out. And his animus is backed up by acts of revenge, including his refusals to participate in GOP primary debates hosted by Fox, and his attempts to sabotage them. Which is why he scheduled a rally in Michigan tomorrow to compete with the second Fox hosted debate. And that follows his scheduling a Twitter interview with fired Fox host Tucker Carlson during the first Fox hosted debate. Because if there’s one thing for which you can count on Trump, it’s petty jealousy and vengeance.

SEE THIS: Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

Trump’s desperation and bottomless hostility always manages to rise to the surface. No person or entity is safe. He will turn on his closest associates should they stray from utterly blind allegiance and adulation. And his attacks on Fox News are the best evidence of his twisted sense of one-way loyalty.

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Trump Posts Video Confirming that He Illegally Bought a Gun that His Campaign Denies He Bought

It is becoming more clear every day that Donald Trump is a serial criminal who is intent on committing multiple felonies at every opportunity. He considers himself to be above the law and immune to any form of accountability.

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Donald Trump illegally buys a gun.

Consequently, it should come as no surprise that Trump once again violated federal statutes in broad daylight – in fact on video – during a visit to a gun shop in South Carolina. The proprietors showed Trump a Glock handgun that had his face engraved on it. And as affirmation of his malignant narcissism, Trump immediately exclaimed that he wanted to buy it. Perhaps he would use it to shoot someone on 5th Avenue to prove his contention that his glassy-eyed cult followers would still support him.

RELATED: Trump’s NRA Speech Showed He’s Still Angry, Ignorant, and Severely Mentally Dysfunctional

Soon after the video of Trump’s sidearm shopping spree hit the Internet, people began pointing out that it would be illegal for Trump to buy or receive a gun due to the fact that he currently has four pending criminal indictments on 91 felony charges. That prompted Trump’s handlers in his campaign to quickly delete the video and deny that any purchase actually took place.

Okay then. Problem solved.

Well, except that on Tuesday morning Trump contributed his own commentary on the subject. And as he so often does, he just made matters worse for himself by effectively confessing to the crime that his campaign spokesman had so feverishly tried to clean up. Trump re-posted a comment and video wherein he admits that he did indeed buy the gun – and is proud of it…

“MY PRESIDENT Trump just bought a Golden Glock before his rally in South Carolina after being arrested 4 TIMES in a year. LIKE A BOSS!!!”

Notice that Trump’s post was “re-truthed from Q,” a favorite source for Trump and his flock. It explicitly states that “Trump just bought a Golden Glock…after being arrested” So there is no way that Trump can pretend that he didn’t understand what the post said. He knew that there was some controversy over whether he had violated the law to buy the gun, and yet he posted this confirmation anyway. “LIKE A BOSS!!!”

The more Trump talks, the more he incriminates himself. So in the words of former President Obama, “Please proceed.”

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

UPDATE: Special Counsel Jack Smith is paying attention to Trump’s relentless efforts to incriminate himself…

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Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

Donald Trump’s campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination for president has focused almost entirely on his personal vendetta against Democrats in general, President Biden in particular, and the media that he repeatedly maligns in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” He has replaced his “MAGA” mantra with “I am your retribution.”

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Donald Trump Tyrant Dictator

Ever since he lost the election in 2020, Trump has been obsessed with trying to persuade people that the election was “rigged and stolen.” He has had no success with that “Big Lie” propaganda outside of the tiny confines of his glassy-eyed cult following. But that hasn’t stopped him from dispensing his perverse and paranoid perception of a world in which he is a victim bearing the cross of an imaginary cabal of persecutors.

RELATED: Trump is Flush With Fear Over His Dreadful Future and the Deluge of Justice That’s Coming

On Sunday Trump posted a flurry of bizarre ravings on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that are striking confirmations of his declining mental state. They all made ample use of the caps lock key that Trump abuses to accentuate his mood disorders. But the most disturbing post was an extended tirade wherein he accused the media of treason and pledged to punish them for daring to commit journalism.

“They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’ Their endless coverage of the now fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia, and much else, is one big Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party. I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events. Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”

In Trump’s demented mind, NBC’s reporting constitutes “treason” and is a “threat to Democracy.” And if he is reelected he will see to it that they, and the rest of the media, “pay a big price.” That sort of talk is not new for Trump. He is a virulent opponent of the press and will shut them all down if given the opportunity. He says so explicitly with his promise to “investigate” his media critics and even remove them from the airwaves should they fail to comply. Except for those who cater to his dreams of tyranny. That’s what aspiring authoritarians do.

The only example of any wrongdoing by the press that Trump mentions is what he calls the “fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia.” For the record, Trump’s unsavory relationships with Russia have not only never been debunked, they have been verified and documented by the courts, by the Mueller Report, and even by the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee Report.

MORE HERE: GEEZ! Trump is STILL Obsessed With the ‘Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax’ that is NOT a Hoax

What appears to have triggered this Trump tantrum is the fallout from his recent appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He was interviewed by Kristen Welker who actually let him get away with several glaring whoppers about everything from abortion to the January 6th insurrection that he incited. However, he also managed to sabotage himself with his reckless chatter that conceded his responsibility for illegal efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

SEE ALSO: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

In addition to undermining the Constitution and the First Amendment, Trump posted a comment that ordered his GOP confederates in Congress to push for a costly and harmful government shutdown, saying “UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN!” He also demanded that “Senate Democrats should all resign” due to the indictment of Sen. Bob Menendez. If that’s the criteria that he’s resting his case on, then all Republicans should resign nationwide due to Trump’s four criminal indictments on 91 felony charges.

With each new day Trump seems to validate the worst characteristics of his malignant narcissistic psychosis. His totalitarian tendencies become more prominent. And his disregard for the Constitution and the welfare of the nation grows deeper and more darkly ominous. And what’s worse is that there appears to be no bottom to his deplorable and dystopian dreams.


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OH NO! Fox News Frets About Government Shutdown Because it Might Stall the Biden Impeachment

There is less than one week to go before the Republican Congress throws the U.S. government into yet another costly shutdown. In that time the GOP will likely continue debating against itself and making threats aimed at Democrats that will ultimately result in harm to the American people.

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Fox News, Joe Biden, Fake News

GOP House Squeaker, Kevin McCarthy, has totally lost control of his caucus, Twice he failed to advance a rule allowing the pending appropriations bills to be debated. All of the opposition is coming from within his own party, who seem to believe that a shutdown would actually be beneficial. Sure it is. So long as you don’t ask the millions of Americans who rely on services related to everything from building permits, to interstate and international travel, to financial aid, to veterans benefits, to tax information and filing, and so much more.

SEE THIS: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

On Sunday morning GOP Sen. Mike Lee was interviewed on Fox News by their Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. During their chat Bartiromo and Lee expressed their deep concern as to the potential disruptions that a shutdown would cause. And in this segment they revealed what they regard as the most pertinent matter facing the nation…

Bartiromo: If we see a government shutdown does the investigation of President Biden stop? We’ve learned so much about what he and his family have been doing in the last decade.
Lee: And those allegations are very troubling. They need to be investigated. And I applaud Speaker McCarthy for launching this inquiry. I am aware of no reason, Maria, why that inquiry could not continue if the government were to shut down temporarily. There is nothing suggesting to me that Congress can’t do its work if that happens. In any event, we shouldn’t use that as an excuse unilaterally to disarm and to accede to whatever the Democrats want.

So with vital government services at risk of being curtailed, the top priority for Bartiromo and Lee is a bogus impeachment inquiry into baseless allegations against President Biden. And Bartiromo’s claim that “We’ve learned so much” about alleged Biden wrongdoing is patently false. To the contrary, every attempt to manufacture some pseudo-scandal actually resulted in proof that Biden and his administration have been extraordinarily honest and ethical.

As for Lee’s reassurance to Bartiromo that the shutdown wouldn’t impede the ill-considered inquiry, he is either placating her wingnut anxieties, or he is woefully ignorant of congressional business. While Congress can continue to operate during a shutdown, each member would make decisions as to which staffers would be considered “essential” and keep working. The others would be furloughed. And while the member would continue to be paid, none of the remaining staff would be until the shutdown was over.

What’s more, offices in other branches of government would be closed or reduced in staff during a shutdown. So any requests made by the GOP’s investigating committees would not be able to be answered. Which would, in effect, shut down their work, other than to whine about how the administration is allegedly stonewalling them.

It’s notable that Lee’s position contradicts that of McCarthy, whose post as House leader is more directly responsible for these considerations. And on this matter McCarthy made it clear that a shutdown would indeed impact any pending House investigations. As reported by Reuters

“The looming U.S. government shutdown that some hardline Republicans, including Donald Trump, are cheering for could slow one of their other priorities: the recently launched impeachment inquiry of Democratic President Joe Biden. […] ‘If we shut down, all of government shuts it down, investigation and everything else,’ McCarthy said in an interview with Fox News.

As usual, the GOP is a cesspool of chaos and lies. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that what worries Republicans should a shutdown occur does not seem to include the loss of critical services that Americans rely on, including housing and food programs for low-income families and seniors, learning and education assistance for students, job training and placement for veterans and the un- and under-employed.

Their only concern is that a shutdown could stall their brazenly partisan political attacks on Biden and his family. Which is further evidence – as if it were necessary – that Republicans couldn’t possibly care less about the American people. They only care about advancing their lust for profit and power. And to hell with the needs of their constituents. It’s an old story that just gets more repulsive with each retelling.


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Trump Has a 2:30 AM Meltdown Over President Biden Upstaging His Phony Union Rally

Donald Trump has been running for the 2024 Republican Party nomination for president for nearly three years now. He began immediately after (if not before) he lost the 2020 presidential race to Joe Biden, a man that Trump tried to portray as a senile communist aligned with Satan for world destruction.

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Despite his three year head start, it’s hard to describe Trump’s activities as anything resembling a legitimate campaign. He’s held a couple of of his cult rallies, posted hundreds of cranky, crackpot comments on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, and appeared on friendly right-wing media. With the notable exception of his disastrous “Meet the Press” interview. He isn’t even participating in the GOP primary debates. That’s likely because he’s scared witless of facing his challengers and/or further incriminating himself on one or more of the 91 felony charges he’s currently facing.

SEE THIS: Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

What Trump hasn’t done is to outline any sort of agenda for what he would hope to accomplish were he to be elected. The entire focus of his campaign is firmly rooted in his delusional and thoroughly debunked claims of election fraud, and his seething animus for his victorious opponent, President Biden. And to illustrate just how fixated Trump is on Biden, he posted a comment at 2:30 AM Saturday morning that was curdling with contempt. He obviously couldn’t sleep after Biden announced his plan to upstage Trump’s debate-dodging, phony union rally next week. What follows is an annotated transcription of Trump’s tantrum:

“Crooked Joe Biden had no intention of going to visit the United Autoworkers, until I announced that I would be heading to Michigan to be with them, & help then (sic) out.”

Needless to say, Trump had no idea of what Biden’s intentions were. And Biden surely doesn’t consult with Trump before setting his schedule. However, any fair observer would have presumed that Biden would show his support for the striking union workers. And Biden’s decision to do so the day before Trump’s bogus union rally is just smart strategic thinking.

“Actually, Crooked Joe sold them down the river with his ridiculous all Electric Car Hoax. This wasn’t Biden’s idea, he can’t put two sentences together.”

This is Trump’s 19th allegation that whatever is triggering his anxiety is a hoax. And with regard to who is able to put coherent sentences together, the following video will provide some relevant context.

“It was the idea of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, & Communists who control him and who, in so doing, are DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY! Within 3 years, all of these cars will be made in China.”

First of all, someone needs to inform Trump that fascists and Marxists are at polar opposites of the ideological spectrum. More to the point, Trump has lately been pushing this nonsense about all electric vehicles being made in China. The EV market in the U.S. is already huge, and not one of the major brands is Chinese. His twisted imagination is getting away from him, again.

“That’s what Sleepy Joe wants, because China pays him and his family a FORTUNE. He is a Manchurian Candidate.”

It is preposterous for Trump to peddle these baseless lies about Biden having any financial ties to China, when it’s Trump who has documented business in China, including his previously secret bank accounts.

“If the UAW ‘leadership’ doesn’t ENDORSE me, and if I don’t win the Election, the Autoworkers are ‘toast,’ with our great truckers to follow.”

Trump loves to issue impotent threats like this that have no basis in reality. The truth is that he, and his Republican Party, are longtime opponents of unions and the interests of the working class. They are beholden to the corporations who fund their campaigns in order to cut taxes and regulations, and weaken the bargaining power of unions. By contrast, Biden is lifelong union supporter, and is proud of it, as demonstrated in this video…

“Crooked Joe Biden is the most Corrupt and Incompetent President in the history of the USA. If he is able to gather the energy to show up, tell him to go to the Southern Border instead, & to leave the Car Industry alone!”

Trump closes his rant with some textbook projection. It is Trump whose corruption has resulted in four criminal indictments on 91 felony counts. And it is Trump’s incompetence that led to the loss of millions of jobs during his occupation of the White House. Not mention more than a million lives due to his deliberate mismanagement of the COVID pandemic.

If Trump is “able to gather the energy” he should focus on his legal troubles and try to formulate a defense. Because as it stands now, he’s headed for an avalanche of convictions. And he can leave the car industry to the Democrats, who recently saved it from near extinction, despite Republican obstruction and opposition. And when he’s done that, he might want to try and get some sleep, because these late night tantrums can’t be good for his already feeble cognitive state.


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Trump Takes Credit for Rupert Murdoch Retiring, then Takes Aim at ‘Democrat’ Mitch McConnell

This week the Mediaverse was startled by the news that Rupert Murdoch, Master of Fox News and myriad other right-wing propaganda, has retired. While this was an unexpected announcement, it is not particularly earthshattering. Murdoch had previously put his son Lachlan in charge and was not making day to day decisions.

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Donald Trump, Wah

However, the biggest beneficiary of Murdoch’s ultra-conservative Fox News Channel in recent years has undoubtedly been Donald Trump. They featured him on the air, covered his cult rallies, defended every criticism, and attacked his political opponents. For all intents and purposes, they had become the “Trump News Network.” And what did they get for it?

SEE THIS: Trump Viciously Attacks Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

After having been the recipient of perpetual Trump-fluffing from the moment he descended on his golden escalator, Trump is now somewhat less than grateful. It took him 24 hours to even mention the retirement of Murdoch. And when he did so, he neither thanked nor praised Old Rupe. Instead, he took a backhanded slap by passively-aggressively taking credit for Murdoch stepping down…

“Many people are saying that,’You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement!’ I do not believe this is so, but while we’re at it, how about getting rid of ‘Democrat’ Mitch McConnell, who gives the Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic ‘yes’ votes, EVERYTHING they want. There is ZERO Republican Leadership in the United States Senate. MAGA!!!”

Don’t be fooled by Trump claiming that he doesn’t believe that he “forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement.” His cliché assertion that “Many people are saying…” is his way of pretending that it’s others – always unidentified – not him, who are giving him the credit that he so plainly doesn’t deserve.

There are other, better reasons for Murdoch retiring. For starters, he is 92 years old and has had some recent health problems. He is also likely to be seeking relief from all of the legal tribulations of Fox News. They just agreed to a 3/4 of billion dollar defamation lawsuit settlement, and more lawsuits are pending. Now he can dump all of that in Lachlan’s lap and set sail on his yacht.

SEE ALSO: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

Don’t expect much change at Fox News under Lachlan’s reign. He is at least as conservative as his father. However, when Rupert passes on, his voting shares in the corporation will likely be distributed among his four eldest children. And since James and Elizabeth are more left-leaning, their combined shares could be enough to oust Lachlan and take over.

Trump’s ungrateful neglect of Murdoch was made worse by his exploiting the opportunity to lash out at a different foe. Trump has been bashing Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell for several years. And now he is openly calling for him to retire. Which isn’t much of a stretch considering McConnell’s recent cognitive glitches.

However, Trump goes further with an utterly deranged description of McConnell as a “Democrat” who “gives the Radical Left Lunatics…EVERYTHING they want.” This is the same McConnell whose knee-jerk conservativism delivered three Supreme Court justices for Trump. Then Trump closes by insulting the rest of his congressional confederates as providing “ZERO Republican Leadership in the United States Senate.” That includes reliable Trump toadies such as Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Tommy Tuberville.

All of this is further evidence of how deeply disturbed Trump is and how rapidly his decline is accelerating. He can’t distinguish between rational Democrats and extremist Republicans. He is obsessed with even the slightest bit of perceived criticism, and he has forsaken his most adamant admirers at Fox News. He is becoming more and more isolated in his own anxieties and fantastical delusions. And yet, he remains the leading candidate for the Republication nomination for president. Which tells you all you need to know about the Republican Party, Trump, and Fox News.


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Squeaker McCarthy Laments Learning that the GOP’s Mission is to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

The chaos and incompetence that marks the Republican Party’s alleged management of the House of Representatives is spiraling ever downward. The GOP’s razor-thin, and likely short-lived, majority is proving that their party is utterly unfit to govern.

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Donald Trump, Kevin McCarthy

In the eight months that Republican leader Kevin McCarthy has been in charge, the GOP agenda has been narrowly focused on defending their Dear Leader Donald Trump from his dozens of pending felony charges, and on struggling to magnify Hunter Biden’s personal troubles into a monstrous political scandal. They have failed pitifully on both counts. Not that they care, since their overarching goal from the start has just been to smear President Biden and other Democrats.

SEE THIS: New GOP Subcommittee Chair Openly Admits His Only Purpose is to ‘Make Life Hell’ for Democrats

The latest example of the GOP’s flaming ineptitude is their inability to pass the defense appropriations bill. That’s usually one of the easiest congressional tasks that garners bipartisan support. And with only days before a government shutdown would be invoked if the legislation – or a Continuing Resolution – isn’t passed, the GOP stalemate persists.

Under McCarthy’s “leadership” the House has now failed twice to pass even a vote to bring up the defense bill for debate. And following the second humiliation, McCarthy vented his frustrations to the press saying that…

“It’s frustrating in the sense that I don’t understand how anyone votes against bringing the idea up and having the debate. And then you’ve got all the amendments if you don’t like the bill. This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down. That doesn’t work.”

To be clear, the “individuals” that McCarthy is referring to are members of his own caucus who are hell-bent on sabotaging the legislation unless they get their way. That means weighing down the bill with unrelated irrelevancies such as mandating single-subject appropriations bills, subpoenaing Hunter Biden, and commencing impeachment hearings. Never mind that any bill with anything like those matters in it will never pass in the Senate and the government will be forced to shutdown. Which is what many in the Republican Party actually want.

SEE ALSO: GOP Wants a Government Shutdown Because ‘Most of What We Do is Bad, Hurts the American People’

What’s curious about McCarthy’s whining is that he seems to be learning for the first time that Republicans have always been the party of government failure. Their long-time platform and campaign slogan has been that government doesn’t work. And whenever they have held any measure of power, they did their best to prove it. It is hardly, as McCarthy complained, a “new concept.”

Not to be left out, Trump made his interests known in a posting on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. After making a superfluous aside about his fabled border wall, Trump got to the point of his directive, which typically was focused solely on himself…

“A very important deadline is approaching at the end of the month. Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized Government that refuses to close the Border, and treats half the Country as Enemies of the State. This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other Patriots. They failed on the debt limit, but they must not fail now. Use the power of the purse and defend the Country!”

So Trump is insisting that his minions in Congress “must defund” what he calls a “weaponized Government.” And if that wasn’t clear enough that he wants them to interfere with the duties of the Justice Department, he elaborated saying that this is “the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me.”

Unfortunately for Trump, he is too self-obsessed and ignorant to know that the Office of the Special Counsel is funded independently and the House of Representatives has no authority to unilaterally obstruct its operations. So Trump’s desperate yearning to impose his will on Congress and evade accountability for his crimes is just more wistful wailing into the void.

This is the environment within which McCarthy must find a way to keep both the government and his speakership post active. And given his demonstrated impotence, it’s unlikely he can succeed. His excuse is that his majority is just too small to work with. But Nancy Pelosi had the same small majority and managed pass numerous significant bill, including the American Rescue Plan to restore the economy and create jobs; the Infrastructure Act to rebuild America’s roads, bridges, airports, and communications; the Inflation Reduction Act that also advanced projects to mitigate climate change; the CHIPS Act to bring technology manufacturing back to the U.S.; and the PACT Act to expand veterans health care.

That’s what can be achieved by a party that believes that government is there to pursue the interests of the people. And McCarthy’s moaning about his mini-majority won’t fool anyone that he’s interested in serving the people.

RELATED STORY: Kevin McCarthy Can’t Even Lie Well About His Wretched Record as Squeaker of the House

As for “Burning down the House,” here’s a more entertaining version of that notion…

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