Trump Spends New Year’s Eve Whining About Whether the Senate Will Confirm His Noxious Nominees

Another year is coming to a close and people all over the nation and the world are celebrating the promise of what a new year will bring for them, their families, and their country. It’s a time when everyone is filled with somber reflections on the past and uplifting hopes for the future.

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Joe Biden and Donald Trump on New Year's Day

Well, almost everyone. True to form, Donald Trump is plagued by his persistent fits of distemper and hostility aimed at the armies of perceived enemies that he imagines are converging to destroy him. While others are preparing for parties and good times with loved ones, Trump generally celebrates holidays like these with infantile attacks on the conspirators plotting against him, such as his message last year…

“HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of the Radical Left Democrats, Marxist Lunatics, China loving Coco Chow and her Obedient Husband, Mitch, and Clueless RINOS, who are working so hard to DESTROY our once great Country.”

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Heartwarming, isn’t it? This year Trump continues to focus on the tribulations of his miserable existence. For someone who is always bragging about his wealth and success at everything he does, he sure seems to complain a lot. And on New Year’s Eve morning Trump was furious that the Senate, whose constitutional duty it is to provide “advice and consent” to presidential nominees, actually has the audacity to plan confirmation hearings. Trump raged that…

“We just won a Historic Landslide and Mandate from the American People, but Senate Democrats are organizing to improperly stall and delay the confirmation process of many of our Great Nominees. They will try all sorts of tricks starting very soon. Republicans must not allow them to do that. We have a Country to run, and many big problems to solve, mostly created by Democrats. REPUBLICANS, BE SMART AND TOUGH!!!”

Let’s begin to unpack that harangue by noting that Trump’s claim to have “won a Historic Landslide and Mandate” is a flagrant lie. The margin of victory over Vice-President Kamala Harris was a mere 1.6%, one of the narrowest margins in modern history. Consequently, the only mandate he has is in his ego-warped, cartoon brain.

The remainder of Trump’s rant addresses his outrage that Democrats in the Senate, and even a few Republicans, intend to hold confirmation hearings to assess the suitability of Trump’s Cabinet and White House nominees. And no wonder he’s upset. His nominees are profoundly unqualified, inexperienced, and utterly unfit for the jobs that Trump nominated them to perform. Many of Trump’s nominees are, in fact, downright hostile toward the departments they are being asked to run. For instance…

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services, advocates terminating most of the experts at the Food and Drug administration, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services.
  • Kash Patel, his nominee for FBI Director, has promised to go after the media as well as members of the Bureau for imaginary crimes against Trump.
  • Pete Hegseth, his nominee for Secretary of Defense, has advocated on behalf of soldiers convicted of war crimes.
  • Pam Bondi, his nominee for Attorney General, says she will prosecute the U.S. attorneys under her in the Justice Department.
  • Linda McMahon, his nominee for Secretary of Education, has called for the Education Department to eliminated.

In Trump’s mind, the hearings themselves are “improper” and meant to stall the consecration of his blindly loyal apparatchiks. He believes that Democrats are engaging in “tricks” by inquiring into the qualifications of Trump’s flunkies. And he is beseeching his fellow Republicans to prohibit the Senate from fulfilling their Constitutional duties.

These are the demands of an aspiring authoritarian who seeks unchallenged power and unflinching fealty to Dear Leader. And the fact that Trump is obsessing over this on a day that most other Americans are celebrating the new beginnings of a new year tells you just how serious he is about exalting himself as the this new year unfolds.

Trump must not be allowed to prevail in this wholly un-American perversion of democratic principles. The American people must resist his assault on our Constitution and the liberties it provides. And the resistance begins right after we’re done partying and celebrating the turning of the calendar’s page. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!


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