Word of the Day: FLAWGIC – The ‘Flawed Logic’ Employed by Trump and His Dimwitted Disciples

Donald Trump is not known for having a well developed capacity for rational expression or comprehension. After all, he is the self-proclaimed “stable genius” who delivers deranged sermons on cancer-causing windmills, nuking hurricanes, and Hannibal Lecter. He believes that injecting bleach will cure COVID, and that tariffs are paid by foreign governments rather than domestic importers and, eventually, consumers.

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Consequently, it will surprise no one that Trump and his MAGA flunkies can now be recognized for their use of what we at News Corpse are calling “Flawgic” – a portmanteau of “flawed” + “logic.” [Note to Trumpists: a portmanteau is a new word formed by combining two existing words] Flawgic has become a regular component of the discourse in Trumpian circles, along with his grossly distorted perceptions of political reality.

SEE THIS: WTHolyF? Trump Says Democrats Want to Ditch the Popular Vote in Favor of the Electoral College

This weekend a couple of confirmed Trump-fluffers were kind enough to offer examples of flawgic that perfectly illustrate their meaning. Let’s begin with one by New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, who had the following exchange with CNN’s Dana Bash about the obvious potential for conflicts of interest that Elon Musk presents as Trump’s government efficiency czar…

Bash: One of the criticisms and concerns is that [Elon Musk] has billions tied up in government contracts. You don’t see a conflict of interest here?
Sununu: Everyone has a conflict of interest.
Bash: But that’s a pretty big one
Sununu: The guy’s worth $450 billion today. I don’t think he’s doing it for the money. He’s doing it for the bigger project and the bigger vision for America. He doesn’t need the dollars…He’s so rich, he’s removed from the potential financial influence of this.

Right! Because billionaires all got that way by not caring about making money. And when they became billionaires, they cared about it even less. So why not put them in charge of regulating the agencies that regulate their own businesses? And Trump’s businesses as well. After all, every billionaire has abandoned any aspiration for their own self-interest and devotes themselves exclusively to the welfare of others less fortunate than they are. Right?

That would explain why Musk and Trump are now advocating on behalf of well paid, highly skilled foreign technology workers rather than the Americans they have pretended to be the champions of. Meanwhile, they vent venomously about mass deportations of low paid foreign workers in agriculture, construction, and healthcare jobs, that Americans refuse to do.

What’s more, Sununu is excusing the wealthy from the burden of obeying laws that the rest of us have to comply with. In his view, they can violate conflict of interests laws at will because of their purity of purpose and lack of motivation to grease the wheels of government in order to enrich themselves further.

The other notable example of flawgic came during a Fox News interview of Robert O’Brien, Trump’s former National Security Advisor, who presented a unique defense of Trump’s dangerously hostile and preposterous ideas about invading and/or annexing American allies such as Panama, Mexico, Canada, and Greenland. O’Brein said that…

“The Kingdom of Denmark owns Greenland. And they’ve got an obligation to defend Greenland. So president Trump says “If you don’t defend Greenland, we’ll buy it, and we’ll defend it. But we’re not going to do it for free.”

Is O’Brien really arguing that any country that is unable to defend itself from an attack by Russia or China should be taken over by the U.S.? That could apply to almost every country in the world. It’s a proposal that reeks of the “master race” superiority of fascist regimes who regard themselves as the saviors of all mankind. It also destroys the concept of national sovereignty and international alliances for mutual defense, such as NATO, an extraordinarily successful treaty agreement that Trump is itching to drag America out of unless they send kickbacks his way.

Sununu and O’Brien are not crackpot QAnon types who rant anonymously online. They are supposedly reputable Republicans who reflect the ideology of the party. And yet they will appear on television and disgorge this sort of nonsense with a straight face. That’s what has become of the GOP in the Era of Trump. Everyone is required to sink to the same depths of depravity as Dear Leader. No matter how cowardly, humiliating, or shameful.


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