Trump-Humping Hack Wants to Ban Everyone But Peter Doocy of Fox News From White House Press Room

The MAGA media mob is growing more aggressively authoritarian with each passing day. The prospect of Donald Trump reoccupying the White House has them bursting with confidence that their Project 2025 plot to infest the U.S. government with unabridged neo-fascism can proceed unchallenged.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, White House

Leading their agenda for the Trump regime is an effort to purge the White House press corps of any and all reputable journalists and others who are not fully indoctrinated Trump cultists. They are determined to banish reporters who might cause trouble by actually reporting the truth about Trump and his administration’s corruption and malfeasance. And they aren’t shy about their nefarious intentions…

SEE THIS: Trump’s Press Secretary Plans to Turn the WH Briefing Room Into a Pro-Trump Propaganda Mill

Among those seeking to Trump-itize the White House press corps is long-time Trump flunky, Hugh Hewitt. On a recent episode of his podcast, Hewitt floated this preposterous suggestion that is staunchly aligned with the approach to the press that is favored by the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un…

“With the exception of Peter Doocy, I would ban everyone from the White House press room who has been there for the past four years because they are obviously of no use to the country. They didn’t tell us the number one thing, which is that he’s not competent. Why in the world would Trump let them in? […] ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Washington Post, New York Times, those five brands are broken beyond broken after this expose. Is there any way you could trust anything that they say?

REALLY? Hewitt thinks that only the most partisan hack in the press room, Peter Doocy of Fox News, should remain there, and everyone else be cast out? That would make for a pretty dull daily press briefing with only Doocy asking questions of Trump’s predictably dishonest press secretary, Karoline Leavitt.

Although they could fill the empty seats with Trump-approved asses such as Hewitt, Joe Rogan, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, etc. That way they would be assured of fielding only friendly questions, to which they would still provide non-answers that were mostly lies and smears.

What’s more, Hewitt is so appalled by the media that he can’t understand how anyone “could trust anything that they say.” So his solution is to limit the media outlets to the one that was found to have lied so horribly that they were forced to pay a settlement of nearly a billion dollars.

SEE ALSO: Fox News is Still Pushing the Lie that the 2020 Election Was Stolen that Cost Them $787 Million

The specific complaint that triggered Hewitt’s rant was his view that the media – except for Doocy – didn’t properly cover what he believes was President Biden’s diminished mental capacity. But even if you give him a pass on that brazenly biased perspective, he’s leaving out something that would be just as relevant. And that’s the obviously diminished mental capacity of Trump. Here’s how the Daily Show presented it by using Fox News attacks on Biden, but showing Trump video instead…

These cretins don’t have any appreciation for the traditional purpose of the Press Room, which is to provide journalists with access to the president and his staff in order to inform the public, not to become a partisan propaganda mill where only those who have sworn allegiance to Trump can participate. But that’s precisely what Hewitt wants. And it’s also what the Trump media team want. The only problem they face is that it isn’t what the American people want. But if they pursue this strategy, they will find out soon enough.


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