Fox News Tea Baggers Consumed With Fear

The upcoming Tax Day Tea Parties are shaping up to be a source of unending hilarity. A week before the event, supporters are already fretting over their self-invented fears of being infiltrated by the liberal, Soros-sponsored, ACORN hordes, who apparently have nothing better to do than disrupt the Foxbots’ Mad Hatter Fests.

[Isn’t it a little disrespectful to place a used tea bag on the American flag, staining it?]

The right-wing blogosphere is all atwitter with anxiety at the thought of lefties crashing their lame parties. Take a look at some of these examples:

Michele Malkin: And on the ground, the tax-subsidized and Soros-subsidized troops are going to try and wreak havoc every way they can. Many readers and fellow bloggers have seen signs that ACORN may send in ringers and saboteurs to usurp the anti-tax, anti-reckless spending, anti-bailout message.

Neil Cavuto: Only eight days before a nationwide tea party, some over-caffeinated crashers aiming to lay waste to it. Reports of very well-organized infiltrators trying to mix in and rain on this parade. Talk about taxing.

Townhall: The latest attack from the left is not aimed at the Republican party or Michael Steele or Rush Limbaugh, but at Democrat, Republican and Independent Americans across the country who have dared to organize “tea parties” to oppose rising taxes, more government control over private enterprise and less individual liberty.

I’m still having trouble grasping how the right can view liberals as weak, tottering, appeasers of Socialism, yet still fear their foreboding presence at a political rally. It parallels their thoroughly illogical perception of President Obama as lacking the courage or strength to be an effective leader, yet he is also a tyrannical despot plotting to enslave America and bend the world to his will.

The truth about these astroturf-roots charades is that they are nothing more than promotions for Fox News. They are pitched on the air and on Fox Nation. At least four Fox “personalities” are hosting the events (Glenn Beck, Neil Cavuto, Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susteren). Fox even describes them as FNC TAX DAY TEA PARTIES.”

Any other news enterprise that covers these shams is acting as Fox’s PR agency. Would Fox hype NBC’s Today show concerts outside their Manhattan studio? Of course not. The press should ignore these staged commercial publicity traps and cease to be bullied into providing free advertising for their competition. The only coverage these jokers deserve is on The Daily Show and Saturday Night Live.


6 thoughts on “Fox News Tea Baggers Consumed With Fear

  1. Send your tea bags to the RNC.

  2. The Pew Research Center Disagrees with your analysis of the Main stream media.

    Pew Research Pole says 70% of people polled said they think the media wants Obama to win while only 9% said they thought the media wanted McCain to win.

    We need an opposite view to try and balance the perspective of all the other media outlets.

    Even though Fox has high ratings, I am sure we can say that Fox News was slanted against Obama and therfore was not able to balance out the perception that the Main Stream Media was for Obama.

    Good job Fox News.

    • OK – Stop spamming my site with this message over and over again. All future instances will be deleted. It has nothing to do with the subject of this article.

  3. “It parallels their thoroughly illogical perception of President Obama as lacking the courage or strength to be an effective leader, yet he is also a tyrannical despot plotting to enslave America and bend the world to his will.”

    Which is totally not like the left’s perception of Bush as a dumb gaffe-making buffoon out to destroy our civil liberties, tear up the Constitution, and start a new American Empire.

    • First of all, it is because Bush is a buffoon that our civil liberties and Constitution were at risk.

      Secondly, nobody on the left really regarded Bush alone as the threat. It was his masters Cheney and Rove, combined with his buffoonery, that made him so dangerous.

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