The annual “Lie of the Year” award by PolitiFact for “the most significant falsehood” of 2015 has been given to Donald Trump for his collective “misstatements” throughout his six month campaign for the Republican nomination for president.
This may be the easiest decision that PolitiFact ever had for their annual fib-fest. In the short time that Trump has been a candidate he has racked up an unprecedented record of flagrant fabrications. Three out of four of Trump’s statements reviewed by Politifact this year were rated “Mostly False” or worse. Indeed, 21% were “Pants on Fire” lies. Aaron Sharockman, PolitiFact’s executive editor, announced the decision in an online video saying…
“PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year goes to the most significant falsehood that we can find. But in 2015 we couldn’t settle on just one. That’s because of Donald Trump. Trump, the billionaire businessman who entered the race for persident in June, has many big and bold statements. Unfortunately, most of them are inaccurate.”
PolitiFact focused on three prominent falsehoods that Trump made, and subsequently refused to acknowledge as false despite the overwhelming evidence. They were: his delusional assertion that he saw “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the fall of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11; his claim that the Mexican government was deliberately sending criminals to the U.S.; and his tweet that insanely stated that 81% of whites murdered in America were killed by African-Americans. The correct number is 16%. 82% of whites were killed by whites.
However, Trump’s pathological lying goes far beyond those examples. News Corpse has been compiling his unabashed dishonesty in the Trump Bullshitopedia. So far there are more than three dozen documented lies. Here are just a few samples:
- Trump asserts that “[The 9/11 hijackers] put their families on airplanes, couple of days before, sent them back to Saudi Arabia for the most part. Those wives knew exactly what was going to happen.” Except only one of the nineteen hijackers was married.
- Trump said that 100 black pastors would endorse him. Pastors say not so.
- Trump said he didn’t mock, or even know, the reporter whose disabilities he mocked and knew for a decade.
- The Obama administration wants to admit 250,000 Syrian refugees. He’s off by 240,000.
- He was on 60 Minutes with Vladimir Putin and “got to know him very well.” Except that they were interviewed separately thousands of miles apart.
- Climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.
Ironically, the news of Trump being designated the year’s biggest liar comes on the same day that he is laughably demanding an apology from Hillary Clinton for saying that “He is becoming ISIS’s best recruiter.” (Clinton responded “Hell no!”) It is unarguably true that the rhetoric being espoused by Trump is a recruiting aid for terrorist organizations trying to paint the U.S. as the enemy of Islam. And it isn’t just Clinton saying so. It’s also the consensus of most terrorism experts. Even Trump’s GOP colleagues agree. Sen. Lindsey Graham (the only GOP candidate with military experience) recently said that Trump’s plan for the Middle East “would the biggest recruiting opportunity in the history of ISIL.”
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So congratulations, Mr. Trump, on being recognized for the bullshit artist you are and always have been. The fact that your lies are so numerous that PolitiFact couldn’t even narrow down their assessment to a single one really tells the story of your acute pathology. What’s more, anyone who continues to support you after this humiliation is essentially admitting that they don’t give a damn about the truth. But since they have already conceded that they are racists who are comfortable supporting a neo-fascist, wanna-be dictator, that should not come as a surprise.
[Update:] Trump has responded to PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year” exactly as you might expect he would – with more lies:
Trump told ABC’s Jonathan Karl that PolitiFact is “a very dishonest group in my opinion.” And he told Fox & Friends that he’s “been proven right,” despite not being able to cite any of the alleged “proof.”
What Trump might have said—and condemned—is that, allegedly, the only flight out of the U.S. that day–9/11–was a plane carrying members of the Saudi royal family. Pres. Shrub saw to it that it could leave. His daddy was thicker than thieves with the Saudis. But Trump doesn’t care if there is evidence or not for the claims he makes. Not a good thing for a person with his finger on the button to do.
Well, well, well. A year of substantial time and effort has finally paid off for The Dumbald. And by year, we really mean 62 [69 technically, per Wikipedia, but it does take a while for someone who refuses to learn to understand how to speak].