Delusional, Self-Anointed Messiah Trump Proclaims that ‘I’ve Been Right About Everything’

According to Christian doctrine, there is only one infallible person who ever walked among the humans on Earth. They believe that is Jesus Christ, who in their faith is the messiah and savior of all mankind. Perfection is regarded as a divine trait that only god can claim. Everyone else is a sinner by birth.

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Donald Trump Messiah

But don’t anyone tell Donald Trump that. He has been professing his perfection for most of life. In his mind he has never made a single mistake, despite his misfortune of being surrounded by people – who he selected – that fail repeatedly. It’s a level of delusion that cannot be measured by modern instruments. He has even proclaimed that he is the “chosen one.”

SEE THIS: Trump Says ‘I Am the Chosen One’ After Tweeting that He’s ‘The Second Coming of God’

In an interview with Greg Kelly on the ultra-rightist network Newsmax, Trump was given an opportunity to associate himself with the rest humanity that suffers from the heartbreak of fallibility. But true to form, he waved it off and reiterated his belief in his own holy transcendence and supremacy…

Kelly: You’ve been right a lot, but nobody is right all the time. Is there such a thing as overconfidence? Are you at this point tough to advise? I know you’ve got great advisors, but did you learn some negative lessons by being right when they were wrong and you might think, “Well, I’m always right. They must always be wrong.”
Trump: Well, they do have a hat – and I don’t produce it. Somebody else – “Trump was right about everything.” .I mean, if you look at all of these – many, many things, I’ve been right about everything.

Kelly could not have composed a more fawning and obsequious question, leading with the preposterous premise that Trump is “right a lot.” But at least Kelly conceded the possibility that he may have been wrong on a few occasions. In reality he was wrong with impressive frequency. But Kelly’s mild concession was the most that could be hoped for from a bona fide Trump-fluffer.

Trump, on the other hand, made no such concessions. he immediately referred to what is his most reliable source of information – a hat – to affirm his state infallible divinity. If it’s printed on a hat, it must be true. Never mind that Trump has been wrong about some of the most critical matters that have faced the nation. Such as…

  • He said that COVID was no worse than the flu and would disappear in a few days.
  • He insisted that the stock market would crash if Biden were elected.
  • He lied that tariffs would bring in billions of dollars from China.
  • He maligned migrants as prisoners and mental patients who would increase crime.
  • He promised to eliminate the national debt.
  • He opposed NATO and heralded its demise.
  • He predicted that his tax cuts for the rich would create jobs and boost the economy.
  • He continues to push his “Big Lie” that he won the 2020 election.

None of those things were remotely true. And just to cap his record of wrongness, in the same interview Trump proved how utterly idiotic he can be. Reaching back in time to attack a perennial foe, Trump brought up Bill and Hillary Clinton to say that…

Hillary Clinton did “all sorts of acid testing and everything else. They call it BleachBit. But it’s essentially acid that will destroy everything within 10 miles. What she did was unbelievable. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens to Bill Clinton. He took it out in his socks. You know, the famous “socks” case, which he actually ended up winning.”

That is indeed “unbelievable.” Because it is flagrantly false. And not just false but ridiculous. Hillary Clinton followed State Department guidelines for retiring digital devices when leaving office. She used a software program called BleachBit to erase any potentially exploitable data. She did not use some imaginary acidic substance that could “destroy everything within 10 miles.”

As for Bill Clinton, he never took anything hidden in his socks. The story that Trump is mangling is one where Clinton voluntarily handed over to investigators documents for his memoir that he had stored at home in a sock drawer. They were eventually ruled to be his personal property and not sensitive government materials in any respect.

Given how often Trump is wrong, paired wit how often he is merely stupid, it would be insane to support him for any office in any government. But the devotion of his glassy-eyed disciples is just further evidence that he is leading a cult, not a political party. Which only makes it more imperative that he be soundly defeated in November. Because if there is anything that Trump has been right about, it’s his intention to rule as a dictator should he be given the chance.


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HUH? Fox News Accuses Democrats of ‘Demonizing’ Trump’s ‘Crazy,’ ‘Deplorable,’ MAGA Extremists

The Trump-fluffers of Fox News seem to be determined to continuously prove that they are the masters of hypocrisy with the self-awareness of a dormant bacterium. However, they need not be worried about losing their status as world-class clodpoles, given the blockhead start they have over any potential challengers.

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Donald Trump Baby Fox News

The editorial manglers at Fox News must get together every morning to map out the day’s outrages and distort fragments of alternative facts into exploitable pseudo-scandals. And judging by how poorly they do it, it must be a profoundly difficult task. But they take it up with the same measure of gusto, and flaming dishonesty, that their beneficiaries at the Republican Party do…

SEE THIS: The GOP’s Pathetic ‘Research’ Unit Posts Endless, Bogus Clips of Biden Supposedly ‘Confused’

Recently the hair-on-fire Fox News fabulists have been expressing their unbridled outrage at what they characterize as hyperbolic criticism of Donald Trump and his MAGA cult followers. They seem to believe that Democrats have gone overboard with the reckless use of offensive adjectives. Apparently they have never heard a single thing that Trump has ever said. And that sheltered and purposeful ignorance has led to commentaries such as the following…

Fox News host Harris Faulkner: “I’ve gotta talk to you about that word ‘crazies.’ It reminded me of ‘deplorables.’ And if Democrats are again willing to go down this road, because the Vice-President didn’t say anything when Joy Behar screamed out, ‘How are you gonna stop the crazies,” it’s Hillary Clinton’s deplorables all over again.”

First of all, Faulkner is complaining about something said by Joy Behar, a co-host of “The View” She is paid to express opinions, and is not affiliated with the Democratic Party. More to the point, Faulkner is holding Vice-President Kamala Harris accountable for Behar’s views, and comparing it to something that Hillary Clinton said eight years ago. Proving that Fox News is, once again, totally plugged into what matters most to voters today.

For the record, Clinton’s reference to “deplorables” was limited to just a subset of Republicans who were overtly hateful and bigoted. So the comparison made by Faulkner is not really far off. Behar was also referring to the same subset of GOP crackpots who believe Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the “rigged and stolen” 2020 election, and that President Biden is a usurper and/or an imposter.

Fox News Senior Political Anal-Cyst, Jesse Watters, also weighed in to blast Democrats for “demonizing” the glassy-eyed disciples of Trump…

Fox News host Jesse Watters: “This country cannot have an election where one side is demonized, and you don’t say how I’ve improved your life. And Joe Biden, he kind of has to demonize because if you look at the metrics he has not improved anyone’s life.”

In the real world, if you look at the metrics, Bidenomics is working astonishingly well. The economy is booming. The stock market is soaring. Inflation is declining, GDP is increasing, Consumer sentiment is higher. Biden has presided over the creation of more jobs than any other modern presidency. Billions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Billions of dollars of tax revenue has been recovered from wealthy tax cheats and corporations.

Furthermore, Biden has steered unprecedented funding to infrastructure projects and climate change mitigation. And he continues to fight for family values such as the right to make their own health choices, and to be safe from massacres perpetrated with assault weapons. All of this is concrete evidence of how he has improved the lives of the American people.

Nevertheless, Watters is very upset about politicians demonizing their opponents. But his anger seems more appropriately aimed at Donald Trump, who rages daily about the “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

To anyone who has been paying attention, it is Trump, Republicans, and Fox News who have been engaging in vilification and demonization. And they direct their assaults, not just at extremists, but at anyone and everyone who has the temerity to merely disagree with them or Dear Leader Trump. Their allusions to demons is literal, as they regard Trump as having been chosen by god to lead them to glory.

Absent Trump’s leadership, America is, according to Trump himself, “going to HELL!” He even used his Christmas greeting to attack Democrats as “evil and ‘sick’” “THUGS” who “are looking to destroy our once great USA. MAY THEY ROT IN HELL.” And Fox News defended that seasonal grotesquery…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Hack Jonathan Turley Likens Trump’s ‘Rot in Hell’ Christmas Message to – ‘Die Hard’?

Look for more of this malicious hatred to be unleashed by the MAGA crowd as election day draws nearer. It’s really all they have left, since their pitiful attempts to govern have failed so dramatically, and they have abandoned any effort to draft policies that will appeal to the American people. And, true to form, as they flail in desperation they will accuse Democrats of the repulsive behavior that they themselves engage in. It’s what they do.


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Fox News: Democrats Shouldn’t Allow Hillary Clinton to Talk About Deprogramming the MAGA Cult

Fox News must have been thrilled that their favorite political piñata, Hillary Clinton, surfaced in a new interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. They have clearly missed taking wild, albeit feeble, swings at the woman who got three million more votes than their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, and who still manages to make their blood pressure surge whenever she invades their sheltered psyches.

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Fox News, Hillary Clinton

The interview was a wide ranging discussion of current affairs and the state of the political environment. Naturally, Clinton was asked about the Republican disarray in the House of Representatives where their fringiest faction ousted their own Speaker for failing to toe the wingnut line closely enough. Although Fox News thinks they may have found an alternative more to their liking.

SEE THIS: LOLOL: Fox News is Already Hyping Trump for Speaker of the House, and He is Open To It

In the course of the interview, Amanpour asked Clinton whether there was a way going forward wherein the parties could form coalitions to advance the people’s business. Clinton began her response by noting that the passage of the Continuing Resolution that temporarily avoided a government shutdown was evidence that there there is a “common sense, sane part of the Republican caucus in the House.” However, she also observed that they are often “intimidated” by the GOP extremists. She elaborated saying that…

“Sadly, so many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s now defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions, and we need a break with him. Because at some point point maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. But something needs to happen.”

UH-OH! That was all that was necessary to trigger the outrage of Fox News. On their Friday morning episode of “Outnumbered,” co-hosts Kayleigh McEnany and Tomi Lahren were shocked by Clinton’s perfectly rational analysis of the perversely devotional attachment to Trump. They latched unto Clinton’s accurate description of the MAGA movement as a cult and her tongue-in-cheek suggestion that they be “deprogrammed.”

McEnany: You expect to hear this in the Soviet Union and communist China, and third world countries, dictatorships. But not here in the United Sates.
Lahren: She’s still so bitter about 2016 and that’s landing. She is so upset, so jaded that she lost she just cannot accept it. […] What I don’t understand is why the Democrat Party is allowing her to speak on behalf of the Democrat Party. It does nothing for them.

First of all, someone needs to tell McEnany that the Soviet Union was dissolved 32 years ago. But more to the point, Lahren wants to know “why the Democrats would continue to parade [Clinton] out.” Lahren’s complaint that the Democratic Party is “allowing” Clinton to speak is an affirmation that the Trumpist Republicans are indeed a cult and that, in their tunnel-blind perception, all political parties are cults. They can’t comprehend that Clinton is free to speak about whatever she wants, any time she wants, without getting permission from GOP-style party apparatchiks. Republicans don’t tolerate that sort of independent thought.

What’s more, at no point in the interview did Clinton suggest that she was speaking for the Democratic Party. She was offering her own opinions. However, the lock-step agreement from the other panelists on the Fox News program is further proof of the cult-like state of the GOP as represented on their propaganda network. Which, ironically, underscores the kernel of truth in Clinton’s snarky statement that the Trump Deplorables need to be deprogrammed. They just keep confirming that they are cult. Especially when they try to deny it.


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Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

The inbred hypocrisy of Donald Trump and his MAGA flavored Republican Party is an unmistakable feature that they have exhibited for years. It has actually become a tool that they employ shamelessly in the dissemination of their flagrantly dishonest propaganda.

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Trump himself is the foremost dispenser of this prefab hypocrisy. He excels at making public statements that are diametrically opposed to his prior statements, even when they were merely minutes apart. It’s such an obvious diversion from reality that it’s possible it isn’t hypocrisy at all, but a more serious mental deficiency.

RELATED: LOL: Trump Says All Presidential Candidates (Except Himself) Should Take Mental Competency Tests

For much of the past few months, Trump has been immersed in anxiety over the multitude of crimes he has committed and the legal accountably that he is now facing. He has been been indicted twice on than 60 felony counts ranging from falsifying business records, to obstruction of justice, to violations of the Espionage Act due to his theft and hoarding of classified documents.

Regarding those documents, Trump has floated numerous hypocritical explanations for keeping them at his Mar-a-Lago home/hotel. He has variously claimed that they don’t exist, that they were declassified with his mind, that they were planted by the FBI, and that they actually belong to him. Clearly, it isn’t possible for all of those excuses to be true. But as the Hypocrite in Chief, Trump doesn’t care.

Now that Trump is an indicted suspect in dozens of felonious acts, he is lashing out at law enforcement and prosecutors, many of whom he appointed. And the fact that he’s a criminal defendant doesn’t seem to be an impediment to his campaign. In fact, he brags that his polling goes up with each new charge.

However, that was not always his opinion of presidential candidates under investigation. Reporters at CNN recently reached back to Trump’s 2016 campaign when he was running against Hillary Clinton and was calling on the feds to “lock her up.” What they found were Trump’s feelings about that state of affairs, at least at that time, were markedly different…

“Trump made the comments nearly seven years ago about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.

“’We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,’ Trump said during a November 5, 2016, campaign rally in Reno, Nevada, reviewed by CNN’s KFile. ‘It would grind government to a halt.'”

[And that…]

“If [Hillary Clinton] were to win, it would create an unprecedented Constitutional crisis that would cripple the operations of our government. She is likely to be under investigation for many years, and also it will probably end up – in my opinion – in a criminal trial. […]. She has no right to be running.”

There are significant differences between the probes of Clinton and Trump. For one, there was never any credible evidence of Clinton having committed a crime. Consequently, she was never indicted. She was, in fact, eventually exonerated in full. Trump, on the other hand, has been indicted on 60+ felony counts. And there is voluminous evidence in both material documents and testimony from Trump associates, including his former attorneys.

So if Trump were interested in showing some principled consistency in his views, he would immediately drop out of the race. After all, he is “likely to be under investigation for many years,” which would “cripple the operations of our government,” and “grind government to a halt.” But consistent with his practice of Olympic-grade hypocrisy, we should not expect Trump to hold himself to the standards he imposes on others. In his mind he is immune from any judgment or punishment because everything he does is “perfect.”

SEE ALSO: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims that Only He Can ‘End the Bloodshed and Bring Peace to the World’

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RNC Chair is ‘Very Disconcerted’ that Biden Can’t Get Republicans to Support Trump’s Indictments

The Cult of Donald Trump – aka the Republican Party – is proving once again how devoted they are to their Dear Leader despite the voluminous record of his legal and ethical misconduct. The party is signaling that it will remain loyal to Trump no matter what crimes he has committed, even if he is convicted by a jury of his peers.

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Donald Trump, GOP

Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), was interviewed by Kaitlan Collins on CNN Friday. The topics of conversation naturally included the recent indictments of Trump on 37 felony counts ranging from obstruction of justice to violations of the Espionage Act. Trump’s response to being indicted was a predictable emotional meltdown attacking President Biden and the the special counsel, Jack Smith.

SEE ALSO: Utterly Deranged Trump Calls Special Counsel a ‘Radical Right Lunatic’ Who ‘Planted’ Evidence

Somewhat less predictable was the position McDaniel took when Collins asked her about whether the GOP would still insist that all of their candidates pledge to support the eventual nominee, if that person had been convicted of felonies. At first, McDaniel shamelessly dodged…

Collins: Why should Republicans be asked to support someone who could potentially be convicted of a felony?
McDaniel: There is no convicted felon in the Republican field right now

That’s technically true. There is just a candidate that has been indicted on 71 counts in two different cases. Nevertheless, McDaniel is adamant that the loyalty oath be enforced if candidates want to participate in GOP primary debates. That doctrine is in effect even though there is little hope that Trump would comply with it. Why should he? He never did before.

RELATED: RNC Chair Thinks Trump Would Honor a Pledge to Support the GOP Nominee if it Isn’t Him

The interview actually went downhill from there. Collins sought to press McDaniel on the issue of Trump’s indictments and the GOP’s gutless and amoral toleration of his lawlessness and corruption. But her justifications were pitifully weak and disassociated…

McDaniel: Republicans feel like there’s one system of justice for them and a different for Democrats. There’s one standard for Hillary Clinton and a different for Donald Trump.
Collins: But the allegations are not the same for Hillary Clinton.
McDaniel: Because she never was investigated.
Collins: She was investigated.
McDaniel: She had a BleachBit server. She destroyed phones.

McDaniel has apparently BleachBitted her brain. Clinton may be the most investigated public official in modern times. Republicans held dozens of hearings about everything from her emails to Benghazi and back. FBI director James Comey was investigating her in the final days of the 2016 campaign, which was a significant factor in her loss. And failing in that argument, McDaniel decides to draw a comparison between Clinton and Trump, asserting falsely that she had 22 classified documents to his 17. In reality, Clinton had zero documents that were classified when she obtained them, and Trump had hundreds.

Collins points out that Trump had taken documents with nuclear secrets and confidential information about our allies. To which McDaniel replied that “He hasn’t had a chance to defend himself.” Seriously? He has been ranting non-stop about his indictment since even before it was announced. The problem is that his rants have all been incoherent tirades filled with lies and insults. He deliberately avoids any factual refutation of the charges against him. He has had plenty of opportunities to defend himself, he just never does so. Perhaps because he has no defense. Which may be one reason why his defense attorneys keep quitting. Along with his noxious personality and refusal to pay them.

RELATED: Crybaby Trump is Panicking Over the Likelihood that He is About to Be Criminally Indicted

McDaniel then complains that Clinton didn’t get indicted or have her home raided, but Trump did. That’s only because Clinton always cooperated with law enforcement. And every investigation, including those by Republicans, concluded that she had not broken any laws. McDaniel closed by whining that…

“We also know we have a President in Joe Biden who isn’t addressing the American people in a time of crisis. A deeply divided country. I think a former president being indicted is a time of crisis. And to not hear from our president, to have Joe Biden hiding again and not bringing people together is very disconcerting.”

Indeed, it is a time of crisis when a former president is indicted. But that’s Trump’s fault for being such an unrepentant criminal. It isn’t Biden’s responsibility to salve the tender feelings of Trump’s cult followers. To the contrary, it would be wholly inappropriate for Biden to comment on the pending charges against Trump. He respects the wall between the White House and the Justice Department. Unlike Trump, whose virtual campaign slogan, referring to Clinton, was “Lock Her Up,” And Trump recently promised to appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden and his family. What’s “very disconcerting” is that after all this time, Trump is still so ignorant that he thinks a president has that authority.

McDaniel spent most of her time in this interview talking over Collins. She deflected with irrelevant detours to the Nothingburger Durham Report, and the Steele dossier. Just like every other Republican who has commented on this, including Trump himself, she clearly doesn’t have a rational response to the facts that led to Trump’s indictment.

Consequently, it is now official Republican policy that candidates and office holders who have committed felonies, including breaches of the Espionage Act, are acceptable and even welcome. In fact, it mandatory to support them in order to be a Party member in good standing. That’s something that all citizens should consider when they vote.

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Trump Drops Lawsuit Against NY Attorney General to Avoid More Sanctions for Frivolous Filings

Among the many noxious “qualities” for which Donald Trump is known and despised is his compulsive litigiousness. He has filed an avalanche of lawsuits in the just the past two years against everything from Hillary Clinton to the Pulitzer Prize board to his niece, Mary Trump, and so many more (See below).

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

This week Trump had one of his lawsuits that was previously thrown out of court result in nearly a million dollars in sanctions against Trump and his lawyers. The judge scolded Trump for filing, “a lawsuit that should never have been filed, which was completely frivolous, both factually and legally, and which was brought in bad faith for an improper purpose.” The lawsuit at issue was a particularly ludicrous one that Trump aimed at Hillary Clinton and fifty (that’s right, 50) other defendants.

SEE THIS: Judge Trashes Trump’s Attorneys for ‘Deliberate Disregard for the Truth’ in Kooky Clinton Lawsuit

Fearing further legal retribution, Trump has now withdrawn a lawsuit that he had filed against the Attorney General of New York, Letitia James. The judge warned Trump that this suit was also on the “verge of frivolous,” which would make the prospect of additional sanctions more likely. Consequently, Trump cut and run rather than try to defend his preposterous allegations.

Trump’s history with James is marked by utterly deranged attacks, calling her “corrupt,” “despicable,” and “racist” (James is Black). When he eventually sat for a deposition, Trump pleaded the Fifth Amendment more than 400 times. And that’s after he had previously mocked others who did so, saying that only “the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”

RELATED: Snowflake Trump Pleads the Fifth Amendment, So Let’s Break Down His Desperately Deranged Reasons

It’s high time that the courts start to dish out consequences for Trump’s flagrant misconduct in court. He has already had several lawyers sanctioned (including Sydney Powell and Lin Wood) for their bogus election fraud suits. And Rudy Giuliani’s license to practice in New York has been suspended. But Trump has been the fulcrum in many more ridiculous legal charades and should not be allowed to get away with it. Here are a few more examples of his misuse and abuse of the justice system…

UPDATE: Trump drops a second lawsuit against the New York Attorney General’s office. Clearly he’s running scared and knows that these frivolous suits are only going to make things worse for him.

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Trump Being Too Scared to Testify Under Oath, Files Lawsuit Against the January 6th Committee

For some still unfathomable reason, Donald Trump is viewed by his MAGA cult followers as a strong leader, despite his resume of weakness and cowardice. It’s a pattern of character flaws that is consistent from his youth when he evaded the Vietnam War with a phony diagnosis of bone spurs, to his incessant whining about having lost the 2020 election.

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Donald Trump

On Friday Trump exhibited his signature spinelessness once again. He filed a lawsuit in Florida to challenge the subpoena from the House January 6th Committee investigating the insurrection at the Capitol that he incited. The Committee seeks his testimony, as well as relevant documents and communications, that led to the deadly riots and his disgraceful response to them. Trump’s reaction to the subpoena was predictably hostile and devoid of legal basis.

RELATED: Trump’s 14 Page Response to Being Subpoenaed By the January 6th Committee is Laughably Pathetic

The sort of confident, unafraid leader that Trump tries to portray himself as would be anxious to present his case before the American people. But unlike his nemesis, Hillary Clinton, who testified before a Republican congressional committee for eleven hours, answering every question, and not complaining once about being persecuted, or calling her interrogators infantile names, Trump is trying to chicken out by complaining falsely that “the Subpoena is invalid.” As reported by CNN

“Trump is challenging both the legitimacy of the committee – which multiple courts have upheld – and is claiming he should be immune from testimony about the time he was president. […] ‘The Subpoena’s request for testimony and documents from President Trump is an unwarranted intrusion upon the institution of the Presidency because there are other sources of the requested information…’ his attorneys argue in the suit.”

Trump’s primary argument is utterly absurd and has no legal viability. Whether or not there are other sources of information doesn’t excuse him from the obligation to testify. He is the main antagonist in this melodrama and his account of events is unique and significant. And it is hardly an “intrusion upon the institution of the Presidency” to expect the former holder of that office to be transparent and honest with the public. Although any expectation of honesty from Trump would be terminally naïve.

If Trump’s lawsuit ever makes it to court, it is likely to be summarily dismissed. But that won’t result in Trump testifying. He has never had any intention of doing so. And he could engage in stalling tactics until the Committee’s work is complete and a final report is issued. Even if he showed up, he would probably plead the Fifth Amendment, just as he did more than 400 times in the civil suit in New York. Because that’s how courage is expressed in MAGA Land.

For at least two years Trump has whined that he hasn’t been able to tell his side of the story. But when he has an opportunity to do so, he wimps out. So he will only give his account on his floundering Twitter clone, Truth Social, or Trump-fluffing media such as Fox News, Newsmax, and OAN. What’s more, he demands that his former fellow White House occupiers refuse to speak under oath as well. And in the meantime he files a flurry of lawsuits intended to obstruct, delay, and disinform. And it’s that resolve to run away that explains why he’s hailed by his glassy-eyed disciples as a pillar of principle and a bastion of bravery. Isn’t it obvious?

RELATED: After Goofy Lawsuit Against CNN, Trump Threatens More Suits, Including the January 6th Committee

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Judge Trashes Trump’s Attorneys for ‘Deliberate Disregard for the Truth’ in Kooky Clinton Lawsuit

The lunatic litigiousness of Donald Trump continues to provide unending hours of entertainment for court watchers who enjoy a good farce. Trump’s lawyers seem to be alumni of Barnum and Bailey’s Clown School of Law and Laughs. They are expert practitioners of the “Pie in the Face” doctrine of jurisprudence.

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Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Earlier this year Trump filed a spectacularly ludicrous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and nearly fifty other people who the suit describes as “her cohorts.” The suit alleged a conspiracy against Trump aimed at “destroying his life.” The list of defendants is itself a comedic exercise in extremist overreaching that includes Clinton, along with numerous Democratic operatives and FBI officials.

That lawsuit was pure paranoid bullpucky that any reputable lawyer – or fiction author – would be embarrassed to be associated with. And it was summarily was dismissed with the Judge ruling that Trump was “seeking to flaunt a two-hundred-page political manifesto outlining his grievances against those that have opposed him.”

RELATED: Trump’s Loopy Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton and ‘Her Cohorts’ Reads Like Sleazy Pulp Fiction

On Thursday Team Trump suffered yet another legal humiliation. The judge presiding over the lawsuit sternly scolded Trump’s attorneys for presenting a case that was “either knowingly false or made in reckless disregard for the truth.” But the judge was just getting started. As reported by CNN the judged elaborated saying that the suit was…

“’Not just initiated by a shotgun pleading, this was a shotgun lawsuit. Thirty-one individuals and organizations were summoned to court, forced to hire lawyers to defend against frivolous claims,’ the judge wrote. ‘The only common thread against them was Mr. Trump’s animus.’

“Middlebrooks added: ‘Plaintiff deliberately misrepresented public documents by selectively using some portions while omitting other information including findings and conclusions that contradicted his narrative. … It was too frequent to be accidental. Every claim was frivolous, most barred by settled, well-established existing law. These were political grievances masquerading as legal claims.’

“‘This cannot be attributed to incompetent lawyering,’ he wrote. ‘It was a deliberate use of the judicial system to pursue a political agenda.'”

The judge concluded by ordering the attorneys, including, Trump’s TV camera-seeking counsel, Alina Habba, to pay $50,000 to the court and more than $16,000 in legal fees to just one of the defendants. So now Trump’s lawyers not only have to worry about never getting paid by Trump, they also have to budget for financial sanctions due to their incompetent representation of him. Will they ever learn?

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Hillary Clinton Was Right: Fox News Hack Peter Doocy Reanimates the Old ‘Deplorables’ Smear

Everything old is new again. Particularly on Fox News where each election cycle sees reprisals of their classic Democratic tropes: Migrant caravans, War On Christmas, rampant crime, white replacement, etc. ad nauseum.

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Fox News, Hillary Clinton

On Fox News Tuesday night their White House correspondent, Peter Doocy, trotted out a stale attack line from 2016 that Fox used extensively to malign Hillary Clinton. Doocy referenced Clinton’s remarks about “deplorables” that she made when running against Donald Trump. Doocy’s excuse for bringing it up was a severely shortened clip of Clinton being interviewed Tuesday by Joy Reid on MSNBC. Naturally, Doocy misrepresented what Clinton said on both occasions:

Doocy: Hillary Clinton is doing the TV rounds for Democratic candidates as well. And in an interview now she is suggesting that she thinks that the only people that are voting Republican this cycle are ones that are not smart enough to understand the issues.
Clinton: I’m not sure they really understand the threats to their way of life.
Doocy: That is in line for the costly comments she made in 2016 when she referred to people moved to back Donald Trump as quote “a basket of deplorables.”

First of all, Clinton never said anything about Republican voters not being “smart” enough. She a made perfectly reasonable observation that some of them might not fully understand what is at stake in this midterm election. That includes the stated Republican agenda of criminalizing reproductive choice, gutting Social Security, suppressing the vote, and sabotaging the economy.

RELATED: The GOP’s Not-So-Secret Plot to Sabotage the Economy if They Gain Control of Congress

In order to make his point, Doocy had to slice a single sentence from Clinton’s interview that he could purposefully distort. Here is what Doocy and Fox News left out…

“They may think that whoever is chairing a committee is kind of abstract. But Republicans in the House and others, like the chair of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee (Rick Scott), are on record saying that they are going to put Social Security and Medicare up for a vote.”

RELATED: Rick Scott is the Best Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee the Democrats Ever Had

Clinton went on to say that she doesn’t understand why Americans “are not up in arms” about the “reckless behavior” that the GOP has promised to take, adding that…

“Sometimes when I tell people that, they say ‘Oh, they would never do that.’ Well, they told us for fifty years that they were going to get rid of Roe v Wade and turn abortion over to the states where state legislators and local political officials can decide what your healthcare would be. Why wouldn’t you believe them that they are going to go after Social Security and Medicare? I believe them. I take them at their word.”

Clinton may be overstating her inclination take to take Republicans at their word. She is unarguably right in this context. However, the GOP is a notoriously dishonest party who lie relentlessly about their record and about Democrats.

The subject of “deplorables” is a perfect example of Republican lying. Clinton never tagged all GOP voters with that label. She was referring only to the most extreme Trumpists. In fact, she explicitly narrowed her remarks saying that “you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the ‘basket of deplorables.’” But Doocy is, once again, distorting what Clinton actually said. Maybe he should pay more attention to the manifestly deplorable things that Republicans are saying, and that Clinton got 100% right.

RELATED: BIDEN: Americans Have a Choice Between Two Very Different Sets of Values: Ultra-MAGA or Sanity

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Tucker Carlson Defends Elon Musk’s Disgusting Tweet About the Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband

Less than a week after Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter was completed, Musk himself provided the best evidence for why he may the worst person on the planet to own such a influential platform. His racism, misogyny, narcissism, and warped view of what constitutes free speech are the ingredients of everything that is wrong with Twitter. And now he is, in his own words, the “Chief Twit.”

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Fox News. Tucker Carlson

Following the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Musk posted a tweet that spread a blatantly false conspiracy theory about the assault that was published by a notoriously fake news outlet. There was immediate revulsion and condemnation of Musk’s malicious comment, which led to his eventually deleting the tweet. Although, like Donald Trump, he never issued a correction or apology.

RELTAED: Trump’s Delusional, Desperate, and (as Always), Dishonest Response to Musk’s Twitter Takeover

Despite the fact that even Musk recognized that his tweet deserved deletion, Fox News Senior Fascista, Tucker Carlson, remained enamored of Musk and the grotesque remarks he made. On Monday night’s episode of his program, Carlson came to Musk’s defense with a monologue that embraced the fake news…

The New York Times “came out with a piece that says – and we’re quoting – ‘Elon Musk, in a tweet, shares a link from a site known to publish fake news.’ Really? What did Elon Musk do? Well, he linked to an article about how Paul Pelosi called the guy in his home a friend. Well, that’s what the 911 tape says. You can draw your own conclusions or not. Or maybe you don’t care, which is also fine. How is that fake? Seems to be real.”

Carlson deliberately mischaracterizes the incident saying that “Pelosi called the guy in his home a friend”? So, first of all, Carlson is describing the assailant, not as the attacker who broke into Pelosi’s home, but as a guy who just happened to be there. Also, Carlson is lying about what the 911 tape says. It was the 911 dispatcher who made the “friend” reference, not Pelosi. What’s more, the police reported that Pelosi was speaking in code because he didn’t want the assailant to catch on that he was talking to the police.

For the record, to answer Carlson’s question about what Elon Musk did, here is the truth. Musk posted a tweet replying to one by Hillary Clinton, wherein she noted correctly that…

“The Republican Party and its mouthpieces now regularly spread hate and deranged conspiracy theories. It is shocking, but not surprising, that violence is the result. As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions that follow.”

Musk’s reply included the link to the obviously phony “Santa Monica Observer,” that is known for publishing crackpot conspiracy theories such as that Hillary Clinton had died and been replaced by a body double for a debate with Trump, and that Trump had appointed Kanye West to a high position at the Interior Department. And yet, the new owner of Twitter bought into the the whole sham.

Notice that Musk added his own agreement with the bogus article saying that “there might be more to this story than meets the eye.” He also later mocked the criticism he received for spreading such loathsome lies in another tweet that took a sideways swipe at the New York Times for reporting about him accurately.

So Musk dismisses the obscene dishonesty and callousness of his original remark. And his pal Tucker Carlson rushes to rationalize, and even agree with, Musk’s horrendous conspiracy mongering. But then, that’s to be expected from Carlson and Fox News, where lies and conspiracies comprise the bulk of what they broadcast. It has been their mission from day one. And it will continue for as long as their are cult minded viewers dumb enough to believe them.

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